2021 Acura RDX Review - Almost Perfect

2021 Acura RDX Review - Almost Perfect

2021 Acura RDX Review - Almost Perfect

625.909 visualizações • 6 de jul. de 2021 • We go for a drive in the 2021 Acura RDX. Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thestraightpipes Sponsor us on YouTube! Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/thestraightp... Buy our shirts! Profits go directly to burnouts: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/thestrai... https://shop.spreadshirt.com/thestrai... Add us on Instagram @TheStraightPipes Our reviews give you two perspectives. Jakub takes the perspective of the car enthusiast, while Yuri represents the interests of the general consumer. You won't find details about engine compression ratios here, instead you'll have real world opinions on what it's like to drive and own cars. Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

2021 Acura RDX Review - Almost Perfect

I'm hearing of Jacob we're going for a drive the newly-redesigned 2019 Acura RDX platinum elite sh-awd super handling all-wheel drive and we already know from our last accurate video that super handling all-wheel drive is legit business and if you're denying that fact you're a liar I'm gonna let Jacob get more into the handling when he drives but here's a little bit of a taste the biggest new thing with this car is it's got a cool new infotainment yeah alright it's a touch pad that controls a

screen that you can't touch correct it's my least favorite thing ever it's not intuitive to start but you can get used to it I hate track pads touch pads the new Mercedes a-class has it the Lexus has it this has it but this one is different because it's got a finite position wherever you click on the touchpad that's where it clicks on the screen a what position finite I thought it was true touch true touch ok well maybe that's what it's called but finite is how to describe it is it I believe

so all right then so if top left is top left it makes perfect sense but it's very tricky to use it is logical and I did not find it that tricky however it took a very long time to get used to it and I'm still not completely used to it and it's kind of distracting it's very distracting but because they use a trackpad they can put the screen farther up because you don't have to reach to touch it that's true which means you don't have to look down as much or lean in as much it's like using those

keyboards with those red ball mouse when you're in elementary school you're like I know how to use a normal Mouse just give me a normal Mouse I want a normal touchscreen that's normal to me do you know what would solve this issue I'll scroll wheel the Accord infotainment yes ok if they took out this whole section and just put the accordion Fulton Mint put this graphic design into the accordion for tainment it would be perfect the graphic design is unreal the r esolution is amazing so I love

everything about it except for the reverse camera ok we'll get to that later though yeah Yuri yeah I'd like to interrupt you for a second with all this boring stuff and talk about horsepower and torque talk to them about it this has 272 horsepower and 280 pound-feet of torque alright and you can talk more about how that feels when you drive later well I will we do have a volume knob and we've got 2 buttons buttons not a tuning knob but they're not superfast it's still kind of tricky to use and

if you're actually tuning channels through the touchpad it's pretty difficult it is cumbersome a tuning knob would solve all of those issues we do have 12 rewinding satellite radio stations that were white up to an hour which is fantastic and when you get into the car it actually presets some of those as well just skip though you need to click the more button and then start clicking back so it's not just like an easy thing you have to d o a lot of work to click back but at least it does rewind it

does rewind and it's once you used to wait it's very enjoyable but you know what else this car does do what actually I don't even know yet the visors ok oh for sure it'll fast come on here we go to one yes oh great job accurate I'll give that a lot of power I was worried for a second yeah yeah so along with the trackpad we also have a right slider when you move the right slider you get the best sound ever the tambourine soun d it is the funniest sound ever and it's so loud at a default setting

and you can make it way louder to the point where it hurts your ears it should be criminal to be that loud it is painfully loud at the maximum volume however you can completely turn off those sounds and think in settings system and then system sounds that's right but what's cool about the right screen need to get your map clock or the music that's playing there's no hard buttons to go to like nav satellite radio or whatever but if you swipe off to the screen and say I'm in my music screen right

now if I hard click down it'll throw my left screen to the satellite radio screen there you go I need navigation swipe down swipe down tambourine tambourine click and I'm into my navigation so it doesn't have hard buttons but it kind of has hard buttons are we done yet No along with the cool new infotainment that I don't really like the control of I also have a really cool heads-up display yes I love the heads-up this way so it's normal got the speedometer whatever you can get your traffic

directions through there but you've got an apps button on your steering wheel it's the best thing ever it's my favorite heads-up display out of any car I've ever driven you click apps and then you've got navigation phone car place here satellite radio and other radio stations and stuff like that you can program it from your infotainment to show up in your head up display and the resolution and what it's actually displaying is perfect the best thing is you can click navigation it'll go

to stations coffee shops restaurant fast-food say you click on one it'll show you how close everything is and the actual brand names and it's not convoluted it works perfectly well you know what doesn't work perfectly is the navigation you know it's close but not quite there so you need to write the letters in the trackpad for what you're searching for or you could say it by vo ice command but it doesn't work well the writing actually registers what you're trying to search really really well but

what it displays when you search that item is not the best and the weirdest part is that this only has apple carplay no Android auto but it's apparently coming the analog gauges are good they're great but what it doesn't have is the speedometer right in the middle yeah I don't care about that I do care about that and we've got the speedometer on the heads-up display but when I'm wearing polarized sunglasses it's very hard to see we've got the most convoluted trip computer screen in the world I

will 100% agree with that but when we have other cool things like super handling all-wheel drive screen which we're going to test out on cliche corner that is my favorite menu display ever and we also have a minimal screen and what does that screen say yes minimal that's it which is the opposite of minimal exactly should show minimal and then fade away a re we done with the boring stuff yet no one more boring thing okay in the gauges this has the best intro and outro graphics of all time it

actually does the Honda company should have that spread across all of Honda and Acura I want to see that in like every Civic everything that'll make every car feel so much more special very true we've got snow Comfort Sport and Sport Plus I want to talk about that yeah but I want to talk about the graphics take a look at these the graphics ar e they are very cool they don't move around no but they're really good still frame graphics Super HD might as well do a small cup of Tim Hortons coffee

test thanks for spilling well Eric passes and the box test box test 12 boxes pretty much the same as everything else in his class yo can you beep any louder car wrecks test my dog just wanted to play alright now with the majority of the boring stuff out of the way I'll let you drive and talk about the super handling all-wheel driv e that we already know is excellent because it's actually the best part of this whole car cuz super handling all-wheel drive actually means something that's right for

once yeah not like a other brand more you said we could talk about the reverse camera later luxury cars should not have low res reverse cameras 100% agree but you can see everything very clearly so I'll give them that much and the platinum elite is the only one that gets a 360 camera and we got a little washer on the b ack of the reverse camera also only on the platinum elite alright let's rip it full send it's not bad off the line at all but when you're on the highway going faster trying to pass

it's not like super good you'll still be able to pass exactly who you want to but you won't be the first one to pass them this is a two liter four-cylinder VTEC and it's completely appropriate for the car I think they got rid of the v6 because they wanted better fuel economy and I think it's very appropriat e yeah I don't mind it I kept it in comfort the whole time sport didn't do much for me this actually has more torque than the old v6 as well nice and the torque comes on at 1600 rpm so you

pretty much always have turbo there's not much turbo lag it's more transmission light because this is a 10 speed Auto yeah but even when you're in the right gear it's still not like lightning it's not lightning no but this is completely appropriate for an SUV in Sport Plus we also have a turbo m eter and an accelerometer you can have that display in every mode but I like to keep it just in sport plus the turbo gauge is one of the funniest gauges I've seen it's really impressive but I don't

know what it's actually showing me there's no psi it's just this glowing orb yeah and when you're Florida goes red when you're off it it goes purple it looks like the Terminator eye but it is kind of laggy are you upset about how laggy it is no because it provides no information to m e so I don't really care so the Platinum elite is also the only one that gets adaptive suspension so comfort mode actually makes a difference for the suspension in this car that's a top trim right that's right

there's an a speck yeah but that's below this but what does the a speck have that's different than the Platinum it just looks way cooler that's it now that we're at cliche corner time to test super handling all-wheel drive and it's actually unreal you'll see all the power was at your back left wheel there yes not on the back right so what happens with this is that you get a little bit of understeer in a little bit of body roll as soon as you go into the corner but as soon as you get on the power

the power gets distributed to the rear wheels usually and the torque gets distributed so the torque is being sent to the outside wheel and it just throws you right through the corner it's actually amazing one of the best-handling SUVs I've actually driven it's a very weird feeling being here because it handles way better than I think it will exactly it handles almost like a car better than some cars better than that Subaru Legacy and probably even better than that Ford Fusion sport the Mekons

GTS not better than that but that was my favorite this is actually my second favorite and then I would say the BMW x3 this is like really really really good overall the suspension is still really comfortable in the matter what motor and Sport Plus definitely stiffens it up I don't think it stiffens it up enough to justify the sport plus I think you should always leave this in comfort and just enjoy it maybe even sport Sport is fine as well I also really appreciate the steering it is very direct

there's no lag in it you know exactly what's happening you feel like you're connected to the front wheels which is really nice in today's age of cars I know I already said that this car is very comfortable but I would also like to addre ss this interior because this interior makes it so comfortable one of my favorite SUVs to sit in yeah the CV position is really good you've got that both elbows hands on the wheel position this armrest does move forward and it goes up and we got a cool cover for

it there is supersoft leather everywhere and speaking of that cover there is ash burl wood throughout this interior it's actually real yeah and it like wraps around the front - I've never seen that in a car before it kind of looks like it might attract dust but it also looks really cool they knocked it out of the park in here I would love to see in some different colors though the seats are heated and cooled and these are the 16 way adjustables only in platinum elite ok speaking of heating and

cooled where's that stuff located right up here on gloss black what does this look like to you it looks like the Acura NSX no it doesn't no it looks like the Ford Focus it looks exactly like every Ford Focus thes e vents make it look like the Ford Focus and this Center dial looks like the volume control on there the first thing I did was get in like Oh valium nope that's my dynamic mode it's huge yeah I mean NSX has something similar but it's very for focusing in this car you absolutely get used

to it and you do have the weird button style shifter but you obviously do get used to that as well piano black piano black I hate it for this for gripping onto the shifter yeah exactly it's in a lot o f dust settling points it's in a lot of touch points a little bit annoying but it is there you know one of days I'm gonna prank you I'm gonna gonna wrap all your wood in your Lexus in piano black I'm just gonna set my Lexus on fire I'd also like to point out there's leather pretty much everywhere

and it's so soft for your legs so resting my knees against the sides the seating is just amazing your actual driving position is so comfortable and the steering wheel as well the size shap e and everything about it the leather quality on it I love this how about the backseat room it is actually very good as well I got tons of room back there and with the panoramic sunroof you get like such a nice view it feels very nice back there yeah we don't really talk about that but I'm sure you guys can

see it up here maybe right here yeah just a little bit of the wrong one yeah this does have link keep assist and adaptive cruise they both work pretty well the lane keep assist is not the best I think the Kia Genesis Hyundai lane keep assist works a little bit better it's more forgiving hold you in the lanes more this one when it let's go to the lane sometimes it just sends you right out I do agree with you but what this does have is great collision warnings yeah you get a gigantic brake warning

in your heads-up display and in your gauge cluster and Acura actually figured out this whole system they put all of the buttons right here to turn everything off or on yeah the way we like it down on the bottom left corner this car also has an acura link app we can control it from your phone and get stats that's right so you can start your car you can actually put a geofence yeah you don't trust your kids so whoever had this car before me set like 19 geofences up so every time I drove I got

notification it's like Yuri has left Markham Yuri has left Toronto it's like okay yeah I get it yes if you don't trust your kids it's a good way to spy on them one thing I forgot to mention about this button shift here if you ever didn't drive a reverse and you stopped the car completely you unbuckle your seat belt and you open the door it'll automatically put you into park so that you don't kill yourself that's good that's safety because that has happened to people before exactly it's a perfect

method to fix that problem to fix the counterintuitive the design they made your you pointed out one thing about the sound system to me it i s a very good sound system it is but the logo is Els studio 3d it looks like something you'd find on your 1999 white home PC computer that connects to a modem soundblaster Els studio 3d was probably a thing yeah it is a really good sound system and we've got the Beach Boys radio station on number four on Sirius satellite radio you can play along to beach boy

song with the tambourine ridiculous a Baba Baba Baba ran also my fiance said if I don't turn off that tambourine noise she's gon na jump out of the car so yeah well make sure you disable that let's get on to look because this looks amazing oh yeah it absolutely amazes the best looking SUV in a while yeah it actually is the headlights look unreal the LEDs throat them like the actual headlights not just the daytime runners they look amazing yeah we've got that cool new Acura grill yeah a lot

of people don't like that but they're wrong and that's okay yeah exactly you're all wrong if you don't like it yeah that's fine so we have a wrong opinion we have those crazy air curtains in the front that draw air around the wheels to make a more aerodynamic and they are absolutely massive I really like the hood bumps the hood bumps are so cool I like the side profile as well yeah I just don't like the wheels on this one yeah the wheels are kind of weird but at least they tried on the a spec

you get way better wheels and I believe you get 20s as well I really like that chrome edge thing on the bottom it's kind of weird but kind of cool at the same time what do they say in the brochure they called it a super aggressive side sill or something like that it is pretty aggressive super aggressive super handling super aggressive for Chrome and it's appropriate levels of chrome I like it and the taillights are nice we have accurate lobster claws yeah there are a lot nicer than Honda or

lobster claws I think yeah and they are led either classier Honda ones overall I think it's a really good shape and really matches the rest the Acura brand this is a great car overall and I would highly recommend actually buying this well this color too yes so this color is a $500 it's not as good as Mazda infinity Reds but it is very good as well it's very very good we should get to the price though hit me with it just over $55,000 well it's a lot better than I thought it'd be exactly and

this is the top trim for a luxury car this luxury right this is luxury Honda lux ury that's right 100% luxury and it's the top trim with that price in mind I think the 360 camera is a little more forgivable now exactly this is a really good car so let us know below what you think of the new Acura RDX do you like this touchpad stuff or not or is that the craziest thing you've ever seen in your life do you miss the v6 or he's cross shopping this with something else should we have a touchscreen

or maybe an optional rotary dial and if you missed the v6 wrong anyw ays - don't worry about it don't forget to subscribe patreon.com class - straight pipes notification we have a merch store YouTube sponsor button what else hit the like button like button yeah we can start doing that one day yeah leave a comment do everything share this video with all of your friends yeah all of channel with them make them subscribe grab their phone click subscribe that's right and the North Cajun Belle go

and Instagram video coming soon maybe yeah who knows ver

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