2021 Porsche Panamera GTS Sport Turismo Review - Twin Turbo V8 Wagon

2021 Porsche Panamera GTS Sport Turismo Review - Twin Turbo

2021 Porsche Panamera GTS Sport Turismo Review - Twin Turbo V8 Wagon

599.440 visualizações • 31 de mai. de 2021 • Save 15% off your Vincero watch. Go to http://www.vincerowatches.com/pipesmay We go for a drive in the 2021 Porsche Panamera GTS Sport Turismo Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thestraightpipes Become a YouTube Member! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC86S... Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/thestraightp... Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thestraight... Twitter! https://twitter.com/StraightPipers Buy our shirts! Profits go directly to burnouts: teespring.com/stores/thestraightpipes Check out Continental Tire at https://www.continentaltire.ca ------------------- #porsche #panamera #gts #sportturismo ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

2021 Porsche Panamera GTS Sport Turismo Review - Twin Turbo V8 Wagon

[Music] i'm jake on hearing of a gold Ford Drive 2019 Porsche Panamera GTS Sport Turismo with launch control oh my god that's pretty good for the wet - yeah it is that's really good so this is a wagon yes it is sport Turismo means wagon because nobody thinks wagons are cool so nobody wants to use the name wagon and this doesn't look as wagon II as the e63 ass Mercedes this is sneaky wagon so it's like barely not a Panamera sedan that's exactly what this is horsepower and torque four hundred

and fifty three horsepower and 457 pound-feet of torque from a four liter twin-turbo v8 so this is not as fast as the e63 s wagon we drove it is not but there is a faster Panamera Sport Turismo than this oh yeah there's a turbo and then there's a turbo S e-hybrid as well with nearly 700 horsepower okay so this would be more of a comparison for an e 53 wagon hypothetically hypothetically for the performance yes not quite for the price okay we'll get to that later yes we will so give u s a little

boot through cliche alright here we go Wilson oh my god this is so good in the way it gets really squirrely put it's so fun it feels super rear-wheel drive but it is all-wheel drive and then we've got that great Porsche traction control system yeah we do it handles incredibly well I feel like I'm in a race car like just straight up every time I get into a Porsche 911 [Music] panamera whatever it is I'm super low to the ground my eye level is like just over the steering wh eel it's incredible even

in a Cayenne yeah I love Porsche driving position nothing else beats this until you get this like super cars like MacLaren's and stuff I just really want to emphasize how low you sit there's no other cars like that on the road but let's move on and if you're watching without subscribing just do us a favor hit the subscribe button we only post two videos a week so you're not gonna get a crazy my notifications and it means a lot to us and at the notification bel l let's start with the looks because

this is one of the best looking wagons it's a Porsche wagon with a v8 okay let's start with the backend or should we start with the color color okay yeah so what kind of green is this green this is called Mambo green metallic not something I would expect for a Porsche wagon but it looks unreal oh yeah everybody stares at this on the road you get so many looks I love it they have some very good colors yet and guess how much this color costs seven th ousand dollars nine hundred and fifty

dollars that's a bargain Canadian you have a three that's less than a Volkswagen Paint I'm just really excited that people are putting cool colors on cars again oh yeah and this really stands out nobody really does greens I think greens are starting to come in like Audi did it I think it was like a Sonoma green and stuff a Porsche has always had the best greens yeah they have and dodge challengers so let's talk about the shape of this w agon okay so it is not super wagon like you're not gonna get

as much room for boxes in the back box test five six seven in our newest box test guy CF Drive go get your own box on patreon.com slash with straight pipes so obviously they give up some practicality for a cool shape kind of like the Volvo wagons as well yeah so I would prefer to have my dog Rex in the e63 ice wagon just because it's a flatter back do you think they could have built a better shape for this though it wouldn't have been as sleek if they did anything differently I think this is the

shape they should have gone for when the Panamera came out because remember the first one was like that weird hunch nobody really knew what it was the first one was very weird this would have been the best shape but we haven't now no problems I love the cool yeah this is super cool and we also have a spoiler that pops out in the back yeah right at the top little spoiler and the rest of it pretty much looks like a regular Panamera and if you get the regular Panamera which you can get in GTS trim

you get that really cool turbo spoiler that opens up the Transformers oh yeah this doesn't have that no if you could add that I know just like a J wig on top I would rather have the wagon than the transformer spoiler but just bear 100% oh and for the front end this does have those porsche panamera headlights that I really like that or the full X oh the X pattern yeah cuz every Porsche headlight is sli ghtly different this is my favorite overall I think this thing just looks really really good way

better than the sedan even though the sedan looks good in this generator it almost looks like a lowered makaan yeah kind of times yeah so weird but it's it's top-notch looks what I would take this over makann for sure oh you know what other little thing I like about the looks in this it's like the black door handles that is an additional option it's just such a good looking car it is but m y least favorite part are these particular wheels but you can get way nicer wheels obviously because it's

Porsche you just have to pay oh yeah the website customizer is very good for these and by the way it recently even got better so here's exactly how I would spec mine and here's exactly how I would spec mine which one is better leave a comment below team Yuri or Team Jacob or just go on Instagram follow us on Instagram Yuri cherishing the straight pipes yeah they are - yeah vote on our stories and now that we're done with looks today's sponsor vince arrow watches I've got my Kairos automatic cuz

yeah Vince arrow makes automatics I've got my bellwether in silver and blue and the reason I'm wearing it is because I recently wore too much stuff brother's wedding in Dominican because it matched my outfit with the blue pants it did look pretty good those blue pants and then I also wore Vin Sarah watch to my wedding here's a picture that because the rose gold matc hed my rose gold ring and the brown on the belt so you're pretty dedicated to Vince arrow then they look good what can I say they do

okay we've got a coupon code for this month yes we do 15% off your entire order and free worldwide shipping then Sarah watches calm / pipes May all right let's get into how fast this is because it's so fast it sounds so good - it sounds good but it's the subtle it is subtle you don't hear as much when you're inside the cabin compared to an e63 s so if yo u have sensitive ears it's not gonna drive you nuts all day even in Sport+ like ralph my freaking ears my ears a straight-up damage yeah

these cars I think it was actually the Hellcat that damaged the yeah he's wrapping it up when I was behind it not expecting it anyway my ears have hurt for like eight months I had to do what I had to do so there's no turbo lag this does have two turbos but it doesn't matter because it also has a v8 so the v8 kicks in the turbos kick in and ev erything is just glorious it's very smooth power it doesn't really like kick you back in your seat unless you're doing launch control excuse me the head

test this was a Tesla and ludicrous mode fair enough that's what I'm saying fair enough if it had 700 horsepower your head would probably be back in the seats yeah probably exactly but there is no lag and we do have an 8-speed PDK which is lightning fast and then if you put in Sport+ which we can adjust the modes with our steering wheel dial it's just even faster then we've got the button so we got 20 seconds of full boost yes poor response boom there's the gear and then rough so back to

the backfires and the sound just like the Cayenne Turbo we get that in Sport and Sport Plus where the Carrera key we only got that in sport that's right and the modes are also adjustable and customizable through the infotainment system and we have our sport exhaust which is standard on all GT SS and so like I said earl ier this is all-wheel drive but it feels like almost 100% rear-wheel drive the way this thing handles nothing else handles like this like the a7 was already really good but it

still felt like it understeer just a little bit this in comparison feels completely real row drive we already know that Porsche is cheater mode I know it is it just it is and I need to emphasize that because a lot of people's a lot of people aren't going to get a chance to drive one but they aspire to own o ne yeah and we just want to tell you that like this is an incredible feat of engineering basically no matter which Porsche you're getting the handling is always nuts and this does have rear

real steering like that's the kind of stuff that like really drives the thing and makes it like just so good how does the real steering work on this model so basically like every other model at lower speeds it turns the opposite way at higher speeds it turns the same way so it's more stable and we also have air suspension which is Stan gts I like to keep it in low because it looks at the most gangster and Sport Plus the stiffest mode is not that stiff I had no reason to switch this into comfort

ever you're 100% right I think this is the best overall for normal people yeah the GTS is always that sweet spot in the Porsche lineup always and in comparison to the e63 us wagon I know we say that a lot but I think we kind of have to like that thing was way more stiff way more race car it was well I wouldn't say more race car I would say more stiff and I had a higher driving position this feels more race to a brisk okay but then if you heard it drive by or you're driving it you'd feel

more race car behind the wheel no before behind the wheel I feel more race car on this but obnoxious race car like okay I know what you mean but race car like driving position seating position I feel like I'm in a race car on this whereas the e63 s a little bit higher a l ittle bit more wagon me more good race car yes for sure more good yeah yeah this is way less goon we're trying to come up with new words to describe stuff as automotive journalists for Millennials yeah instead of talking about

on center feel and turnin and playfulness but we still will yeah oh yeah they're gonna hit you with that directness let's talk about the steering cuz that's actually one of my complaints I think the steering ratio could have been improved a little bit just a l ittle bit tighter or make the steering wheel a little bit smaller I didn't sit I did notice that it felt a little light yeah that's the only I expect a little bit more aggressiveness that's it it goes when you move it but like just a

little bit tighter would have been nice but if you account for everything it being a little quieter a little bit more subtle that kind of makes perfect sense it all makes sense and it's a wagon I totally get it now let's get you into the driver's s eat so you can experience some real bunch of control yeah I'm really excited what's the bet I'd like this alive you send it it's not quite as violent as the e63 us but it's still so stupid FAST okay and if we wanted to get a really good launch what is

the Continental recommended tire the Conti Sport contact five P yeah compared to the e63 s launched this felt less stressful but almost as fast yeah exactly zero to 100 kilometres is 4.1 seconds in this and in the e63 s wagon it was in the 3s and I looked up the 911 gt3 just out of curiosity that does it in 3.9 this is 0.2 seconds off of gt3 [Music] that's crazy and I think that's good because if you wanted to put your business buddies in the back and launch control them they probably wouldn't

be too shocked yeah you have no excuses to ever be late for a meeting in this now let's talk about driving people in the back seat okay so the rear seats are incredible they are more buckety more race car feeling than most o ther sports cars in the back yeah they're full buckets in the back they've got memory seats heated and cooled yeah memory seats on every seat in this car better than most front seats yeah love it and I fit back there super comfortably you could probably fit back there with a

full suit on oh yeah beat everybody on the way to the meeting to the Kelsie's or the Montana and there you go you probably go to milestones in this I feel like this is a milestones car the craziest thing that I n oticed while driving this is that this has a 90 liter fuel tank which is like nine liters less than my Ford Raptor I think normal cars are about 45 litres correct yeah like 45 to 60 litres is pretty average 19's gives me a painful fill-up it is let's talk about the rest of the interior

yeah okay so super soft touch everywhere materials second to none as always in a Porsche pretty much exactly the same as every other Panamera we've driven yeah so it doesn't have rewinding satellite r adio stations like the new turbo Cayenne had which is kind of hilarious but everything else looks very similar yeah because the Panamera generation is going to get updated very shortly in the future and then we still can't control our favorites through that steering wheel shortcut button but we can

control a bunch of other things like our exhaust system and stuff and we can go forward or back through tracks but there's no point of seeking through 300 channels the gauges are the same as that Cayenne Turbo we drove it does have that night vision which is super cool because it shows actual living things and highlights them yeah people deer and all that stuff and we also have all our gloss black right here I'm getting slightly more used to it but I still don't like it I'm getting used to

the ghost buttons I still keep turning up the volume and accidentally scrolling through my scrolling wheel oh yeah I like the older heart button so today I really like the ligh ts around the speaker grilles yeah they're really nice and they also get it up here as well it's I think more glow in this than any other portion we've drew yeah it's the brightest for sure then we've also got piano black buttons for our lights our locks our windows are seating adjustment yeah yeah the window ones bother

me the most because you touched that all the time yeah especially if you want to put up your automatic peasant blockers yeah we do have them in the back shoutout ho w about our non panoramic but double sunroof it's really nice I like that it's all black at the top yeah it's a boat as far back as they could have gone for a wagon apple carplay Android auto no we still do not have Android auto only apple carplay how about the visors I don't know find out very fancy if you three to one and we don't

have a double visor I think this is the first Panamera to fail the gimmick test medium cup of coffee fits don't have a small on me looks like you two fi t it's not a small day today so I guess I should probably give it a little boot through cliche to confirm that it handles really well yeah you should I really like this it handles like a Porsche like a 911 and the traction control is very good yeah it is as always in every port Road lets you have just enough fun and keep you very safe with most

of the stuff on and then you can change all the modes and stuff and soft rock pier suspension and whatever you want so I think that pretty m uch covers most of the Panamera GTS Turismo sport no sport Turismo yes except the assistance package which this has hit me with it so this actually has a driving assistance package so it actually does Drive you by itself on the highway it's pretty good not the best but the best that I've experienced in a Porsche I think it's called a no drive or a no Porsche

or something like that so it actually does have traffic jam assist but it'll still prompt you to put your hands on the wheel bel ow 60 kilometers an hour is that the last of it I think that's it price yeah that's the big one this starts at 153 thousand three hundred dollars and it's sitting at one hundred and eighty two thousand eight hundred and forty dollars with options Canadian yeah so the one option that we have is it's a wagon and that costs you an additional seven thousand one hundred

dollars above the regular sedan okay this is very expensive however you'd be silly not to get this in a wagon I thin k oh yeah if you're debating between this and the regular Panamera the seven grand just that's a wash get this because it's so much more rare it's so much cooler it's way cooler this to get so much attention on the road this gets more attention than when I'm driving a 911 and I don't think this looks any worse than a Panamera sedan no this will only looked better in every way

and for everyone's opinion no I don't think anyone in the world can say this looks worse then a Panamera sedan let us know in the comments and if you do you're wrong anyways so the price of this compared to the e63 s wagon that we drove it's a lot more for this one that one was like 120 Canadian or something and that was almost fully loaded but I guess that would compete performance wise with the turbo version of this instead of the GTS exactly which is probably even more expensive it is oh you

can option that out into the 200s that'll be very fun to drive it would be and the turbo S e -hybrid would be even crazier cuz that's like nearly 700 horsepower in this and it's a plug-in hybrid so I think you still get green plates so where does this fall in line with the list of fast wagons that exist here and maybe not in North America I still think I would take the e63 ice over this but this is incredible this is the same level but I just prefer certain things to that one this is the

more subtle version exactly however also the more fancy version and this handle is way better but then the drawbacks are you don't get that loud exhaust I know you don't get drift mode yeah exactly but this by itself already kind of feels really drifty so I don't think you're really losing out on that much so how about the rs6 wagon we don't have that I think we're supposed to get it in North America apparently in 20 2021 or something if you live in a place that has both can you police tell us

in the comments yeah exactly I can't wait for that how do you one to come I feel like it'll sound better than this one but this one will still out handle it looks wise performance wise pretty much completely destroys anything from Volvo oh yeah absolutely what else has a wagon that's pretty much it all right note don't forget to subscribe get the notification valve check out patreon.com/crashcourse tough and T spring for cool shirts and check out Vince Aero watches calm slash pipes may get a

cool watch that matches your nice outfit do it I'm Yuri V8 Wagon

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