UNREAL! 2021 Cadillac CT4-V Review
UNREAL! 2021 Cadillac CT4-V Review
343.476 visualizações • 2 de mar. de 2021 • 2021 Cadillac CT4-V review by The Straight Pipes. The Cadillac CT4-V is pumping out 325hp and 380 lb-ft tq from a 2.7L Turbo 4 cylinder. At $57,380 CAD, would you take it over a Mercedes-AMG CLA35, A35 sedan, BMW M235i, Audi S3? We edit these videos on Maingear Computers: https://maingear.com/StraightPipes Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thestraightpipes Become a YouTube Member! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC86S... Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/thestraightp... Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thestraight... Twitter! https://twitter.com/StraightPipers MERCH! teespring.com/stores/thestraightpipes Check out Continental Tire at https://www.continentaltire.com/thest... ------------------- #TheContiPipes #cadillac #ct4 ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais
[Music] [Applause] i'm jacob gary we're going for a drive 2021 cadillac ct4 v without official launch control yes yes cadillac horsepower and torque 325 horsepower 380 pound-feet of torque from a 2.7 liter turbo four-cylinder okay spoiler alert this car is awesome it's rear-wheel drive it's fast sounds good [Music] what does it compete with this competes with like the mercedes cla-35 the mercedes a35 the audi s3 and the bmw m235i which are all all-wheel drive front bias systems this is the only
one that is purely rear-wheel drive and has an all-wheel drive version okay and then this is not a real v because real vs are blacklink so that's why it competes with the mercedes 35 and an s3 not an rs3 even though i'm enjoying my time in this much more than i did the rs3 from a couple years ago yes so the v blackwing version is coming and it will have a six cylinder that's going to be insane and they're gonna have manuals yes and this does not have a manual no it doesn't and the 5v will have
a supercharged v8 anyways let's send this into cliche corner because this is rear-wheel drive and not too crazy to ascend it is winter but we're gonna get into the traction modes in a second but dude this thing handles incredibly well like it is so fun to drive the steering input is like ridiculous the second you even turn the wheel everything happens like there's no delay in anything it feels like exactly what i remember driving sporty rear wheel drive cars felt like whe n i was younger yeah and
this is actually one of the only rear wheel drive regular sedans that we've driven in a long time in the winter and yeah okay we had a snowstorm in toronto not even like that much it was like like 15 centimeters which wasn't that bad but so like 88 inches for you america but we're used to snow yeah so we i took it out in the snow and it was fun rear wheel drive in the snow there are no problems we've got winter tires on like we learned how to drive when we wer e younger it was great you can
find you can drive rear wheel drive in snow yes it's there's no problems so enough about how fun it is we'll get to more of that later do you want to get into the launch control modes or do you want to get into the traction control modes first let's get into the traction control modes because those allow for fake launch control okay so our i guess they're tied to our drive modes yes so drive modes are tied to the mode button which you can't access if you're already in a performance traction mode
so in terms of those modes we have my mode tour sport track snow and ice and then we also have v-mode which is on your steering wheel yes but i feel like you can configure v-mode and my mode to be pretty much exactly the same through the infotainment yes we'll get into that later though okay so then if we wanted to turn our traction all the way off we can hold the traction button and then both lights will eventually turn on and then it' s fully off which is great nice and easy if you want to
slide in winter you need to be in that mode so if you don't want to slide in winter let's get into these crazy performance traction modes to get into them you first have to select your mode dial and put it into track once you're in track or sport yes but that's a different one yeah so in track you press the traction off button twice at the right speed sometimes it takes a couple tries and then you get into your performance t raction so then you have wet dry sport 1 sport 2 and race and then for
sport 2 and race active handling is off but if you're trying to do donuts in winter it's still going to bog you down a little bit because it's meant to make you faster on a track yes and driving around normally that is the mode i leave this car in because it's so fun to drive and it does eventually reel you in but it allows so much slip angle yeah and i just turned it all off and enjoyed that the most and then i also had a thing where i tried doing some donuts in automatic as opposed to manual
and i feel like if you're in automatic you have to be in v-mode you can't do it in automatic traction off in track mode or it did something weird there's too many different modes and that's not even into the sport mode options yes so right now i'm going to put this into sport mode but first i have to turn traction back on and then i hit the mode button to get into sport mode now if i double tap i'm in stability track competitive mode which is its own separate mode and i can't change the
competitive mode dial in that mode there's only one traction in this mode yeah and it's like why why would you have a competitive mode if you're in sport if you're competitive wouldn't you be on track exactly okay very confusing but all of the systems work very well just difficult to get into so sorry to everyone who's bored by this but if you own a cadillac this is going to be really usef ul and if you're thinking about buying a cadillac this will help you get in the right mode all the
time so for just driving around you would consider i think track mode with race for the esc because it's not that crazy of a car even in snow you can still control a fine exactly and i would just go any mode you want and just turn it all the way off because it's still not that crazy of a car that you really need to have competitive modes on well see i mean that's the one i woul d actually prefer but the one i'm recommending to everyone would be the one that's it's slightly on because we're used
to driving cars like this we're used to driving rear wheel drive in the winter and it's fine we know what to do but someone might not know what to do with the rubric drive car that's fully off here here's my impression of me driving in winter right foot down steering wheel turn yes exactly and it's always that way because that's a thing with like axles so cars tend to like turn to the right and you always have to correct to the right it's right cars always turn to the left you have to correct to
the right anyways okay let's get to the launch control no lodge control modes okay so to get into launch control which it doesn't say launch control it also doesn't build boost if you look at the boost gauge you have to put this into track mode and then race esc yes so the last one all the way off and then you'll kind of get the when you start launching and you actually go from first to second second to third you'll get the where if you don't do it in that mode the car will actually start
doing burnouts in other modes and then you won't get those as much on the launch yes so if you have traction fully off you're just going to do a break stand burnout which is good but it's just so difficult to get to these settings and you need to do so much experimentation and if you weren't obsessed with cars and stuff like a car reviewer wo uld be you may not never know that this existed and that's why we're doing this public service announcements at the beginning of this video and we're sorry
yeah no we're not sorry this is like our most technical deep dive analysis of the way a traction control system works ever because it's really that complex okay anything else yeah okay so next thing there is a 0 to 100 or 0-60 timer built into the car now i did test that i got some pretty decent times again we are in winter on win ter tires so these are not very good times compared to magazines that are doing this in california and trying to destroy cars to do this so i got around 4.5 seconds to
5.5 seconds to the gauge according to the gauge what i noticed right away is that the timer did not start until after a little bit of slip and after a little bit of burnout and it got a little bit of traction so those times were oddly too quick so then i checked with my draggy and i was getting around six and a half se conds to 60 which is a lot more accurate in the winter which kind of makes us think that they account for a rollout in the v-mode in the gauge cluster where in real life they don't
but i guess magazines account for the rollout exactly man y'all you all have too many rules to market stuff the way you want to market it so this rear wheel drive one will be slower to 60 than all of its competition because those are all all-wheel drive but this is more fun exactly and it feels faster becau se this also has more horsepower than all of its competition this is a fantastic car that is just overly complicated in a lot of little different ways yeah but it's like it's so i i just
can't believe how much fun this car was yeah so let's get into the rest of the car we do have magnetic ride 4.0 on the rear wheel drive version on the all-wheel drive one it's a slightly different system we do have brembo brakes and everything like that so this car handles incredibly well i love driving it it's one of the most fun cars in this class like everything about the way that it feels it's got a near 50 50 weight distribution so it's like it's basically perfect like they built i would
say the best driver's car in this class yeah i know this is one of the best drivers cars overall that you can get like value for money is crazy 21. this is easily the shocker of the year that we both did not expect to be this good because you expect the black wing to be like really g ood and this to kind of be like bruh because we had the ct5v in all-wheel drive and think we were about that but if that was a rear-wheel drive which it was supposed to be but it got ordered incorrectly and then they
accidentally ordered this rear wheel drive for winter which is like so much better exactly rear wheel drive everything always please but um yeah this is just this is a hudio floor for me took a little bit to downshift but okay so we also have performance shift so when you do floor it you get this little gear icon next to drive if you're just an automatic and the shifts are so fast if you just leave it in auto like it's it's listen listen that's yeah that's quick it's the computer knowing that
you floored it so you want to stay in a fast mode for a little while which is awesome computer programming from gm yes so now i'm going to downshift in manual mode and watch this i'm not going to up shift yeah it bogs down it's perfect it's that's what i want it does a lot of everything that you would expect a car to do which in 2021 is like thank you it's the best thing wow predictability yeah and again things that you want in a car like this we do have a limited slip differential there's a ton
more stuff that you want but let's get into that when you drive well yuri that's a really nice shirt you got there i just noticed that do you want to order one yeah clicking on the little icon below our video with the shirt yeah i actually would le t's see how fast it gets here oh man i'm out of here quick okay it's about to come that quick shout out hot rod christina for the awesome artwork and we've got the orange mustang if you if you missed that shorts video my mustang is now raptor orange
shout out car star egglington and car star scarborough northeast for painting okay i'm gonna put it into drive i'm going to put it into track mode i'm going to double click the traction button uh too quick too slow too quick oh there it is and now i'm going to go to race floor it send it okay bad asphalt yeah let's try here [Music] okay so that's how we actually do launch control but the roads are all messed up so we're getting the kakaku yes but now if we were to try it with everything off in a
different mode okay i will put you into traction fully off and give it a second send it then we just start doing burnouts yes exactly and that's what we've been trying to tell you the whole time yes okay can we talk about th e looks for a quick second yeah absolutely it looks a little weird a little awkward but overall really really nice yeah the proportions are kind of funny but it's overall very good looking yeah especially for uh four-door sedan which i'm not really the biggest fan of okay
starting with the front end cool cadillac headlights that go all the way up and down yes which are different because the ct5 are they're disconnected okay and then we've got full reel grille there which is awesom e yeah you can see the inner cooler like it's great i like that there's no chrome it's blacked out we've got the nice cadillac logo and if we pop the hood it says turbo yes i like that turbo dude bringing it back to the 80s and 90s just like these six shirts oh sick are they limited i
don't know who knows now teespring.com store slash the straight play yeah whatever um okay how about the side view side view is pretty good i wouldn't say it's like great but it's not bad yeah we got the little v badge there which is cool even though it's not a real v but it's still like an awesome car yeah it's just like surprisingly for a non-top trim it's awesome it really is and i really like these wheels too they work really well with the black uh i wish i wish they were white wheels and
kind of more tuner style but i get it yeah and then what would be the continental recommended tire for a ct4v the extreme contact dws-06 and then we also have red brembos which are cool ye s but the brembos are only on the front okay i'm gonna use those into cliche corner and they work really well it's a little bit wet so i'm gonna take it easy yeah it's uh straight up snowing just feels like a good old rear-wheel drive car yeah this is so normal this is this is like this is m2 competition vibes
of comfortness while driving of predictability i would agree uh a little bit below like definitely below but close yeah yeah it's it's the same vibe yes and gm don't get excite d we're not saying this is like an m2cs but it's the comparability in the way you feel when you drive it is actually quite yeah where like uh camaro ss zl1 one l or whatever we drove was just it was more like gt2rs style yeah but that thing was like mental yeah i was like downforce you're like why am i going faster where i
should be slipping out and that's the one that we told people is the step up from the mm-22 competition because we hadn't driven the m2cs yet yeah we're good at thi s journalist yeah yeah yeah we figured it out grab a shirt no advice no exactly [Music] that just keeps pulling man it's it's so good for a non-top trim it has a lot of power like a really solid amount of power and the audio coming in is really good yeah it's good for a four-cylinder yeah i'm gonna stop on the looks and get to the
audio so in the my mode stuff and v mode you can have stealth and track and some other modes i haven't noticed a difference on pumped in this if there i s any or not or if it does valve or anything i have no idea what those audio settings are doing so there's no actual change in tone in here and neither is there outside but let's take a listen to the outside [Music] good sounding cadillac yeah for a four banger this is good i like you know me i like my four bangers i don't like my six ounce
cylinders yeah they don't call them six bangers i like my v8s four bangers and the six back eight bangers they're called 69 bangers or somet hing okay back to the looks okay so let's get to the exhaust because we just talked about it quad exhaust yes but it is fake but it's 20 21 real they hid the fakeness behind that so well that i needed to look close and i could still barely see it where some other vehicles have just like a bright shiny muffler back there yeah so overall it's all right we got
a nice little decent diffuser and the back end looks pretty cool but the trunk is like it's got weird lines yeah weird proportio ns it's a that's the sloppiness yeah but i like it yeah it's okay and then with the tail lights and everything it all ties itself together very nicely overall like the looks white color kind of blends in in the snow today but can we do a virtual review on this and it was like orange and blue or something i believe so yeah the blue one was the five and then this one was
the orange white white is cool because the grille is black yes looks wise yes killer look great very good job so now moving on to the interior i want to start with the volume knob and tuning knob they're right next to each other which is amazing i don't have to reach all the way across to change the tuning it's a good alternate solution to lexus's perfect solution of having them both in one yeah i would say this is just as good yeah so this does have satellite radio but you can't rewind on this
one it's missing those extra buttons that most other new gm's have which is kind of weird okay and then it's got apple carplay android auto and they are high res too and what's cool is i think in the gmc denali i was complaining that the home button doesn't flip you right back from carplay projection to whatever else you're on and back this holding the home button does but the colorado zr2 also did that which is another gm vehicle so you can do that in some gm vehicles which is a great thing
that you can do in some cars lexus didn't let you i don't think subaru's let you but mazda's let you mazda was the first oh sorry mazda was the first to ever do that that we noticed wait is it it's mazda well in america are we american now i feel like remember i asked the guy if it was mazda or mazda he's like i'm like mazda right he's like yes mazda i'm like oh no i've rocked up so it's mazda okay sure what do we say in japanese matsuda okay that's the way but we say no canada master right okay
we're just gonna keep bringing this up again yo by the way uh it's v and ved in canada so it's a veg yeah yeah people are gonna lose it okay now moving to our gauge cluster it's a pretty standard gm nothing too exciting it's not as i guess nice as the escalator would be no not even close it's very old school i don't mind it everything's very clear the only thing i don't like is that if i put my speedo in the middle then i have a double speedo and with my head up display i can have three
speedos but i think we talked about that before we definitely did an d then the head of display is nice you can control it all with hard buttons which is the best but the attack mode it's blue on blue so it's like it's kind of hard to see while driving and not really gonna use it and then as for other materials in here steering wheel and everything feels nice the buttons are easy to use yeah and the paddles are also really nice they feel very high quality they are metal all the materials in
here are also nice we don't have those capacitive touch buttons like old cadillac so that's good and sorry back to the steering wheel did you notice the girthiness of it it's actually like just right it's a little thick but it's like just right yeah it's definitely not too thick yeah it's good i have no issues with any of it i love it okay that's great orange stitching yeah that's cool and in terms of comfort these seats are very comfortable they do even have adjustable bolstering which i did
not expect and i like the orange piping and trim and all that stuff stitching yeah and not that this is an interior thing but speaking of comfort the ride quality from these magnetic dampers is great yeah even in every mode it's very comfortable to me at least yeah for sure the only thing that sucks moving back into this interior is there's no rear seat room for someone of my stature at six foot one and a half like yeah not head wise not knee-wise okay five foot eight right behind you i fit just
fine yeah so this i think has le ss headroom than anything else in this class from what i recall and then i guess a couple other little things this does not have super crews we still have not tested it out so one day don't worry we'll get there we we've been trying for a while we will hopefully do it and then lining up my arm rests with my elbows and touching the wheel as you can see very nice very comfortable we should probably get to our other tests uh cup holders yeah jacob bought a mcdonald's
today and it fits ju st fine totally fine and visor test let's see three two one yes good job cadillac well it's been 400 car reviews and we're still excited every time a car slides yeah still disappointed every time it doesn't and moving on to other things we do have a wireless charger which is nice the position is nice and it does fit an iphone 12 pro max finally thank you except there's also a phone holder in here which does not fit a pro max yeah but it'll fit my 12 pro yes does it have
wireless carplay i don't think so because i was never prompted for it yeah so no so there's no point using a wireless charger and i don't know i guess it'll fit with cabled up and then one thing that i actually have not touched once in this car this rotary yes i i just using the touchscreen because it's a great distance this is completely useless now yeah so but it's a nice alternative to have but the solution is the touchscreen and the volume and tuning right there yeah great job cadillac on
making your touchscreen and volume tuning knobs so good yeah that's a great car are we done is that it okay i think that's it let's get to the price starts at forty five thousand three hundred ninety eight dollars in the idiot and this one is optioned out to fifty seven thousand three hundred and eighty dollars this is less than that is 350 all-wheel drive we recently drove yes it is it's a smaller car doesn't technically compete with it but this is definitely more fun man this is like one o f
the most fun cars of the year definitely the surprise of the year so far i know it's early but even like of the last 12 months yeah this is a huge surprise and if you're looking for a cool rear wheel drive car definitely check this one out consider this over mercedes bmw and audi and if you happen to be the engineer or software designer who set up this crazy traction control system hit us up and like let us know the reasoning we would love to know yes please let us know how why a nd who decided
and who to okayed this and let us know what you think of the ct4v is it a lot cooler than you thought are you gonna go test drive that instead of one of the other cars now if you're looking for a car in this segment and click here because we also reviewed a ct5v that's right wheel yeah and click here for when we review the ct5b blackwing and for blackwing hopefully that's actually a video you Inglês
UNREAL! 2021 Cadillac CT4-V Review
343.476 visualizações • 2 de mar. de 2021 • 2021 Cadillac CT4-V review by The Straight Pipes. The Cadillac CT4-V is pumping out 325hp and 380 lb-ft tq from a 2.7L Turbo 4 cylinder. At $57,380 CAD, would you take it over a Mercedes-AMG CLA35, A35 sedan, BMW M235i, Audi S3? We edit these videos on Maingear Computers: https://maingear.com/StraightPipes Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thestraightpipes Become a YouTube Member! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC86S... Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/thestraightp... Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thestraight... Twitter! https://twitter.com/StraightPipers MERCH! teespring.com/stores/thestraightpipes Check out Continental Tire at https://www.continentaltire.com/thest... ------------------- #TheContiPipes #cadillac #ct4 ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

[Music] [Applause] i'm jacob gary we're going for a drive 2021 cadillac ct4 v without official launch control yes yes cadillac horsepower and torque 325 horsepower 380 pound-feet of torque from a 2.7 liter turbo four-cylinder okay spoiler alert this car is awesome it's rear-wheel drive it's fast sounds good [Music] what does it compete with this competes with like the mercedes cla-35 the mercedes a35 the audi s3 and the bmw m235i which are all all-wheel drive front bias systems this is the only
one that is purely rear-wheel drive and has an all-wheel drive version okay and then this is not a real v because real vs are blacklink so that's why it competes with the mercedes 35 and an s3 not an rs3 even though i'm enjoying my time in this much more than i did the rs3 from a couple years ago yes so the v blackwing version is coming and it will have a six cylinder that's going to be insane and they're gonna have manuals yes and this does not have a manual no it doesn't and the 5v will have
a supercharged v8 anyways let's send this into cliche corner because this is rear-wheel drive and not too crazy to ascend it is winter but we're gonna get into the traction modes in a second but dude this thing handles incredibly well like it is so fun to drive the steering input is like ridiculous the second you even turn the wheel everything happens like there's no delay in anything it feels like exactly what i remember driving sporty rear wheel drive cars felt like whe n i was younger yeah and
this is actually one of the only rear wheel drive regular sedans that we've driven in a long time in the winter and yeah okay we had a snowstorm in toronto not even like that much it was like like 15 centimeters which wasn't that bad but so like 88 inches for you america but we're used to snow yeah so we i took it out in the snow and it was fun rear wheel drive in the snow there are no problems we've got winter tires on like we learned how to drive when we wer e younger it was great you can
find you can drive rear wheel drive in snow yes it's there's no problems so enough about how fun it is we'll get to more of that later do you want to get into the launch control modes or do you want to get into the traction control modes first let's get into the traction control modes because those allow for fake launch control okay so our i guess they're tied to our drive modes yes so drive modes are tied to the mode button which you can't access if you're already in a performance traction mode
so in terms of those modes we have my mode tour sport track snow and ice and then we also have v-mode which is on your steering wheel yes but i feel like you can configure v-mode and my mode to be pretty much exactly the same through the infotainment yes we'll get into that later though okay so then if we wanted to turn our traction all the way off we can hold the traction button and then both lights will eventually turn on and then it' s fully off which is great nice and easy if you want to
slide in winter you need to be in that mode so if you don't want to slide in winter let's get into these crazy performance traction modes to get into them you first have to select your mode dial and put it into track once you're in track or sport yes but that's a different one yeah so in track you press the traction off button twice at the right speed sometimes it takes a couple tries and then you get into your performance t raction so then you have wet dry sport 1 sport 2 and race and then for
sport 2 and race active handling is off but if you're trying to do donuts in winter it's still going to bog you down a little bit because it's meant to make you faster on a track yes and driving around normally that is the mode i leave this car in because it's so fun to drive and it does eventually reel you in but it allows so much slip angle yeah and i just turned it all off and enjoyed that the most and then i also had a thing where i tried doing some donuts in automatic as opposed to manual
and i feel like if you're in automatic you have to be in v-mode you can't do it in automatic traction off in track mode or it did something weird there's too many different modes and that's not even into the sport mode options yes so right now i'm going to put this into sport mode but first i have to turn traction back on and then i hit the mode button to get into sport mode now if i double tap i'm in stability track competitive mode which is its own separate mode and i can't change the
competitive mode dial in that mode there's only one traction in this mode yeah and it's like why why would you have a competitive mode if you're in sport if you're competitive wouldn't you be on track exactly okay very confusing but all of the systems work very well just difficult to get into so sorry to everyone who's bored by this but if you own a cadillac this is going to be really usef ul and if you're thinking about buying a cadillac this will help you get in the right mode all the
time so for just driving around you would consider i think track mode with race for the esc because it's not that crazy of a car even in snow you can still control a fine exactly and i would just go any mode you want and just turn it all the way off because it's still not that crazy of a car that you really need to have competitive modes on well see i mean that's the one i woul d actually prefer but the one i'm recommending to everyone would be the one that's it's slightly on because we're used
to driving cars like this we're used to driving rear wheel drive in the winter and it's fine we know what to do but someone might not know what to do with the rubric drive car that's fully off here here's my impression of me driving in winter right foot down steering wheel turn yes exactly and it's always that way because that's a thing with like axles so cars tend to like turn to the right and you always have to correct to the right it's right cars always turn to the left you have to correct to
the right anyways okay let's get to the launch control no lodge control modes okay so to get into launch control which it doesn't say launch control it also doesn't build boost if you look at the boost gauge you have to put this into track mode and then race esc yes so the last one all the way off and then you'll kind of get the when you start launching and you actually go from first to second second to third you'll get the where if you don't do it in that mode the car will actually start
doing burnouts in other modes and then you won't get those as much on the launch yes so if you have traction fully off you're just going to do a break stand burnout which is good but it's just so difficult to get to these settings and you need to do so much experimentation and if you weren't obsessed with cars and stuff like a car reviewer wo uld be you may not never know that this existed and that's why we're doing this public service announcements at the beginning of this video and we're sorry
yeah no we're not sorry this is like our most technical deep dive analysis of the way a traction control system works ever because it's really that complex okay anything else yeah okay so next thing there is a 0 to 100 or 0-60 timer built into the car now i did test that i got some pretty decent times again we are in winter on win ter tires so these are not very good times compared to magazines that are doing this in california and trying to destroy cars to do this so i got around 4.5 seconds to
5.5 seconds to the gauge according to the gauge what i noticed right away is that the timer did not start until after a little bit of slip and after a little bit of burnout and it got a little bit of traction so those times were oddly too quick so then i checked with my draggy and i was getting around six and a half se conds to 60 which is a lot more accurate in the winter which kind of makes us think that they account for a rollout in the v-mode in the gauge cluster where in real life they don't
but i guess magazines account for the rollout exactly man y'all you all have too many rules to market stuff the way you want to market it so this rear wheel drive one will be slower to 60 than all of its competition because those are all all-wheel drive but this is more fun exactly and it feels faster becau se this also has more horsepower than all of its competition this is a fantastic car that is just overly complicated in a lot of little different ways yeah but it's like it's so i i just
can't believe how much fun this car was yeah so let's get into the rest of the car we do have magnetic ride 4.0 on the rear wheel drive version on the all-wheel drive one it's a slightly different system we do have brembo brakes and everything like that so this car handles incredibly well i love driving it it's one of the most fun cars in this class like everything about the way that it feels it's got a near 50 50 weight distribution so it's like it's basically perfect like they built i would
say the best driver's car in this class yeah i know this is one of the best drivers cars overall that you can get like value for money is crazy 21. this is easily the shocker of the year that we both did not expect to be this good because you expect the black wing to be like really g ood and this to kind of be like bruh because we had the ct5v in all-wheel drive and think we were about that but if that was a rear-wheel drive which it was supposed to be but it got ordered incorrectly and then they
accidentally ordered this rear wheel drive for winter which is like so much better exactly rear wheel drive everything always please but um yeah this is just this is a hudio floor for me took a little bit to downshift but okay so we also have performance shift so when you do floor it you get this little gear icon next to drive if you're just an automatic and the shifts are so fast if you just leave it in auto like it's it's listen listen that's yeah that's quick it's the computer knowing that
you floored it so you want to stay in a fast mode for a little while which is awesome computer programming from gm yes so now i'm going to downshift in manual mode and watch this i'm not going to up shift yeah it bogs down it's perfect it's that's what i want it does a lot of everything that you would expect a car to do which in 2021 is like thank you it's the best thing wow predictability yeah and again things that you want in a car like this we do have a limited slip differential there's a ton
more stuff that you want but let's get into that when you drive well yuri that's a really nice shirt you got there i just noticed that do you want to order one yeah clicking on the little icon below our video with the shirt yeah i actually would le t's see how fast it gets here oh man i'm out of here quick okay it's about to come that quick shout out hot rod christina for the awesome artwork and we've got the orange mustang if you if you missed that shorts video my mustang is now raptor orange
shout out car star egglington and car star scarborough northeast for painting okay i'm gonna put it into drive i'm going to put it into track mode i'm going to double click the traction button uh too quick too slow too quick oh there it is and now i'm going to go to race floor it send it okay bad asphalt yeah let's try here [Music] okay so that's how we actually do launch control but the roads are all messed up so we're getting the kakaku yes but now if we were to try it with everything off in a
different mode okay i will put you into traction fully off and give it a second send it then we just start doing burnouts yes exactly and that's what we've been trying to tell you the whole time yes okay can we talk about th e looks for a quick second yeah absolutely it looks a little weird a little awkward but overall really really nice yeah the proportions are kind of funny but it's overall very good looking yeah especially for uh four-door sedan which i'm not really the biggest fan of okay
starting with the front end cool cadillac headlights that go all the way up and down yes which are different because the ct5 are they're disconnected okay and then we've got full reel grille there which is awesom e yeah you can see the inner cooler like it's great i like that there's no chrome it's blacked out we've got the nice cadillac logo and if we pop the hood it says turbo yes i like that turbo dude bringing it back to the 80s and 90s just like these six shirts oh sick are they limited i
don't know who knows now teespring.com store slash the straight play yeah whatever um okay how about the side view side view is pretty good i wouldn't say it's like great but it's not bad yeah we got the little v badge there which is cool even though it's not a real v but it's still like an awesome car yeah it's just like surprisingly for a non-top trim it's awesome it really is and i really like these wheels too they work really well with the black uh i wish i wish they were white wheels and
kind of more tuner style but i get it yeah and then what would be the continental recommended tire for a ct4v the extreme contact dws-06 and then we also have red brembos which are cool ye s but the brembos are only on the front okay i'm gonna use those into cliche corner and they work really well it's a little bit wet so i'm gonna take it easy yeah it's uh straight up snowing just feels like a good old rear-wheel drive car yeah this is so normal this is this is like this is m2 competition vibes
of comfortness while driving of predictability i would agree uh a little bit below like definitely below but close yeah yeah it's it's the same vibe yes and gm don't get excite d we're not saying this is like an m2cs but it's the comparability in the way you feel when you drive it is actually quite yeah where like uh camaro ss zl1 one l or whatever we drove was just it was more like gt2rs style yeah but that thing was like mental yeah i was like downforce you're like why am i going faster where i
should be slipping out and that's the one that we told people is the step up from the mm-22 competition because we hadn't driven the m2cs yet yeah we're good at thi s journalist yeah yeah yeah we figured it out grab a shirt no advice no exactly [Music] that just keeps pulling man it's it's so good for a non-top trim it has a lot of power like a really solid amount of power and the audio coming in is really good yeah it's good for a four-cylinder yeah i'm gonna stop on the looks and get to the
audio so in the my mode stuff and v mode you can have stealth and track and some other modes i haven't noticed a difference on pumped in this if there i s any or not or if it does valve or anything i have no idea what those audio settings are doing so there's no actual change in tone in here and neither is there outside but let's take a listen to the outside [Music] good sounding cadillac yeah for a four banger this is good i like you know me i like my four bangers i don't like my six ounce
cylinders yeah they don't call them six bangers i like my v8s four bangers and the six back eight bangers they're called 69 bangers or somet hing okay back to the looks okay so let's get to the exhaust because we just talked about it quad exhaust yes but it is fake but it's 20 21 real they hid the fakeness behind that so well that i needed to look close and i could still barely see it where some other vehicles have just like a bright shiny muffler back there yeah so overall it's all right we got
a nice little decent diffuser and the back end looks pretty cool but the trunk is like it's got weird lines yeah weird proportio ns it's a that's the sloppiness yeah but i like it yeah it's okay and then with the tail lights and everything it all ties itself together very nicely overall like the looks white color kind of blends in in the snow today but can we do a virtual review on this and it was like orange and blue or something i believe so yeah the blue one was the five and then this one was
the orange white white is cool because the grille is black yes looks wise yes killer look great very good job so now moving on to the interior i want to start with the volume knob and tuning knob they're right next to each other which is amazing i don't have to reach all the way across to change the tuning it's a good alternate solution to lexus's perfect solution of having them both in one yeah i would say this is just as good yeah so this does have satellite radio but you can't rewind on this
one it's missing those extra buttons that most other new gm's have which is kind of weird okay and then it's got apple carplay android auto and they are high res too and what's cool is i think in the gmc denali i was complaining that the home button doesn't flip you right back from carplay projection to whatever else you're on and back this holding the home button does but the colorado zr2 also did that which is another gm vehicle so you can do that in some gm vehicles which is a great thing
that you can do in some cars lexus didn't let you i don't think subaru's let you but mazda's let you mazda was the first oh sorry mazda was the first to ever do that that we noticed wait is it it's mazda well in america are we american now i feel like remember i asked the guy if it was mazda or mazda he's like i'm like mazda right he's like yes mazda i'm like oh no i've rocked up so it's mazda okay sure what do we say in japanese matsuda okay that's the way but we say no canada master right okay
we're just gonna keep bringing this up again yo by the way uh it's v and ved in canada so it's a veg yeah yeah people are gonna lose it okay now moving to our gauge cluster it's a pretty standard gm nothing too exciting it's not as i guess nice as the escalator would be no not even close it's very old school i don't mind it everything's very clear the only thing i don't like is that if i put my speedo in the middle then i have a double speedo and with my head up display i can have three
speedos but i think we talked about that before we definitely did an d then the head of display is nice you can control it all with hard buttons which is the best but the attack mode it's blue on blue so it's like it's kind of hard to see while driving and not really gonna use it and then as for other materials in here steering wheel and everything feels nice the buttons are easy to use yeah and the paddles are also really nice they feel very high quality they are metal all the materials in
here are also nice we don't have those capacitive touch buttons like old cadillac so that's good and sorry back to the steering wheel did you notice the girthiness of it it's actually like just right it's a little thick but it's like just right yeah it's definitely not too thick yeah it's good i have no issues with any of it i love it okay that's great orange stitching yeah that's cool and in terms of comfort these seats are very comfortable they do even have adjustable bolstering which i did
not expect and i like the orange piping and trim and all that stuff stitching yeah and not that this is an interior thing but speaking of comfort the ride quality from these magnetic dampers is great yeah even in every mode it's very comfortable to me at least yeah for sure the only thing that sucks moving back into this interior is there's no rear seat room for someone of my stature at six foot one and a half like yeah not head wise not knee-wise okay five foot eight right behind you i fit just
fine yeah so this i think has le ss headroom than anything else in this class from what i recall and then i guess a couple other little things this does not have super crews we still have not tested it out so one day don't worry we'll get there we we've been trying for a while we will hopefully do it and then lining up my arm rests with my elbows and touching the wheel as you can see very nice very comfortable we should probably get to our other tests uh cup holders yeah jacob bought a mcdonald's
today and it fits ju st fine totally fine and visor test let's see three two one yes good job cadillac well it's been 400 car reviews and we're still excited every time a car slides yeah still disappointed every time it doesn't and moving on to other things we do have a wireless charger which is nice the position is nice and it does fit an iphone 12 pro max finally thank you except there's also a phone holder in here which does not fit a pro max yeah but it'll fit my 12 pro yes does it have
wireless carplay i don't think so because i was never prompted for it yeah so no so there's no point using a wireless charger and i don't know i guess it'll fit with cabled up and then one thing that i actually have not touched once in this car this rotary yes i i just using the touchscreen because it's a great distance this is completely useless now yeah so but it's a nice alternative to have but the solution is the touchscreen and the volume and tuning right there yeah great job cadillac on
making your touchscreen and volume tuning knobs so good yeah that's a great car are we done is that it okay i think that's it let's get to the price starts at forty five thousand three hundred ninety eight dollars in the idiot and this one is optioned out to fifty seven thousand three hundred and eighty dollars this is less than that is 350 all-wheel drive we recently drove yes it is it's a smaller car doesn't technically compete with it but this is definitely more fun man this is like one o f
the most fun cars of the year definitely the surprise of the year so far i know it's early but even like of the last 12 months yeah this is a huge surprise and if you're looking for a cool rear wheel drive car definitely check this one out consider this over mercedes bmw and audi and if you happen to be the engineer or software designer who set up this crazy traction control system hit us up and like let us know the reasoning we would love to know yes please let us know how why a nd who decided
and who to okayed this and let us know what you think of the ct4v is it a lot cooler than you thought are you gonna go test drive that instead of one of the other cars now if you're looking for a car in this segment and click here because we also reviewed a ct5v that's right wheel yeah and click here for when we review the ct5b blackwing and for blackwing hopefully that's actually a video you Inglês
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