Mazda Miata RACE Car Review

Mazda Miata RACE Car Review

Mazda Miata RACE Car Review

120.683 visualizações • Estreou em 19 de out. de 2021 • 2021 Mazda MX-5 Miata and 2021 Mazda MX-5 Global Cup Car, with special guest Savagegeese Support us on Patreon:​ Join us on YouTube, become a Member! Subscribe!​ Facebook!​ Buy our shirts! Profits go directly to burnouts:​​ Add us on Instagram @TheStraightPipes Our reviews give you two perspectives. Jakub takes the perspective of the car enthusiast, while Yuri represents the interests of the general consumer. You won't find details about engine compression ratios here, instead you'll have real world opinions on what it's like to drive and own cars. Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

Mazda Miata RACE Car Review

I'm Jacob I'm Yuri our goal for a drive to be a second okay we're here at Toronto motorsport park with savage geese from savage juice we are driving the regular 2019 Miata the GT and we are driving the 2016 Cup car [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Jacob and I have never been in a race car before I've always wanted to be in a race car you know what you're doing so you're gonna help us out today I'm gonna try you're gonna do really well I think you're gonna do really well because you've got

in about six billion cars now okay let's start with just the mx-5 okay Savage geese is also doing an mx-5 Cup car video on his channel so subscribe to that now and also watch that right now oh I braked way too late and I missed the apex of that turn that extra red line really helps I don't know how it is in the 18 but I feel like I get a lot more out of it mark told me to hit the brakes enough that that starts your turn and I think that's actually helping alright I let off there cuz that's

scary heel-toe downshift come on that's got a good lap time please please get a good lap time 1:32 that's amazing probably shouldn't have looked but that's three seconds better than I did in practice don't go all the way to the cones on this part yes that braking enough just to rotate you around it feels like it's helping yes oh my god you know I keep telling people buying Miata 5 Miata I even know why I keep shifting 2/3 so I shaved off 4 seconds by doing more laps and g etting some advice my

people who know what they're doing I think the best advice was the hitting the brakes so I just use my signal wow I'm so new to track stuff I think the best advice was hitting the brakes to initiate the turn once you start feeling and turning for you then get on after I or something like that but having the brake start the turn it makes perfect sense because you're not wasting energy turning and braking you combine it whew man I love the Miata I'm very excited for the cup car it's probably way

more hardcore and weight grip here with those tires I can't imagine the cup car being worth trailering it to have it but maybe as an entry into real racing that's what you want to do it's probably awesome I think Jay was gonna be more excited with that alright it's finally my turn to go out in the Miata I did have some warm-up laps before I did have a couple spinouts only one or two but I'm gonna dial it back just a little have a little bit more fu n and feel the car out and then eventually

go for an actual hot lap this is the first time for me driving the actual 2019 Miata on the track we've driven it many different time from the road so let's see how it actually handles on a race course we do have traction control off because we don't want the brakes to overheat so Yuri and Savage geese have already gone cars a little hot that's my first excuse for not putting down a good lap time and here we go I love the improved redli ne it makes the car feels so much faster a straight line

part of brakes heel-toe third downshift go in and wide look where you want to go use as much track as possible say nice and tight here hit the kerb a little bit just kiss it flat out with third no wasting time on a shift let's see no I have to go down a second here there's not enough torque in this car in third gear nice and tight use all the track flat right now squeeze on the power go straight through the chicane don't go on the right side because you drop a wheel there you will bend it this

car handles so well it is very playful the body roll is something that you have to get accustomed to and use to your advantage it's interesting to really feel that out because there's so much body roll that you use it to your advantage you kind of stay a little bit later on the brakes and use it to turn in so I'm trying to adjust things as I go and feel how the car turns feel what the car likes how much body roll it has and use all of the car to my advantage because this car is very skittish

what happens is if you upset it with a downshift at a time that you shouldn't downshift the whole car will just unbalance unsettle and then you're gonna be off in the grass which I have done like I said once Miatas are such a good starter car for this type of track this this track rewards low horsepower playful cars because it has so many tight little corners not that many straights so a car like this would actually probably be similar to a higher horsepower car that can't take turns in this

tight section look where you want to go I want to go fast I just want to go fast come on baby 129 - all right cool down lap I am so happy with that all right awesome now I'm definitely ready for the cup car whoa that is so much fun we just got out of the mx-5 2019 here our lap times obviously Savage juice was the fastest Jacob was very close and Yuri for my first time on a track alone did all right you did amazing yeah you progressed it was perfect where you started to where you finished it's

a huge improvement yeah but to be fair I finished even after this footage that wasn't on camera true today you probably would have been a little bit faster not it why why was it such a big change from the start to where you finished I guess just getting overwhelmed by everything in general like I wasn't used to driving alone I don't know what the cones mean I don't know if the cones are rules or just guidelines and then getting in the car with you guys later and seeing what you do and putting

that into my practice helped a lot - that's a lot going on in the traffic so now let's get into how the Cup car works how to get in it how to get out if there's a fire and drive it around and see what the craziness of a cup car is to regular Miata fire test yo have you been on the Nurburgring before I have but now I'm gone that Cayuga ring yo Jacob is this what a Mi ata is supposed to sound like yes sound look feel everything [Music] it's got a sparkle motorcycle helmet yeah where's your no max

soup don't have one I got race shoes though all right listen to me when you go out there I want you to look good okay what's your advice for looking good don't crash okay that's really good advice are we doing it right what do you think that that looks about right oh you're getting in right yeah oh I'm stuck okay okay how do you put the wheel on I legiti mately oh my god okay I have to I am in between the roll bar and I can't move my head it's like you've never been in a race car before I haven't

oh this is this is gonna be tight oh you know I don't want to brag but like I need a little bit more room here this is so tight I love race cars yo Jacob you know what I'm really having fun with know how serious savage beast gets race cars no I mean it's you know this isn't a joke we see this look at this fire this isn't a joke rather not on the count of three for your drill one two three get out no you're not helping him you have to put in the crew get Omaha no he's on his own the track good oh

that's cheating Oh scary yeah we get help now I got a try how does that feel your eat it doesn't feel as claustrophobic as Jacob made it sound but maybe I'm just like but you can move your head oh yeah I notice how you moved your head and talked to the camera I couldn't do that okay I think I'll be fine all right Yuri it's time fo r you to get out ready yeah three two one fire you're on fire your legs are burning so boots gonna start it off because he actually has experience but this kind of

stuff where we do not even know I've never been at this track or in the cop car before so all right so what you need to know is these race tires take probably about six seven laps to get heated up and it feels like once you get more heat in at when you start breaking the other thing is unlike street tires we can kind o f just slide around as soon as you start to feel the rear-end go it snaps and you have to stay ahead of it and you can't be herky-jerky on the steering wheel if you're way too fast

on it it upsets the car too much but really it's so much more planted than the regular Miata obviously because the suspension and tires that's that's the main thing but it feels slower really the engine performance it feels slower than the 2019 all right so I got savage keys here so I'm just gonna let him d o this we got a stock engine correct yes what is modified in the ECU it is a standalone ECU which is usual for racing because they can make their own tuning separate wiring harness to get rid

of all the extra electronics is it the same horsepower as a regular 2016 yes and no the power curve is different I haven't seen a dyno personally but the part of the tuning is different yet I feel like it would be slightly different just because this has headers and a full exhaust right yeah and they've had to make some changes for that okay a transmission that any different is modified third and fourth gear have been changed and they do duty SPS the manufacturer does TS based economy rocks that

were changed up as miles to release on their parts tell me about those wheels and tires raised engineering spec wheels and spec tires with the FG g4 slicks and this is a spec wheel and tire you can't change it you can't modify anything spec brakes Brembos Brembo discs which are reall y affordable too are those Brembo is the exact same ones that you get an irregular Miata they are not really they are not interesting now this is a global mx-5 car there's also a spec series can you tell me

the difference about that in short the cup series is no modifications you get it from the factory if you brake on engine or transmission you have to order it through Mazda motorsports and it has to come seal and that's seal on there broken you're disqualified in a spec se ries it's just like a like a time for a time attack there's a whole bunch of different rules gray areas you have a bunch of cheaters stuff so if you have more money you win that series correct this is a driver series driver

skill dominates that's cool can you tell me what those switches right there yeah one is a pill switch for the battery if I heard a tree jack oh yeah that's an ejector seat well hopefully we won't need to use that today no all right what do we have inside here we've got a racing seat yes so the voltage real rollcage this is also made in the factory this is not coming from so this does not come from the factory they don't give you a race seat so you have to get your own fitted and all the rails

but you typically want a hey this is a halo style so you get a Hans so it supports your neck and all the safety stuff and then we got this net right over here so this clips in here and what you can't fall out is that what's for yeah so if you roll over just in case you know your head hits the net your body hits the nut and we have a full side door because this is recorded or racing full side cage yeah right door to door oh that's a good time to talk about weight yeah it shifts from the factory

2,100 pounds okay but you can't drive it at 2,100 pounds yes so if you're if you don't meet the minimum weight there's a box on the passenger side here you take a look at that black box over there so if you eat too many cheeseburgers wh at happens do you have to make weight so in the car has to be a minimum weight I believe it's like 20 450 pounds yeah so if it ships at 2,100 pounds and you're not you don't weigh enough you put homologated weights and they have to be approved weights to put it in

that box otherwise you'll get a penalty or disqualified but if I were to eat enough cheeseburgers to balance out the weight would I still need that ballast you would have to eat a lot of cheeseburgers oh and you can't be ove r six four FS are you over six hard I'm six foot one and a half really yeah holy crap and you barely fit in here yeah so it's something to note so there's probably some cooling differences because this is a race car yeah there are significant there's a lot more technical

details like super technical yeah probably that you would put you to sleep really yeah so if you want to be put to sleep watch his video super technical yeah just turn this one off yeah just to have a nap and wat ch mine yeah and now I'm gonna go drive this this is gonna hurt my head so much I am hitting my head off of the roll bar I'm gonna get a headache [Applause] this is something else oh my god okay so the tires need to get eaten them because these are slicks but this does feel already so

planted so racecar I am so goddamn happy right now holy okay I got a dial back take it easy get some heat into the tires or the sound of this thing we love loud cars I loved living this I can hear eve rything next up [Music] a purpose this is the 2016 mx-5 level cop car this is a professional race car and this is the easiest way in and racing the engine is the same as the regular Miata but about a signatu one my god right yes maybe oh don't shoot Reece cooler oh that grip my god this does not

feel like like nothing all of that roll is gone you really find the limit of this I have known ef-1 for sure I'm not that far off has so much crap [Music] I want one of these so badly this is such a good car we'll get ahead of you oh my god this is sound like a race car and it feels like a race car oh it's not very fast which is really really good I don't want to say right now I appreciate how not fast it is well you can brake so much later and I'm profligate it's not the auto the shift points

are so different I love having that my red line in the 2019 respect in our mind you got this when 22 no 124 yes I'll take it I will take it okay I don't want to stop I don't wa nt to stop I'm sorry Yuri I'm probably taking up a little bit more time I don't want to stop I'm so sorry [Music] ride the brakes along they said in the first laughs get heat in the tires [Music] Oh [Music] all right [Music] more badass [Music] I spun out but I kept it alive that was intense that feels way more badass than

regular cars but it's just like a lot going on I feel like I was way off my racing line but also just like more in it I don't even know that was cool though we just got out of the mx-5 global Cup car here our lap times now those look nice yeah same thing again yeah what do you expect well it's it's obvious that there's a consistent step and skill level right I mean you guys were both really consistent you're a lot of times or towards the end and so is I so that's good everyone progressed and I

think it's awesome that there's an obvious difference to go faster in the Cup car than the regular Miata yeah so the biggest thing that I noticed about driving it is the grip levels and the sound like my god that was the best okay but I spun out the Cup car while doing my fast laps you only spun out the mx-5 while doing your fast laps I also spun out that one which no one saw yeah I didn't spend out I know I don't know I guess I'm not driving hard enough right I was going 12 tenths you guys

were having fun obviously yeah claustrophobic in the Cup car I did I got over that very quickly as soon as I started up and got out on the t rack my head was rattling and I could think that kind of changed my perspective on it I couldn't think anymore for me it felt like there was a lot going on and I was I was very overwhelmed for this being my first day on the track alone trying to be fast and compete with other guys who were faster than me and then trying to understand what's going on a cup

car but the RPM on the 20-19 how much better is that than the 2016 and yeah so that was the biggest thing that we noticed both a ll of us probably yeah he's the shift points we drove the 19 regular Miata first on the track and tried to base our shift points off of that with the higher redline where the global Cup car does not have the higher redline so all of our shift points were completely off the other thing is you have to shift a lot shift a lot more in the Cup car yeah because the gearing is

just you know you don't have the rows so you're constantly third the second to third on some of the tight corners it 's more involving but it also upsets the car more constantly down shipping from being a beginner today I also notice that driving with you you are way better at heel toe shifting when you're going really fast and it's a lot on your mind which I wasn't if I had more seat time I feel like I could be better but man like you're just no matter what perfect rev-match all the time yeah

it's easy for me but I've been doing it for a long time you got it you got to factor that in don't feel bad about it yes you did amazing for what you that's the differences yeah and that's cool but that's why our lap times are different it's just it matches up with our experience level that's all it is and I just want to give a shout out to our film crew oh yeah good job guys you got a pat yourself on the back Oh would you guys rather be driving the 2019 mx-5 or the 2016 Cup car on track should

I answer for ya up car like 100% just cuz it's more race cars louder - race car it's so loud its grip but it just love the feeling really like so much more effort to drive it yes I like to progress and I like the effort that I have to put no but I mean even to like get in and get out and start it and bring it somewhere maximum effort like maximum but I love I had way more fun in the tour 19 because it was just like easy go like when we're taking laps at the end we're switching spots like like

that and like it didn't fade really like everything kept going it was so much ea sier you can use it on the roads which one would you take home wreck and then I'll be real about it I think the cup car is amazing but if you don't have race car mindset or budget like all the things that go along with it it's so much easier just to get in a regular mx-5 this doesn't even have the upgraded suspension and brakes or the Recaros and it's still amazing you could get done out there and just drive right

home and there's so that's just so awesome this is like a total orde al Mazda Canada had to have a guy bring it to us by the way this is from Mazda Canada's fleet with their old vintage car so yeah thanks master can tours he would say Mazda Canada Mazda Canada and us is kind of involved - and a little bit in it at least in my part of it at 58 grand out the door Canadian or us you know US dollars $58,000 us because it's bait made in the US you get a lot a lot of car but you have to get your own

seat you have to get a trailer you can't street register it so there's a lot of costs that are kind of bare into it and the truth is to run a whole season it's about 150,000 assuming you don't crash so that's a lot of buy-in to take this racing but to start racing that or like a micro Cup that's probably a lot more fun I haven't driven the my k-cup car there you go we gotta remember to its when you get a car like this you want the competition and there's not gonna be too many race series that

you can go out on grid and have like 50 cars on the grid or you know there's a high level of competition all throughout the world with this car and that's why you would do it and it's very approachable though when you guys got out of the regular mx-5 you pretty much felt right at home right there's just the tires that's the biggest thing that you had to adjust you is warming them up and getting used to what they're gonna do because they've just everybody a seat adjustment there wasn't a seat

adjustment it was perfect for Ja cob yeah a little far for me to his car made heel-toe a lot easier that's okay we need those sounds there yeah do you guys both recommend buying both for both people who need both sure why not I mean if you already have that maker Cup car money you buy a regular one just buy every Mazda okay every Mazda Miata buy a cup car like if you think you have money you want to go racing why are you for racing just don't forget Seven Keys also has a video on his channel at

the same time or may

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