2021 Lincoln Aviator Review - American Luxury Done Right

2021 Lincoln Aviator Review - American Luxury Done Right

2021 Lincoln Aviator Review - American Luxury Done Right

759.925 visualizações • 29 de out. de 2021 • 2021 Lincoln Aviator Review by The Straight Pipes. The Lincoln Aviator has a 3L twin turbo V6 putting out 400hp and 415lb ft of torque. With a loaded price of $84,600 Canadian Dollars, does it have what it takes to compete against the Cadillac XT6, BMW X7, Mercedes-Benz GLE, Acura MDX, Audi Q7? Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thestraightpipes Become a YouTube Member! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC86S... Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/thestraightp... Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thestraight... Twitter! https://twitter.com/StraightPipers Buy our merch at teespring.com/stores/thestraightpipes Check out Continental Tire at https://www.continentaltire.ca ------------------- #lincoln #aviator #lincolnaviator ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

2021 Lincoln Aviator Review - American Luxury Done Right

[Music] [Music] I'm your Jake I was going for a drive 20:20 Lincoln aviator send it let's got a lot of torque it's got the right amount of power this is actually really good horsepower and torque 400 horsepower and 415 pound-feet of torque from a three liter twin-turbo v6 so the Aviator is the new three row SUV from Lincoln yes it is and obviously I have the aviator shades which I will take off now and we also recently drove the Cadillac xt6 which is pretty much direct competition for this yes

so we'll be making a lot of comparisons to that so since its brand new I say we start with the looks yeah this thing looks stunning I absolutely love how this looks we've got the new style link in front end and it looks very nice the front end is my overall favorite part of the looks of this car what I like about the grille is we've got like those two flatter parts at the bottom it kind of looks like nostrils on it yeah and then the headlights are pretty cool too yeah they're not lik e super

special but they work yeah it's like the Navigator except only one LED daytime running light which is easier for me to look at because apparently I have astigmatism apparently and lights just like double up on me but these actually have like super crazy LED lights we haven't got a chance to use them at night but apparently they're pretty crazy they've got like a lot of little LEDs in them and apparently they turn with the road but it's sensed by the camera not by the stee ring wheel but what I

don't like about the front end it's a little too flat and squishy when you look at it from the side and if we move around to the side just the Aviator badge is the coolest thing ever I love the script and the way it looks yeah that's a solid badge placement for the future of Lincoln vehicles and if we look at the overall side profile it actually slopes down at the back which they told us the whole thing is supposed to look like an airplane wing yeah cuz aviato r which it kind of makes sense

I like it it's a bit of a stretch but I get it it looks good from certain angles it looks like really nice how it's like black all the way to the very end which reminds me of a Ford Flex yeah I can see that a little bit but I really like is that the mirror caps are matched to that so if you look at it from the right angle the black on the mirror cap blends into the black line of the windows and we've got really nice wheels they are directional so t hey're the exact same wheel placed on every

corner so on the left half the vehicle they actually look different than the right half of the vehicle so I think that was something that they could have done better oh and also the wheels are because they're supposed to give a sense of movement because they're supposed to look like a jet turbine type thing again I get it yeah I mean they call it turbine wheel they are yeah and what is the Continental recommend tire for the Lincoln avia tor it's actually the cross contact LX sport however winter

is coming so we just want to remind you guys to get your winter tires on as soon as possible because you don't want to be that person who gets stuck in the snow and causes traffic on the first snow storm yeah that's literally don't do that my biggest nightmares to be that person and the continental winter recommended tire is the winter contact ts 850 P so now let's move on to the backend I don't like the backend I think it l ooks alright but it doesn't stand out like everything else does in

the rest of the Lincoln lineup yeah it has the full LED across the back which is probably the coolest part but that's kind of it and it doesn't like light up all the way across it's not super solid it's just okay and can I get to the worst part of this entire vehicle I would love for you to get into it so I noticed something odd with the exhaust tips when I was watching one drive in front of me turns out that the y have real exhaust tips but they actually direct them down inside of the tip so

as a cold day and while the car was driving the steam or whatever was coming out from below instead of from the exhaust tips yeah so apparently luxury car buyers hate cleaning their exhaust tips so every luxury manufacturer is deleting exhaust because apparently the owners just hate cleaning their exhaust tips that much I don't know anyone who would fill that out on like a customer complaint for look what is wrong with you people you people doing these surveys and stuff like stop doing that so

this is officially 2025 real yeah this is like the future liter of bad exhaust tips became earlier yeah this is this just brutal and it's not even really Lincoln's fault like kind of is kind of isn't and we know a lot of you guys are watching the channel without subscribing so if you watch this a bunch of videos just hit that subscribe button it helps us out we get to do more cool stuff ok ay so overall looks wise this compared to the xt6 this takes the cake for sure however I think the xt6 looks

sporty-er in the front but this looks more luxurious I like the XD six front end more but everything else I gotta go aviator yeah exactly except for the exhaust tips yeah and then I guess we should move into the next most important part of this vehicle which would be the interior yes it is actually it is beautiful in here this feels so much more luxurious just looking at it tha n the Cadillac did there's tons of gloss black which is disgusting but looks premium yeah and the way the materials are

all wrapped around how this part right here is disconnected our shift buttons are fancy everything about this doesn't look like a Ford to me that's right so all the touch points are all high-quality like there's a little bit of cheapness at the bottom which you're not really going to touch except maybe kick it with your feet but other than that everything up here is really nice so interior wise I think we should dig into the seats first yeah okay then we got a little bit of a grip with these

seats what are they called they are called perfect position and they have 30 ways of adjustment so you've got like so many controls on the door here you've got like a double button in the middle which adjusts so much more and then once you press the seat adjustment you can also adjust them in the infotainment even more and they have massage seats which t he xt6 did not yeah and that was a big miss on the XT sixes part so can you actually get perfectly comfortable in the seat I think maybe after a

very long time yes but us driving this for a short amount of time it's really difficult especially when we're switching drivers back and forth this side does not have memory seats and I think for the first time the passenger's side needs to have memory seats or at least a reset button to like deflate absolutely everything because not everyone knows how to get into all the settings like you need a double click this button there's so many things to adjust you can get in and get comfortable

easily exactly but the seats look super cool as well like the way all the little panels move against the backing yeah and they're also heated and cooled as well so that's nice but overall would you take these seats or would you rather I take those Cadillac seats I would rather the Cadillac seats this is just too much bring back co uch seats yeah yeah so we've got a middle row of seats as well that are captains chairs and then we've got a little screen for like your temperature and all that stuff

down here yeah it's pretty fancy and then in the third row there's actually like just enough room kind of I guess it's similar to everything else that's the rear oh yeah pretty much but for comedic and real purposes here's the both of us in the back and as a reminder I am six foot one and a half and Urey is five foot e ight and a half and we even have peasant blockers in the back which the xt6 did not exactly like this thing got a lot of things right all right so now I guess it's your turn to get

behind the wheel talk about the rest of the interior stuff and I guess the driving stuff too let's do it oh okay are you comfortable not yet so I need to pull these leg things in which I already know because I'm an automotive journalist and I'm used to this stuff pull this back it's just this headers good a nd then double click and make sure that nothing is inflated I've already saved my preset so I'm actually good right now I'm good because I know the drill and by the way when we switch drivers

the door handles are also really fancy okay so you don't actually pull on the door handle you just click the button and pull back yes so the door handle itself doesn't move let's get driving and let me just put this in to excite and send it that's got a lot of torque it's like two steps above da d power yeah pretty much two steps and definitely not one this is good so we'll continue with the interior later but first power this engine is a peach of an engine I honestly straight-up love this engine

it feels so good how does using the paddles feel terrible for two reasons the paddles themselves are plastic so they feel pretty cheap the second reason being the actual transmission so it's a ten-speed and it shifts really slowly I honestly wish they would have just deleted the padd les and then I wouldn't have any issue with any of that stuff but they need to have paddle so that if you need to go into a low gear for like getting stuck or towing you know there's no room for paddles we're like

one two three right here I guess so but other than that the transmission does shift quickly does shift pretty smoothly so I've got no issues with the drivetrain this is all wheel drive so when you do change the drive modes which by the way the drive modes are really fancy they all have crazy names and the craziest animations to which I think is absolutely fantastic this does change the bias of the all-wheel drive system and this is primarily a rear-wheel drive so you can actually see your torque

split in the gauges so it's pretty cool and this does handle quite well so we are in Quebec we are at the launch so let's send it into Quebec cliche corner there's a bunch of body roll which is exactly what I'd expect but the actual ride quality itself is amaz ing how this thing's super smooth so this one does have air suspension and it is amazing like I straight-up love this air suspension this drives so great it's on par with like the Mercedes G le and maybe even the BMW x7 so we've got

a camera that scans the road for bumps kind of like the G le did yeah so it's a system that detects bumps on the road and can kind of anticipate things so then it just kind of smooths everything out but the overall thing is it's just very very comf y yeah and then it also has cool features like when you walk up to the car it'll actually lower when you get in and if you unlock it yeah and it lowers like five centimeters yeah so it's really convenient to get in and out and it looks gangster the

most important part is it looking gangster and the mirror is also folding in as well more cool driving features the adaptive cruise yes that's also tied into the camera system so this does have their new adaptive cruise link keep Assist system and it actually works really well what we really love that in the Nautilus and the Ford Edge this is the next step above I think yeah and what this has that school if you put it into intelligent mode you can add a tolerance so say you know you kind

of allowed to go fifteen over you can set that into it so if it's a hundred it'll keep you at 115 yeah so if you go through like a construction zone or whatever it'll actually lower that but keep the tolerance that's pretty cool because it can read the street signs and drop your speed down so if you go from 100 to a sixty it'll keep you at 115 and then 75 that's right and the lane keep assist system itself actually works really well keeps you in the lanes bounces like a little bit but I

think it's just the step below Genesis but quite close and what's cool now is that we kind of have the safety halo feature from BMW placed right in the middle here yes so the buttons are actually pretty accessibl e to be able to turn all that stuff off and right there we also have our camera button I'd like to mention this has an amazing 360 reverse a camera and everything it does actually looks really high-res yeah they also entered the luxury game with yes I think beat Cadillac in that part too

so overall I do like this drive frame however if you want more power they are actually offering a plug-in hybrid for the first time with tons of power what's the numbers 494 horsepower are you ready f or this yeah 630 pound-feet of torque so in case you wanted more power baby willpower babe mote power baby bull Powell baby but we don't have any details on like how far it'll drive on just electric or anything so I guess we'll have to find out later so now let's finish with this interior can

I start with the infotainment screen absolutely so it's not widescreen but it is big and like tablet II style right in the middle but it's wrapped around nicely by the leather which I don' t mind at all do you hate it at all no I ain't nothing about it I don't either and we've got apple carplay Android auto my apple carplay is so high res like it is insane yeah my intro title the same I love this and then the infotainment sprit II easy to use you've got like your rewinding satellite radio

stations finally yeah there you go so we have smart favorites we don't have to mix yet but he said it's coming one thing I don't like about this infotainment is that there's no physical home button so if I'm in my apple carplay on maps I need to click once to go to the home screen then click the Lincoln button and then back to the home I agree it would be a simple solution to just add a physical home button but we do have physical buttons for a volume knob tuning knobs seek that's really nice

and then we got that for all our climate as well yeah and the volume and tuning are nice knurled knobs everything feels very premium yeah the park rear neutral Driv e is really premium as well and then we've got wood pattern as well and it doesn't look cheap and I don't know if it's faker I'm not sure they can tell me it's real it's gotta be real I I don't know I don't know I don't trust anyone anymore and then our armored snare is pretty good we got a ton of room in here it's very comfortable

you can have both of your hands on the steering wheel with your elbows rested yeah I love it it's actually super comfortable the driving position itself you're pretty high but you're not on top of it like an edge st and then we've got a nice cubby for your phone I can test the cupholders with this boxed water which fits just fine and we also have a wireless charger inside here we should probably check the visor so you probably should three-two-one yes of course I have no doubt in link advisors

after that Auto Show little sticker glass oh and back to the stereo system it's actually super good and very crystal clear yeah yeah I blast ed my rap zero distortion and so the main gauges in front of me they actually look so cool but I think they're less customizable than the Navigator was yeah I feel like I can't customize anything except for maybe changing the features in the middle yeah exactly the only thing you can do is change stuff in the middle which is a little bit laggy and I

don't really like that part of it but other than that I think the gauges look really cool yeah I have noticed some lag especiall y when you start the car up the cool aviator graphic in the infotainment does like sometimes do which is like come on cuz a brand new car add some more megabytes and so you can change some settings in there like your head up display so the head-up display is actually huge and it's crystal clear so I've actually been enjoying using that for once I really enjoy a

head-up display so this one's really good it's very good and now to the steering wheels yeah they gimmicked this thi ng right out okay so it's a little bit much there's a lot going on it does look simple at first but it's kind of confusing to use so there are some buttons that you actually click and there are a couple little joysticks as well so the buttons above below on the side of the joysticks I kind of feel like I need to press them sometimes yeah that's a lot at the beginning yeah exactly

so they don't actually do anything you just angle towards that and then some of them change when you dif ferent settings yeah so if you go into your cruise control mode there's more buttons that light up below so that you're less distracted most of the time I think it's a really cool feature probably better than the way Land Rover doesn't yeah and then for some reason they added the voice control button to the top left of the steering wheel where your thumb is yeah they're like it'll be easier

for you to reach and like it's a that buttons never hard for me to reach anyways and I'm als o never going to use it cuz I don't want to talk to my car that's exactly it but cool attempt yeah pretty much and since we're out of town we don't have our boxes with us but here's a clip of the back there's a ton of room everything folds flat we can control the very back row with buttons and when the back rows all the way up there's actually more room than the Cadillac xt6 so we could fit our carry-on

luggage way easier yeah so overall I think I like this more than the Cadillac xt 6 so I think that's pretty much it with the Lincoln aviator there's actually one thing that I forgot to talk about until this moment there is a keypad on the door and I absolutely love it I just want to say that the keypad on the door is the most underrated feature on a car ever because you like to use it when you go jet skiing yeah so I didn't care about that feature until I got my jet ski and on my Raptor I also

have those buttons so basically use those buttons to lock and unlock the car if you don't have the keys on you so you can lock the keys in the car and then unlock it and lock it from the outside and it's amazing because then you don't have to bring your keys with you you know my Grand Marquis had that yeah that's that's the thing from the past which they still have and I loved it it was broken oh well that kind of sucks anyways this one works my Raptor one works I love that feature and this one

also has a crazy feature which a lot of new cars are als o getting that you can control it with your phone as well yeah and then like you can also sync your seat settings to your key or sometimes you have multiple key fobs exactly which is probably pretty necessary for these seats yeah so that's pretty much it so let's get into the price starts at 69 thousand dollars Canadian and this particular one is sitting at eighty four thousand six hundred dollars so that's more than the Cadillac yes it is

but a lot less than the GLA that's right and I think you actually get more value in this than the Cadillac so that extra 10 grand or whatever it is because this does have the air suspension I think you actually see that value in this I see like pretty much everything in here is nicer than the Cadillac like this infotainment screen the reverse camera just has autumn parking I know and we really liked that Cadillac and we're like yeah Cadillac finally caught up and then guess what Lincoln comes

out with this like Oh Cadillac w

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