STRIKING! 2021 Lexus IS350 F Sport Review
STRIKING! 2021 Lexus IS350 F Sport Review
368.754 visualizações • 16 de fev. de 2021 • 2021 Lexus IS350 F Sport review by The Straight Pipes. The Lexus IS 350 is pumping out 311hp and 280 lb-ft tq from a 3.5L V6. Sitting at $58,000 CAD, would this be your pick over the Mercedes-AMG C43, BMW M340i, Audi S4, Genesis G70, Kia Stinger GT? We edit these videos on Maingear Computers: Support us on Patreon: Become a YouTube Member! Subscribe! Facebook! Instagram! Twitter! MERCH! Check out Continental Tire at ------------------- #TheContiPipes #lexus #is350 ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais
i'm yuri i'm jacob and we're going for a [Music] drive 2021 lexus is 350 all-wheel drive f sport series 3 without launch control brake boost [Music] okay pretty good yeah and the audio is pretty good too pumped it oh yeah horsepower and torque 311 horsepower 280 pound-feet of torque from a 3.5 liter v6 and since this is all-wheel drive we can assume since it's lexus it's not good all-wheel drive for sliding and stuff for sliding no but for kind of regular handling in your snow and ice probably
pretty good so as a f sport maybe we should have some more sportiness and be able to slide because of that we technically do they did make a lot of changes to the suspension and everything like that but slidiness just not there so i'll give it a little non-slide push through corners three through five at toronto motorsport park and see how it handles and it is a rear biased all-wheel drive system but it doesn't really feel like it that much yeah i'm sticking in auto that's not bad ye ah
transmission is reacting properly and it's not oh well okay i just put the foot down and like nothing happened there because you're in the wrong gear because automatics in the wrong gear yeah you'd really want to be in manual for this oh for sure so it's kind of hard to tell if it understeer or oversteer and i kind of blame everything on the automatic you can kind of judge that because it felt kind of understeery to me but i'll do a cliche slide corner to really find out okay approach this in a
second and kind of slow and power out of it and she just understood nothing happened they're like just like flying through let's go on to the road i think that's where this belongs yes so we can talk about the looks because this actually looks really awesome cause it's been totally refreshed so starting with the front end we've got different headlights and a slightly different shaped grille yeah so that led drls are incorporated into the headlights and the drl is above the actual headlight now
yeah which is pretty cool um it totally looks very sharp and then this grille is all blacked out yeah because we have the f sport so it's a lot more aggressive and overall this front just looks crazy they also have brake fence now inspired by the rcf yeah it's not too much of a change from the last gen at the front but it's enough that it's noticeably different yeah mostly in the headlights i'd say okay and then from the side view we've got a reall y really nice body line that was popping like
crazy for us today yeah kind of like this bottom left uptick thing and i think the last is we drove was white getting it in a metallicy like grayish color is definitely a lot better and these wheels are so good they kind of look bmw-ish to me yeah i don't really think so but they are bbs forged wheels so they will help on the racetrack and what would be the continental recommended tire for an is-350 f-sport all-wheel drive series three it's actually the ones that we're driving on the conti
winter contact ts-830p and one more thing before we get to the back from the front of the looks you can see that we've got a really really bright red interior and i love this shade of red for interior oh yeah it pops from the outside unless you're wearing a plaid sweater and then you just blend in just matching my interior bruh even though you can't see me in here probably so moving around to the back which you kind of also see from the side is that trunk yeah it's definitely sharp it's a really
bold wide thing that i think they like had difficulty actually making the mold to actually make that trunk possible but we do have a cool carbon fiber spoiler up top yes part of the series three little one i think it looks really good and when it pops looks really nice and then i guess the best part of this whole car is the new tail lights yeah they look unreal like razor sharp i feel like everyone's doing the li nes all the way across that in five years it's not gonna be cool anymore and that's
gonna like make things look old i don't know man these look really good though yeah no they do but like i'm saying like there's gonna be five years of everyone having lines going all the way across but they do look yeah amazing yeah well hopefully we have another five years of these exhaust tips because they are real af does it sound good though let's take a listen to the outside [Music] and then from the inside in sport plus with the pumpkin audio i feel like it's the same pumped in throughout
sport eco and sport plus yeah so they actually have a different intake system now so they say it's a cool air intake it doesn't look like a cold air intake it doesn't have like an open element air filter or anything like that but i think it's like a system that was kind of similar to the rcf or the old isf where it's like a dual intake or something like that but it does sound good especial ly in the upper rpms so then overall looks wise this is 350 i think they totally nailed it it looks better
than the last one and better than a lot of the competition like an m340i from bmw yeah i think that's a good looking car this is a great looking car this or a tlx oh this looks better and then about a tlx concept i think looks better than this please don't rehash that uh stinger i think looks better than this still yeah stinger's definitely cool and last g70 doesn't look as goo d as this but the new g70 looks as good if not better than this yes in a different more luxurious way because this is
still sportier i think okay if it's sportier if i floor it are we going to go fast well we'll see [Music] i was very surprised by that initial kickoff just flooring in sport plus it downshifts no i was an eco even well there you go and this is a six-speed ancient automatic because if you get the all-wheel drive you have to get the six-speed but if you get the rear-w heel drive not available in canada you get the eight-speed which is a better transmission i know just these little things like
i would not want this in all-wheel drive it was so not fun on the track unfortunately you have to get the is-300 if you want rear-wheel drive in canada yeah and it's so disappointing because the all-wheel drive is no fun at all on the track what you wouldn't say at all it's just fun is sliding to you not the lap times i i don't know man i had no fun ther e but if you wanted to go to the track and test out your car head over to toronto motorsport park in cayuga follow them on instagram so you can
get updates of when they're open how much open lapping costs because it's pretty affordable and they show you what the weather is like all the time too yeah definitely check out the track and they have a drag strip too exactly close to toronto come on no reason not to go there so now briefly moving on to the interior before we talk about all the cool materials i do want to hit up the tech starting with what the infotainment may be yes because now we have an infotainment that not only we use with
the track pad right here which we hate but we also don't mind it as much we can also touch it as a touchscreen yeah because the most recent lexus that we drove was the lc500 and you couldn't touch the screen this is a much better solution yeah lexus is transitioning away from only trackpad and that's great yes just like the ls 500 as well watch that video okay so this has apple carplay android auto full wide street apple carplay very easy to use i love it and it does have sirius xm satellite
radio and you can rewind and i am so used to this system that i actually love the way it works watch how quickly i can get to the radio by resting my shifter on the radio so now i'm on the radio and on the shifter yeah whatever and then i hit menu slide down and then i go to projection and there's my apple car play tha t's awful no no it's like two seconds dude that was it's two clicks that was three clicks okay the amount of clicks but the amount of time i don't care this infotainment should
have a button like mazda where if you click the home button twice it toggles between your car play and your home screen of the infotainment this does not and it doesn't have a hard button for that either for carplay no for car play but i can just it's so easy for me for radio it's quick but for car play it' s so slow no dude it's two clicks it should only be one click i will illustrate that video right here okay right here um say obviously radio right i'm listening to my siriusxm and i want to go
to carplay for maps right so i need to click menu and then you slide down and then i it's usually selected from there click so that's one slide click that's three inputs instead of a mazda where you'd click it takes me like half a second that's the whole point though you need to cut that out i d on't care and like kia's will have that star button that star button is great that's what i'm freaking saying yeah yeah but i'm saying this is still and when you're plugged in with carplay if you click
map it doesn't go to your carplay maps it'll just go to the inboard on board map but at least we still do have a bunch of hard buttons for everything which kind of saves everything as well yeah i mean there's good stuff it's just like little things i just want three button clicks to turn into one but i guess they can't totally refresh it by adding a whole new button anyways enough about the shortcuts to the apple carplay let's get you into some launch controls back at toronto motorsport no
launch control but i'm gonna have some fun in manual mode some fun was had yeah i like the shift light how the whole thing turns orange oh that shift light is fantastic like gage is fantastic yes okay what happens if we bang it off the limiter lc 500 savage key style just stops oh it doesn't keep going no all right now turns three through five four six three through five let's see how this handles there's a little bit of initial understeer yeah quite a bit of initial understeer and then you give
it throttle and it just rotates around but it just doesn't give you that much confidence and i know they made a lot of changes to this car and it does feel oh there we go a little bit just a tiny bit of oversteer we are winters too exactly but i know they did a lot of changes for this car because they have this whole new facility in japan that's like mimicking the nurburgring so they can test their cars and i mean we kind of have our own mini nurburgring here so we're putting it through its
paces just like they probably did cayuga ring yeah doing manual compared to automatic through the turns is so much more fun like if you're trying to have any fun with this make sure it's not in auto yeah the shift logic for automatic for this six s peed isn't just not very awful yeah but there are like a lot of little things that they did like they switch from lug nuts to hub bolts because that gives you more rigidity so i'm going to test that rigidity into cleach slide corner and let's see if i
can get some oversteer out of this yeah new script i was gonna offer you this five dollars in monopoly money if you could get a good slide but yeah since you can't i'll i'll hold on to it and save it for boardwalk lost out on five bucks all right second attempt five dollars if you can get a good slide like a thumbnail worthy slide i'm gonna use these hub bolts because they saved one kilogram of weight let's see i'm really trying to get that five bucks trust me there's nothing more jacob watts
than five dollars from my personal money yeah exactly i'll leave this in the glove box for any future journalists who drive this car and try you gotta send us a video so this is their first car that has the new lexus driving signature so they're trying to make this thing a lot more performance oriented and sporty i think it is helping but it's definitely a slow process man like the traction control thing taking up the gauge while you're driving is the opposite of sporty well i was telling you
that if it says f sport it's not a sporty if it says just f it's sporty looks wise more if it says just f then that is the sport one yes the really sporty one because i had an isf and that was very sporty i also had an is350 and also wasn't that sporty and this powertrain has been around since my 2006 is-350 and it is largely unchanged and one thing my old lexus didn't have are these super soft series three knee pads because they are so nice for the race track yeah not that you really care
about taking this to the racetrack no but driving even daily and stuff yeah if you got like legs that stick out yeah so let's talk i didn't touch it i was like oh exactly but it's not like super pad i t's like a light fabric oh i love this it's just way better than hard plastic so overall driving wise this doesn't drive as well as an m340i like not even close looks wise i do prefer this over the m340i and then driving wise g70 drives better yes i agree and stinger drives better yes m340i
and tlx oh i don't know that's a tough one tlx might handle better but it definitely won't slide either yeah we have to take it to the track and find out let's talk about this interior oka y i love the red that's the most important part and it's such a bright punchy red where most cars do something completely different it's a bold move yo this is like the same color as this cup yeah and my shirt all right um see comfort seat comfort is great like super comfortable but this lumbar only goes
forward and back no up and down and this is a expensive luxury car i think they should change that for future generations of lexus but the side bolsters are really good yeah th ey're good and the seats are heated and cooled which is nice and it's controlled with a hard button along with the heated steering wheel with a hard button yeah it's so nice to have that paddles are nice yeah the paddles are okay they're not quite as good as the ls 500 paddles but no issues steering wheel buttons are all
pretty straightforward but also like kind of not the bass yeah and then we do also have lane keep assist so that button is on the steering wheel and you have to be in cruise control to get the lane keep to work and you got to use this little turn stock thing that hangs off the bottom which i don't like i like when all my cruise control stuff is on the steering wheel by this yeah i love this because it's still the same one from like every toyota alexis i've ever owned and the lane keep system is
actually pretty decent although if you go into like too much of a turn then it really kind of like screws off and it's not very good so this one if you click it twice it'll ask you if you want lane centering i feel like this system is better than that ls 500 that we're also driving right now yeah this one centers you better than that okay gauge cluster same as your is350 or what no this is way better okay it moves left and right but it's also got the dumb thing where if you turn off traction
control while you're only at a stop because you can't do it while driving it has the warning message there i asked toyota about that because the lc500 and they said it's like safety kind of stuff which of course it is i mean like i get it but also come on come on yeah and all the gauge animations and transitions are great between the modes speaking of drive modes we do have eco normal custom sport and sport s plus and this does have adaptive suspension but i haven't really noticed that much of a
difference between any of the modes it is just insanely comfortable in every mode so other stuff that doesn't really matter cup holder if it's a small cup or medium cup just fine and visors three two one fail fail come on guys oh and back to driving stuff with the paddles the shifter it's a normal shifter you put into drive but i feel like i keep pulling it down and accidentally put it into manual way more often than i want to yeah because you have to pull it down to drive just a little bit and
then extra more into m i think this week i've bogged down in first in manual by mistake four times oh because you th ought you're in drive i just keep going down and then gotcha forget all right and a funny thing because this is alexis is that if you have it in drive and then use the paddles so if i'm going to use them right now it doesn't do anything you have to be in manual and then it'll actually let you up shift so yeah we want you up shift early exactly but you can still downshift and drive
so i feel like the lc500 didn't have that issue no it didn't because it's the car of the year and backse at room is not very good at six foot one and a half but at five foot eight it's fine and then trunk space is just normal sedan just enough trunk space and the reverse camera quality is still very poor but it's standard for a toyota product toyota product lexus product no it's toyota products this is a lexus bra same camera as a rav4 it's still toyota tiota so i think that's pretty much
everything with the new is350f sport which looks awesome let's get to the price this f-sport series 3 is 58 000. canadian pretty good price actually yeah especially considering this is old tech you know it's pretty bulletproof but like the lack of fun factor would make me not consider this at all i would definitely consider this for the looks alone the interior just driving it if you didn't ever care about tracking this and you just drove it to work every day this is a great choice okay speaking
of track and you know you want something that's slidy the kia stinger we drove i t said had no drift mode correct so yuri we're in canada we have the gt where the americans get the gts in the same color with drift mode you called them out you talked to them they said it actually does have a drift mode correct in canada and the us apparently both none of them will say that it's in drift mode but if you're in sport mode turn everything off that is drift mode yes but doesn't say it correct so we
need to add that correction to this video for the stinger video but that makes no sense it's all really weird and confusing yeah so as of 2020 every kia stinger with the all-wheel drive limited slip differential in the rear has drift mode technically and the only way to enable it is to put it in sport mode and turn off traction and that's it hit up the forums that's where all the answers are pretty much okay so if you like this lexus you might also like our lc500 reviews and our ls 500 review as
well so click on one of those two videos right here oh y
STRIKING! 2021 Lexus IS350 F Sport Review
368.754 visualizações • 16 de fev. de 2021 • 2021 Lexus IS350 F Sport review by The Straight Pipes. The Lexus IS 350 is pumping out 311hp and 280 lb-ft tq from a 3.5L V6. Sitting at $58,000 CAD, would this be your pick over the Mercedes-AMG C43, BMW M340i, Audi S4, Genesis G70, Kia Stinger GT? We edit these videos on Maingear Computers: Support us on Patreon: Become a YouTube Member! Subscribe! Facebook! Instagram! Twitter! MERCH! Check out Continental Tire at ------------------- #TheContiPipes #lexus #is350 ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

i'm yuri i'm jacob and we're going for a [Music] drive 2021 lexus is 350 all-wheel drive f sport series 3 without launch control brake boost [Music] okay pretty good yeah and the audio is pretty good too pumped it oh yeah horsepower and torque 311 horsepower 280 pound-feet of torque from a 3.5 liter v6 and since this is all-wheel drive we can assume since it's lexus it's not good all-wheel drive for sliding and stuff for sliding no but for kind of regular handling in your snow and ice probably
pretty good so as a f sport maybe we should have some more sportiness and be able to slide because of that we technically do they did make a lot of changes to the suspension and everything like that but slidiness just not there so i'll give it a little non-slide push through corners three through five at toronto motorsport park and see how it handles and it is a rear biased all-wheel drive system but it doesn't really feel like it that much yeah i'm sticking in auto that's not bad ye ah
transmission is reacting properly and it's not oh well okay i just put the foot down and like nothing happened there because you're in the wrong gear because automatics in the wrong gear yeah you'd really want to be in manual for this oh for sure so it's kind of hard to tell if it understeer or oversteer and i kind of blame everything on the automatic you can kind of judge that because it felt kind of understeery to me but i'll do a cliche slide corner to really find out okay approach this in a
second and kind of slow and power out of it and she just understood nothing happened they're like just like flying through let's go on to the road i think that's where this belongs yes so we can talk about the looks because this actually looks really awesome cause it's been totally refreshed so starting with the front end we've got different headlights and a slightly different shaped grille yeah so that led drls are incorporated into the headlights and the drl is above the actual headlight now
yeah which is pretty cool um it totally looks very sharp and then this grille is all blacked out yeah because we have the f sport so it's a lot more aggressive and overall this front just looks crazy they also have brake fence now inspired by the rcf yeah it's not too much of a change from the last gen at the front but it's enough that it's noticeably different yeah mostly in the headlights i'd say okay and then from the side view we've got a reall y really nice body line that was popping like
crazy for us today yeah kind of like this bottom left uptick thing and i think the last is we drove was white getting it in a metallicy like grayish color is definitely a lot better and these wheels are so good they kind of look bmw-ish to me yeah i don't really think so but they are bbs forged wheels so they will help on the racetrack and what would be the continental recommended tire for an is-350 f-sport all-wheel drive series three it's actually the ones that we're driving on the conti
winter contact ts-830p and one more thing before we get to the back from the front of the looks you can see that we've got a really really bright red interior and i love this shade of red for interior oh yeah it pops from the outside unless you're wearing a plaid sweater and then you just blend in just matching my interior bruh even though you can't see me in here probably so moving around to the back which you kind of also see from the side is that trunk yeah it's definitely sharp it's a really
bold wide thing that i think they like had difficulty actually making the mold to actually make that trunk possible but we do have a cool carbon fiber spoiler up top yes part of the series three little one i think it looks really good and when it pops looks really nice and then i guess the best part of this whole car is the new tail lights yeah they look unreal like razor sharp i feel like everyone's doing the li nes all the way across that in five years it's not gonna be cool anymore and that's
gonna like make things look old i don't know man these look really good though yeah no they do but like i'm saying like there's gonna be five years of everyone having lines going all the way across but they do look yeah amazing yeah well hopefully we have another five years of these exhaust tips because they are real af does it sound good though let's take a listen to the outside [Music] and then from the inside in sport plus with the pumpkin audio i feel like it's the same pumped in throughout
sport eco and sport plus yeah so they actually have a different intake system now so they say it's a cool air intake it doesn't look like a cold air intake it doesn't have like an open element air filter or anything like that but i think it's like a system that was kind of similar to the rcf or the old isf where it's like a dual intake or something like that but it does sound good especial ly in the upper rpms so then overall looks wise this is 350 i think they totally nailed it it looks better
than the last one and better than a lot of the competition like an m340i from bmw yeah i think that's a good looking car this is a great looking car this or a tlx oh this looks better and then about a tlx concept i think looks better than this please don't rehash that uh stinger i think looks better than this still yeah stinger's definitely cool and last g70 doesn't look as goo d as this but the new g70 looks as good if not better than this yes in a different more luxurious way because this is
still sportier i think okay if it's sportier if i floor it are we going to go fast well we'll see [Music] i was very surprised by that initial kickoff just flooring in sport plus it downshifts no i was an eco even well there you go and this is a six-speed ancient automatic because if you get the all-wheel drive you have to get the six-speed but if you get the rear-w heel drive not available in canada you get the eight-speed which is a better transmission i know just these little things like
i would not want this in all-wheel drive it was so not fun on the track unfortunately you have to get the is-300 if you want rear-wheel drive in canada yeah and it's so disappointing because the all-wheel drive is no fun at all on the track what you wouldn't say at all it's just fun is sliding to you not the lap times i i don't know man i had no fun ther e but if you wanted to go to the track and test out your car head over to toronto motorsport park in cayuga follow them on instagram so you can
get updates of when they're open how much open lapping costs because it's pretty affordable and they show you what the weather is like all the time too yeah definitely check out the track and they have a drag strip too exactly close to toronto come on no reason not to go there so now briefly moving on to the interior before we talk about all the cool materials i do want to hit up the tech starting with what the infotainment may be yes because now we have an infotainment that not only we use with
the track pad right here which we hate but we also don't mind it as much we can also touch it as a touchscreen yeah because the most recent lexus that we drove was the lc500 and you couldn't touch the screen this is a much better solution yeah lexus is transitioning away from only trackpad and that's great yes just like the ls 500 as well watch that video okay so this has apple carplay android auto full wide street apple carplay very easy to use i love it and it does have sirius xm satellite
radio and you can rewind and i am so used to this system that i actually love the way it works watch how quickly i can get to the radio by resting my shifter on the radio so now i'm on the radio and on the shifter yeah whatever and then i hit menu slide down and then i go to projection and there's my apple car play tha t's awful no no it's like two seconds dude that was it's two clicks that was three clicks okay the amount of clicks but the amount of time i don't care this infotainment should
have a button like mazda where if you click the home button twice it toggles between your car play and your home screen of the infotainment this does not and it doesn't have a hard button for that either for carplay no for car play but i can just it's so easy for me for radio it's quick but for car play it' s so slow no dude it's two clicks it should only be one click i will illustrate that video right here okay right here um say obviously radio right i'm listening to my siriusxm and i want to go
to carplay for maps right so i need to click menu and then you slide down and then i it's usually selected from there click so that's one slide click that's three inputs instead of a mazda where you'd click it takes me like half a second that's the whole point though you need to cut that out i d on't care and like kia's will have that star button that star button is great that's what i'm freaking saying yeah yeah but i'm saying this is still and when you're plugged in with carplay if you click
map it doesn't go to your carplay maps it'll just go to the inboard on board map but at least we still do have a bunch of hard buttons for everything which kind of saves everything as well yeah i mean there's good stuff it's just like little things i just want three button clicks to turn into one but i guess they can't totally refresh it by adding a whole new button anyways enough about the shortcuts to the apple carplay let's get you into some launch controls back at toronto motorsport no
launch control but i'm gonna have some fun in manual mode some fun was had yeah i like the shift light how the whole thing turns orange oh that shift light is fantastic like gage is fantastic yes okay what happens if we bang it off the limiter lc 500 savage key style just stops oh it doesn't keep going no all right now turns three through five four six three through five let's see how this handles there's a little bit of initial understeer yeah quite a bit of initial understeer and then you give
it throttle and it just rotates around but it just doesn't give you that much confidence and i know they made a lot of changes to this car and it does feel oh there we go a little bit just a tiny bit of oversteer we are winters too exactly but i know they did a lot of changes for this car because they have this whole new facility in japan that's like mimicking the nurburgring so they can test their cars and i mean we kind of have our own mini nurburgring here so we're putting it through its
paces just like they probably did cayuga ring yeah doing manual compared to automatic through the turns is so much more fun like if you're trying to have any fun with this make sure it's not in auto yeah the shift logic for automatic for this six s peed isn't just not very awful yeah but there are like a lot of little things that they did like they switch from lug nuts to hub bolts because that gives you more rigidity so i'm going to test that rigidity into cleach slide corner and let's see if i
can get some oversteer out of this yeah new script i was gonna offer you this five dollars in monopoly money if you could get a good slide but yeah since you can't i'll i'll hold on to it and save it for boardwalk lost out on five bucks all right second attempt five dollars if you can get a good slide like a thumbnail worthy slide i'm gonna use these hub bolts because they saved one kilogram of weight let's see i'm really trying to get that five bucks trust me there's nothing more jacob watts
than five dollars from my personal money yeah exactly i'll leave this in the glove box for any future journalists who drive this car and try you gotta send us a video so this is their first car that has the new lexus driving signature so they're trying to make this thing a lot more performance oriented and sporty i think it is helping but it's definitely a slow process man like the traction control thing taking up the gauge while you're driving is the opposite of sporty well i was telling you
that if it says f sport it's not a sporty if it says just f it's sporty looks wise more if it says just f then that is the sport one yes the really sporty one because i had an isf and that was very sporty i also had an is350 and also wasn't that sporty and this powertrain has been around since my 2006 is-350 and it is largely unchanged and one thing my old lexus didn't have are these super soft series three knee pads because they are so nice for the race track yeah not that you really care
about taking this to the racetrack no but driving even daily and stuff yeah if you got like legs that stick out yeah so let's talk i didn't touch it i was like oh exactly but it's not like super pad i t's like a light fabric oh i love this it's just way better than hard plastic so overall driving wise this doesn't drive as well as an m340i like not even close looks wise i do prefer this over the m340i and then driving wise g70 drives better yes i agree and stinger drives better yes m340i
and tlx oh i don't know that's a tough one tlx might handle better but it definitely won't slide either yeah we have to take it to the track and find out let's talk about this interior oka y i love the red that's the most important part and it's such a bright punchy red where most cars do something completely different it's a bold move yo this is like the same color as this cup yeah and my shirt all right um see comfort seat comfort is great like super comfortable but this lumbar only goes
forward and back no up and down and this is a expensive luxury car i think they should change that for future generations of lexus but the side bolsters are really good yeah th ey're good and the seats are heated and cooled which is nice and it's controlled with a hard button along with the heated steering wheel with a hard button yeah it's so nice to have that paddles are nice yeah the paddles are okay they're not quite as good as the ls 500 paddles but no issues steering wheel buttons are all
pretty straightforward but also like kind of not the bass yeah and then we do also have lane keep assist so that button is on the steering wheel and you have to be in cruise control to get the lane keep to work and you got to use this little turn stock thing that hangs off the bottom which i don't like i like when all my cruise control stuff is on the steering wheel by this yeah i love this because it's still the same one from like every toyota alexis i've ever owned and the lane keep system is
actually pretty decent although if you go into like too much of a turn then it really kind of like screws off and it's not very good so this one if you click it twice it'll ask you if you want lane centering i feel like this system is better than that ls 500 that we're also driving right now yeah this one centers you better than that okay gauge cluster same as your is350 or what no this is way better okay it moves left and right but it's also got the dumb thing where if you turn off traction
control while you're only at a stop because you can't do it while driving it has the warning message there i asked toyota about that because the lc500 and they said it's like safety kind of stuff which of course it is i mean like i get it but also come on come on yeah and all the gauge animations and transitions are great between the modes speaking of drive modes we do have eco normal custom sport and sport s plus and this does have adaptive suspension but i haven't really noticed that much of a
difference between any of the modes it is just insanely comfortable in every mode so other stuff that doesn't really matter cup holder if it's a small cup or medium cup just fine and visors three two one fail fail come on guys oh and back to driving stuff with the paddles the shifter it's a normal shifter you put into drive but i feel like i keep pulling it down and accidentally put it into manual way more often than i want to yeah because you have to pull it down to drive just a little bit and
then extra more into m i think this week i've bogged down in first in manual by mistake four times oh because you th ought you're in drive i just keep going down and then gotcha forget all right and a funny thing because this is alexis is that if you have it in drive and then use the paddles so if i'm going to use them right now it doesn't do anything you have to be in manual and then it'll actually let you up shift so yeah we want you up shift early exactly but you can still downshift and drive
so i feel like the lc500 didn't have that issue no it didn't because it's the car of the year and backse at room is not very good at six foot one and a half but at five foot eight it's fine and then trunk space is just normal sedan just enough trunk space and the reverse camera quality is still very poor but it's standard for a toyota product toyota product lexus product no it's toyota products this is a lexus bra same camera as a rav4 it's still toyota tiota so i think that's pretty much
everything with the new is350f sport which looks awesome let's get to the price this f-sport series 3 is 58 000. canadian pretty good price actually yeah especially considering this is old tech you know it's pretty bulletproof but like the lack of fun factor would make me not consider this at all i would definitely consider this for the looks alone the interior just driving it if you didn't ever care about tracking this and you just drove it to work every day this is a great choice okay speaking
of track and you know you want something that's slidy the kia stinger we drove i t said had no drift mode correct so yuri we're in canada we have the gt where the americans get the gts in the same color with drift mode you called them out you talked to them they said it actually does have a drift mode correct in canada and the us apparently both none of them will say that it's in drift mode but if you're in sport mode turn everything off that is drift mode yes but doesn't say it correct so we
need to add that correction to this video for the stinger video but that makes no sense it's all really weird and confusing yeah so as of 2020 every kia stinger with the all-wheel drive limited slip differential in the rear has drift mode technically and the only way to enable it is to put it in sport mode and turn off traction and that's it hit up the forums that's where all the answers are pretty much okay so if you like this lexus you might also like our lc500 reviews and our ls 500 review as
well so click on one of those two videos right here oh y
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