2021 Ford Raptor vs 700hp Shelby F150 Review - American Legends

2021 Ford Raptor vs 700hp Shelby F150 Review - American Leg

2021 Ford Raptor vs 700hp Shelby F150 Review - American Legends

5.212.319 visualizações • 8 de ago. de 2021 • 2021 Ford F150 Raptor versus 2021 Shelby F150 with 700hp. These are 2 of the best trucks on the market. Considering the Ram 1500 Rebel, Chevrolet SIlverado, GMC Sierra? Check out these American Legends Blackhorn Offroad wheels (discount code 'straightpipes'): https://blackhornoffroad.com​ Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thestraightpipes​ Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c...​ Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/thestraightp...​ Buy our shirts! Profits go directly to burnouts: teespring.com/stores/thestraightpipes​ Add us on Instagram @TheStraightPipes Equipment we use that you can purchase on Amazon: GoPro Hero 4 & 5 Black (http://amzn.to/2iPzhE6​) Sony Action Cam (http://amzn.to/2hWn8xd​) Sony A6000 (http://amzn.to/2hzIv6g​) Sony A7S (http://amzn.to/2hWo0ls​) Sony RX100 IV (http://amzn.to/2iiSyAJ​) Manfrotto Video Tripods (http://amzn.to/2iACmIQ​) DJI Phantom 3 Pro Drone (http://amzn.to/2iPA5ZE​) DJI Inspire 1 Drone (http://amzn.to/2iQEShN​) DJI Osmo (http://amzn.to/2iPJDDW​) Our reviews are from an enthusiast perspective (Jakub), as well as someone who doesn't really know much about cars but likes them (Yuri). You won't find details about compression ratios here, instead you'll have real world opinions on what it's like to drive and own these cars. Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

2021 Ford Raptor vs 700hp Shelby F150 Review - American Legends

I'm Jacob auger and we're going for a drive 2017 Ford Raptor 2016 she'll be up on 50 are you making that we noises at the car all yours please hey Yuri what's that okay which drug is a better truck hole man that's a tough choice these are the two best trucks on the road yeah they look cool as hell so this has 700 horsepower yours has 450 so yours is v8 supercharged and mine's v6 twin-turbo yeah this is a 5 liter v8 supercharged and here is the three and a half liter twin-turbo v6 this is the

2016 with 700 horsepower but the 2017 that's 750 like you need extra yeah obviously you do have any complaints about throttle response in the Raptor yes I don't like the turbo lag one bit well none of that problem here super general v8 step on it God ah and for what I've heard so far the Shelby truck sounds better intake and exhaust yeah Shelby absolutely destroys the Raptor and intake and exhaust sound it's a 5 liter v8 with a supercharger [Music] and the supercharger is so big that

the displacement is more than most compact car engines Wow looks wise which one do you think is the better one that's honestly tough I I don't know how to answer that I know how to answer that the Raptor I think you're right wider lower and I don't like the stripes I love the stripes this is a classic Shelby I don't like classic Shelby to be honest I don't like it really I I don't like Shelby stripes one bit how different strokes for different folks different stripes for different folks yeah

looking over this hood is insane I have to like stretch over just to be able to see any children or parking lots you know the hood scoops are actually functional on this one they feed this gigantic intake into the supercharger obviously they're functional I've got a red stripe on my steering wheel too you know I have paddles do you know I have a Raptor status on my gauges do you know I have 700 horsepower you know exactly okay I also have a hill descent assist I don't have that I have engine

auto start-stop I don't have that either I have Lane keep assist I have that front camera I have that do you have self parking I do not ha ha he didn't cooled seats in both check ha Myeong Hilary switches do you have I have 6 ah Hiro Oh whoo but I have 7 our horsepower I actually have a 6-speed auto you have a 10 speed 10 speed so yours in theory is better on gas but I'm not sure if that's exactly true yeah we're both going to get the worst gas mil eage ever yeah gas mileage check so now I've

got you in my rear view mirror I think it looks silly I think it's too tall and too narrow I agree I fully agree it looks like a guy in very modified his truck and showed up what's wrong with Barry people they like to modify their trucks okay there's nothing wrong with it because if the way it looks I think a lot more people are going to see the back end of your truck the new will of mine that's very true there's a big difference betwee n both of these trucks though the Shelby actually comes as a

lariat so you have to send it to Shelby and then they'll modify it for you or you can buy a lariat from them and then they'll modify it so the whole package is there but the Raptor actually comes from forward as a raptor it doesn't start off as an f-150 it starts as a raptor that's a big difference because with certain Shelby's they start off as a Shelby gt350 or gt500 from Ford on the website whereas this one you can't orde r on the floored website you have to only go to specific dealers and

there's only 500 of these in North America Oh what number is that that's number four number 12 or something we got a custom badge right here it's number 12 so the Shelby truck has a bed cover and this one's open and exposed yes but do you know what this is covering what is the covering carpet car head is that actually carpet in here it's a city slicker truck it is I've got these rugged line side steps and you got ta have some pretty metal ones yeah except they've been over detailed to the

point where they're slippery as hell yeah well this is a truck that you detail that construct that we tried to detail but we failed miserably generated for our off-road review click here this does have upgraded off-road suspension Fox shocks - and by Shelby so you could actually take this off-road but it's just way too pretty I'm pretty convinced that no matter how much faster your truck is I'm still going to want to take the rats or home with me I think you might be right for me to do you want

to pull over and count the number of badges in each of these yes let's count we didn't go in I think I think Shelby's gonna win bad Calot badge count so we're going to start with a wrapper we got nothing on the front nothing here finally got one down here we got one up here kiddo hey for that we got this one three this one for another one five nothing in the back there Ford Performance we have four nine six seven and we have them in the seat and we have it on the infotainment no more

Raptor badges only ten a raptor badges that's it now let me let me show you the Shelby badges okay let's go over here okay we got one - there's actually two inside here so we have a giant one on this intake carbon fiber Shelby intake three four and we got five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve for each wheel thirteen fourteen Alton sized one 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 open up that tonneau cover 24 oh wait yeah 25 25 on the outside yep okay oh we forgot to oh yeah 26 27 and we got 28 29 30

31 32 33 feel like we might have missed a few but 33 compared to 10 yeah that's pretty good or is it is that too many I don't know I want it's good or bad let's look at the differences and similarities on these trucks which one's more badass I think it's got to be that one I think it's a raptor because of the stance yeah it's like then low and wide yeah but without being too tall and then this one's too tall yeah kind of on stilts but it is bigger and faster way faster check this out sculpted

wide body we have fender flares on this one no sculpted wide body but fender flares Raptor winds look at these hoods pretty badass from the front not so bad ass over here this one on the other hand super badass here this is actually a real intake and look at these headlights same headlights except the Shelby gets chrome ones and the Raptor gets nice blac ked-out ones rapture winds rapture wind wheel that's a toss-up they're very similar but these are actually 18 n either 17 more off-road II you

know what I like these ones without the chrome lip that's not a chrome look yeah Oh what else chromeless no I don't like a chrome lip I got you I like it without yes without that gunmetal with which can actually be beat locked Shelby vent reel as well Raptor vent real look at these side steps this is real rugged rugged this is also real slipp ery whiplash alert there we go we have Fox racing shocks on both of them however the stance is way taller on this one and those are actually tuned by Shelby

nice wild hey how about the skid place in the front oh yeah so we got this skid plate massive and then we got the plastic drop the wins after one but wait look we forgot a badge there's a badge here oh my god these guys we're missing at least another 10 badges for sure what about these door handles chrome yeah and Raptors blue Rap tors blue let's compare these interiors they're both pretty much the same so we only need to show you one that's not true the seats are a little more bolstered in the

raptor that's true the steering wheel look better the and rocker and we don't have better and we don't have paddles no paddles here look at that interior more bolstered yep titled magnesium carbon fiber carbon fiber that you have to pay extra for and fake wood fake wood which i think is still maybe real exhaust tips do es this pass the car saw no fist test this one does it does does the Shelby well barely just barely raptor win I guess it does I guess that's it really I guess that's it and I've

heard the Shelby now yeah ok back to the road so you had some complaints about the turbo lag on this one right yeah now let's try out no turbo lag on a supercharger for it haha how good is that dope you know what it's still got a little lag but that noise is unreal okay how do you complain a boat lag in eve ry car and you drive a Honda Element you can't complain about lag anymore ever again that thing has no lag it's a supercharged v8 I don't think you understand what lag is what I mean by lag is

from when I put my foot down to when it starts boogying so here ready and now yeah how many challenge if that's not lag okay so I got to stay in second then yeah okay let me right gear you can't call things laggy okay okay so now I'm in second gear and I put my foot down okay yeah there's no bac k yeah exactly thank you I'm glad I taught you something today ah dude you know what you know I said I'd rather have the Raptor even though this is faster oh really I lied there is no replacement for

no lag there's no replacement for displacement and a supercharger yeah there's no replacement for superchargers hey what were you saying I just got to go back at the second gear and hit the gas what's a lot of whining I hear about lag over there what if there was a Shelby v8 in a rap tor there was in the first generation Shelby tuned a raptor in the first version of the Raptor so what you're saying is the best Ford f-150 is the first gen Shelby Raptor I don't know it might be it's got the cooler

stripe it's supercharged v8 and it's an off-road monster I think this one looks better than the first generation but I would want that Shelby engine in this Raptor and that's my perfect truck I'm very very very very stoked on the Shelby Cobra badge right on the armrest ye ah it's so good it kind of gets in your way but it doesn't really matter it does not get in your way that's like a good getting in the way if there's a cold spot on your arm that's yeah there reminds me the right driver Shelby

truck in the raptor you get three different on-road modes and three different off-road modes in yours you don't get those you just get sport and towing the Raptor is more comfortable to drive on the road I don't know on the road I've got no issues with the She lby this is softer because the suspension softer yeah but I would take firmer and supercharged for this just road yeah fair enough but the funny thing is when you put them side by side yours looks like a gigantic master truck and it makes

this one looks like a little baby truck yeah this definitely make that look so tiny which is weird because the Raptor makes every other truck look tiny if you were a child and you grew up and you all of a sudden had all this money and piles of cash and you could design your own truck you would design it like the Shelby if I was a child I would design the Shelby and if I knew what off-roading was I designed the Raptor exactly I've got a new criteria we can judge these on what's that squad factor

so what the slide doesn't like this is like the coolest team yeah you see this rolling up behind you you just get it of the way if you roll up to any car show with these two trucks and your boys yeah dang I just want to say thanks to Di ckie Moore because that's actually a company truck it's the best company truck I've ever seen yeah thank you so much which one would you want to take home with you I think I would have to take the Raptor home I would definitely want to take the Raptor home but

driving this Shelby on roads is way more fun because the supercharger yeah I would like to live off-road in this though I want Shelby to she'll be a raptor they will and it's going to be crazy and that's how we end the video ends

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