Attainable Dream Car Road Trip - Ford Raptor, Plymouth Prowler, @ChrisFix Hummer H1
Attainable Dream Car Road Trip - Ford Raptor, Plymouth Prow
1.479.074 visualizações • 27 de set. de 2021 • Chris Fix H1 Hummer Review and showing him our dream cars is the reason we go for a drive to New Jersey. In our attainable dream cars, Jakub's high mileage Ford Raptor and Yuri's Plymouth Prowler we take our first road trip. Check out ChrisFix at: Support us on Patreon: Become a YouTube Member! Subscribe! Facebook! Instagram! Twitter! Buy our shirts! Profits go directly to burnouts: Check out Continental Tire at ------------------- #fordraptor #plymouthprowler #hummerh1 ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais
[Music] I'm hearing I'm Jacob we bought our Tayna Bodrum card and we're going on a road trip so we both got our attainable dream cars I've got my prowler chickens got his Raptor and we're going to New York State to visit our buddy Chris pecks New Jersey New Jersey state to visit our buddy Chris picks this guy doesn't even know where we're going luckily I have the maps I am Google Maps so we are not going to get lost okay so what prep did we have to do for this road trip so I basically checked my
tire pressures check my oil and that's pretty much it you I had to go buy some things because my top leaks so I bought a tarp so that in case we get stuck in the store in a car get outside it won't leak unnecessarily oh I actually did bring my continental battery charger as well just in case for the batteries for the cars then I needed sunscreen then I needed to pack all my stuff in the passenger seat because this has no trunk space okay so part of the rules for this road trip is I s aid I would
take all the camera equipment because I'm in a truck and I'm a really nice guy but because he had a prowler he has to carry all of his own clothes so I made him deal with that so how did you deal with that URI I pretty much brought it on the hanger elated flat and I think six shirts was the maximum that I could fit in here so this is where all my stuff goes you want to see how my clothes are set up it makes sense all right it just fits I couldn't back more than seven shir ts though if I need a if
I need a iron ed or steam it so the plan was to meet up at 7:00 a.m. we're just crossing the Burlington Skyway right now at 834 because we have to go to Walmart and get some ear buds and stuff so we bought these bootleg ear pods oh yeah they're called black web they didn't have air pods so hopefully they work also we don't have walkie-talkies oh yeah so I'm using this thing called a black web because we tried to buy Apple earpods and it didn't quite work out b ecause they didn't have any and this
thing sounds like garbage so I might actually stop and buy some Apple earpods in a bit and we don't have walkie-talkies so you know this is the way we do our road trips on a phone call yeah we didn't actually do any like real planning or anything like that I'm using Google Maps I'm literally just gonna follow whatever it says because realistically it's only a thousand kilometers right yeah it's even actually less than that so like it's not that big of a deal but we've never taken our cars that
far and I just got mine two weeks ago so the next thing we did before we set off for our journey is a get gas because obviously everybody needs gas and the running joke for this trip is probably going to be the wraptor gas however the Prowler also has a pretty small gas tank yeah so we have no idea what the difference is gonna be but you know what else happened I got a check engine light this morning yes you did actually on the way we d idn't even start the road trip yet in the already had one is
it bad I don't know yet see this is my androids the best andrás the best people with OPD readers that could plug into their phones okay here we go connected connected ECU okay ready ready to find out with the fault all the two sensor come on Prowler people four four two it's not a big deal you're good that's like a gas cap or something uh yes we can start so jacob used his android code reader which worked great and it was so me gas cap sensor or something a week it was an evap thing po4 for two
which I know is common for gas caps and all that kind of stuff so it's not serious so that's why we're still on the road and I texted the guy I got the Prowler from he said it's a common issue I feel like I'm gonna have to pay him a consulting fee soon for prowling shoes but whatever I think I think he appreciates it yeah yeah there's gonna be a lot of common issues I have a few so we're heading over to Niagara i t's across the border and then we'll talk about why these are our cannibal dream
cars and what unattainable dream and we're actually going to take a special bridge because we both have our Nexus so we're going to take the whirlpool bridge which is a private Nexus only bridge which is pretty cool so give me some give me some oh and by the way sunglass rule is in effect it's sunny we can wear our shades alright sunglass rule in effect and yes I did get my inspiration from Ben and hi s Miata from Gears and gasoline shoutout so be honest I think you do need that in that car for
the next nine hours I'm always getting burned I got to go stop down right yeah you have to we gotta go through this toll I don't know how it works fine I don't either we've got $20 each well thank you yeah you like it way better than that Raptor ring yeah she didn't agree to that yeah I thought she did she was like that's a yellow car so we've made it to America we're about an hour and a h alf deep let's explain why we're on this road trip with our attainable dream cars hey Yuri do you smell
that no smells like freedom okay so why are we going to New Jersey okay we are going to visit our buddy chrisfix who is going to fix up my truck he's not gonna fix it up but he said he wanted to do one thing to it I said obviously cuz he's chrisfix and we're also gonna review one of chris fixes cars so that's why we're doing this road trip Chris fix recently just got his dream car and we were also going to be reviewing that he's got a Hummer we can't wait we're gonna have three dream cars all
together so first we have to explain what an attainable dream car is everybody has a dream car like a Lamborghini or a Ferrari but you can't afford to buy it and you can't afford the maintenance so a realistic dream car is whatever you can afford in your budget that you can maintain for the rest of your life probably so I am in my dream car which happens to be a tru ck it's a 2010 SVT Raptor I've always wanted one of these in this exact specification and I got this for just under 20 grand because
of the high mileage so this thing I bought with 350 thousand kilometers here is that miles I've put 8,000 flawless kilometers on this so after this road trip I should have ten thousand kilometers in total and it has been a dream to drive hopefully I can say that by the end of this Yuri how was your Prowler so I've only wanted a prowler for the last four or five years or so but I always liked them as kids this one I picked up for about 30,000 Canadian and it has only 40,000 kilometers on it and
is there anything wrong with it has anything broken so far other than the check engine light besides that check engine light which doesn't matter everything was fine there was a couple rattles that I fixed at the mechanic shop with Ben shadow van dyck Subaru service but he didn't oil change take a look at everything and everything looks tip-t op and so in those two weeks about how many kilometers have you put on that about a thousand kilometers but this is an American car so it's all at miles
so I'm not 100% sure but what's nice about that is I actually can go 65 when the speed limits sixty-five yeah so now that we're in the land of freedom we are in miles per hour so I have to adjust myself because my gauge is in Canadian so it's a little bit different so URI has the advantage in America so let's talk about how easy i t is for other people to get dream cars like what was your dream car before the Raptor my dream car before the Raptor was my Lexus IS F and I actually paid more money
for that because it wasn't crazy high mileage I loved that thing I would have kept it forever but I didn't have room for it so I sold it bought this and I also bought a jet ski which ended up being the exact same amount of money that I had for my ISF so I'm actually way happier with this plus my jet ski so if money was no object what would you get I'd have to go McLaren ski tail I think that's the most gorgeous brand-new car ever and I would love to have one even though it's impossible to get
one and maintain one for someone like me I probably wouldn't get a Lambo or Ferrari if money was no no object like whatsoever I get a Koenigsegg yeah that'd probably be faster than its be tails the speed tail is more beautiful it's a three seater I think overall it'll be cooler in the long run everyone's go t a dream car let us know what your attainable dream cars are in the comments and then your money no object dream car in the comments as well and let us know if you actually buy
your attainable dream car send us the photo and tell us the whole story about it Instagram irritation the straight pipes and the best part of this whole thing is take your damn dream car on a road trip like we're actually doing it we're finally doing this yeah I didn't buy an Aston Martin to jus t park it in my garage all day I actually drove my Prowler I bought a high-mileage Raptor to just keep putting more miles on it so we're gonna log off the cameras for a bit we're gonna keep driving make
some headway stop at a rest stop maybe enjoy some American food or sights or something okay sounds good you also look a little bit burnt a yeah maybe I can use some sunscreen so what's the process at the restaurant every single time wait what do we have to do Oh put the top up yes we do I just want to put on the record that I didn't realize how much convertibles are a pain in the ass perfect I'm glad you have it on record okay there you go ma'am she'll down Ram chill all right process done all
right we found a fan we took the wrong way which ended up being the right way how's your doing my why don't I just watch the video on you and this so I got my snacks but convertible life is killing me so I'm gonna put on a long-sleeve show all you're bailing on this shirt yeah yeah all right say might save my arms for later his thing keeps clicking off so he doesn't know how much gas it takes I'll give them how long it takes him to fill up the gas just trying to just press it in because they
keep clicking out come on Yuri [Music] so we just finished getting some snacks at the gas station we also met up with a subscriber we also spotted us on the journey you know how could you not spot ketchup and mustard rollin down the interstate it is kind of ha rd to miss I'm just gonna eat my snack sorry yeah I'm already snapped out add my water I'm feeling good I've got earbuds in because driving in a convertible hurts your ears if you have sensitive ears so I've been listening to podcasts guess
which podcasts I have no idea things you should know my wife turned me on to it and it's great and I'm losing Spotify because I don't have satellite radio here also what we didn't mention before we left on this road trip you know what maintenance w e did to these cars that make them so fantastic general tires and continental tires so this car was running on a 20 year old run flats when I got it put some fresh Conti sport contact fives on there and it drives so nicely hey Yuri I noticed on my
exterior temperature gauge and it says it's about 31 degrees Celsius are you feeling kind of hot out there so it is pretty hot I have been getting a nice breeze though from I guess the air go around in a controlled but because of the he at wearing sunglasses earbuds I feel like I'm in a cocoon or something you know what I mean oh I know exactly what you mean I'm enjoying sixteen degrees in here I'm actually cold I'm gonna turn that down just a little bit lucky for us the people we met at the
restaurant had some SPF 50 because I only brought SPF 15 so I'm feeling good I haven't gone through the full long-sleeve shirt yet but I almost did by lucky for us you mean lucky for you yes okay and then one more thing that I've noticed on this road trip I've been getting a lot of thumbs up and looks in my car how many have you got I believe I have gotten one no that one was for me because he kept this thumb up after he passed you and we made eye contact so we've done a couple hundred
kilometers or a couple hundred miles so far how comfortable have you been in the Prowler I'm very curious how that suspension is doing 241 miles to be exact and I'm actually surprisingly comfortable the only thin g that's not comfortable is I guess there's no lumbar support in the seat but it is a cool seat so whatever I am loving the suspension I am so comfortable I am climate-controlled I have no complaints oh and one other thing I forgot to point out which is hilarious when you're behind me
stopped at a light or at a stop sign all I see is your visors flipped up that's it Pfizer test this passes ah it's a little sticky but it passes that's a super car pass for me we went over this but wh at I've noticed for driving this thing for a couple weeks and especially on this trip the radio is pretty much useless when you're not just putt-putting around town like on the highway the speakers suck you're not gonna hear anything so these headphones these earbuds are actually pretty decent while
driving and they help with a little bit of ear protection too yes so I have completely ditched the black web this thing is dead to me I am no longer using any headphones I've actually conn ected to my own Bluetooth car system which is working flawlessly so I don't know why I didn't do that from the beginning so we're three miles away from Negro we just passed Syracuse so we went east a whole bunch and now we're going south yeah so we're about five hours away according to Google Maps which is
about two hundred and sixty nine miles away I think we're gonna have a quick little lunch stop I don't think we need any gas I think we should be able to make it all the way th ere so let's just keep going stop for some food and see where we're at and we're sorry ahead of time for not having more exterior driving shop footage it's pretty much just the two of us so we're doing our best and my pretty much just the two of us you mean actually just the two of us [Music] [Applause] URIs behind me he's
behind a 18-wheeler and it just started pouring rain apparently there's a lot of surprise rain in Pennsylvania because of the mountains I guess pulled off alright a lright I think we got to put this top up or we're gonna go into the bridge okay we're gonna go into the bridge that's my plan of action to save him oh my god sunny sunny out surprise rain [Applause] this is a third time but this is the most serious one well I saw you I was like dying laughing I figured something was gonna happen
alright so we just put your top up and I guess we're gonna keep driving so URI has officially called it quits because of a lot of rain for the third sur prise time I did not call it quits I just put in the top up for a bit until we get past it because I've got camera gear on my seat because I can't put it in the trunk and now we're on our way to Scranton and we're gonna make a special stop because the office I googled where'd aside from the office was from it turns out they moved it into a mall
because too many people were stopping on the side of the road to take a picture with it so we're gonna go over to the mall and try to find t hat because TV shows so URI how is it with the top up better or worse I'd say worse of an experience but better on my body like I can actually feel air conditioning it's quieter but the second I can put the top back down I'm gonna put it right back down what do you think of the looks of the Prowler with the top up like it doesn't lose anything does it I
think it does lose a lot to be honest I think the shape is all there the soft top barely changes the way it looks because the in terior is black I think it looks just as good however I've gotten no less tired of staring at the Prowler because those front fenders and the front suspension is actually just amazing to look at it's like I'm a gift to the world right it's like a comedian going on tour I'd also like to introduce everyone to my new camera technique it's called bite the GoPro there I
figured for your cool you know but how sick does the Raptor look everywhere shout-out to Raptor retrofit for these a mazing headlights it looks really good I love the headlights and like how wide it is I think you pick the best truck to compliment the Prowler I mean I bought this first so technically the Prowler complements the Raptor but and now let's cut to some clips of Scranton look at this this is the last stop the scenic view before we get to Chris fix I'll see you at the next
update [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we made it to the hotel in Jersey finally made i t we are waiting for one thing and that is hey guys [Music] what's up hey guys I got the face covered [Applause] so we've made it to Chris fixes house hey yeah yes what's up we got his Hummer so we're gonna do a full review on the Hummer so check this thing out look how amazing this is it's full like pretty much military spec stuff the doors are very difficult to open thank you the best so
we're gonna film some rolling shots we're gonna film all of our b-roll here here's all of Ch ris fixes cars as well we're gonna film everything with my Raptor which is over there and then if we look over here there's your ease Prowler look at that so yeah follow along this is gonna be cool behind-the-scenes stuff boom dream car baby yes [Music] I'm Jacob URI hey guys chrisfix here and we're going for a drive so now we're in the afternoon we're gonna watch chrisfix do his thing so watch this right
now so now we need to figure out where we're gonna install the bed lights and I think it would be really cool to install them around the edge of the bed so when you open the bed it'll light up all the cargo and here are the lights that we're using we're using a bright white LED light and it'll stick on right on the underside so let's go figure that out right now make sure you watch his full video of my Raptor install so we just finished filming the first day with Chris fix yes we did we've got a
lot done today I'd say about 90% of the hummer video and then we als o filmed some of Chris fixes stuff and then we got walkie-talkies for the ride home so it's gonna be a different ride home so we got one more thing to film tomorrow actually a bunch more things to film tomorrow and then a bunch of bonus stuff cuz why not alright morning ritual go to Dunkin Donuts it's very early kind of tired but uh it's day 2 we fully embraced America already yes we have so we're gonna film more stuff with
fishsticks today so continue watching Chris fix his 1996 AM General Hummer wagon Duramax WAP we got Chris fix here we're in New Jersey we're driving his attainable dream car this is how the magic happens yo how much how much do you love the drifts thing that's my second favorite chrisfix car after the can I just on the record he has made that body style cool because I have never liked that body style alright buddy is I got it as a maintenance stuff oh this is not looking good right I swear to
God so if you guys don't know he is a famous person on the background of all of Christmas videos which actually gets in the way every video he apparently likes to leave below a lot like way too much just because it hates Chris [Applause] for sure no that's not a feature that's definitely not a feature area like yeah right here just tape it not my fault so we are currently rained out waiting for the rain to stop and literally just sitting here dealing with filming stuff alright Jake oh here we go
this is always a nerve-wracking part because well I mean you wire everything out correctly what you'd expect it to be but you don't know if it's actually gonna work and here's the moment of truth let's shut off our lights yeah let's see if it shuts off that's amazing sweet so there you go now that is how you install bed lights properly and in a cool way so you have to switch that you can turn it on or off just to give your tailgate open Chris needs to finish filming some last-minute things so
we're getting Dunkin Donuts on the way out there's the third day of filming we are almost done here so we've got our Dunkin and I am actually driving your East Prowler right now you on our way for the last leg of the road trip in probably a couple hours so there's definitely a lot of struggles that a lot of people don't know with Chris fix filming so he's got a tent right now because it's super sunny and hot in the morning yep and what else does he have he's got Anita's cicadas can you guys hear
that and then there's bugs tonight and then neighbors always blowing leaves off his lawn like always even when it was raining you still blew these off his lawn yeah until it started raining harder that guy right there there was it work like you always have male coming in weather nature and your neighbors a lot of people know because I'm working outside my garage in my driveway like everybody else is so they feel it you know they feel the struggle the struggle is definitely real but to
get professional quality and with that we are done [Music] [Music] all right so we just left New Jersey this is day four we are officially traveling back as you can see we have currently purchased walkie-talkies and it has been the best investment ever it's instant there's no delay from Bluetooth we don't miss calls on in the middle of nowhere like Pennsylvania like we are right now so let's talk about our visit with chrisfix cuz it was actually amazing so he did some repairs or fixes to Jac obs
car he installed some cool LED bad lights yeah so it was really fun watching him his whole process and we have gained the most appreciation for what goes into these DIY videos yeah it's actually so much more work than I expected it to be because he needs to make sure everything is done super clear so that everyone can understand what he's doing it needs to be super consistent and not distracting big ups on Chris fix it was just really cool to see the whole process from his perspe ctive all the
stuff that he has to deal with he's gonna deal with these loud cicadas he's got to deal with rain he's got a neighbor that it's obsessed with leaf blowing so it's really cool to see everything that he has to deal with because you don't really think about it and then there's other stuff like the Sun it was so unbearably hot in the morning but in the evening it was fine but then he can't film in the winter yeah so he basically has to get as much done as he can and then kind of stockpile footage
for the winter which makes a lot of sense also let us know how these walkies are doing those know if you like these walkies more than you like the earbuds on a phone call I feel like we probably yelled for the entire first half of the video and people will now appreciate our non yelling also we feel like top here yeah I guess we do kind of look like top here but I mean this makes a lot of sense and then Chris also took us out to a bunch of American places like we went to Olive Garden Applebee's
and for the record Chris objected to taking us there and we kind of made him take us there because he wanted to take us to much fancier places but we wanted the real American experience then we went to the Jersey Shore which was really cool but then he also showed us the the Jersey jug handles I think yeah so New Jersey has these things called jug handles apparently so you can't make left turns and it's really frustrating because you got to mak e a big right with like a jug handle thing and then
you got to end up doing like 45 u-turns it's actually really annoying it's literally the worst thing I've ever seen yeah I've never seen it in any other city and it makes no sense to me and then we went to Dunkin Donuts and finally got a Dunkin Donuts cup to test in a cup holder you can see I've got my Dunkin I'm a big fan I'm not sure about those styrofoam cups and Yuri also bought me a gift while we're in New Jersey put it on put it on for the camera look at this Ford hat and how about the
other one this smells like freedom whoo that's strong very strong so then another thing about New Jersey's you're not allowed to pump your own gas which was kind of weird yeah not only are you not allowed it's straight up illegal apparently I don't know what's with that I mean it's kind of convenient not to have to get out of your car but it's very weird but my check engine light went off when Jacob was driving so I had to explain to the guy that you know it might be full but keep adding more
gas to it because it is acting up yeah so if you have problems with your gas tank or anything like that they're not gonna know unless you tell them so let's quickly talk about Chris fixes attainable dream car the Hummer how cool was it first of all to have all three of our attainable dream cars together it looks so cool they all had so much Flair and they all have cool names like you said Hummer Prowler Rapto r each one is cool for its own reasons and I just love it they're all so different the
Raptor in the Hummer are kind of close but they're also so different so check out our review on that it should be either live now or live soon it was really fun to review the car with them and at the time that we were filming everything we weren't actually allowed to do any social media cuz he hadn't told anyone about his Hummer so it was also fun working around that and it's really cool actually visiting the chrisfix set which is his house seeing all the bills he did I absolutely love the
drifts thing and I can't wait for him to bring it up to Canada so we can do some drifting at Cayuga yeah so on this road trip has anything changed for you for your feelings for the Prowler because we've put it like a thousand kilometers maybe twelve hundred we still have eight hundred kilometers to go I love it just as much but I think I need to work a find a way to get some better spe akers or maybe better headphones so my ears don't hurt as much when I'm driving it around yeah if any noise
cancelling headphone companies want to sponsor us as long as it's not black web let us know and then I'm also thinking maybe I should get a prowler trailer if I can because if I want to go to her with my wife like there's no room unless I have a pickup truck with me and how about you Jacob what's up with the Raptor oh man I absolutely love this thing I have zero regrets I'v e been so comfortable I'm in my climate-controlled cocoon it's absolutely the best and having these bed lights now I feel
like I might actually use the bed more cuz everything is back here because I don't want people to slice open my top and then steal all our camera equipment so this is why everything's in the cabin and when that storm was coming in at Chris vixx's house I actually got to put that tarp on my car to stop the raid but the tarp was already slashed so I had to tape it up yeah I think you broke the rules there cuz I was holding onto the tarp and it is still in my tailgate right now has there been
anything that's been a major pain with your Raptor honestly nothing at all like absolutely nothing and seeing how wide this is compared to the Hummer is actually hilarious because it doesn't feel as wide like not even close the top putting it on and off has kind of been annoying like at one point we just left it up cuz I didn't want to go up and down and you've definitely been a trooper you have committed to the top down you did want to put it up but you've definitely held out honestly I feel
like these two cars look so good together like probably the best duo of all time they're so different but they go together and it's honestly hilarious like we both definitely get a lot of attention you definitely get more but we already knew that from the beginning I mean look at that thing and having the Hummer an extra wit was the icing on the cake so let's head back to Toronto and if anything else fun happens on the way we'll let you know well there's definitely gonna be fun along the
way Yury film this [Applause] not coming home [Applause] I think this is our last vlog cam till Canada yeah we've got a little sweet stop it is pretty scenic not bad actually not a scenic is the one in New York or New Jersey wherever that was let us know if you want this for your wallpaper [Applause] so we're back in Canada we 're just about to split off in our own separate directions and what did we learn from this road trip that road trips are the most fun ever and our cars are
extremely reliable yes so we just hit exactly 1,000 miles since we left Monday morning which is awesome yeah it's awesome chrisfix was the best I had so much fun my check engine light fixed itself my Prowler held up I learned a lot about it and I actually like it more now than when I started I got bed lights I love this thing even more now like how cool is this and I think the biggest takeaway I got was I haven't done like a serious road trip in like 10 years so like just getting out the door
and doing it now I feel like I can drive all the time I want to do more road trips considering you did it in that it's it's I it's awesome it's the first the first road trip will push you to do more road trips pretty much so don't forget subscribe it notification valve there go strai ght pipes thank you America for your hospitality and your cheap gas and leave a comment what's your attainable dream car what would you take on a road trip hope you guys enjoyed this video making
it [Music] Inglês ler, @ChrisFix Hummer H1
Attainable Dream Car Road Trip - Ford Raptor, Plymouth Prowler, @ChrisFix Hummer H1
1.479.074 visualizações • 27 de set. de 2021 • Chris Fix H1 Hummer Review and showing him our dream cars is the reason we go for a drive to New Jersey. In our attainable dream cars, Jakub's high mileage Ford Raptor and Yuri's Plymouth Prowler we take our first road trip. Check out ChrisFix at: Support us on Patreon: Become a YouTube Member! Subscribe! Facebook! Instagram! Twitter! Buy our shirts! Profits go directly to burnouts: Check out Continental Tire at ------------------- #fordraptor #plymouthprowler #hummerh1 ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

[Music] I'm hearing I'm Jacob we bought our Tayna Bodrum card and we're going on a road trip so we both got our attainable dream cars I've got my prowler chickens got his Raptor and we're going to New York State to visit our buddy Chris pecks New Jersey New Jersey state to visit our buddy Chris picks this guy doesn't even know where we're going luckily I have the maps I am Google Maps so we are not going to get lost okay so what prep did we have to do for this road trip so I basically checked my
tire pressures check my oil and that's pretty much it you I had to go buy some things because my top leaks so I bought a tarp so that in case we get stuck in the store in a car get outside it won't leak unnecessarily oh I actually did bring my continental battery charger as well just in case for the batteries for the cars then I needed sunscreen then I needed to pack all my stuff in the passenger seat because this has no trunk space okay so part of the rules for this road trip is I s aid I would
take all the camera equipment because I'm in a truck and I'm a really nice guy but because he had a prowler he has to carry all of his own clothes so I made him deal with that so how did you deal with that URI I pretty much brought it on the hanger elated flat and I think six shirts was the maximum that I could fit in here so this is where all my stuff goes you want to see how my clothes are set up it makes sense all right it just fits I couldn't back more than seven shir ts though if I need a if
I need a iron ed or steam it so the plan was to meet up at 7:00 a.m. we're just crossing the Burlington Skyway right now at 834 because we have to go to Walmart and get some ear buds and stuff so we bought these bootleg ear pods oh yeah they're called black web they didn't have air pods so hopefully they work also we don't have walkie-talkies oh yeah so I'm using this thing called a black web because we tried to buy Apple earpods and it didn't quite work out b ecause they didn't have any and this
thing sounds like garbage so I might actually stop and buy some Apple earpods in a bit and we don't have walkie-talkies so you know this is the way we do our road trips on a phone call yeah we didn't actually do any like real planning or anything like that I'm using Google Maps I'm literally just gonna follow whatever it says because realistically it's only a thousand kilometers right yeah it's even actually less than that so like it's not that big of a deal but we've never taken our cars that
far and I just got mine two weeks ago so the next thing we did before we set off for our journey is a get gas because obviously everybody needs gas and the running joke for this trip is probably going to be the wraptor gas however the Prowler also has a pretty small gas tank yeah so we have no idea what the difference is gonna be but you know what else happened I got a check engine light this morning yes you did actually on the way we d idn't even start the road trip yet in the already had one is
it bad I don't know yet see this is my androids the best andrás the best people with OPD readers that could plug into their phones okay here we go connected connected ECU okay ready ready to find out with the fault all the two sensor come on Prowler people four four two it's not a big deal you're good that's like a gas cap or something uh yes we can start so jacob used his android code reader which worked great and it was so me gas cap sensor or something a week it was an evap thing po4 for two
which I know is common for gas caps and all that kind of stuff so it's not serious so that's why we're still on the road and I texted the guy I got the Prowler from he said it's a common issue I feel like I'm gonna have to pay him a consulting fee soon for prowling shoes but whatever I think I think he appreciates it yeah yeah there's gonna be a lot of common issues I have a few so we're heading over to Niagara i t's across the border and then we'll talk about why these are our cannibal dream
cars and what unattainable dream and we're actually going to take a special bridge because we both have our Nexus so we're going to take the whirlpool bridge which is a private Nexus only bridge which is pretty cool so give me some give me some oh and by the way sunglass rule is in effect it's sunny we can wear our shades alright sunglass rule in effect and yes I did get my inspiration from Ben and hi s Miata from Gears and gasoline shoutout so be honest I think you do need that in that car for
the next nine hours I'm always getting burned I got to go stop down right yeah you have to we gotta go through this toll I don't know how it works fine I don't either we've got $20 each well thank you yeah you like it way better than that Raptor ring yeah she didn't agree to that yeah I thought she did she was like that's a yellow car so we've made it to America we're about an hour and a h alf deep let's explain why we're on this road trip with our attainable dream cars hey Yuri do you smell
that no smells like freedom okay so why are we going to New Jersey okay we are going to visit our buddy chrisfix who is going to fix up my truck he's not gonna fix it up but he said he wanted to do one thing to it I said obviously cuz he's chrisfix and we're also gonna review one of chris fixes cars so that's why we're doing this road trip Chris fix recently just got his dream car and we were also going to be reviewing that he's got a Hummer we can't wait we're gonna have three dream cars all
together so first we have to explain what an attainable dream car is everybody has a dream car like a Lamborghini or a Ferrari but you can't afford to buy it and you can't afford the maintenance so a realistic dream car is whatever you can afford in your budget that you can maintain for the rest of your life probably so I am in my dream car which happens to be a tru ck it's a 2010 SVT Raptor I've always wanted one of these in this exact specification and I got this for just under 20 grand because
of the high mileage so this thing I bought with 350 thousand kilometers here is that miles I've put 8,000 flawless kilometers on this so after this road trip I should have ten thousand kilometers in total and it has been a dream to drive hopefully I can say that by the end of this Yuri how was your Prowler so I've only wanted a prowler for the last four or five years or so but I always liked them as kids this one I picked up for about 30,000 Canadian and it has only 40,000 kilometers on it and
is there anything wrong with it has anything broken so far other than the check engine light besides that check engine light which doesn't matter everything was fine there was a couple rattles that I fixed at the mechanic shop with Ben shadow van dyck Subaru service but he didn't oil change take a look at everything and everything looks tip-t op and so in those two weeks about how many kilometers have you put on that about a thousand kilometers but this is an American car so it's all at miles
so I'm not 100% sure but what's nice about that is I actually can go 65 when the speed limits sixty-five yeah so now that we're in the land of freedom we are in miles per hour so I have to adjust myself because my gauge is in Canadian so it's a little bit different so URI has the advantage in America so let's talk about how easy i t is for other people to get dream cars like what was your dream car before the Raptor my dream car before the Raptor was my Lexus IS F and I actually paid more money
for that because it wasn't crazy high mileage I loved that thing I would have kept it forever but I didn't have room for it so I sold it bought this and I also bought a jet ski which ended up being the exact same amount of money that I had for my ISF so I'm actually way happier with this plus my jet ski so if money was no object what would you get I'd have to go McLaren ski tail I think that's the most gorgeous brand-new car ever and I would love to have one even though it's impossible to get
one and maintain one for someone like me I probably wouldn't get a Lambo or Ferrari if money was no no object like whatsoever I get a Koenigsegg yeah that'd probably be faster than its be tails the speed tail is more beautiful it's a three seater I think overall it'll be cooler in the long run everyone's go t a dream car let us know what your attainable dream cars are in the comments and then your money no object dream car in the comments as well and let us know if you actually buy
your attainable dream car send us the photo and tell us the whole story about it Instagram irritation the straight pipes and the best part of this whole thing is take your damn dream car on a road trip like we're actually doing it we're finally doing this yeah I didn't buy an Aston Martin to jus t park it in my garage all day I actually drove my Prowler I bought a high-mileage Raptor to just keep putting more miles on it so we're gonna log off the cameras for a bit we're gonna keep driving make
some headway stop at a rest stop maybe enjoy some American food or sights or something okay sounds good you also look a little bit burnt a yeah maybe I can use some sunscreen so what's the process at the restaurant every single time wait what do we have to do Oh put the top up yes we do I just want to put on the record that I didn't realize how much convertibles are a pain in the ass perfect I'm glad you have it on record okay there you go ma'am she'll down Ram chill all right process done all
right we found a fan we took the wrong way which ended up being the right way how's your doing my why don't I just watch the video on you and this so I got my snacks but convertible life is killing me so I'm gonna put on a long-sleeve show all you're bailing on this shirt yeah yeah all right say might save my arms for later his thing keeps clicking off so he doesn't know how much gas it takes I'll give them how long it takes him to fill up the gas just trying to just press it in because they
keep clicking out come on Yuri [Music] so we just finished getting some snacks at the gas station we also met up with a subscriber we also spotted us on the journey you know how could you not spot ketchup and mustard rollin down the interstate it is kind of ha rd to miss I'm just gonna eat my snack sorry yeah I'm already snapped out add my water I'm feeling good I've got earbuds in because driving in a convertible hurts your ears if you have sensitive ears so I've been listening to podcasts guess
which podcasts I have no idea things you should know my wife turned me on to it and it's great and I'm losing Spotify because I don't have satellite radio here also what we didn't mention before we left on this road trip you know what maintenance w e did to these cars that make them so fantastic general tires and continental tires so this car was running on a 20 year old run flats when I got it put some fresh Conti sport contact fives on there and it drives so nicely hey Yuri I noticed on my
exterior temperature gauge and it says it's about 31 degrees Celsius are you feeling kind of hot out there so it is pretty hot I have been getting a nice breeze though from I guess the air go around in a controlled but because of the he at wearing sunglasses earbuds I feel like I'm in a cocoon or something you know what I mean oh I know exactly what you mean I'm enjoying sixteen degrees in here I'm actually cold I'm gonna turn that down just a little bit lucky for us the people we met at the
restaurant had some SPF 50 because I only brought SPF 15 so I'm feeling good I haven't gone through the full long-sleeve shirt yet but I almost did by lucky for us you mean lucky for you yes okay and then one more thing that I've noticed on this road trip I've been getting a lot of thumbs up and looks in my car how many have you got I believe I have gotten one no that one was for me because he kept this thumb up after he passed you and we made eye contact so we've done a couple hundred
kilometers or a couple hundred miles so far how comfortable have you been in the Prowler I'm very curious how that suspension is doing 241 miles to be exact and I'm actually surprisingly comfortable the only thin g that's not comfortable is I guess there's no lumbar support in the seat but it is a cool seat so whatever I am loving the suspension I am so comfortable I am climate-controlled I have no complaints oh and one other thing I forgot to point out which is hilarious when you're behind me
stopped at a light or at a stop sign all I see is your visors flipped up that's it Pfizer test this passes ah it's a little sticky but it passes that's a super car pass for me we went over this but wh at I've noticed for driving this thing for a couple weeks and especially on this trip the radio is pretty much useless when you're not just putt-putting around town like on the highway the speakers suck you're not gonna hear anything so these headphones these earbuds are actually pretty decent while
driving and they help with a little bit of ear protection too yes so I have completely ditched the black web this thing is dead to me I am no longer using any headphones I've actually conn ected to my own Bluetooth car system which is working flawlessly so I don't know why I didn't do that from the beginning so we're three miles away from Negro we just passed Syracuse so we went east a whole bunch and now we're going south yeah so we're about five hours away according to Google Maps which is
about two hundred and sixty nine miles away I think we're gonna have a quick little lunch stop I don't think we need any gas I think we should be able to make it all the way th ere so let's just keep going stop for some food and see where we're at and we're sorry ahead of time for not having more exterior driving shop footage it's pretty much just the two of us so we're doing our best and my pretty much just the two of us you mean actually just the two of us [Music] [Applause] URIs behind me he's
behind a 18-wheeler and it just started pouring rain apparently there's a lot of surprise rain in Pennsylvania because of the mountains I guess pulled off alright a lright I think we got to put this top up or we're gonna go into the bridge okay we're gonna go into the bridge that's my plan of action to save him oh my god sunny sunny out surprise rain [Applause] this is a third time but this is the most serious one well I saw you I was like dying laughing I figured something was gonna happen
alright so we just put your top up and I guess we're gonna keep driving so URI has officially called it quits because of a lot of rain for the third sur prise time I did not call it quits I just put in the top up for a bit until we get past it because I've got camera gear on my seat because I can't put it in the trunk and now we're on our way to Scranton and we're gonna make a special stop because the office I googled where'd aside from the office was from it turns out they moved it into a mall
because too many people were stopping on the side of the road to take a picture with it so we're gonna go over to the mall and try to find t hat because TV shows so URI how is it with the top up better or worse I'd say worse of an experience but better on my body like I can actually feel air conditioning it's quieter but the second I can put the top back down I'm gonna put it right back down what do you think of the looks of the Prowler with the top up like it doesn't lose anything does it I
think it does lose a lot to be honest I think the shape is all there the soft top barely changes the way it looks because the in terior is black I think it looks just as good however I've gotten no less tired of staring at the Prowler because those front fenders and the front suspension is actually just amazing to look at it's like I'm a gift to the world right it's like a comedian going on tour I'd also like to introduce everyone to my new camera technique it's called bite the GoPro there I
figured for your cool you know but how sick does the Raptor look everywhere shout-out to Raptor retrofit for these a mazing headlights it looks really good I love the headlights and like how wide it is I think you pick the best truck to compliment the Prowler I mean I bought this first so technically the Prowler complements the Raptor but and now let's cut to some clips of Scranton look at this this is the last stop the scenic view before we get to Chris fix I'll see you at the next
update [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we made it to the hotel in Jersey finally made i t we are waiting for one thing and that is hey guys [Music] what's up hey guys I got the face covered [Applause] so we've made it to Chris fixes house hey yeah yes what's up we got his Hummer so we're gonna do a full review on the Hummer so check this thing out look how amazing this is it's full like pretty much military spec stuff the doors are very difficult to open thank you the best so
we're gonna film some rolling shots we're gonna film all of our b-roll here here's all of Ch ris fixes cars as well we're gonna film everything with my Raptor which is over there and then if we look over here there's your ease Prowler look at that so yeah follow along this is gonna be cool behind-the-scenes stuff boom dream car baby yes [Music] I'm Jacob URI hey guys chrisfix here and we're going for a drive so now we're in the afternoon we're gonna watch chrisfix do his thing so watch this right
now so now we need to figure out where we're gonna install the bed lights and I think it would be really cool to install them around the edge of the bed so when you open the bed it'll light up all the cargo and here are the lights that we're using we're using a bright white LED light and it'll stick on right on the underside so let's go figure that out right now make sure you watch his full video of my Raptor install so we just finished filming the first day with Chris fix yes we did we've got a
lot done today I'd say about 90% of the hummer video and then we als o filmed some of Chris fixes stuff and then we got walkie-talkies for the ride home so it's gonna be a different ride home so we got one more thing to film tomorrow actually a bunch more things to film tomorrow and then a bunch of bonus stuff cuz why not alright morning ritual go to Dunkin Donuts it's very early kind of tired but uh it's day 2 we fully embraced America already yes we have so we're gonna film more stuff with
fishsticks today so continue watching Chris fix his 1996 AM General Hummer wagon Duramax WAP we got Chris fix here we're in New Jersey we're driving his attainable dream car this is how the magic happens yo how much how much do you love the drifts thing that's my second favorite chrisfix car after the can I just on the record he has made that body style cool because I have never liked that body style alright buddy is I got it as a maintenance stuff oh this is not looking good right I swear to
God so if you guys don't know he is a famous person on the background of all of Christmas videos which actually gets in the way every video he apparently likes to leave below a lot like way too much just because it hates Chris [Applause] for sure no that's not a feature that's definitely not a feature area like yeah right here just tape it not my fault so we are currently rained out waiting for the rain to stop and literally just sitting here dealing with filming stuff alright Jake oh here we go
this is always a nerve-wracking part because well I mean you wire everything out correctly what you'd expect it to be but you don't know if it's actually gonna work and here's the moment of truth let's shut off our lights yeah let's see if it shuts off that's amazing sweet so there you go now that is how you install bed lights properly and in a cool way so you have to switch that you can turn it on or off just to give your tailgate open Chris needs to finish filming some last-minute things so
we're getting Dunkin Donuts on the way out there's the third day of filming we are almost done here so we've got our Dunkin and I am actually driving your East Prowler right now you on our way for the last leg of the road trip in probably a couple hours so there's definitely a lot of struggles that a lot of people don't know with Chris fix filming so he's got a tent right now because it's super sunny and hot in the morning yep and what else does he have he's got Anita's cicadas can you guys hear
that and then there's bugs tonight and then neighbors always blowing leaves off his lawn like always even when it was raining you still blew these off his lawn yeah until it started raining harder that guy right there there was it work like you always have male coming in weather nature and your neighbors a lot of people know because I'm working outside my garage in my driveway like everybody else is so they feel it you know they feel the struggle the struggle is definitely real but to
get professional quality and with that we are done [Music] [Music] all right so we just left New Jersey this is day four we are officially traveling back as you can see we have currently purchased walkie-talkies and it has been the best investment ever it's instant there's no delay from Bluetooth we don't miss calls on in the middle of nowhere like Pennsylvania like we are right now so let's talk about our visit with chrisfix cuz it was actually amazing so he did some repairs or fixes to Jac obs
car he installed some cool LED bad lights yeah so it was really fun watching him his whole process and we have gained the most appreciation for what goes into these DIY videos yeah it's actually so much more work than I expected it to be because he needs to make sure everything is done super clear so that everyone can understand what he's doing it needs to be super consistent and not distracting big ups on Chris fix it was just really cool to see the whole process from his perspe ctive all the
stuff that he has to deal with he's gonna deal with these loud cicadas he's got to deal with rain he's got a neighbor that it's obsessed with leaf blowing so it's really cool to see everything that he has to deal with because you don't really think about it and then there's other stuff like the Sun it was so unbearably hot in the morning but in the evening it was fine but then he can't film in the winter yeah so he basically has to get as much done as he can and then kind of stockpile footage
for the winter which makes a lot of sense also let us know how these walkies are doing those know if you like these walkies more than you like the earbuds on a phone call I feel like we probably yelled for the entire first half of the video and people will now appreciate our non yelling also we feel like top here yeah I guess we do kind of look like top here but I mean this makes a lot of sense and then Chris also took us out to a bunch of American places like we went to Olive Garden Applebee's
and for the record Chris objected to taking us there and we kind of made him take us there because he wanted to take us to much fancier places but we wanted the real American experience then we went to the Jersey Shore which was really cool but then he also showed us the the Jersey jug handles I think yeah so New Jersey has these things called jug handles apparently so you can't make left turns and it's really frustrating because you got to mak e a big right with like a jug handle thing and then
you got to end up doing like 45 u-turns it's actually really annoying it's literally the worst thing I've ever seen yeah I've never seen it in any other city and it makes no sense to me and then we went to Dunkin Donuts and finally got a Dunkin Donuts cup to test in a cup holder you can see I've got my Dunkin I'm a big fan I'm not sure about those styrofoam cups and Yuri also bought me a gift while we're in New Jersey put it on put it on for the camera look at this Ford hat and how about the
other one this smells like freedom whoo that's strong very strong so then another thing about New Jersey's you're not allowed to pump your own gas which was kind of weird yeah not only are you not allowed it's straight up illegal apparently I don't know what's with that I mean it's kind of convenient not to have to get out of your car but it's very weird but my check engine light went off when Jacob was driving so I had to explain to the guy that you know it might be full but keep adding more
gas to it because it is acting up yeah so if you have problems with your gas tank or anything like that they're not gonna know unless you tell them so let's quickly talk about Chris fixes attainable dream car the Hummer how cool was it first of all to have all three of our attainable dream cars together it looks so cool they all had so much Flair and they all have cool names like you said Hummer Prowler Rapto r each one is cool for its own reasons and I just love it they're all so different the
Raptor in the Hummer are kind of close but they're also so different so check out our review on that it should be either live now or live soon it was really fun to review the car with them and at the time that we were filming everything we weren't actually allowed to do any social media cuz he hadn't told anyone about his Hummer so it was also fun working around that and it's really cool actually visiting the chrisfix set which is his house seeing all the bills he did I absolutely love the
drifts thing and I can't wait for him to bring it up to Canada so we can do some drifting at Cayuga yeah so on this road trip has anything changed for you for your feelings for the Prowler because we've put it like a thousand kilometers maybe twelve hundred we still have eight hundred kilometers to go I love it just as much but I think I need to work a find a way to get some better spe akers or maybe better headphones so my ears don't hurt as much when I'm driving it around yeah if any noise
cancelling headphone companies want to sponsor us as long as it's not black web let us know and then I'm also thinking maybe I should get a prowler trailer if I can because if I want to go to her with my wife like there's no room unless I have a pickup truck with me and how about you Jacob what's up with the Raptor oh man I absolutely love this thing I have zero regrets I'v e been so comfortable I'm in my climate-controlled cocoon it's absolutely the best and having these bed lights now I feel
like I might actually use the bed more cuz everything is back here because I don't want people to slice open my top and then steal all our camera equipment so this is why everything's in the cabin and when that storm was coming in at Chris vixx's house I actually got to put that tarp on my car to stop the raid but the tarp was already slashed so I had to tape it up yeah I think you broke the rules there cuz I was holding onto the tarp and it is still in my tailgate right now has there been
anything that's been a major pain with your Raptor honestly nothing at all like absolutely nothing and seeing how wide this is compared to the Hummer is actually hilarious because it doesn't feel as wide like not even close the top putting it on and off has kind of been annoying like at one point we just left it up cuz I didn't want to go up and down and you've definitely been a trooper you have committed to the top down you did want to put it up but you've definitely held out honestly I feel
like these two cars look so good together like probably the best duo of all time they're so different but they go together and it's honestly hilarious like we both definitely get a lot of attention you definitely get more but we already knew that from the beginning I mean look at that thing and having the Hummer an extra wit was the icing on the cake so let's head back to Toronto and if anything else fun happens on the way we'll let you know well there's definitely gonna be fun along the
way Yury film this [Applause] not coming home [Applause] I think this is our last vlog cam till Canada yeah we've got a little sweet stop it is pretty scenic not bad actually not a scenic is the one in New York or New Jersey wherever that was let us know if you want this for your wallpaper [Applause] so we're back in Canada we 're just about to split off in our own separate directions and what did we learn from this road trip that road trips are the most fun ever and our cars are
extremely reliable yes so we just hit exactly 1,000 miles since we left Monday morning which is awesome yeah it's awesome chrisfix was the best I had so much fun my check engine light fixed itself my Prowler held up I learned a lot about it and I actually like it more now than when I started I got bed lights I love this thing even more now like how cool is this and I think the biggest takeaway I got was I haven't done like a serious road trip in like 10 years so like just getting out the door
and doing it now I feel like I can drive all the time I want to do more road trips considering you did it in that it's it's I it's awesome it's the first the first road trip will push you to do more road trips pretty much so don't forget subscribe it notification valve there go strai ght pipes thank you America for your hospitality and your cheap gas and leave a comment what's your attainable dream car what would you take on a road trip hope you guys enjoyed this video making
it [Music] Inglês ler, @ChrisFix Hummer H1
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