2021 Acura NSX Review - The Best Everyday Supercar
2021 Acura NSX Review - The Best Everyday Supercar
951.719 visualizações • 18 de set. de 2021 • We go for a drive in the 2021 Acura NSX Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thestraightpipes Join us on YouTube, become a Member! Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/thestraightp... Buy our shirts! Profits go directly to burnouts: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/thestrai... https://shop.spreadshirt.com/thestrai... Add us on Instagram @TheStraightPipes Our reviews give you two perspectives. Jakub takes the perspective of the car enthusiast, while Yuri represents the interests of the general consumer. You won't find details about engine compression ratios here, instead you'll have real world opinions on what it's like to drive and own cars. Mostrar menos Mostrar mais
[Music] I'm here I'm Jacob we're going for a drive [Music] 2018 Acura NSX finally an Acura supercar finally a hybrid supercar is this the beginning of the new generation of supercars it definitely is is it good or bad it is good it is not the best okay I think that's fair we are driving this on the road now but we have actually already driven this on the track that was actually the first place we drove it so it was a little overwhelming yeah we didn't have that much time with it but we're gonna
show you some cool footage because we really wanted to get some really cool drone shots I am at Mosport driving the EDT course which is the driver development course it is quite a big car but it doesn't really feel like it it does sound pretty good inside but it doesn't sound like super super car it sounds kind of like a v6 you can't really hear anything else I wish I heard a little bit more turbo spool the driving position is good even for myself at six foot one and a half with a he lmet I
didn't think I would fit but I do but it is quite tight so they actually have numbers out on the track to tell you what gear to be in but I'm not looking down because it's too scary I think I'm in second oh my bad overall I think this makes you a better driver if you're a bad driver is this can hide a lot of mistakes and I will hammer down and I think we are putting now and now that we're back in the car cliche corner handling sport hybrid super handling that's what it st ands for sh-sh or as I
like to call it Trisha this car rotates very weird yes it like very different like pivots you around the term yeah it kind of has that sense of the RDX super handling like I kind of get it I give the wink [Music] I've got a lot of computers doing a lot of things to make you a lot faster exactly so let's talk about the track and what happened there you're yet to learn the track I wasn't there too many times anyways and we didn't have that much time with the car but what we noticed is that it's
very fast yeah I did get that feeling of brain shaking under some acceleration yeah you still get that on the road like you send it your brain just like alright my fluids kind of moving it feels really cool so what happens when you put the pedal to the floor you're gone yeah when you're in the right gear but if you're just in Drive and you floor it it does take an instant for it to downshift but then it like moves yeah it's really fast if it's in t he right gear okay if it's really fast how much
horsepower and torque 573 horsepower and 476 pound-feet of torque and that's including the electric motors and the gasoline engine yes so we have a twin-turbo v6 three and a half liter in the back - this is a mid-engine car and then we also have an electric motor in the back and then we have two electric power in the front wheels so this is all wheel drive so we don't have any room for storage in the front no we don't so we do have some room for storage behind the engine yeah we do and it's
actually a decent amount of room I got all my film gear in there but I guess every journalist says that about every car they review yeah pretty much so how should we compare this to the old NSX we shouldn't cuz we've never driven it good answer what we should compare it to other supercars that we've driven should we start with the supercar checklist yeah okay the most important question is it fast yes really fast like really fast does it sound good I'm conflicted and I'm gonna go with no I think
it sounds good but I don't think it sounds super car good okay fine I'm gonna go with good not great so that's a fail in my books box test let's find out it will not fit so it's a pass but it'll fit Donny's lid and Kev's he pops his lid where do you get those patreon.com slash the straight pipes small cup of coffee it does pass and it actually has a removable cup holders gimmick pass/fail that's yeah okay gimmick pass/fail advisor test let's find out three two oh nothing an hour pass the car
pass him perfect Acura do you look cool getting it around but the door handles do pop out when you use the remote so that's cool yeah that is cool but it's still not a pass does it get a lot of attention yeah so much attention so much attention we had an old dude come over and be like I know exactly what that is that's so nice is the first one I've ever seen on the road yeah we've had a couple people saying wow I haven't seen one of these on the road so like if you get one of these next-level
attention you know I don't even think I've seen one of these on the road I haven't either this is the first one that I've seen on the road with me driving it but you were driving it because when I saw it I wasn't driving it and carbon-fibre yeah lots of carbon fiber carbon fiber roof that's optional and a little bit of carbon fiber body kit on the outside as well super car pass yeah I've g ot one more thing to add to the supercar checklist I think what's that does it have a gimmicky steering
wheel all right fine the steering wheel is definitely gimmick extreme gimmick it is square but it's actually very comfortable and it has carbon fiber so there you go so overall supercar pass or fail I think I think it's a hundred percent supercar pass yeah this thing is mind-blowing ly fast so I guess before I let you drive and talk about handling can we talk about the looks a little bit I would love to does it look awesome it does but it is so subdued compared to today's modern supercars I
think whenever anyone puts a body kit on this it looks so much better oh yeah but not many people have and not many people will but the concepts online and like whatever people have gone online looks great but it assessed this for what it is Yuri I think looks really good it has the chrome strip on the front that the 20-19 has removed yes the 20:19 is now painted ju st like body colour the stance and everything how wide it is the dimensions it looks very very supercar unreal I know you pointed
out the wheels because I really like them as well okay I love how the wheels look when you go really slow what about really fast real fast it just blends into like nicer shape but like going slow it looks extra cool directional the NSX does have buttresses yes it does they're pretty minimal but when you do notice them it looks extra good yeah and you've got the inner coolers on the side yeah it's amazing I like that the headlights and stuff are pretty alright there definitely Acura they're not
like supercar the spoiler what about it this has the optional carbon-fiber spoiler it does I think it looks way better than the regular spoiler but the regular spoiler looks alright as well yeah a tiny lip but it's also subtle yeah there's no massive spoiler but this is like an everyday driving supercar right is I think I will proclaim this a s the best everyday supercar we'll talk about that more later but for what it is the looks match yes it looks definitely match the subtlety of the overall
car for sure how about the paint the paint is great you know what it's called curva red you know if I put my polish spin on it it's called Cordova red are we allowed to say that I don't know we'll see what the YouTube filter does what do they call this in Poland with the spec sheet say I don't know okay and then let's talk about t aillights lobster claw taillights look great not amazing styling wise they don't look anywhere near as cool as the old NSX yeah but I don't allowed to talk about the
old innocence styling we can yeah arriving feel alright but they do look good yeah and then I guess the last thing I want to talk about before I relate it to something else is the exhaust tips okay fine quad exhaust you know why why they couldn't give it less because the Civic Type R is three but the specific type our exhaust looks manly and like like cool this looks kind of dinky it does look kind of dinky and it is kind of hidden but I think that's because overall they want this to be a
hybrid supercar they don't want this to be a supercar first ya know what I mean like they don't have the exhaust coming out the top and the engine placement looks amazing with the rear glass okay that is true and you got cool carbon fiber around it yeah really nice and before I let you drive I want to give a huge shout out to the people who made this car the coolest not Jay Leno not Jerry Seinfeld the guys at Grand Theft Auto oh my god who took the prototype design made it the Dinka gesture in
grand theft auto online which is what i bought and then I bought the Dinka gesture with like the sportrack kid alright the only weird thing about that was they didn't classify it as a supercar they classified it as a sports car and it was one of the fastest sports cars but I think that kind of a ffected my view of it when it came out you know so you thought this was a sports car I thought it was a really fast board covered it's actually a supercar and I think the guys at Grand Theft Auto should
have made this a supercar there you go that's my Grand Theft Auto rant and now you can drive I actually drive this car now Dinka jester think adjuster sick though it is just do it you just want control [Music] why would I feel a little nauseous it's so fast off the line through to 10 0 kilometers in 2.7 and you know how crazy that is that's point one faster than the gt2 RS and ideal conditions exactly ideal conditions I'm glad you pointed that out because this will do this all the time all day
because we got the electric motors up front exactly all-wheel drive power delivery is instant at any rpm as long as you're always in the right gear there's no turbulence there's no instance of turbo lag but what I do like is that there's turbo sounds behind my head it's l ike if you have the window down a little bit you'll get it exactly you hear the blow-off valves I absolutely love the turbo sounds in this I don't like the engine sounds so this does rev to 7500 rpm which is pretty fun to have
it's not like crazy like 9,000 like gt3 RS or anything like that but it's still really really fun during this thing out speaking of wringing it out when you do your launch control you need to be in track mode so we have four different modes we have quiet Sport Sport+ and track so to get in the track you have to hold the dial for like two seconds and then it lets you get into track okay let's go back into sport mode quiets to quiet yeah it's way too quiet but it is cool to have even Sport Plus is
louder than sport yeah its Sport Plus is definitely pretty loud so let's get into the modes then it tells you exactly what changes which is really nice to see but there is no custom mode yeah so you can't have full powertrain but different steering and traction on yea like relaxed steering or something you can't do that and since I'm at cliche corner I'm gonna put it in Sport Plus not track because the traction is instantly taken off so I will shift manually with my paddles and really send this
thing and it handles so well it does understeer a little bit at the limit maybe it just feels like understeer doesn't it feel like it's helping you riff it around like understeer is it understeer yes thank you okay so the car does under steer what it does eventually pull you back around like you were about to say it's like weird electric pulling so you can drift this I've seen it in promotional videos of course yeah but I've been told it's slightly trickier if you think we should drift this let
us know definitely know and we do have a 9 speed dual clutch transmission and it shifts like this is like yeah I would say it's lightning it is definitely lightning you don't seem enthused by that I think it's because it's l ess sound you may be lightning but it's not thunder no no it's definitely not thunder ok so thunder is now the audible tone - lightning correct when we were on the track I know you want to talk about the gauges but what bothered me the most is that I didn't know what gear I
was in the gear indicators way at the bottom and the RPM red lines way at the top which is nice but the gear indicators at the bottom so I didn't know what gear eyes in half the time yeah there's no head-up displ ay there's none and it's kind of tricky to see exactly but my sound it was pretty easy to make sure you didn't redline and you went down shift up shift that's right that did help but I would like to see a gear indicator higher on my gate and this gauge cluster kind of angles back exactly
which is also slightly difficult to see yes so let's get into the gauge cluster okay go ahead for street driving it's perfect that's it for track driving when you've never driven this car before it's a lot to take in it's not perfect what I do like about the gauges you've got the big number in the middle you've got a cool tack that goes around right in the center and it changes between modes when you're in quiet mode it's nice and dark in blue because blue is electric when you click right to
sport it moves things open a bit but when you click to Sport Plus then the thing rotates and turns red and then track mode even redder yeah you definitely want to live in Sport Plus at lea st for me because this is so livable in everyone I would also like to live in Sport Plus for the record yeah for the record a track was a little scary because I don't really know what the traction control is going to do I would love to live in track but I just don't want to write this car off yes if I owned it
I figure it out and then do it exactly and speaking of writing this car off we can possibly do that in track mode because we were on Continental Road tires when we were on the track we weren't Pirelli Trofeo arse there was one point where I didn't know the track and I got distracted by speaking on camera while driving on a track I didn't know very well yeah and I almost went off but if the brakes turned away no problem saved it so the biggest takeaway that I have from this car driving it on the
track and driving it here is just how damn comfortable the whole thing is drive it is so comfortable so let's start the interior section off with the best part of t his whole car the seats the seats how did you make them so good I don't know they're so comfortable compared to all of their seats in all of the cars if we're gonna compare this to supercars the most comfortable I don't throw the best because buckets are like really nice to have on the track but they are buckety like I'm not moving
anywhere yeah for sure you're not moving but this is like a lazy boy where every other supercar is those cheers you have to sit on in grade school yeah yeah yeah I know the hard plastic ones that are like the least comfortable things in the world what I also appreciate now and on the track is that everything's padded for my knees so when I'm sliding around on the track my knees are so comfortable and I'm not bruised after a track day and the other thing I like about this interior is the string
wheel itself I love the shape of it and the grip of it and the steering feel overall you know what I noticed about this steering wheel what' s that it's got buttons on it and a lot of other supercars do not this is true you've got your regular radio controls a lot of stuff from like Accords and civics and stuff well it's not the exact ones but like the fonts yeah and like the buttons like this scroll wheel left and right true you're getting a supercar from the reliable company so they got to use
reliable things exactly and you're gonna get a reliable car that's like the biggest thing that you're gonna get from this you're not gonna have to worry about it I actually asked what the service intervals were like and they're basically like regular car service intervals they're not something crazy like you don't have to service the hybrid unit every thousand kilometers or something like that so I want to talk about the infotainment and other interior stuff but before that from the driver's
seat let's talk visibility love it it is amazing you can see everything I feel like I'm kind of tall but I'm not it' s because I can see everything so clearly and most supercars you're sunken in super low kind of like race car but this one you're not you're just low to the ground in general so now let's talk about the other cool stuff on the interior / not cool stuff go ahead Yuri take it away could I go infotainment take it away we have the old infotainment from like the type our Civic you know
this is a new car slightly disappointed doesn't have like the new RDX infotainment but whatever we've go t the volume slider still yeah we have apple carplay Android auto which is nice we have an older style low res e reverse camera but it still works very low res super car Pass that's super car passed through I want to put the satellite radio you're eating well this one doesn't have the satellite radio so I don't know if your room whines or does not rewind satellite radio stations yeah so
satellite radio for this car is part of a $3,700 option that this particular one does not ha ve come on Honda you couldn't give me a unit with satellite radio so I can test it out I'm gonna find out I'll see on another model if the caner cannot rewind I think it can because it looks like the type are ya problem but I can we're going with a hypothetical probably we'll move on from satellite radio because this is a supercar okay we do have settings in the infotainment that lets you start your car
in quiet mode yeah which whatever not for me yeah you could start this car in tr ack mode and it wouldn't be too loud for any neighbors right but it doesn't have that option unfortunately yeah whatever no it's not whatever you're not okay yeah you are right other interior stuff the materials the layout the way everything looks it doesn't look too crazy but it looks very nice it feels very accurate and it feels like maybe slightly under super car it does because like these kind of plastic buttons
like toggle switches and stuff that's what you expected super cars y eah and you're else I expected super cars what's that tons of piano black where your hands go there's no piano black where my hands go on the steering wheel which is good but there's some piano black on the doors which is annoying but I'm gonna say whatever on this one too the whole door handle section is piano black the door handle is piano black like come on guys you know supercar something else gonna clean it yeah I guess and
one thing that we haven't really talked about but you ca n drive this in quiet mode which is basically full electric mode and the engine up to 4,000 rpm yeah it's cool but it's like not cool as well yeah like I would never use it because I'm not a considerate person but I could see people using it yeah I take a cool gimmick like to sneak up on people at a car show yeah like if you're a considerate person this is a great car for you to own if you don't want to wake up your neighbors at 6:00 a.m.
every single morning this is fine so overall this is an amazing supercar the most daily able possible supercar you can ever buy I think I need to fully agree with you on that however here comes the issue is the price it's a price now the price is very expensive and there's a lot of competition on the market a lot and the competition is very very good and the competition makes very loud noises which I really like so name some competition for this Audi r8 BMW i8 AMG GTR Porsche 911 gt3 gt3 RS
depending on how you spec it mcl aren 570s that kind of stuff ok but are any of those hybrid supercars the BMW i8 is but is it as fast as this no it's known I don't even close No so technically this is the fastest hybrid supercar and this may kind of be like the first hybrid supercar this is the future of the supercar right now and that's kind of the problem people aren't ready for it exactly and it's not outrageous looking so even if they were ready for it the looks aren't really gonna push
people in that direc tion I've officially found the worst angle on this car that's it yeah like this is straight up the future though every manufacturer has basically said all of our next-generation supercars and mega cars and whatever are gonna be some sort of hybrids so if you are an early adopter you will not be disappointed like straight up you will not be this point this car is amazing it's so fast will this kind of be like a legendary car as it will be for ya yeah for sure this is gonna be
legendar y honestly we have gotten so much attention in this car more than most other supercars that we've driven and like more passionate people yeah no one's been obnoxious no one hates you in this that's the other thing no one thinks you're like a d-bag right yeah everyone's like your friend like man you have one of these can I see it that's amazing like good for you man when you have a Lambo or something like that I can only imagine people like I hate you like straight up even though if
you're a nice guy like I hate you so then what is the price ah so it starts at one hundred and eighty nine thousand dollars Canadian Canadian yes you can repeat that's my gimmick that is I guess but we are not driving one for that much obviously because this has a lot of options just under two hundred and fifty thousand dollars so is this car worth it yes but I think there are a better cars right now but this is gonna be so much better daily driving in some of those super cars that we've dri ven
the a/c sucks oh this is perfect this is perfect your satio comfort it didn't even realize that we drove it on the track and like a 45 degree day there's no coughing on you there's no a/c it's just perfect it's so comfortable so if you just want a comfortable car like it's a ton of attention and it is subtle too it's very subtle which is kind of a problem I'm so conflicted with this car so what are your thoughts on the new NSX do you like it do you not like it as much as other ca rs have you seen
them on the road buy it should someone buy this over something else I think they should over certain two cars if they're a certain type of person your daily driving this car have a great time don't forget to subscribe it's a notification valve patreon.com sister straight pipes and the YouTube join our membership button yeah join our membership because you [Music] Inglês
2021 Acura NSX Review - The Best Everyday Supercar
951.719 visualizações • 18 de set. de 2021 • We go for a drive in the 2021 Acura NSX Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thestraightpipes Join us on YouTube, become a Member! Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/thestraightp... Buy our shirts! Profits go directly to burnouts: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/thestrai... https://shop.spreadshirt.com/thestrai... Add us on Instagram @TheStraightPipes Our reviews give you two perspectives. Jakub takes the perspective of the car enthusiast, while Yuri represents the interests of the general consumer. You won't find details about engine compression ratios here, instead you'll have real world opinions on what it's like to drive and own cars. Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

[Music] I'm here I'm Jacob we're going for a drive [Music] 2018 Acura NSX finally an Acura supercar finally a hybrid supercar is this the beginning of the new generation of supercars it definitely is is it good or bad it is good it is not the best okay I think that's fair we are driving this on the road now but we have actually already driven this on the track that was actually the first place we drove it so it was a little overwhelming yeah we didn't have that much time with it but we're gonna
show you some cool footage because we really wanted to get some really cool drone shots I am at Mosport driving the EDT course which is the driver development course it is quite a big car but it doesn't really feel like it it does sound pretty good inside but it doesn't sound like super super car it sounds kind of like a v6 you can't really hear anything else I wish I heard a little bit more turbo spool the driving position is good even for myself at six foot one and a half with a he lmet I
didn't think I would fit but I do but it is quite tight so they actually have numbers out on the track to tell you what gear to be in but I'm not looking down because it's too scary I think I'm in second oh my bad overall I think this makes you a better driver if you're a bad driver is this can hide a lot of mistakes and I will hammer down and I think we are putting now and now that we're back in the car cliche corner handling sport hybrid super handling that's what it st ands for sh-sh or as I
like to call it Trisha this car rotates very weird yes it like very different like pivots you around the term yeah it kind of has that sense of the RDX super handling like I kind of get it I give the wink [Music] I've got a lot of computers doing a lot of things to make you a lot faster exactly so let's talk about the track and what happened there you're yet to learn the track I wasn't there too many times anyways and we didn't have that much time with the car but what we noticed is that it's
very fast yeah I did get that feeling of brain shaking under some acceleration yeah you still get that on the road like you send it your brain just like alright my fluids kind of moving it feels really cool so what happens when you put the pedal to the floor you're gone yeah when you're in the right gear but if you're just in Drive and you floor it it does take an instant for it to downshift but then it like moves yeah it's really fast if it's in t he right gear okay if it's really fast how much
horsepower and torque 573 horsepower and 476 pound-feet of torque and that's including the electric motors and the gasoline engine yes so we have a twin-turbo v6 three and a half liter in the back - this is a mid-engine car and then we also have an electric motor in the back and then we have two electric power in the front wheels so this is all wheel drive so we don't have any room for storage in the front no we don't so we do have some room for storage behind the engine yeah we do and it's
actually a decent amount of room I got all my film gear in there but I guess every journalist says that about every car they review yeah pretty much so how should we compare this to the old NSX we shouldn't cuz we've never driven it good answer what we should compare it to other supercars that we've driven should we start with the supercar checklist yeah okay the most important question is it fast yes really fast like really fast does it sound good I'm conflicted and I'm gonna go with no I think
it sounds good but I don't think it sounds super car good okay fine I'm gonna go with good not great so that's a fail in my books box test let's find out it will not fit so it's a pass but it'll fit Donny's lid and Kev's he pops his lid where do you get those patreon.com slash the straight pipes small cup of coffee it does pass and it actually has a removable cup holders gimmick pass/fail that's yeah okay gimmick pass/fail advisor test let's find out three two oh nothing an hour pass the car
pass him perfect Acura do you look cool getting it around but the door handles do pop out when you use the remote so that's cool yeah that is cool but it's still not a pass does it get a lot of attention yeah so much attention so much attention we had an old dude come over and be like I know exactly what that is that's so nice is the first one I've ever seen on the road yeah we've had a couple people saying wow I haven't seen one of these on the road so like if you get one of these next-level
attention you know I don't even think I've seen one of these on the road I haven't either this is the first one that I've seen on the road with me driving it but you were driving it because when I saw it I wasn't driving it and carbon-fibre yeah lots of carbon fiber carbon fiber roof that's optional and a little bit of carbon fiber body kit on the outside as well super car pass yeah I've g ot one more thing to add to the supercar checklist I think what's that does it have a gimmicky steering
wheel all right fine the steering wheel is definitely gimmick extreme gimmick it is square but it's actually very comfortable and it has carbon fiber so there you go so overall supercar pass or fail I think I think it's a hundred percent supercar pass yeah this thing is mind-blowing ly fast so I guess before I let you drive and talk about handling can we talk about the looks a little bit I would love to does it look awesome it does but it is so subdued compared to today's modern supercars I
think whenever anyone puts a body kit on this it looks so much better oh yeah but not many people have and not many people will but the concepts online and like whatever people have gone online looks great but it assessed this for what it is Yuri I think looks really good it has the chrome strip on the front that the 20-19 has removed yes the 20:19 is now painted ju st like body colour the stance and everything how wide it is the dimensions it looks very very supercar unreal I know you pointed
out the wheels because I really like them as well okay I love how the wheels look when you go really slow what about really fast real fast it just blends into like nicer shape but like going slow it looks extra cool directional the NSX does have buttresses yes it does they're pretty minimal but when you do notice them it looks extra good yeah and you've got the inner coolers on the side yeah it's amazing I like that the headlights and stuff are pretty alright there definitely Acura they're not
like supercar the spoiler what about it this has the optional carbon-fiber spoiler it does I think it looks way better than the regular spoiler but the regular spoiler looks alright as well yeah a tiny lip but it's also subtle yeah there's no massive spoiler but this is like an everyday driving supercar right is I think I will proclaim this a s the best everyday supercar we'll talk about that more later but for what it is the looks match yes it looks definitely match the subtlety of the overall
car for sure how about the paint the paint is great you know what it's called curva red you know if I put my polish spin on it it's called Cordova red are we allowed to say that I don't know we'll see what the YouTube filter does what do they call this in Poland with the spec sheet say I don't know okay and then let's talk about t aillights lobster claw taillights look great not amazing styling wise they don't look anywhere near as cool as the old NSX yeah but I don't allowed to talk about the
old innocence styling we can yeah arriving feel alright but they do look good yeah and then I guess the last thing I want to talk about before I relate it to something else is the exhaust tips okay fine quad exhaust you know why why they couldn't give it less because the Civic Type R is three but the specific type our exhaust looks manly and like like cool this looks kind of dinky it does look kind of dinky and it is kind of hidden but I think that's because overall they want this to be a
hybrid supercar they don't want this to be a supercar first ya know what I mean like they don't have the exhaust coming out the top and the engine placement looks amazing with the rear glass okay that is true and you got cool carbon fiber around it yeah really nice and before I let you drive I want to give a huge shout out to the people who made this car the coolest not Jay Leno not Jerry Seinfeld the guys at Grand Theft Auto oh my god who took the prototype design made it the Dinka gesture in
grand theft auto online which is what i bought and then I bought the Dinka gesture with like the sportrack kid alright the only weird thing about that was they didn't classify it as a supercar they classified it as a sports car and it was one of the fastest sports cars but I think that kind of a ffected my view of it when it came out you know so you thought this was a sports car I thought it was a really fast board covered it's actually a supercar and I think the guys at Grand Theft Auto should
have made this a supercar there you go that's my Grand Theft Auto rant and now you can drive I actually drive this car now Dinka jester think adjuster sick though it is just do it you just want control [Music] why would I feel a little nauseous it's so fast off the line through to 10 0 kilometers in 2.7 and you know how crazy that is that's point one faster than the gt2 RS and ideal conditions exactly ideal conditions I'm glad you pointed that out because this will do this all the time all day
because we got the electric motors up front exactly all-wheel drive power delivery is instant at any rpm as long as you're always in the right gear there's no turbulence there's no instance of turbo lag but what I do like is that there's turbo sounds behind my head it's l ike if you have the window down a little bit you'll get it exactly you hear the blow-off valves I absolutely love the turbo sounds in this I don't like the engine sounds so this does rev to 7500 rpm which is pretty fun to have
it's not like crazy like 9,000 like gt3 RS or anything like that but it's still really really fun during this thing out speaking of wringing it out when you do your launch control you need to be in track mode so we have four different modes we have quiet Sport Sport+ and track so to get in the track you have to hold the dial for like two seconds and then it lets you get into track okay let's go back into sport mode quiets to quiet yeah it's way too quiet but it is cool to have even Sport Plus is
louder than sport yeah its Sport Plus is definitely pretty loud so let's get into the modes then it tells you exactly what changes which is really nice to see but there is no custom mode yeah so you can't have full powertrain but different steering and traction on yea like relaxed steering or something you can't do that and since I'm at cliche corner I'm gonna put it in Sport Plus not track because the traction is instantly taken off so I will shift manually with my paddles and really send this
thing and it handles so well it does understeer a little bit at the limit maybe it just feels like understeer doesn't it feel like it's helping you riff it around like understeer is it understeer yes thank you okay so the car does under steer what it does eventually pull you back around like you were about to say it's like weird electric pulling so you can drift this I've seen it in promotional videos of course yeah but I've been told it's slightly trickier if you think we should drift this let
us know definitely know and we do have a 9 speed dual clutch transmission and it shifts like this is like yeah I would say it's lightning it is definitely lightning you don't seem enthused by that I think it's because it's l ess sound you may be lightning but it's not thunder no no it's definitely not thunder ok so thunder is now the audible tone - lightning correct when we were on the track I know you want to talk about the gauges but what bothered me the most is that I didn't know what gear I
was in the gear indicators way at the bottom and the RPM red lines way at the top which is nice but the gear indicators at the bottom so I didn't know what gear eyes in half the time yeah there's no head-up displ ay there's none and it's kind of tricky to see exactly but my sound it was pretty easy to make sure you didn't redline and you went down shift up shift that's right that did help but I would like to see a gear indicator higher on my gate and this gauge cluster kind of angles back exactly
which is also slightly difficult to see yes so let's get into the gauge cluster okay go ahead for street driving it's perfect that's it for track driving when you've never driven this car before it's a lot to take in it's not perfect what I do like about the gauges you've got the big number in the middle you've got a cool tack that goes around right in the center and it changes between modes when you're in quiet mode it's nice and dark in blue because blue is electric when you click right to
sport it moves things open a bit but when you click to Sport Plus then the thing rotates and turns red and then track mode even redder yeah you definitely want to live in Sport Plus at lea st for me because this is so livable in everyone I would also like to live in Sport Plus for the record yeah for the record a track was a little scary because I don't really know what the traction control is going to do I would love to live in track but I just don't want to write this car off yes if I owned it
I figure it out and then do it exactly and speaking of writing this car off we can possibly do that in track mode because we were on Continental Road tires when we were on the track we weren't Pirelli Trofeo arse there was one point where I didn't know the track and I got distracted by speaking on camera while driving on a track I didn't know very well yeah and I almost went off but if the brakes turned away no problem saved it so the biggest takeaway that I have from this car driving it on the
track and driving it here is just how damn comfortable the whole thing is drive it is so comfortable so let's start the interior section off with the best part of t his whole car the seats the seats how did you make them so good I don't know they're so comfortable compared to all of their seats in all of the cars if we're gonna compare this to supercars the most comfortable I don't throw the best because buckets are like really nice to have on the track but they are buckety like I'm not moving
anywhere yeah for sure you're not moving but this is like a lazy boy where every other supercar is those cheers you have to sit on in grade school yeah yeah yeah I know the hard plastic ones that are like the least comfortable things in the world what I also appreciate now and on the track is that everything's padded for my knees so when I'm sliding around on the track my knees are so comfortable and I'm not bruised after a track day and the other thing I like about this interior is the string
wheel itself I love the shape of it and the grip of it and the steering feel overall you know what I noticed about this steering wheel what' s that it's got buttons on it and a lot of other supercars do not this is true you've got your regular radio controls a lot of stuff from like Accords and civics and stuff well it's not the exact ones but like the fonts yeah and like the buttons like this scroll wheel left and right true you're getting a supercar from the reliable company so they got to use
reliable things exactly and you're gonna get a reliable car that's like the biggest thing that you're gonna get from this you're not gonna have to worry about it I actually asked what the service intervals were like and they're basically like regular car service intervals they're not something crazy like you don't have to service the hybrid unit every thousand kilometers or something like that so I want to talk about the infotainment and other interior stuff but before that from the driver's
seat let's talk visibility love it it is amazing you can see everything I feel like I'm kind of tall but I'm not it' s because I can see everything so clearly and most supercars you're sunken in super low kind of like race car but this one you're not you're just low to the ground in general so now let's talk about the other cool stuff on the interior / not cool stuff go ahead Yuri take it away could I go infotainment take it away we have the old infotainment from like the type our Civic you know
this is a new car slightly disappointed doesn't have like the new RDX infotainment but whatever we've go t the volume slider still yeah we have apple carplay Android auto which is nice we have an older style low res e reverse camera but it still works very low res super car Pass that's super car passed through I want to put the satellite radio you're eating well this one doesn't have the satellite radio so I don't know if your room whines or does not rewind satellite radio stations yeah so
satellite radio for this car is part of a $3,700 option that this particular one does not ha ve come on Honda you couldn't give me a unit with satellite radio so I can test it out I'm gonna find out I'll see on another model if the caner cannot rewind I think it can because it looks like the type are ya problem but I can we're going with a hypothetical probably we'll move on from satellite radio because this is a supercar okay we do have settings in the infotainment that lets you start your car
in quiet mode yeah which whatever not for me yeah you could start this car in tr ack mode and it wouldn't be too loud for any neighbors right but it doesn't have that option unfortunately yeah whatever no it's not whatever you're not okay yeah you are right other interior stuff the materials the layout the way everything looks it doesn't look too crazy but it looks very nice it feels very accurate and it feels like maybe slightly under super car it does because like these kind of plastic buttons
like toggle switches and stuff that's what you expected super cars y eah and you're else I expected super cars what's that tons of piano black where your hands go there's no piano black where my hands go on the steering wheel which is good but there's some piano black on the doors which is annoying but I'm gonna say whatever on this one too the whole door handle section is piano black the door handle is piano black like come on guys you know supercar something else gonna clean it yeah I guess and
one thing that we haven't really talked about but you ca n drive this in quiet mode which is basically full electric mode and the engine up to 4,000 rpm yeah it's cool but it's like not cool as well yeah like I would never use it because I'm not a considerate person but I could see people using it yeah I take a cool gimmick like to sneak up on people at a car show yeah like if you're a considerate person this is a great car for you to own if you don't want to wake up your neighbors at 6:00 a.m.
every single morning this is fine so overall this is an amazing supercar the most daily able possible supercar you can ever buy I think I need to fully agree with you on that however here comes the issue is the price it's a price now the price is very expensive and there's a lot of competition on the market a lot and the competition is very very good and the competition makes very loud noises which I really like so name some competition for this Audi r8 BMW i8 AMG GTR Porsche 911 gt3 gt3 RS
depending on how you spec it mcl aren 570s that kind of stuff ok but are any of those hybrid supercars the BMW i8 is but is it as fast as this no it's known I don't even close No so technically this is the fastest hybrid supercar and this may kind of be like the first hybrid supercar this is the future of the supercar right now and that's kind of the problem people aren't ready for it exactly and it's not outrageous looking so even if they were ready for it the looks aren't really gonna push
people in that direc tion I've officially found the worst angle on this car that's it yeah like this is straight up the future though every manufacturer has basically said all of our next-generation supercars and mega cars and whatever are gonna be some sort of hybrids so if you are an early adopter you will not be disappointed like straight up you will not be this point this car is amazing it's so fast will this kind of be like a legendary car as it will be for ya yeah for sure this is gonna be
legendar y honestly we have gotten so much attention in this car more than most other supercars that we've driven and like more passionate people yeah no one's been obnoxious no one hates you in this that's the other thing no one thinks you're like a d-bag right yeah everyone's like your friend like man you have one of these can I see it that's amazing like good for you man when you have a Lambo or something like that I can only imagine people like I hate you like straight up even though if
you're a nice guy like I hate you so then what is the price ah so it starts at one hundred and eighty nine thousand dollars Canadian Canadian yes you can repeat that's my gimmick that is I guess but we are not driving one for that much obviously because this has a lot of options just under two hundred and fifty thousand dollars so is this car worth it yes but I think there are a better cars right now but this is gonna be so much better daily driving in some of those super cars that we've dri ven
the a/c sucks oh this is perfect this is perfect your satio comfort it didn't even realize that we drove it on the track and like a 45 degree day there's no coughing on you there's no a/c it's just perfect it's so comfortable so if you just want a comfortable car like it's a ton of attention and it is subtle too it's very subtle which is kind of a problem I'm so conflicted with this car so what are your thoughts on the new NSX do you like it do you not like it as much as other ca rs have you seen
them on the road buy it should someone buy this over something else I think they should over certain two cars if they're a certain type of person your daily driving this car have a great time don't forget to subscribe it's a notification valve patreon.com sister straight pipes and the YouTube join our membership button yeah join our membership because you [Music] Inglês
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