2021 Mercedes A Class Sedan A220 Review - You Better Love Technology
2021 Mercedes A Class Sedan A220 Review - You Better Love T
585.280 visualizações • 9 de out. de 2021 • We go for a drive in the 2021 Mercedes A Class A220 Sedan. Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thestraightpipes Join us on YouTube, become a Member! Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/thestraightp... Buy our shirts! Profits go directly to burnouts: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/thestrai... https://shop.spreadshirt.com/thestrai... Add us on Instagram @TheStraightPipes Our reviews give you two perspectives. Jakub takes the perspective of the car enthusiast, while Yuri represents the interests of the general consumer. You won't find details about engine compression ratios here, instead you'll have real world opinions on what it's like to drive and own cars. Mostrar menos Mostrar mais
[Music] I'm dick I'm here at Volvo Drive [Music] 2019 mercedes-benz a 220 sedan what do you want to do I want to review you this is the car that talks to you like Siri like Amazon Alexa and Google home home assistant but by Mercedes and I think this is the first car that does this yes it is as you can see the main gimmick of this car is the augmented reality now navigation which works really well along with us being a talk to it car us Canadians get the sedan and hatchback but the Americans only
get this sedan which is alright because it is pretty cool but it's not a hatch which kind of sucks yeah the hatch is definitely good because we've driven it in Croatia so watch that video we're gonna get more into the techie stuff and more into the daily driving and all the cool stuff you got to get used to or you'll enjoy while driving this so what you do is you put in your information like a normal navigation but it'll show you street names street numbers and little blue arrows whe re to turn
when you get close to your turn at low speeds left you see like this see where does there it shows arrow in front it augments it into a reality and it makes it easy to find out where you need to turn we found it especially easy on roundabouts in Europe it's very good for a built in navigation system but you do have to pay for the navigation system separately it's a separate option from these screens which is quite annoying so to get everything you need to have pretty much a fully loaded a-class
yeah let's get into the rest of the car ok horsepower and torque hit me with it 188 horsepower and 221 pound-feet of torque which is a bunch less than the 250 we drove in Europe yeah which is the same 2-liter four-cylinder turbo so I don't know if it's the exact same engine I kind of have a feeling it is that it's just like detuned but it does feel noticeably slower than the a 250 which is only available in the hatch Canada can I talk about where the hatch and a sedan are made I would love
to this sedan is going to be made in Mexico and the hatch is going to be made in Germany that's right there's a lot going on with all these screens I'm gonna let URI mr. infotainment take the reins on that so I'm gonna talk about driving this first and I'm not gonna go off on it because this car is not about driving but what it is about is being driven in it by the car because it's the coolest thing ever using the adaptive cruise and Link assist it is unreal it is traffic jam cheater mode it's
the best even not traffic jam because I feel like a boring Drive sticking to the speed limit it's perfect it's perfect for that I this is the best implementation of it that I've ever seen it's better than the s-class yeah and then it's gonna go to all the other models as well that's right they're putting everything Mercedes has into their lowest end model to start how cool is that it's really cool okay so you use these steering wheel bu ttons to enable your adaptive cruise if you don't have
adaptive cruise enabled your lane keep assist is just like the stop thing it's like very passive but kind of passive aggressive actually yeah so when you get out of the lane it'll buzz at you and then hit the brakes if you're going on late too much so like get out of those lane on the right here a little bit okay here we go and there we go see it hit the brakes it gave a warning and pull them back to the right with the wheel yeah so it doesn't actually keep you in your lane but if you veer out
of your lane it will bring you back in like almost emergency style yeah it's really really good for safety now if you enable your cruise by turning it on and hitting the set button to set your speed then everything is on and you practically do not have to touch the hover however we got this how pure hover hands like I don't have to do anything I have found that 45 miles per hour is the sweet spot for cruising thr ough the Seattle area roads we should mention that Mercedes invited us stuff to
Seattle to drive this so everything is in miles per hour and that's why we don't have a hatchback version yet because we're in America so far I have not touched the wheel and it's been at least a couple seconds yeah everything's perfect and eventually it'll start barking at you again yeah you know what you do then you just give it a little slap arou yeah okay now it's yelling at me so I'm gonna give i t a little slap back in business yeah you can see the light turns green again yeah so we're good
to go I prefer to give it the whole give it up anything a little sketchier but they both work yeah and with the radar crews stop them go like it's so easy okay a little bit more driving I'm actually gonna drive this time so handling wise pretty good nothing remarkable no complaints it is pretty fun to drive though it's like it's decently fun it's not fast but it's zippy its quick off the l ine which is all you need zippy yeah I would like more power but I don't need more but we have it 250
hatch exactly and we do there's an AMG common a 35 a 45 maybe so if you buy this buy that in Europe then maybe we'll get it yeah what's funny about that was that the presentation people kept pestering the guy about the AMG is like I can't speak about it right now and the presentation like I have one more surprise from you boom AMG video yeah and yellow so here's what it looks l ike looks awesome I'm excited for that I'm very excited I hope it actually does come they haven't confirmed or
denied but like he confirmed that would not be a 2019 model that's right we have a 7-speed dual-clutch not my favorite doesn't shift the fastest but in regular use you're not gonna have any issues it's just not very sporty it shifts appropriately for an entry-level a little hatchback that's a sedan and we have four different drive modes we have eco individual sport and comfort I would honestly just leave this thing in comfort yeah comforts good but the steering does get a lot heavier in
sport but I think we talked a lot about that in the other video we did that's right so we're not gonna go off on that in this and honestly that's pretty much it for driving so I'm gonna let you drive now no no this infotainment is a lot of work okay yeah yeah good we're gonna start in the passenger seat because it is very overwhelming to just hop right i n it's a very good point we got in the car we'd been in this car before but when you get back in it's very overwhelming and we're younger 32
year old so like we know what we're doing we've been in a lot of cars well it's still a little bit overwhelming when you first get in you probably need to spend four or five days with it before you really get it and if you have an older Mercedes or using older Mercedes it'll probably take you maybe one day I fully agree how do we control thes e two 10.25 inch screens we should also mention that this is the top trim so we do have the two 10.2 five inch displays instead of the two seven inch
displays which look comically hilarious anyways moving on from that because we don't actually have one of those the screen on the right is a touch screen and on the bottom we do have a trackpad which I absolutely hate I love the scroll wheel from the s-class and the EC's 3s and then we have two touch buttons on our steering wheel which are kind of like scroll wheels but they're like blackberry pearl type sensor things and the cool thing is the left one controls the gauges because the gauges even
though it's the same screen is not touch I did try to touch it before reaching through steering wheel but that's insanity yeah why was I doing this whatever and the right trackpad controls this as well as the trackpad and the screens look stunning the resolution is perfect I absolutely love these screens you will get s ome glare every now and then you definitely will depends on the time of day we did notice that and there's no overhang which makes it look kind of cooler but also like remote
overhang yeah yeah just a little bit of an overhang would have been alright we have a couple of different displays with classic we have sport and then we have understated when you're an understated this screen turns black so all your navigation all your radio stuff is gone so I guess it's like a cool simple distraction-free thing but the thing that sucks is I like understated for my regular gauges and I want to have my normal stuff on the right screen but I can't do that so for example if I
click home look what happens everything goes back into your previous gauges come on yes just let it stay there yeah just control the right screen leaves the left screen alone okay and then we've got support which turns things yeah low key do that for me real quick I would love to I won't be real quick though and sport mode there's a yellow and it loads pretty quickly I know Jacob hates how long it takes but I think that's fair I think it was slightly laggy err in the one that we drove in Croatia
I think they've actually ramp things up and compared to Audi's how you need to like be at a stop and let the system reboot for like 10 seconds yeah pretty good so in there gauges now you have a left bubble or right bubble and a middle bubble you can control with your trackpad pretty much everything that you click from that home button controls what's in the middle so let's start with navigation in the middle because there's a lot of cool stuff there okay so we've got our map right here on the
right and you can have the same map there now we've got super map mode okay but this map is a normal map so if i zoom out on the right we have a satellite view map over it yeah I'd also like to give a shout out to the Seattle area for being absolutely stunningly beautiful out here yes I see you guys have a mountain don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification bar yeah yeah Mountain Rainier so back to this and Mount Rainier okay so now assume out of that map and you can click to make it 3d
2d or auto zoom a little more a little more all the way I want a satellite view so now we have two Maps satellite views which is pretty cool and the best part was Mount Rainier showed up like a huge mountain while driving past Mount Rainier that was the cooles t thing ever and what's also cool is as stupid as you want to make it you can save that you go to home down down down to themes and create theme it's pretty cool it's ultra customizable we can control our Sirius XM radio stations through
the middle thing by going up and down with the left trackpad yes we can that's the only way to go through radio stations or we can also say a key word and the car will actually do it for us give them a teaser of how that works hey Mercedes how can I help you change the radio station to XM radio channel 44 or what you can also do if you know the name of the station it'll also work for that and if it's hard to get to your presets because I don't like the trackpad you can say hey Mercedes how can I
help you show me my presets and we have our presets up on the screen and if you have your presets up on the screen and you didn't even want to do that you can also save it as a favorite hey Mercedes how can I help you save this current station into my favorites the radio station has been it works really well technology so back to the gauges we do have some other really crazy modes like you know that big display mode for the map yes we get that crazy stuff for fuel economy and other things too
what if we go down to display what did we just do I don't even know what I'm looking at got like a left by don't even really know we are like a left bubble showing our distance so much bunch of stuff I think it's more to imp ress people yes and there's other modes like that too if we go back to home scroll down to our preset themes I did accidentally find a cool power mode that I liked and look we've got like cool engine torque performance that's also very difficult to read yeah but at least I
have my engine torque my horsepower and my boost gauge there's a lot going on so let's pull over look at some of the stuff you want to look at I want to look at the outside of this car because this is the new des ign language yes so we'll look at the outside and then you're gonna drive and then you're gonna talk about way more stuff in here yeah I hope you guys like this stuff because this is what this car is if you're not interested in all this techy stuff in the car if I won't be interested in
this car that's true and if you're a senior citizen oh my I to buy the fully loaded car call me up yeah I want to spend the first three days with you yeah quick that would be very overwhelming alright my favorite part these optional 19-inch wheels I absolutely love these wheels you can only get 17 or 18 otherwise these are special order this is the new mercedes design language we don't have as heart of a line on the top and the bottom it's a lot harder on the bottom only this is the AMG package
so it looks a little bit different we got these nice Wolverine claws as Yuri likes to call them hey you're you're a bit of a connoisseur for headlights what do you think of these ones I th ink they're pretty cool they're the slim LED design they're gonna be on a lot of Mercedes I kind of missed the originality of a different one across the board we've got side skirts for the AMG package and then we got some alright taillights back here and if you look really close we've got a lot of cool patterns
in there I think it looks a lot better close-up than it does far away one of my favorite parts and one of my least favorite parts favorite part this big diffuser looks amazing least favorite part they're actually pleased they went to the point of getting as much as your hand in there and they just didn't finish the whole like and here's the engine that's about it I think we need to talk about infotainment now you drive so hey Mercedes is actually pretty useful for certain things for certain
things yes it is you can do some stuff like closing your sunroof but you can't do safety related things like you can't close the glass because that might like crush someone's hand you can't tell to hit the brakes for you or turn on like certain signals yeah I'll go faster or set your cruise like anything safety related you can't do I feel like it's almost a party trick kind of like how BMWs got this thing they have this which is fine this is more oppressed is definitely more impressively a lot
more Esav so since we have some LTE let's ask it some more questions the hard-hitting questions okay hey Mercedes how can I help you what is Skynet Skyn et is a fictional neural net based conscious group mind and artificial general intelligence system that features centrally in the Terminator franchise and serves as the franchise's main and true antagonist whoa I asked for Skynet not a biography yeah get it get it let me ask hey Mercedes how can I help you are you Skynet self-awareness is
hard even humans struggle with it yeah it's kind of yeah it can also answer some really weird questions maybe some questions that have been planned out in advance I don't know but there's some what interesting hit him with that one hey Mercedes how can I help you what is the age of the Prime Minister of the country of birth of Justin Bieber Justin Bieber was born in Canada the Prime Minister of Canada is Justin Trudeau the age of Justin Trudeau is 46 years and 9 months now replace that with
Celine Dion hey Mercedes how can I help you what is the age of the Prime Minister of the country of birth of Celine Dion what wo uld you like to do exactly so you know what Thank You Mercedes for putting in some Easter eggs for us Canadians guess who's got some more gate stuff to talk about obviously you we do have another display setting for the assistants which is our cruise control that we love so much check out the way this one looks that's pretty cool I also don't know what it's really
telling me I kind of do because it's telling me that that motorcycle in front of us is about a hundred feet away but also kind of useless yes put it back to nil you know what I'd really like what just a big old number with my speed on it I figured you would my favorite thing about this whole interior which is still attached to the screen because basically everything is attached to the screen wait wait let me guess hey Mercedes how can I help you change ambient light yes so ambient lighting is my
favorite thing so I go through the color and I like to pick my red moon because you can go multicolor ju st like in the s-class and I feel like we saw the lights way more in this car than we do in most other cars in the daytime oh for sure these are so bright even compared to the s-class and we have 64 colors yes and the vents light up and the vents are the coolest things ever - they're covered in piano black let's talk about some interior stuff to break it up a bit all right piano black do you
hate it I hate it it's a nice little shelf for using the infotainment yeah I mean I can't de ny that piano black doesn't look good but like it's gonna get fingerprinted and dusty this one's already fingerprinting and dusty the way it's gonna reflect the lights it's gonna be really cool at night yes exactly so it's gonna look cool I've never denied that it's just you've got to clean it okay what do the lights sit on they sit on this little perch steering wheel material it looks like
perforated steel if this material right here yeah yeah so it feels nice it's jus t kind of funny to look at because it's the exact same material but whatever this is is really cool yeah so we have our seat controls and whatever surrounding our seat controls it looks really cool so RC controls around our sides you can also control it through the infotainment hey Mercedes how can I help you turn on the pass your heated seats I'm switching on the seat heating and it turned on mine that's right but
you can turn off the passenger what it's hard to turn on both yeah i t does work eventually but it's not the perfect system and we have cooled seats yes we do but Mercedes yesterday was telling us that cooled seats doesn't actually blow air up it extracts hot air to make it cooler yeah it's the weirdest thing ever I like that I want air conditioning being blown up my butt yeah now on top of packages you can also get stand-alone options would you like to know what one of the standalone options is
it's satellite XM radio oh really oh yeah you got to pay extra for that okay let's talk about that then go for it it will do a live rewinding it won't do like good rewinding and using everything in the satellite radio is so frustratingly difficult it's better to use voice it's better to use voice I think the sweet spot is like the controls from the last Mercedes the 2018 can I help you oh my good every time we say Mercedes the system it gets triggered it's okay it's not our fault you normally
won't do that when you own this car because you're not gonna say the name of this car all the time yeah let's find out if something else as a pastor fail the visors three two one ah fail only the class yes an s-class I think so so I guess the cupholder test yes we don't have Tim Hortons in Seattle I guess we do have Starbucks but we also have this Fiji square water and if it's yeah I don't see any problems but it is suspect Lee close to the USB port for your phone which are all USB seaports and
they give you adapters as well s o we have apple carplay and android auto which is great the apple carplay doesn't go across all the screens like it did in the older Mercedes they told us in Croatia that they couldn't get permission from Apple to code it to go across the whole thing and it still hasn't been fixed Apple Apple come on man I'm rooting for you guys Android get it done all right URI you've been going off on this infotainment for a while because there's a lot to talk about but I think
we should talk about the rest of this interior like the seats one more thing first okay fine you showed me this cool mode in vehicle it gives your vehicle now if you swing it around like this you can spin your vehicle in 360 and it's like kind of laggy but it's also like really highly graphically Jen rated and it looks amazing interior okay so these seats I'm gonna go back into the infotainment again hey Mercedes how can I help you turn on my seat kinetics okay I'm switching on Steve kinetics
let me e xplain what sikhnet exists this car does not have massage seats the seats are very comfortable I've no shoes with the seats what see kinetics does is that it moves the base in the back of the seat just kind of forward and back every once in a while so that you're not always in the exact same position so you don't get cramped up Thanks which you will see kinetics language we've also mentioned that they pride themselves on natural language something something in this Mercedes but you know
what I want to talk to cars like the robots because they are robots we've been trained on terrible infotainment for the last ten years on how to talk to them so it's like navigate here do this it's like the least amount of words you can do to make the car do something is usually the correct way to do it so mentally we can't get away from that even though natural language if I'm speaking to you it's very different yeah because they're trying to tell us stuff like oh you can ask if I needed an
umbrella in Seattle it's like okay is it gonna say no you're gonna say yes you're gonna give me the temperature it's find out hey Mercedes how can I help you do I need an umbrella in Seattle on Wednesday no it isn't forecast to rain on Wednesday in Seattle okay so that's nice to know but if I just said what's the weather in Seattle on Wednesday there will be partly cloudy skies with a high of 70 degrees and a low of 50 degrees in Seattle on Wednesday that is more useful to me exa ctly you know we
appreciate the effort I guess that's where the future is going yeah but I would prefer to treat my robots like robots yeah so you can tell it to set the temperature to a certain temperature or you can say I'm cold and it'll also adjust what it needs to adjust so you don't think that you should say I'm called to a computer so it's just a weird thing that you don't think you need to do but you have to do it if you want to get into the real gimmicks of it yeah the materi als in here are very
impressive this is definitely a Mercedes like it's it's above a c-class it's almost like Ian's s-class stuff in here in terms of like interior quality it's really good also what we've noticed in terms of interior if you go over a rough road it's kind of loud in here like right now yeah like right now our microphones are probably picking this up it is not as Mercedes as I would have expected it to be for this kind of road yeah and on regular roads it's comp letely fine this is also the non 4matic
so this is the regular front-wheel drive one yeah I mean for this like do you really need a 4matic maybe in Canada alright so that's pretty much it let's finish this off with the price in u.s. dollars because we're in America nothing we have no idea yeah there's no price released yet but around the CLA area so just below the CLA except with options it'll probably be more and you're gonna want the options because the options are world a cool stu ff happens you need at least the Premium Package so
you get these nice screens and the navigation so you get augmented reality because that's the coolest and the AMG Sport Package because you need the appearance package so it has to look cool it pretty much needed a fully loaded a-class yeah do you think someone that's not a millennial is not a big fan of technology would be overwhelmed by this car most definitely do you think they could get used to it no I don't think they would I t hink you need to be really into tech to get used to it yeah this
is basically you're driving an iPhone and this is like an introduction to get young people really into it yeah and I think they will this thing drives really well it handles really well it has so much tech in it I think young people are appreciate this car they're just gonna have to get used to it at first like this is definitely the most snapchat car that exists yes well snapchat Instagram face filter yeah yeah if you t hink of all the stuff in all the apps that like younger people use it's all
kind of in here augmented reality yeah dragging stuff around this is a very high quality car so if you want to buy one of these I'd say buy one definitely check it out you're gonna need to put in some practice though so be ready for that don't forget to subscribe don't forget to be ready for that don't forget the notification valve and patreon.com/scishow straight bikes and it the you tube membership button s echnology
2021 Mercedes A Class Sedan A220 Review - You Better Love Technology
585.280 visualizações • 9 de out. de 2021 • We go for a drive in the 2021 Mercedes A Class A220 Sedan. Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thestraightpipes Join us on YouTube, become a Member! Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/thestraightp... Buy our shirts! Profits go directly to burnouts: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/thestrai... https://shop.spreadshirt.com/thestrai... Add us on Instagram @TheStraightPipes Our reviews give you two perspectives. Jakub takes the perspective of the car enthusiast, while Yuri represents the interests of the general consumer. You won't find details about engine compression ratios here, instead you'll have real world opinions on what it's like to drive and own cars. Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

[Music] I'm dick I'm here at Volvo Drive [Music] 2019 mercedes-benz a 220 sedan what do you want to do I want to review you this is the car that talks to you like Siri like Amazon Alexa and Google home home assistant but by Mercedes and I think this is the first car that does this yes it is as you can see the main gimmick of this car is the augmented reality now navigation which works really well along with us being a talk to it car us Canadians get the sedan and hatchback but the Americans only
get this sedan which is alright because it is pretty cool but it's not a hatch which kind of sucks yeah the hatch is definitely good because we've driven it in Croatia so watch that video we're gonna get more into the techie stuff and more into the daily driving and all the cool stuff you got to get used to or you'll enjoy while driving this so what you do is you put in your information like a normal navigation but it'll show you street names street numbers and little blue arrows whe re to turn
when you get close to your turn at low speeds left you see like this see where does there it shows arrow in front it augments it into a reality and it makes it easy to find out where you need to turn we found it especially easy on roundabouts in Europe it's very good for a built in navigation system but you do have to pay for the navigation system separately it's a separate option from these screens which is quite annoying so to get everything you need to have pretty much a fully loaded a-class
yeah let's get into the rest of the car ok horsepower and torque hit me with it 188 horsepower and 221 pound-feet of torque which is a bunch less than the 250 we drove in Europe yeah which is the same 2-liter four-cylinder turbo so I don't know if it's the exact same engine I kind of have a feeling it is that it's just like detuned but it does feel noticeably slower than the a 250 which is only available in the hatch Canada can I talk about where the hatch and a sedan are made I would love
to this sedan is going to be made in Mexico and the hatch is going to be made in Germany that's right there's a lot going on with all these screens I'm gonna let URI mr. infotainment take the reins on that so I'm gonna talk about driving this first and I'm not gonna go off on it because this car is not about driving but what it is about is being driven in it by the car because it's the coolest thing ever using the adaptive cruise and Link assist it is unreal it is traffic jam cheater mode it's
the best even not traffic jam because I feel like a boring Drive sticking to the speed limit it's perfect it's perfect for that I this is the best implementation of it that I've ever seen it's better than the s-class yeah and then it's gonna go to all the other models as well that's right they're putting everything Mercedes has into their lowest end model to start how cool is that it's really cool okay so you use these steering wheel bu ttons to enable your adaptive cruise if you don't have
adaptive cruise enabled your lane keep assist is just like the stop thing it's like very passive but kind of passive aggressive actually yeah so when you get out of the lane it'll buzz at you and then hit the brakes if you're going on late too much so like get out of those lane on the right here a little bit okay here we go and there we go see it hit the brakes it gave a warning and pull them back to the right with the wheel yeah so it doesn't actually keep you in your lane but if you veer out
of your lane it will bring you back in like almost emergency style yeah it's really really good for safety now if you enable your cruise by turning it on and hitting the set button to set your speed then everything is on and you practically do not have to touch the hover however we got this how pure hover hands like I don't have to do anything I have found that 45 miles per hour is the sweet spot for cruising thr ough the Seattle area roads we should mention that Mercedes invited us stuff to
Seattle to drive this so everything is in miles per hour and that's why we don't have a hatchback version yet because we're in America so far I have not touched the wheel and it's been at least a couple seconds yeah everything's perfect and eventually it'll start barking at you again yeah you know what you do then you just give it a little slap arou yeah okay now it's yelling at me so I'm gonna give i t a little slap back in business yeah you can see the light turns green again yeah so we're good
to go I prefer to give it the whole give it up anything a little sketchier but they both work yeah and with the radar crews stop them go like it's so easy okay a little bit more driving I'm actually gonna drive this time so handling wise pretty good nothing remarkable no complaints it is pretty fun to drive though it's like it's decently fun it's not fast but it's zippy its quick off the l ine which is all you need zippy yeah I would like more power but I don't need more but we have it 250
hatch exactly and we do there's an AMG common a 35 a 45 maybe so if you buy this buy that in Europe then maybe we'll get it yeah what's funny about that was that the presentation people kept pestering the guy about the AMG is like I can't speak about it right now and the presentation like I have one more surprise from you boom AMG video yeah and yellow so here's what it looks l ike looks awesome I'm excited for that I'm very excited I hope it actually does come they haven't confirmed or
denied but like he confirmed that would not be a 2019 model that's right we have a 7-speed dual-clutch not my favorite doesn't shift the fastest but in regular use you're not gonna have any issues it's just not very sporty it shifts appropriately for an entry-level a little hatchback that's a sedan and we have four different drive modes we have eco individual sport and comfort I would honestly just leave this thing in comfort yeah comforts good but the steering does get a lot heavier in
sport but I think we talked a lot about that in the other video we did that's right so we're not gonna go off on that in this and honestly that's pretty much it for driving so I'm gonna let you drive now no no this infotainment is a lot of work okay yeah yeah good we're gonna start in the passenger seat because it is very overwhelming to just hop right i n it's a very good point we got in the car we'd been in this car before but when you get back in it's very overwhelming and we're younger 32
year old so like we know what we're doing we've been in a lot of cars well it's still a little bit overwhelming when you first get in you probably need to spend four or five days with it before you really get it and if you have an older Mercedes or using older Mercedes it'll probably take you maybe one day I fully agree how do we control thes e two 10.25 inch screens we should also mention that this is the top trim so we do have the two 10.2 five inch displays instead of the two seven inch
displays which look comically hilarious anyways moving on from that because we don't actually have one of those the screen on the right is a touch screen and on the bottom we do have a trackpad which I absolutely hate I love the scroll wheel from the s-class and the EC's 3s and then we have two touch buttons on our steering wheel which are kind of like scroll wheels but they're like blackberry pearl type sensor things and the cool thing is the left one controls the gauges because the gauges even
though it's the same screen is not touch I did try to touch it before reaching through steering wheel but that's insanity yeah why was I doing this whatever and the right trackpad controls this as well as the trackpad and the screens look stunning the resolution is perfect I absolutely love these screens you will get s ome glare every now and then you definitely will depends on the time of day we did notice that and there's no overhang which makes it look kind of cooler but also like remote
overhang yeah yeah just a little bit of an overhang would have been alright we have a couple of different displays with classic we have sport and then we have understated when you're an understated this screen turns black so all your navigation all your radio stuff is gone so I guess it's like a cool simple distraction-free thing but the thing that sucks is I like understated for my regular gauges and I want to have my normal stuff on the right screen but I can't do that so for example if I
click home look what happens everything goes back into your previous gauges come on yes just let it stay there yeah just control the right screen leaves the left screen alone okay and then we've got support which turns things yeah low key do that for me real quick I would love to I won't be real quick though and sport mode there's a yellow and it loads pretty quickly I know Jacob hates how long it takes but I think that's fair I think it was slightly laggy err in the one that we drove in Croatia
I think they've actually ramp things up and compared to Audi's how you need to like be at a stop and let the system reboot for like 10 seconds yeah pretty good so in there gauges now you have a left bubble or right bubble and a middle bubble you can control with your trackpad pretty much everything that you click from that home button controls what's in the middle so let's start with navigation in the middle because there's a lot of cool stuff there okay so we've got our map right here on the
right and you can have the same map there now we've got super map mode okay but this map is a normal map so if i zoom out on the right we have a satellite view map over it yeah I'd also like to give a shout out to the Seattle area for being absolutely stunningly beautiful out here yes I see you guys have a mountain don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification bar yeah yeah Mountain Rainier so back to this and Mount Rainier okay so now assume out of that map and you can click to make it 3d
2d or auto zoom a little more a little more all the way I want a satellite view so now we have two Maps satellite views which is pretty cool and the best part was Mount Rainier showed up like a huge mountain while driving past Mount Rainier that was the cooles t thing ever and what's also cool is as stupid as you want to make it you can save that you go to home down down down to themes and create theme it's pretty cool it's ultra customizable we can control our Sirius XM radio stations through
the middle thing by going up and down with the left trackpad yes we can that's the only way to go through radio stations or we can also say a key word and the car will actually do it for us give them a teaser of how that works hey Mercedes how can I help you change the radio station to XM radio channel 44 or what you can also do if you know the name of the station it'll also work for that and if it's hard to get to your presets because I don't like the trackpad you can say hey Mercedes how can I
help you show me my presets and we have our presets up on the screen and if you have your presets up on the screen and you didn't even want to do that you can also save it as a favorite hey Mercedes how can I help you save this current station into my favorites the radio station has been it works really well technology so back to the gauges we do have some other really crazy modes like you know that big display mode for the map yes we get that crazy stuff for fuel economy and other things too
what if we go down to display what did we just do I don't even know what I'm looking at got like a left by don't even really know we are like a left bubble showing our distance so much bunch of stuff I think it's more to imp ress people yes and there's other modes like that too if we go back to home scroll down to our preset themes I did accidentally find a cool power mode that I liked and look we've got like cool engine torque performance that's also very difficult to read yeah but at least I
have my engine torque my horsepower and my boost gauge there's a lot going on so let's pull over look at some of the stuff you want to look at I want to look at the outside of this car because this is the new des ign language yes so we'll look at the outside and then you're gonna drive and then you're gonna talk about way more stuff in here yeah I hope you guys like this stuff because this is what this car is if you're not interested in all this techy stuff in the car if I won't be interested in
this car that's true and if you're a senior citizen oh my I to buy the fully loaded car call me up yeah I want to spend the first three days with you yeah quick that would be very overwhelming alright my favorite part these optional 19-inch wheels I absolutely love these wheels you can only get 17 or 18 otherwise these are special order this is the new mercedes design language we don't have as heart of a line on the top and the bottom it's a lot harder on the bottom only this is the AMG package
so it looks a little bit different we got these nice Wolverine claws as Yuri likes to call them hey you're you're a bit of a connoisseur for headlights what do you think of these ones I th ink they're pretty cool they're the slim LED design they're gonna be on a lot of Mercedes I kind of missed the originality of a different one across the board we've got side skirts for the AMG package and then we got some alright taillights back here and if you look really close we've got a lot of cool patterns
in there I think it looks a lot better close-up than it does far away one of my favorite parts and one of my least favorite parts favorite part this big diffuser looks amazing least favorite part they're actually pleased they went to the point of getting as much as your hand in there and they just didn't finish the whole like and here's the engine that's about it I think we need to talk about infotainment now you drive so hey Mercedes is actually pretty useful for certain things for certain
things yes it is you can do some stuff like closing your sunroof but you can't do safety related things like you can't close the glass because that might like crush someone's hand you can't tell to hit the brakes for you or turn on like certain signals yeah I'll go faster or set your cruise like anything safety related you can't do I feel like it's almost a party trick kind of like how BMWs got this thing they have this which is fine this is more oppressed is definitely more impressively a lot
more Esav so since we have some LTE let's ask it some more questions the hard-hitting questions okay hey Mercedes how can I help you what is Skynet Skyn et is a fictional neural net based conscious group mind and artificial general intelligence system that features centrally in the Terminator franchise and serves as the franchise's main and true antagonist whoa I asked for Skynet not a biography yeah get it get it let me ask hey Mercedes how can I help you are you Skynet self-awareness is
hard even humans struggle with it yeah it's kind of yeah it can also answer some really weird questions maybe some questions that have been planned out in advance I don't know but there's some what interesting hit him with that one hey Mercedes how can I help you what is the age of the Prime Minister of the country of birth of Justin Bieber Justin Bieber was born in Canada the Prime Minister of Canada is Justin Trudeau the age of Justin Trudeau is 46 years and 9 months now replace that with
Celine Dion hey Mercedes how can I help you what is the age of the Prime Minister of the country of birth of Celine Dion what wo uld you like to do exactly so you know what Thank You Mercedes for putting in some Easter eggs for us Canadians guess who's got some more gate stuff to talk about obviously you we do have another display setting for the assistants which is our cruise control that we love so much check out the way this one looks that's pretty cool I also don't know what it's really
telling me I kind of do because it's telling me that that motorcycle in front of us is about a hundred feet away but also kind of useless yes put it back to nil you know what I'd really like what just a big old number with my speed on it I figured you would my favorite thing about this whole interior which is still attached to the screen because basically everything is attached to the screen wait wait let me guess hey Mercedes how can I help you change ambient light yes so ambient lighting is my
favorite thing so I go through the color and I like to pick my red moon because you can go multicolor ju st like in the s-class and I feel like we saw the lights way more in this car than we do in most other cars in the daytime oh for sure these are so bright even compared to the s-class and we have 64 colors yes and the vents light up and the vents are the coolest things ever - they're covered in piano black let's talk about some interior stuff to break it up a bit all right piano black do you
hate it I hate it it's a nice little shelf for using the infotainment yeah I mean I can't de ny that piano black doesn't look good but like it's gonna get fingerprinted and dusty this one's already fingerprinting and dusty the way it's gonna reflect the lights it's gonna be really cool at night yes exactly so it's gonna look cool I've never denied that it's just you've got to clean it okay what do the lights sit on they sit on this little perch steering wheel material it looks like
perforated steel if this material right here yeah yeah so it feels nice it's jus t kind of funny to look at because it's the exact same material but whatever this is is really cool yeah so we have our seat controls and whatever surrounding our seat controls it looks really cool so RC controls around our sides you can also control it through the infotainment hey Mercedes how can I help you turn on the pass your heated seats I'm switching on the seat heating and it turned on mine that's right but
you can turn off the passenger what it's hard to turn on both yeah i t does work eventually but it's not the perfect system and we have cooled seats yes we do but Mercedes yesterday was telling us that cooled seats doesn't actually blow air up it extracts hot air to make it cooler yeah it's the weirdest thing ever I like that I want air conditioning being blown up my butt yeah now on top of packages you can also get stand-alone options would you like to know what one of the standalone options is
it's satellite XM radio oh really oh yeah you got to pay extra for that okay let's talk about that then go for it it will do a live rewinding it won't do like good rewinding and using everything in the satellite radio is so frustratingly difficult it's better to use voice it's better to use voice I think the sweet spot is like the controls from the last Mercedes the 2018 can I help you oh my good every time we say Mercedes the system it gets triggered it's okay it's not our fault you normally
won't do that when you own this car because you're not gonna say the name of this car all the time yeah let's find out if something else as a pastor fail the visors three two one ah fail only the class yes an s-class I think so so I guess the cupholder test yes we don't have Tim Hortons in Seattle I guess we do have Starbucks but we also have this Fiji square water and if it's yeah I don't see any problems but it is suspect Lee close to the USB port for your phone which are all USB seaports and
they give you adapters as well s o we have apple carplay and android auto which is great the apple carplay doesn't go across all the screens like it did in the older Mercedes they told us in Croatia that they couldn't get permission from Apple to code it to go across the whole thing and it still hasn't been fixed Apple Apple come on man I'm rooting for you guys Android get it done all right URI you've been going off on this infotainment for a while because there's a lot to talk about but I think
we should talk about the rest of this interior like the seats one more thing first okay fine you showed me this cool mode in vehicle it gives your vehicle now if you swing it around like this you can spin your vehicle in 360 and it's like kind of laggy but it's also like really highly graphically Jen rated and it looks amazing interior okay so these seats I'm gonna go back into the infotainment again hey Mercedes how can I help you turn on my seat kinetics okay I'm switching on Steve kinetics
let me e xplain what sikhnet exists this car does not have massage seats the seats are very comfortable I've no shoes with the seats what see kinetics does is that it moves the base in the back of the seat just kind of forward and back every once in a while so that you're not always in the exact same position so you don't get cramped up Thanks which you will see kinetics language we've also mentioned that they pride themselves on natural language something something in this Mercedes but you know
what I want to talk to cars like the robots because they are robots we've been trained on terrible infotainment for the last ten years on how to talk to them so it's like navigate here do this it's like the least amount of words you can do to make the car do something is usually the correct way to do it so mentally we can't get away from that even though natural language if I'm speaking to you it's very different yeah because they're trying to tell us stuff like oh you can ask if I needed an
umbrella in Seattle it's like okay is it gonna say no you're gonna say yes you're gonna give me the temperature it's find out hey Mercedes how can I help you do I need an umbrella in Seattle on Wednesday no it isn't forecast to rain on Wednesday in Seattle okay so that's nice to know but if I just said what's the weather in Seattle on Wednesday there will be partly cloudy skies with a high of 70 degrees and a low of 50 degrees in Seattle on Wednesday that is more useful to me exa ctly you know we
appreciate the effort I guess that's where the future is going yeah but I would prefer to treat my robots like robots yeah so you can tell it to set the temperature to a certain temperature or you can say I'm cold and it'll also adjust what it needs to adjust so you don't think that you should say I'm called to a computer so it's just a weird thing that you don't think you need to do but you have to do it if you want to get into the real gimmicks of it yeah the materi als in here are very
impressive this is definitely a Mercedes like it's it's above a c-class it's almost like Ian's s-class stuff in here in terms of like interior quality it's really good also what we've noticed in terms of interior if you go over a rough road it's kind of loud in here like right now yeah like right now our microphones are probably picking this up it is not as Mercedes as I would have expected it to be for this kind of road yeah and on regular roads it's comp letely fine this is also the non 4matic
so this is the regular front-wheel drive one yeah I mean for this like do you really need a 4matic maybe in Canada alright so that's pretty much it let's finish this off with the price in u.s. dollars because we're in America nothing we have no idea yeah there's no price released yet but around the CLA area so just below the CLA except with options it'll probably be more and you're gonna want the options because the options are world a cool stu ff happens you need at least the Premium Package so
you get these nice screens and the navigation so you get augmented reality because that's the coolest and the AMG Sport Package because you need the appearance package so it has to look cool it pretty much needed a fully loaded a-class yeah do you think someone that's not a millennial is not a big fan of technology would be overwhelmed by this car most definitely do you think they could get used to it no I don't think they would I t hink you need to be really into tech to get used to it yeah this
is basically you're driving an iPhone and this is like an introduction to get young people really into it yeah and I think they will this thing drives really well it handles really well it has so much tech in it I think young people are appreciate this car they're just gonna have to get used to it at first like this is definitely the most snapchat car that exists yes well snapchat Instagram face filter yeah yeah if you t hink of all the stuff in all the apps that like younger people use it's all
kind of in here augmented reality yeah dragging stuff around this is a very high quality car so if you want to buy one of these I'd say buy one definitely check it out you're gonna need to put in some practice though so be ready for that don't forget to subscribe don't forget to be ready for that don't forget the notification valve and patreon.com/scishow straight bikes and it the you tube membership button s echnology
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