2021 Volkswagen e-Golf vs Ford Focus Electric Maximum Range Challenge

2021 Volkswagen e-Golf vs Ford Focus Electric Maximum Range

2021 Volkswagen e-Golf vs Ford Focus Electric Maximum Range Challenge

311.785 visualizações • 31 de out. de 2021 • We go for a drive in the 2021 Volkswagen eGolf vs 2021 Ford Focus Electric. We drive a 200km round trip in this maximum range challenge. The e-Golf has a quoted range of 201km and the Focus has 185km. Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thestraightpipes​ Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c...​ Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/thestraightp...​ Buy our shirts! Profits go directly to burnouts: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/thestrai...​ https://shop.spreadshirt.com/thestrai...​ Add us on Instagram and Snapchat @TheStraightPipes Equipment we use that you can purchase on Amazon: GoPro Hero 4 & 5 Black (http://amzn.to/2iPzhE6​) Sony Action Cam (http://amzn.to/2hWn8xd​) Sony A6000 (http://amzn.to/2hzIv6g​) Sony A7S (http://amzn.to/2hWo0ls​) Sony RX100 IV (http://amzn.to/2iiSyAJ​) Manfrotto Video Tripods (http://amzn.to/2iACmIQ​) DJI Phantom 3 Pro Drone (http://amzn.to/2iPA5ZE​) DJI Inspire 1 Drone (http://amzn.to/2iQEShN​) DJI Osmo (http://amzn.to/2iPJDDW​) Our reviews give you two perspectives. Jakub takes the perspective of the car enthusiast, while Yuri represents the interests of the general consumer. You won't find details about engine compression ratios here, instead you'll have real world opinions on what it's like to drive and own cars. Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

2021 Volkswagen e-Golf vs Ford Focus Electric Maximum Range Challenge

I'm Yuri I'm Jakob electric challenge to Niagara Falls and back on one charge 40:17 Volkswagen e-golf 2017 Ford Focus Electric so these two electric vehicles our regular vehicles that have been turned into electric cars yeah these are the most normal electric cars on the road this is the ultimate normal electric car challenge and we're driving to Niagara Falls from just outside Toronto Ontario yes but the challenge is not to get to Niagara Falls the challenge is to get to Niagara Falls and back

so I start off with 257 kilometers of range in the e-golf I currently have 175 but I had 178 when I started this eGolf is rated at 201 km/h guess so you're actually way past the distance according to your budget so we'll see if that's true what's the Ford Focus Electric rated at officially 185 oh so it gave you a little less than what it told you a little bit less yeah oh and that's the dangerous one because we need to make it to 200 kilometers in that one yeah so I'm in full regen m ode so I

have a regular shifter if I put it in D it's just regular driving it'll still regen some but if I put it in L it's max regen mode I have Drive and then I have maximum brake regeneration which is labeled with a B in the Volkswagen I've got three modes I've got normal eco and eco plus so what eco plus does is it doesn't let you get out of the blue zone in the power tachometer what's the blue zone so you've got the blue zone which is your being efficient you've got past the blue zone which is not

efficient and then you've got green zone which is charged and you have a tachometer that's not actually a tachometer it's like a power meter it's a power meter tachometer powerometer guess but what this also has which it borrowed from the Plymouth Prowler is my favorite you're gonna say that where you push it left and right and that gives you up to three stages of brake regeneration without throwing up your tail lights from the Plymouth Prowler from the Plymou th Prowler I checked the spec sheet

they sight that that's where they got the inspiration from oh really can you show me that yeah yeah it's right here okay I'm gonna keep it in Eco plus mode for this whole trip I actually have a break coach in the Ford Focus and that stop was 94% recovered energy that's cool can you hit 100 I think to hit 100 you need to coast to a stop without actually hitting your brakes at all I have hit 99 I haven't hit 100 yet you have a brake regeneration coac h I have a blue score what does that mean it

tells me I've been doing 97 out of a hundred blue score so far since we started I'm not using the AC because I want maximum range and the AC has a pretty big difference on this car so if I turn it on right now my current range is 182 and if I turn it on it goes way down like 30 kilometers down yeah I'm actually like boiling in here so I'm going to turn on my fan yeah I'm boiling too but I'm not going to turn on any air conditioning so I 'm gonna do the same because I'm actually gonna sweat to

death and if I turn off my fan I'll get a potential gain of +4 kilometers I have this thing called budget and status so budget is the original range when I started the car and that always goes down so status is how I'm driving so if I Drive better there's a little blue bar and cup and it tells me if I Drive better I get more mileage it's pretty simple but it took me a little while to figure that out I actually have to google that yeah it's not the most clear the way everything's set up in the

Ford Focus Electric it's not at all it's actually a little bit more complex that would have hoped yeah well if you're talking about complex this Volkswagen e-golf is very complex yeah it is the menus are crazy there's these weird bar graphs here if I use my gesture control to swipe across I'm at recuperation yes it's a gesture control since we actually started this trip because I've been driving so efficiently I' ve gained 17 kilometers which in theory means that we're gonna make it there and

back I think the Volkswagen will be just fine because I still have 246 kilometers after only driving about 5 or 10 that's amazing good yeah it's not even not even a challenge to me no it's not okay so clearly the challenge is with the focus but on the my mobile Ford app somebody has done 205 kilometres in a Focus Electric in the last 30 days in our region according to the stats so that should be attai nable we're gonna try to beat that you so there actually is a Ford Focus app for this car but

there's no app for the Volkswagen the app is very cool all right should we do an electric car drag race yeah yeah ready for this eco race are we actually doing it yo I win I was off the line slower you're a cloud that's an eco race I'm driving so efficiently I've gained 23 kilometers now you've potentially unlocked 23 more kilometers of range you mean yes sure I also gained a bunch of butt erflies which is absolutely ridiculous this is so unnecessary I don't know why they have butterflies no I

get it because that the Ford Focus is a simple car that's electric you know it doesn't have like a power meter or anything you get in it but it's electric yeah doesn't need butterflies it just doesn't need that I like the butterflies I think it's a bold move built Ford Tough butterflies you know what that probably not cuz built Ford Tough I think isn't they're saying about butt erflies the butterfly effect a small change makes an impact to the world or something like that I'm pretty sure that's

what they're about okay well that's a that's extra cool then so looks-wise which of these electric cars do you think looks better and why I love the Gulf because it just looks so normal with these little additional electric touches like the C shaped lights at the bottom the Eco wheels which I'm not a huge fan of but I actually really like the Eco wheels a lot I thin k Lily's style of wheels look so cool they're kind of cool but kind of weird I prefer the wheels on the focus if anything I like the

looks of the focus less because it doesn't look electric car enough I think it's fun to be proud of your electric car this one does have a big electric badge on it though yeah but a badge like doesn't count like I'm talking something that shows off that your electric from a distance because they're electric cars they both have LEDs everywhere inside and out all the headlights and taillights are LEDs yeah because electric means technology yeah it does the headlights on the golf look a lot better

at night they project more on the road I don't like the ones in the focus they're a little bit more dim the best part about the looks of these cars is that the Volkswagen comes in so many colors yeah it actually comes in 40 colors a lot of them are $3,000 options yeah so you pick the color and then you can pick the shade and like there's so m any cool colors I think that's the best part of the e-golf yeah but they should not charge $3,000 because that's dick Ulis and I like to get those

colors you have to do a lot of extra work $3,000 way too much it's not a Porsche worth it or no the optional color on this car is four hundred and fifty dollars yeah but you only have like a choice of five doesn't matter $450 I pay the three thousand and get a super pink no you wouldn't I would for sure you probably would patreon. com slash your pinky golf all right Jacob now that we're on the highway if I put my foot down in EcoPlus mode it won't let me go faster than 96 kilometers an hour I

can't really that's the optimal speed for efficiency when driving on the highway interesting so if you floor it you can't go faster than that technically if you floor it and by floored I mean you push your foot all the way down and it clicks this little button then I can go faster and it breaks me past that I think hav ing this is the best thing ever every single extra car needs to have EcoPlus kind of modes that really limit how fast your car goes for once I do fully agree with you so now that

we're on the highway I'm actually out of El Mode and I'm in 2d mode should have been in D mode the whole time man no we were on roads I regen so much that I had 42 extra kilometres now so my way works very well you regen but you would have had more mileage if you didn't regen at all and just coasted I don't believe you for a second well if you look at the hints and tips in my Volkswagen which it has it tells you that you can get better mileage by coasting and not using region when you don't need

it yeah yours has so many tips that if you read those while you were driving you would actually die don't read them while driving I don't know the problem is it lets you read them though it gives you so much text that you can read that you're gonna die the e-golf has a slightly smaller motor wit h a hundred kilowatt hour and the focus has 107 kilowatt hour guess which runs faster the golf the goal was actually faster off the line yes if we were to do a theoretical illegal drag race which we

didn't the golf is definitely faster off the line but once you get them moving they're both the exact same speed the e-golf has 134 horsepower and the focus has 143 but the torque is different to the e-golf actually has more torque than the focus and electric cars are all about torqu e the focus that we have is the base model electric it's about 33 thousand dollars and the e-golf is about thirty five thousand dollars to start but it has two options it has the leatherette package and it has

the technology package yeah and the technology package means no volume knob yeah it's actually really annoying you do have it on the steering wheel but no volume knob but you do get a big screen very high resolution and we have gestures so I can go left and right through pages and that's really it and you really need to like put your hand all the way across to make it recognize the gesture but it is a cool gimmick what the gesture also does is when you lift your hand up towards the

screen buttons that you can click get an outline around them so you know what to click while driving which makes it safer I guess yeah I like that but I wish the gesture didn't exist and you could just see them all the time and click them all the time with the technology package you get a huge screen on the golf but you also get Android auto and apple carplay which both of these cars actually have URI yes did you know that the e-golf has a sound enhancer with the technology package what so when

you're speaking in the front seat there's speakers projecting your voice to the back passengers that's interesting yeah these electric cars are so quiet I don't understand why they needed that extra technology extra technology cells that leatherett e package on the Gulf I would just avoid that I don't like how it feels what do you mean this feels great it feels like you're sitting in a golf glove not in a good way I've got no issues with it this one's eco conscious cloth yeah okay but you've got

white cloth interior that's like coffee stain magnets yeah but your interior is white too in the Gulf yeah but you can wipe that off because it's like leathery yeah but what are your seat base is made out of because these are made out o f soy material I don't know I didn't look into it fake leather you have probably plastic in the Volkswagen e-golf I don't have a battery percentage I just have like a an analog dial yeah I have butterflies and a budget status and a dial that tells me the

kilometers but it looks like a battery but it doesn't tell me the percentage my gauges are laid out very basic it looks like a regular car so this does have sink three but it's a little bit more intense because it's all elec tric so I have budget view display modes on my left side and then I have different displays on my right side so left side I have my numbers right side I got my butterfly right in the middle I have my analog gauge and I like the analog gauge it's very normal yeah I think your

Ford Focus is more meant for people who want to get into a car that's electric but not change anything about the way they drive where the e-golf is more catered towards somebody who's more tech-savvy and wants to like really get into the electric part about it see like you don't have that eco Plus which would drive me crazy in the Ford Focus yeah there's no other modes here there's no levels of regeneration there's nothing it's just D or L that's it what I do like about the infotainment in the

Focus compared to the one in the Volkswagen is that it's higher up so it's not as distracting to look at it the Volkswagen you really need to move your eyes down to see what's going on one thing that doesn't make sense to me is this climate control I've got my fan setting and it goes up and down but then I can't change my temperature it doesn't show anything if I click Mac's a/c then I can actually see what's going on but if I turn that off then my temperature disappears so it's like I can't

control temperature with a manual fan in this car yeah I had no issues because I like my auto climate control so both cars have been perfect for me with climate the golf actually has heat scavenging so it takes a heat pump and it pumps in all the wasted heat and it uses it to warm up the cabin so it's a less wasted energy both of these cars drive like normal cars they're actually really good around town they can both take corners pretty well the suspension is like it's nice and soft over

bumps there's nothing that's too harsh they just feel like normal cars so we had to box test them and here's what happened nine eight the golf one okay we're at Niagara Falls f inally yeah that wasn't very hard at all yeah now the hard part is getting back I have 83 kilometers left of charge I have 136 so I think I'll be fine wait I'm in the Ford Focus next exactly so I think I'll be fine in the golf you're gonna suffer in here you've been enjoying the AC apparently yeah cuz the cameras are

getting hot so turn no but I'm gonna make this a little harder for you I'm gonna turn on the AC for you right now in here Oh God 77 km/h just saw Niagara Falls we'r e gonna head back up through clifton hills and then head back to Milton yes I've currently driven 106 kilometers I'll be fine I'm gonna make it back in that focus with so many kilometres to spare we're gonna set the new record make sure you don't turn that car off this car has not been shut off all day good we are going for the my

Ford app record yeah I'm kind of sad that we're not playing arcades here yeah oh look sky wheel okay we're heading back to Milton which is right outside Toronto from Niagara Falls which is 100 kilometers and now I'm in the Focus Electric yes and I'm in the e-golf and the first thing I noticed is the quality this thing feels so well put together compared to the focus the first thing I notice is I've got 63 kilometers in my tank and we have 100 kilometers to go in your battery tank in my

battery tank yes I have 105 kilometers so I have no issues I can also gain another three kilometers if I turn off my AC but I'm not gonna do that have you experienced putting your foot all the way down and not being able to get past 97 no I will do that right now do that right now and then when you notice you can't go any farther push until you feel that button on the pedal okay here we go I'm an eco plus and I'm gonna floor it 97 I'm stuck in 97 and now and now put your foot down all the way to

click the button and I have 100% power and I'm flying that thing needs to be in every electric car you know one thing that I not iced when we were leaving the agra falls that i hate about this car the infotainment no the reverse camera when you put it in reverse and mix is loud noise because the reverse camera opens up from the VW sign and it took few days to figure out what was making that noise I think that's super cool that they actually did that well at least use a quieter motor then

we haven't charged these cars other than when we started so on a level one charger the e-golf takes 26 to 29 hours t o charge the level 1 is basically in your house a regular plug the focus takes 30 hours to charge these both charge so much slower than they ionic did yeah they do they're actually really annoying because you have to wait forever on a level to a 240 volt you find those at Tim Hortons and stuff those are four to five hours for the e-golf and five and a half hours for the focus but

on a level three most of those you have to pay for it's 30 to 45 minutes in the e-golf and then 32 minut es for 80% in the focus 80% for both yeah that a $20 per hour charging really adds up when you've got a slow charger it doesn't seem that bad at all when you've got a nice quick ionic to charge yeah I'm excited to reach a turtle mode in this Focus Electric and see how slow it actually can go yeah yeah I won't reach the turtle mode in this one too I wonder if both of these have a turtle mode

I'm sure all electric cars do it just takes a while to like reach that point but anyways bac k to these cars being regular cars because there's still regular cars right yeah they are the interiors are both very nice on both cars I do prefer the one in the Gulf it's a little bit more spacious at least feels that way I'm very comfortable in this focus interior I think maybe because I enjoyed the Focus ST and the Focus RS so much and this is very similar the one thing I hate is that both

infotainment can't go back or record any Sirius satellite radio channels yeah se e I don't care about that at all exactly but for me like after you know the Accord recorded 12 the Honda's record 6 that's really important to me and I don't think I would seriously ever consider these 2 because they're missing that feature I prefer the Volkswagen steering wheel way more it's way more comfortable to grip and it's also D shaped because eco racecar the buttons are easier to press you know exactly what

you're pressing and in the focus I didn't like the steering wheel th at much I actually like the steering wheel on the Ford Focus more for something about it that's way more comfortable for me we both have heated seats but do you have an adjustable headrest I don't I have a ratcheting adjustable headrest which I love I think I don't like about the Focus Electric is that there's not enough room for your cell phone yeah totally agree but in the Gulf it fits perfectly hey URI yo you know

you complain to both the climate numbers not working yep I think I figured out exactly why that was happening and that is you had it in Eco plus mode in eco plus it doesn't let you use the full AC oh that makes sense you know how you couldn't find the electric car screen in the Ford yeah so you need to click apps and then go to power flow and that shows where the power is going in your Ford Focus oh ok Jacob how many kilometers do we have to make it back to Milton we have 63 kilometers and I

have 69 kilometers of range I have 32 kilome ters of range the moral of the story from both of these cars is they're actually a little bit too complex to use yeah I totally agree like compared to the ionic the ionic and everything laid out really well I understood everything that was going on but these cars it's like almost a game you need Volkswagen Canada and Ford Canada to have tutorial videos on their YouTube so you can watch that or even on into the infotainment just load it right in there

yeah I fully agree with you like everything's cool in here and if you don't care about all the stuff these are both really good cars but if you care about looking at your mileage and seeing your blue score and your butterflies and all that kind of stuff it actually is a little bit more difficult than the ioniq oh should we do the VIS Oh arty est Oh buddy I think it's time okay spread it out ready three two one yes pass the fun thing is the Ford Focus has a great little symbol to illustrate that

so we've pretty much covered everything we want to talk about in these two cars now we're gonna see if we can make it back we'll turn on the cameras if we run into any problems which we will oh I just got low battery warning Oh click okay I just got a 50 kilometer warning so we're just over the Burlington Skyway Bridge just around a Hamilton yo shout-out to people from Hamilton there's a guy that watches our videos from Hamilton so shout out to you buddy and how many kilometers have we

traveled 180 okay you know what I'm gonna go into eco bus mode because I'm getting a little worried I'm confident that the engineers at Ford built in their cars well enough to withstand people range testing them I think when your kilometers run out every butterfly is worth one kilometer are you sure about that no but I'm hoping you know what's funny about this car is like there's no panic in it everything is like calm and happy still all the gauges yeah same here my battery gauge is just going
down but I'm not in the red yet Yuri how far are we from our destination 19 kilometers from the charging station and how many kilometers do you have left on your charge my battery just went down to five and I have a plus five status and I'm losing butterflies by the minute so you have five kilometers left Oh depleted battery stopped safely now oh really yeah I'm not going to though oh dude longer so stop safely now you know honestly we're fine I guarantee this will make it back are you sure

about that 100% we can place a bet if it doesn't make it back okay you buy Wendy's yeah yeah okay oh oh what oh no your taillights just turned off my car not your first time it's done oh no no the electric challenge has just finished okay if I can keep getting to this hill I'll Coast it no no pull into here man maybe there's a electrical plug we can use that's it the electric car challenge is over for that one turns out electric cars don't always make it you had so much confidenc e all right

let's take a break and figure out where we go from here electric car challenge don't worry about it we got this at least you can push out an electric car yeah can you stop it good the trick is to pull into random people's houses and properties and steal their power perfect and we're charging charging will finish at 10 11 p.m. we're at zero percent charging now that's 10 11 p.m. tomorrow two hundred and twelve point seven kilometers oh wow so now let's go check the did we just break the record

yeah for sure for sure where it's local right official I'm gonna zoom in on this it's easy and stretchy yeah 205 so we beat that we beat that so we did it we actually did it oh we got the record one more cool thing check this out don't waste energy locking the door so he ran out of power and we have to finish the video here yeah but we would have made it if we didn't have to film the cars so technically would have made it and we beat the total on the floor top so we actually are the

record holders yeah it hasn't updated yet but we did it so which one of these would you buy I get the golf because it's got more tech in it yeah I'm Igor thought of these two but I still wouldn't take either of these two I would take the ionic yeah me too I need those recording functions on the satellite radio and the golf isn't actually out of range yet so we'll put the total range at the end of the video so eat golf verse ionic electric chall enge no I'm ready iron down oh I think we have

to subscribe yeah okay so we got our hazards on we're driving I gotta drive 40 30 ish we charge it up to 1% and now we're trying to get back to a Tim Hortons where I can actually charge up this is a hybrid with one of the hybrid electric cars I'm on more per se I climb on 0% you might play steal one here okay we're back we're at six kilometers so now we've got enough to make it to the fast flow charger I'm URI I'm Jacob we're going for a drive cries subscribe right now subscribe we didn't even

we didn't do that Inglês Challenge

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