2021 Range Rover Sport SVR Review - The BEST sounding SUV

2021 Range Rover Sport SVR Review - The BEST sounding SUV

2021 Range Rover Sport SVR Review - The BEST sounding SUV

930.146 visualizações • 17 de jul. de 2021 • 2021 Range Rover Sport SVR on The Straight Pipes. Would you take this over a 2021 Mercedes-AMG GLC 63s or a 2021 Jeep Trackhawk? Save 15% off your Vincero order. Go to http://www.vincerowatches.com/Straigh... We go for a drive in the 2021 Land Rover Range Rover Sport SVR Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thestraightpipes Sponsor us on YouTube! Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/thestraightp... Buy our shirts! Profits go directly to burnouts: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/thestrai... https://shop.spreadshirt.com/thestrai... Add us on Instagram @TheStraightPipes Our reviews give you two perspectives. Jakub takes the perspective of the car enthusiast, while Yuri represents the interests of the general consumer. You won't find details about engine compression ratios here, instead you'll have real world opinions on what it's like to drive and own cars. Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

2021 Range Rover Sport SVR Review - The BEST sounding SUV

I'm Jacob I'm URI and we SVR rain drove our gopher drive 2018 Land Rover Range Rover Sport SVR yes Auto bibliography oh and another one okay autobiography is a different one so I got most of it right most of it yeah actually I'm surprised it's Goodman but actually what's the name of this what's the order and why is it special Land Rover Range Rover Sport SVR because we have that ridiculous engine special vehicle operations yes the are is the operations you know what though I get it s and V

special vehicle operations Oh doesn't look nearly schools are so it's like special vehicle operations racing exactly this car sounds amazing it's also an SUV not a car but it sounds amazing motor 5 litre supercharged v8 horsepower and torque 575 horsepower and 516 pound-feet of torque which are exactly the same as the f-type SVR which is hilarious I want you to hit cliche corner real quick rip fake get some exhaust and then we're gonna talk about our sponsor for this episode full sen d down

cliche and then some sponsors yes dynamic mode and full send on cliche oh my god this handles so well there's a person in an SUV so well it shouldn't handle for the size of it like it shouldn't handle at all it should be off-road it should be a tower like this is a building but it's flat good steering input I would love to compare this to like a track Hawk or something yeah I would love to cuz this is insane maybe maybe not as fast no probably not as fast but 575 horsepow er around the track yeah

there's still pretty damn fast but we'll get to that a little bit later first Vince arrow this episode is sponsored by Vince arrow watches they hooked us up with watches on our f-type video and I've been wearing it ever since so we are both wearing the chrono s in rose gold which is my favorite I get a lot of compliments for this from like my family and friends like actually even in the comments we've been getting compliments like non-stop Yuri what watch are you wearing check those videos we've

done at least 20 where he's been wearing it yeah ever since I got the watch I've been wearing it I put it next to my car keys so that when I go driving I want to have like a nice Drive and watch because car guys are watch guys and now I think I'm kind of a watch guy now I think you are too I'm a Vince arrow watch guy you legitimately haven't taken it off in any videos since the one that we filmed the real I actually have a bit of a watch ten let's see if I can oh there's proof it might be kind

of hard to see it but I got a pretty hardcore watch ten so what's the coupon code for discounted watches go to Vince arrow watches comm slash straight pipes for 15% off your entire order so if you order multiple watches 15% off yeah and they're the best company because they support the straight pipes that's right and I'm I'm dead serious I know you are they are the best yeah they are because they support the straight players and the wat ch is really nice and get a lot of compliments yeah exactly

and back to the review Oh put that watch on your other hand bro alright one second oh so much better now full sin 0 to 100 in 4.5 seconds for this crazy SUV with this fast but it's not as fast as the Jaguar f-type SVR because it's an SUV but does it have the same engine yes it does but it doesn't weigh the same absolutely no it's not I'm just saying for a two car for two vehicles with the same engine it's noticeably slower b ut it is very fast yes and you know what else is noticeably different

the boss okay so different so the f-type SVR was the best exhaust in the world this is also the best exhaust in the world but not quite as the best yeah so the f-type SVR you'd get up to 5,000 rpm let off and the top the gas pedal enough so the RPM didn't move but in this one it's completely different you can't do that what you have to do this pour it and then let off between three and four thousand that's it tha t's the only way to do it to get the little crackles yeah and they're so loud but

do you know what this one does better than the f-type SVR the sound between shifts yeah when you were like ship really high in the RPM oh my god I think someone's starting a chainsaw between every gear this thing sounds like a toolbox full of tools rolling down stairs that's what it sounds like while being sawed in half by a chainsaw pretty much yeah this thing sounds unreal and you know what you're a little bit of sound oh god it sounds so ridiculous but when you turn off the exhaust it sounds

so wimpy from behind it sounds like this that is what it sounds like that is an authentic representation of the sound but it still sounds all right inside but from behind yeah always leave it on and it stays on we turned off the car turned it back on and it stayed on and where's that button URI yeah in the digital screen yeah - and that's pretty much the exact same infotainment as the Rang e Rover fallar yep pretty much I'll watch that video to learn more about the infotainment we'll get way more

into it we're just gonna touch upon it here this is one of the flattest handling SUVs like the Porsche Macan however did you know that this one's also good on the Nurburgring there's actually a Nurburgring lap time for a frigging SUV this isn't the record holder is it no but it's probably the loudest one probably got in trouble oh yeah they probably had to put like a decibel me ter and got in trouble and all that kind of stuff yeah this also has the same ZF 8-speed transmission and I think it

shifts just the same speed as the f-type SVR it's got the exact same paddles yes however they don't cut my finger on this one so I like them it also has digital gauges where the f-type SVR had analog gauges I noticed the digital gauges are a little a gear they look way better but yeah I disagree really I like I like the analog gauges well I like analog gauges I just think these look better but we got a heads-up display on this one which we didn't any other one and you can customize everything in

there you can have your map you can have your music and you can have your car displayed in it I guess I should also mention that this does rewind satellite radio stations but what I didn't know before the f-type SVR when you go to your music screen here remember we complain how you had to drag across yes I never fail all you have to do is click these thr ee dots go to replay controls and it always starts up in replay mode oh that's amazing you cycle through the favorites on your steering wheel

and you can always rewind it with the tap of a button maybe we should talk about the steering wheel a little bit because it's also special SVR badge and some gloss black but that's not what's special we have buttons that change yeah just like the villarceau watch that video again is a little bit confusing but that's all I'll say if you own it you get used to it and it's so impressive to other people like this is probably the nicest looking most impressive SUV it is it's really really stunning

what I got in it I was shocked are these SUV race seats it is it's actually race buckets in an SUV it looks a lot like the Tesla it does actually just the seats yeah scooping this of it back to what makes this a little bit more special on the outside and the driving this does get the SVR sports air suspension yeah you can dump it really low and really high and my favorite part is you can actually drive in the lowest mode until you take a turn and then it kind of puts you back up but you can

actually drive an access height and there's a button to do that and I absolutely love it because the valar did not let me drive in the most gangster access type mode gangster it is gangster it's actually this is a gangster SUV gangster is the more gangster way to say it is that though it is now gangsta is like a 2007 l ike jay-z thing Oh so it's probably the real things 2018 YouTube bro what makes a Range Rover Range Rover low-range gearbox we have that so you can actually take this thing off

road and I will shortly there's no point what do you mean there's no point you put this thing in full-out height mode for off-road mode and you just send it off they put that stuff there so that it can do it they don't want you to do it yeah but we have hill descent we have everything to do it so you can do it cuz it has to have that but I'm gonna do it anyways to prove a point yeah yeah whatever how about the box test let's find out 13 that's kept ski pops his box nice watch thanks it's a vince

arrow how do you get that box you just buy it on patreon but let's make sure it fits come on keV ski pops the box is gonna fit I guarantee you 13 boxes that was pretty good thanks to the new patreon guy keV Sookie pops Oh visor test vyjit test three two one no double visor though oh yes double v isor so it's that pass uh it's a book don't gimmick pass yeah guys gimmick pass I thought it'd give me pass as a fail no gimmick pass as a pass but it's not a full pass but it's also a 575 horsepower SUV

pass yeah yeah I send it what's another SUV that you can buy this like this track hawk there's a track Hawk and there's an x5 m BMW that's about it but there's a Dodge Durango that's fast too yeah but it's not this fast how about the makan in the Cayenne no they don't sound this craz y and they're not this fast actually they're probably faster but they don't sound this good okay how about the Mercedes one though oh the gles exterior that also computers you should do a fast yes UV shootout

manufacturers give us a call send us your cool cars we're gonna make a thing of it the fastest SUVs you have those are our favourite SUVs also you guys got to pay for gas because yeah like these cars take up so much gas we've gone through half a tank in like 20 minutes yo u guys realize we're poor we don't have rich car money for gas like this is hurting I did the math for us daily driving all of these things it's the equivalent of daily driving a Hellcat that's why I think other journalists do

like cheaper cars yeah yeah and like I think we just haven't learned yet no no we have get ready for electric car and hyper car month September October yeah yeah patreon and Sarah the more videos you buy check what gas we get yeah yeah oh we have more tests wh ich one wrecks test oh yeah my dog Rex thanks do you want to go in the trunk no he didn't want to go in the SUV it's too expensive for them SVR means no Rex that's right dude shred this thing apart small cup of Tim Hortons coffee that is

fail no it fits like the old screw yeah but it's got those cushiony things but I feel like this one's a little better than the other cushiony things is it full pass all right then you are the issuing authority uncoupled or passes I'm not I will all ow it as the exhaust god I will give you that and if any other youtube channels out there top gear grant or want to do some of our tests get a little shout out yeah yeah oh yes okay then yeah straight pipes cupholder test straight pipes wiser test fit

by box test straight pipes racks test launch control doesn't have it can I Drive yes but after I take it off-road for a little bit and some off-roading are we still in dynamic mode yeah we are actually let me raise that up okay mango in fotainment to the infotainment and let's go to mud ruts program which is what we're in what's this this is rock crawl no cactus sand program no now these are very low-profile tires per program these are not off-roading tires oh my god are we sinking oh god oh god

this can't get stuck dude it's like drifting itself there's no way this can get stuck I know did you lock the diffs little man put me back in normal mode well it is a Range Rover so oh my god we're actually like off-roading so hard this is actually amazing not part of the flag no you drive me out of here I'm not responsible for this so if you think we're soft because we're not gonna mudding this is literally like sports performance tires yeah where we shouldn't have gone this is Wilson down here

and here we go right through this no problem we should not be outrunning this by mistake no the fact that it can do this with sports performance tires 295 s might I add yeah so in case you do go to the cottage an d you veer off road you'll be just fine gonna be alright your turn to drive on the road I think we need to get a car wash though I'm gonna start off with the coolest part this shifter it is the nicest shifter ever usually Range Rover Land Rovers have that weird dial for gears yes they do

I hate that I love this shifter and its rap it looks so fancy probably the nicest shifter I've ever shifted but if you're still a fan of those cool circly shifters and stuff they still make this come in and out you have the off-road modes you just click and it goes down so I really want to get into the interior and the exterior because they're both stunningly beautiful what do you like more the interior or the exterior I think it's the exterior because it's just so crazy for me interior I love

the interior it's really really well put together but the exterior is just so creative let's start with the interior alright we got white seats and they're like race buckety yes they are t hey're super comfortable no massage though because this is race SUV heated and cooled and you adjust them to these dynamic buttons yeah it's cool it's a little bit laggy a little bit gimmicky but if it's yours you're def impress everyone oh this is so impressive you'll be the hottest uber in town yeah I

don't think they would make enough to cover the gas for sure the next thing about up here is the glovebox yeah the globe box is dual hinged so we got to glove boxes technically - yeah and two buttons for it on the door panels we've got this little side compartment yeah it's pretty nice we actually both get them but it's gloss blacked the next want to talk about is the center console area oh the lack of piano black yeah I know you can option it but this one doesn't have it thank you for

not optioning that but I think it's because with the white the brush steel aluminum stuff looks a lot better I love it is amazing it is the this part is okay that p art yeah okay it's brushed and non brushed but you know what my favorite part is yeah I know the fridge real here's a fridge in here and I have stocked it up with my favorite drink what is it it's Heineken zero point zero it is not beer you like drinking alcohol free beer that's your family I hate it I got it for free and when I went

to Formula One they're handing these things out let's pull over and pour that stuff out okay let's continue driving I guess so we do have a fridge and t here's two levels of coldness which is wild it is the next best part is the cupholder area yeah we actually accidentally discovered that that whole thing moves so we've got a brushed steel cover which slides back super far it's probably like a foot long yeah it's way under the dash somewhere and then the cups can also slide over and then you have

power below there in more storage compartments it's so cool I mentioned the white leather on the dash we have a white leather on the steerin g wheel as well do you like it I like it but to keep it clean it would be a nightmare but whatever I don't own this but this compared to the steering wheel on the valar yeah there's a metal ring on it yeah there's some cold exactly we have a massive sunroof and there's tons of room back there even for myself at six foot one and a half is that considered a

sunroof if it's that big I guess a moonroof sunroof we've got a very nice adequate sound system yeah I'm Rhydian you can't upgra de it what's cool about the Jaguar Land Rover stuff is there's like four different options for sound systems in your settings and they all sound different but they all sound really good I also like how the rear seats fold down from the side you've got a little handle there because their race seats are there different yeah you can't do it from the back but in the back we

have buttons for the air suspension lower and raise it for the load height that's right it's super cool not that you 're gonna have to loan anything in this no you're too rich get your Butler to do it for you yeah or get us load some boxes in it yeah this is probably the first and only time it'll have boxes in it or anything really yeah we're off right we're over here here's us wash again we took care of it we're sorry sorry sorry you're welcome yeah that's true we proved a point you can off-road

this unlike performance 21 inch tires alright let's finish off with looks yeah okay thank you so carbon- fiber hood this is a ten thousand dollar option that's so gangster it's the most gangster thing ever gangster a F so it's a carbon-fiber hood and you also get carbon all around the outside there's carbon fake vents on the sides yes and there's so good fake vents there like the fakest thing ever they're not faking anything other than the fact that yes we were 100% fake vents I am buying carbon

fiber and this is how I'm putting it on that's right and there's carbon fiber all around the back the front the sides everywhere ears yeah exactly it's amazing that's how you know when they put carbon fiber on the mirrors that's you know they just got extra money to spend an option it's pretty much which is fine yeah and on the hood you've got big scoops yeah they're massive you gotta look up a bit to see them but man they actually probably need them they're functional for cooling because this

thing is so big and heavy and he needs to be cooled down this may come as a disa ppointment to you I don't like this color I like it in person but it's hard to film I think it's a perfect color if you want to be flashy but your job doesn't allow it oh it's a good way to look if you're an accountant yeah yeah you can't just show up places in like a bright orange car imagine if they had this in ultra blue look from the f-type yeah cuz then they know exactly you're giving them a run for their money

but this is like I don't know man this thing's pretty ostentatious y ou're not kidding anyone with a carbon-fiber hood yeah but some people won't notice that but everyone will notice like bright orange will hear it turn the exhaust off that's yeah this guy's car sounds bad but I want to give him more business I want to give him a big shout out for that exhaust because while they are fake tips they're so real because they connected the pipes to those faked exhaust tips and they look amazing Fe

type SVR exactly I really like the wheels too they fit t he car so well you can get them in not black but you got to get them in black and those calipers they're huge the front calipers are massive it's got those really awesome Rover headlights yeah they look perfect and this taillights are super cool as well it's nice and dark but when you hit the lights it's a bunch of little circles and then we put in a turn signal it's like a little line that goes around them they look great definitely

my favorite Land Rover our taillights anythi ng else at the looks not about the looks but the door specifically they are soft closed doors because that's an option these are gonna have handles that come out all fancy like the valar do they no I do not this is probably an expensive SUV isn't it very expensive how expensive 130 mm to start Canadian this one is a hundred and fifty four thousand seven hundred and seventy dollars that's less than the f-type SVR exactly which is pretty crazy and

it's got more seats it's bigger and it's got more stuff going on the amount of car that you get for your dollar compared to the f-type this is way more but for speed compared to a track Hawk yeah this is less yeah but this is more fancy this is higher cost but slower so would you recommend this SUV yes for okay absolutely for anyone that can afford this because it's super cool it's the coolest SUV ever is it the coolest SUV we've driven so far yes what do you think is cooler than this possibly

the track Hawk that worse maybe that to have definitely that worse yeah maybe so if you want to see us review more high horsepower luxury SUVs let us know which ones in the comments below don't forget to subscribe notification bell patreon.com slash straight pipes and sponsor us have been Sara watches that's right I'm terrible thing to do do it five and Sarah watch Ben Cerro coupon code right here Vince arrow I'm Yuri I'm Jacob we're going for a drive [Music] subscription break don't forget

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