2021 Porsche Cayenne Turbo Review - Ridiculously Fast

2021 Porsche Cayenne Turbo Review - Ridiculously Fast

2021 Porsche Cayenne Turbo Review - Ridiculously Fast & Refined

512.497 visualizações • 9 de abr. de 2021 • We go for a drive in the 2021 Porsche Cayenne Turbo Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thestraightpipes Become a YouTube Member! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC86S... Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/thestraightp... Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thestraight... Twitter! https://twitter.com/StraightPipers Buy our shirts! Profits go directly to burnouts: teespring.com/stores/thestraightpipes Check out Continental Tire at https://www.continentaltire.ca Our reviews give you two perspectives. Jakub takes the perspective of the car enthusiast, while Yuri represents the interests of the general consumer. You won't find details about engine compression ratios here, instead you'll have real world opinions on what it's like to drive and own cars. ------------------- #subscribe #hitthebell #getusto1millionsubs ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

2021 Porsche Cayenne Turbo Review - Ridiculously Fast & Refined

00:04 [Music] 00:06 I'm here I'm Jake oh we're going for a 00:09 drive 20:19 Porsche Cayenne Turbo the 00:16 fast one launch control 00:19 it's not called launch control this 00:20 performance starts ended 00:30 it's ridiculously fast better than a 00:34 track Hawk on launches it is pretty much 00:36 as fast as a track Hawk like 0 to 100 00:38 km/h is pretty much the same at about 00:40 3.9 seconds horsepower and torque 541 00:43 horsepower and 568 pound-feet of torque 00:45 from a four liter

twin-turbo v8 you 00:51 prefer launching a track Hawk or would 00:53 you prefer launching in this track Hawk 00:55 it was just more violent yeah is it more 00:59 like redneck this is like Pleasant fast 01:01 well you don't even notice how fast 01:03 you're going until you're too fast 01:04 yes exactly this is like silly fast at 01:07 any gear any rpm any speed how about any 01:09 corner yes especially cliche corner 01:12 check out our merch store teespring and 01:14 coming in a littl e too fast

but it 01:16 doesn't matter because this thing is 01:18 wild 01:19 there is no too fast for this car the 01:20 pretty much got car because it is a car 01:23 not a TV I'm gonna keep calling this a 01:24 car does not feel like an SUV at all so 01:26 in honor of the Cayenne coupe being 01:28 announced like this last week let's 01:30 start with the looks okay so yes the 01:32 Cayenne Coupe a just got announced and I 01:34 don't like how that looks I like how 01:35 this looks more I do like the

Cayenne 01:37 coupe a but let's talk about this one so 01:38 compared to the base Cayenne that we 01:40 drove earlier this year this has a lot 01:41 more body kit and stuff on it yeah it 01:43 looks a lot better like noticeably 01:45 better and let's start with the paint 01:47 color we actually got a purple portion 01:49 yeah not my favorite when it pops it 01:52 pops so well and the thing is it's one 01:53 of those colors where like if you got 01:55 purple an d you need it to go to

a 01:56 business meeting no one would be like 01:57 whoa is that a purple challenger they'd 01:59 be like huh select tinge of purple on 02:02 there very true 02:03 it's actually called pur pur it metallic 02:05 so it's not even called purple and the 02:07 body lines are so good like from the 02:08 side when it pops look at that yeah the 02:11 body lines are pretty nice on this and 02:13 we have no plastic cladding around the 02:14 wheels because it 's the turbo yeah 02:16 plastic lining does not

belong in Upper 02:18 trims I would like to talk about the 02:19 exhaust specifically the look I'll get 02:21 to the sound later because I do really 02:22 like it it's like tips upon tips upon 02:24 tips yeah so this does have the sport 02:26 exhaust and it has the optional black 02:27 tips it looks really good 02:28 do you like the back end more than the 02:30 front end look yes and the back just 02:31 looks so heavy-duty and we've got that 02:34 cool spoiler on top which can deploy

I 02:37 find that spoiler hilarious it's good 02:39 though and you can control it from the 02:40 infotainment too 02:41 yeah and we can also control our exhaust 02:43 the infotainment and we've got different 02:44 taillights for the Cayenne Turbo as well 02:46 yeah these are the optional ones I don't 02:48 really like them that much but they look 02:50 cool at night they do and then onto the 02:52 front end pretty standard C ayenne just a 02:54 little bit more like body Kitty

yeah 02:55 exactly 02:56 it looks really good overall in shout 02:58 out to Porsche for always getting 02:59 customized license plates for all their 03:01 models yeah five Cayenne I think my 03:03 favorite overall part of this particular 03:05 Cayenne are the wheels 03:06 yeah they look very Porsche wheel and 03:08 they suit it very well but they're not 03:09 the same wheels that either of us picked 03:11 when we did our custom Cayenne in the 03:13 last video that's true but they do

fit 03:14 the car really well and you know what 03:16 else fits the car just by a hair what's 03:17 that the brakes and the brake calipers 03:20 yeah so the brake calipers are 03:21 absolutely massive they are 10 piston in 03:24 the front Porsche is like you know what 03:27 we got this new coating we're gonna make 03:29 the calipers white so that we can show 03:31 you exactly how little brake dust the re 03:33 is so apparently these brake calipers 03:35 pretty much will never get brake dust

on 03:37 them because of this special new coating 03:39 it's unreal I think it looks very cool 03:41 and Yuri and I have both been having the 03:43 same issue with this car when we hit the 03:45 brakes 03:46 every single time phases into the dash 03:48 like we cannot get used to them and then 03:49 90 of a carbon-ceramic they're insane 03:52 these are the craziest brakes on 03:53 anything that I've ever used like even 03:55 crazier than a gt2 RS gt3 RS like this 03:57 is nuts it's a plus yeah

all right and 04:00 back to those wheels what's the 04:01 Continental recommended tire for this 04:03 these sport contact six 04:05 so let me dabble with the infotainment 04:07 before I let you drive and talk about 04:09 all the driving and stuff go for it it's 04:11 the new style one it's pretty easy to 04:12 use 04:13 it's got apple carplay it does not have 04:15 Android auto because Porsche still 04:16 hasn't figured that part out yet what 04:17 sucks about the apple carplay though

is 04:19 it doesn't stretch all the way across 04:20 it's just a normal like sixteen by nine 04:22 setting in the middle and then it's got 04:24 stuff that pops up on the side and the 04:25 buttons are so small that if you were 04:27 like a professional athlete with big 04:29 hands you wouldn't be able to touch any 04:31 of those little icons on the left so if 04:32 you're an amateur athlete you'll be 04:34 completely fine yeah that's what I'm 04:37 saying the rest of the infotainment

is 04:39 pretty much exactly the same as the 04:40 Cayenne we did but I do want to 04:41 reiterate one thing yeah so watch that 04:43 review by the way you can rewind 04:45 satellite radio stations on here which 04:46 is nice lots of channels but what you 04:48 can't do is go through your favourites 04:50 with a button like a hard button you 04:52 can't go through them this custom button 04:54 on the steering wheel they don't let you 04:55 do that you 04:56 only go up tracks so say your

favourites 04:58 are six seven eight nine and then you 04:59 want to go back six seven eight nine six 05:01 seven eight nine it doesn't let you to 05:02 go six seven eight nine ten eleven 05:03 twelve 05:03 up until three hundred until you can 05:05 loop back around okay that needs to be 05:07 changed like just think about what's the 05:09 mo st used button on everyone's steering 05:10 wheel I use the volume button favourites 05:12 oh yeah scroll through channels like FM 05:14 this can't even

scroll through FM 05:16 stations like that it'll just go point 05:17 one point three point five add that next 05:20 time for sure 05:20 yeah I think a German engineer needs to 05:22 take a look at that because they don't 05:23 have satellite radio in Germany and I 05:24 think that might be the issue probably 05:26 but the rest of this info Tim is very 05:28 good you can change your custom settings 05:29 you can change your car settings you 05:30 make this thing look like it's

going 05:31 off-roading it's got air suspension all 05:33 that fun stuff 05:33 yeah pretty much the same as the bass 05:35 Cayenne except now we have air 05:36 suspension exhaust modes and all that 05:37 stuff and then if we go to our gauge 05:39 real quickly before you drive same 05:41 analog in the middle digital on the 05:42 sides but on the left I notice that you 05:45 can set your speed limiting yeah that's 05:46 kind of cool and what it does is on the 05:48 head-up display it shows a

gigantic ring 05:50 that says like stop going past a hundred 05:53 yeah I feel like it really stops you 05:55 from speeding especially in a fast car 05:56 it helps you replaced it at 99 05:58 kilometers for me so when I was going 06:00 exactly 100 km/h as I always do as a 06:03 good boy on the highway it fl ashed yeah 06:05 and it like really stops you can I 06:07 quickly talk about the head-up display 06:08 before you drive sure it can be 06:09 customized so you just get the speed at 06:11 the

bottom or you can customize all 06:13 kinds of stuff you can have attack on 06:14 the top on the head-up display that 06:16 matches the tach down here and they are 06:18 exactly in sync no lag no nothing yeah 06:21 it looks pretty cool it takes up a lot 06:22 of space on the head-up display I wo uld 06:24 personally turn it off but it's cool 06:25 that it's there yeah it's very cool so 06:27 now it's your turn to drive time to send 06:29 and use the head-up display no and the 06:31 speed limiter

no I already launched it 06:33 it's not necessary for you to launch it 06:35 as well 06:40 it's so fast it's so fun to do that okay 06:44 so let's talk about the drive modes we 06:45 have au which is normal again we've 06:47 already made fun of that in previous 06:48 reviews then we have Sport and we have 06:50 Sport Plus and then individual Sport 06:51 Plus is the best so fast then we also 06:54 have the support response button so if 06:56 we press it in the middle you get 06:57 maximum power

for like 20 seconds I 06:59 honestly never find a difference with 07:00 Sport response other than being in the 07:02 correct gear so you click Sport response 07:04 if you're in the normal mode and that 07:05 way it'll open up everything in the 07:07 exhaust for that 20 se conds yeah so 07:09 instead of having to switch to Sport 07:10 Plus then press work response is a 07:12 little bit faster way to do it yeah I 07:13 think the button is just more plus no 07:15 it's not because it already goes to

gear 07:16 down right away like watch this see so 07:20 use that when you're in normal mode but 07:21 what I noticed about the sport modes 07:23 remember in the bass Cayenne the sport 07:25 mode button was right here yes it was so 07:27 now that's blanked out on the switches 07:28 because your sport mode is on the 07:30 steering wheel yeah so I do like it on 07:32 the steering wheel I don't like these 07:33 touch buttons all this gloss black it 07:36 still hasn't grown on me and I

don't 07:37 think it will we need to get the hybrid 07:39 one so we can try to get every button 07:40 lit up yeah cuz every button still does 07:42 not light up on the turbo and this is 07:44 very expensive almost fully loaded this 07:46 is botheri ng me less and less but I 07:48 still don't fully like it like I don't 07:50 like the volume where it is there's no 07:51 tuning buttons for your favourites or 07:53 seeking left and right like I think they 07:54 should go like analog a little more

I 07:56 agree they should go back like they've 07:58 gone full digital dial it back just a 08:00 little bit more one more company where 08:02 the sweet spot was the generation before 08:04 every touch and yeah so let's talk about 08:06 this power a little bit more non stopped 08:09 any rpm pretty much as fast as a track 08:11 Hawk like it feels like it's as fast as 08:13 a track Hawk maybe in the upper range 08:15 where the 700 horsepower would come in 08:17 this is pretty much as fast 99% of

the 08:20 time yeah it's like just ridiculously 08:23 fast and if you have a track Hawk 08:24 there's pretty much nowhere else you can 08:26 go higher than this because this is 08:29 equivalent but it's just nicer maybe 08:3 1 model acts up to a hundred maybe and 08:33 another thing this does better than the 08:34 track Hawk it actually toes more seventy 08:36 seven hundred pounds so I know some 08:38 Porsche guys that buy this to tow their 08:40 Porsche race cars you know Porsche guys 08:42 I do

I don't actually know my neighbor's 08:43 got a Porsche 08:45 but you don't know know him no but I've 08:46 talked to him twice so let's talk about 08:49 some more handling because this is a 08:51 Porsche after a ll and it feels like a 08:53 car so this does have the optional rear 08:55 steering and it is unreal this car I'm 08:57 gonna keep calling it a car feels like a 08:59 car because the handling is it doesn't 09:01 make sense how well this handles like 09:03 you can send this in the corners

it'll 09:05 oversteer and still be so composed 09:08 it has torque vectoring this is insane I 09:11 don't understand how they can make an 09:13 SUV handle this well I just don't 09:15 understand it it doesn't make any sense 09:17 that's why I say man it's a it's a car 09:19 undercover it is and especially with air 09:21 suspension like to be able to handle 09:23 this well with air suspension that's 09:25 just some next-level stuff so handling 09:27 absolutely unreal something for

this 09:29 transmission I have an issue with it 09:30 8-speed auto not a PDK not lightning 09:33 quick now but it's pretty loud like when 09:36 you shift really high up it is and the 09:37 exhaust sounds really good but I'll get 09:38 to that in a second so lightning quick 09:40 would not be a way to describe this the 09:42 paddles are nice smooth even when you 09:44 don't use them the transmissions great 09:45 it's just not what I expect from a 09:47 Porsche Cayenne Turbo yeah it's

not 09:49 snappy yeah like it's nice it's a normal 09:52 snappy it's not Porsche snappy 09:54 exactly I would only complain about this 09:56 in this because it cost us much if this 09:58 was in anything else I wouldn't have an 09:59 issue so let's talk about the exhaust 10:01 now let's talk about it because it 10:03 sounds amazing 10:04 like just straight up amazing yeah it's 10:09 so loud hearing it from other cars is 10:11 great being in it and driving it is so 10:13 good everything about the

exhaust sound 10:15 is fantastic the exhaust sounds unreal 10:17 crackles and pops deep v8 growl 10:21 a little bit of turbo noises it sounds 10:24 awesome 10:25 so we only get backfires in Sport and 10:27 Sport Plus yes so if you put a normal 10:29 mode there's nothing so you can hear the 10:31 difference right here but unlike the 10:32 Carrera T which only had burbles in 10:34 sport this doesn't support Plus as well 10:36 yeah let's move into the interior 10:38 because I absolutely love it you

know 10:40 what I noticed first what's that the 10:41 grayness of it yeah it's an interesting 10:43 color it's such a cool grey but I think 10:45 it's a cool grade because that neighbors 10:47 Porsche who I mentioned every time I 10:49 walk by a parked on the street which is 10:50 Street parks all year which i think is 10:51 crazy it's grey like this I think this 10:54 was a really rare color at like a 10:55 desired color in the ninety nine seven 10:57 nine nine six generation so I think

it's 10:58 cool 10:59 I love the steering wheel as always in 11:01 every single Porsche the paddles feel 11:02 great everything in here feel s great 11:04 overall I really like the top of the 11:06 steering wheel how it has this like dark 11:08 and through sight whatever it's called 11:09 wood it looks really cool 11:11 almost gloss black but as soon as the 11:13 light hits it you can tell yeah we also 11:14 have that on the side of the doors as 11:16 well but to be honest I could do

without 11:18 that on the steering wheel I don't I 11:19 don't like that I honestly think it 11:20 feels very luxury like you ca n get has 11:22 some carbon fiber that would be cool I 11:23 just want a normal steering wheel but it 11:25 does feel luxury but I don't want luxury 11:26 out of this I have that in my 2001 Lexus 11:28 GS 430 as well in wood grain 11:30 Wow so lucky grip and grain bro how 11:33 about the seats seats are super 11:34 comfortable again these are the optional 11:36 sport

seats they're unreal I like the 11:38 logo on the headrest I think that's very 11:40 nice I believe that's also an o ption and 11:41 then the back seats I have tons of room 11:44 how about you I've got pretty good room 11:45 and then what else do we have in the 11:46 back seat peasant blockers power peasant 11:49 blockers boom no more peasants you can 11:51 control them from the front by clicking 11:53 up on the window buttons awesome then we 11:55 got a big sunroof yeah let's talk

about 11:57 that sunroof I don't know if you guys 11:59 have heard this the entire review but 12:01 ther e's definitely a squeal how a 12:03 whistle from the wind from that sunroof 12:05 yeah it's a pretty annoying I'm actually 12:07 kind of surprised there's a wind noise 12:09 kind of thing in this car I feel like 12:11 it's probably this particular car for 12:12 some reason I don't know why but I'm 12:14 sure they engineered out as much windows 12:16 as they could have yeah exactly but

you 12:17 can definitely hear like a whistle at 12:18 higher speeds I'm not even that high 1 2:20 speeds like 80 kilometers an hour and 12:22 one thing that you didn't talk about in 12:24 the gauges that I believed you saved for 12:26 me 12:26 night vision yeah it's a pretty cool I 12:29 think it's meant to spot deer while 12:31 you're driving at night 12:32 unlit roads I've been using it to spot 12:34 everything it's a coolest what if 12:36 somebody's driving on the highway with 12:37 no

taillights on you can spot them 12:39 spotted awesome and the way they blend 12: 41 it into the cluster with this like inner 12:43 shadow 12:44 it looks awesome yeah cuz it's like a 12:46 square monitor behind and it'll look 12:48 weird or something it's nice it's really 12:50 cool I don't know how effective it is 12:51 but it's just really cool to see and 12:53 since we're talking about kind of 12:54 gimmicky things how about the lane 12:55 keeping this okay lien keep is not that 12:57 good it

is an option I would just not 12:59 option it because Lane Departure it's a 13:02 little bit better than Lane Departure 13:03 Assist but not quite as good as real 13:05 link insist and I guess to defend 13:07 everything Porsche you're supposed to be 13:09 driving this one not letting it drive 13:11 you because it's a driver's car yeah so 13:13 there's your reasoning it does it does 13:15 have adaptive cruise and it works well 13:16 though so this has about forty thousand 13:19 dollars in options

and the lane keep 13:20 assist is probably the only one I would 13:22 uncheck but if you want it to turn off 13:23 your driving settings it's actually 13:25 pretty easy while driving you can just 13:26 click to assist and you can turn 13:28 everything off but you know what you 13:30 can't do while driving what's that 13:31 pretty much adjust anything else your 13:33 head up display yeah that's a little 13:34 frustrating all grayed out while driving 13:36 yeah so like that sucks there's no

hard 13:38 button to turn that stuff off I a gree 13:40 it's for safety but it is frustrating so 13:42 with all that out of the way let's get 13:43 to the price what's the price starts at 13:45 one hundred and thirty nine thousand 13:47 seven hundred dollars Canadian with 13:49 forty thousand dollars added to it one 13:50 hundred seventy nine thousand three 13:52 hundred and seventy dollars why not 13:53 that's a lot of money yeah but it's like 13:56 the fastest Porsche SUV it is and

I 13:59 think it's worth every p enny like it's a 14:00 lot of money but the people that want 14:02 this want this and they deserve it 14:03 because this is so good next question 14:06 would you get this right now or would 14:07 you hold out for the Cayenne Coupe a of 14:10 this absolutely I love the coupe a looks 14:12 I don't know if the Porsche Cayenne 14:14 Coupe a is better-looking than the 14:15 Mercedes or the BMW coupe a what about 14:18 this versus the x5 can I get the x6 M no 14:22 just

this one I would go x5 over bass 14:25 Cayenne really I like all these little 14:27 gadgets and features that BMW has I like 14:29 the scroll wheel I don't like all the 14:31 stuff that's missing this infotainment 14:32 stuff this doesn't have audio Matic 14:33 parking it doesn't have as good Lane 14:35 Keith doesn't have traffic jam assist 14:36 for me I would enjoy the X 530i more 14:39 than I would enjoy a bass Cayenne I 14:40 would 14:41 1,000,000% take this no question 14:43 wouldn't even

want to look at that x5 14:45 even though I think the x5 looks better 14:46 yeah I'm probably x5m over this I'm 14:49 going this no questions so let us know 14:51 what you would take the Cayenne or any 14:53 of the competitors maybe a track Hawk 14:55 maybe BMW or the coop a let us know 14:59 don't forget to subscribe hit the 15:00 notification bell patreon.com slash the 15:02 straight pipes join our youtube 15:03 membership and teespring for cool shirts 15:06 blue shade corner we also have a
visor 15:07 test shirt visor test three two one ah 15:11 come on check advisors gimmick pass oh 15:14 yeah a gimmick past forgot about that 15:15 box test box test a little lemon and 15:25 small cup of coffee there's two 15:27 different size cup holders if it's 15:28 better in the driver side cup holder 15:30 pass see you later who forgot that don't 15:34 forget to do the visor fit I'm Yuri 15:38 I'm Jacob we're going for a drive 15:40 [Music] 15:51 don't forget ascribe subscribe right

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