Taycan Turbo vs Turbo S Review - Better than a Porsche 911 Turbo S!
Taycan Turbo vs Turbo S Review - Better than a Porsche 911
459.454 visualizações • 25 de ago. de 2021 • $5000 Cheap Car Challenge by The Straight Pipes. We bought two cheap cool cars with a maximum budget of $5000 each. Yuri bought a 1994 Honda Civic for $3000 with a load of problems, and Jakub bought a $5000 1987 Ford Mustang GT Foxbody with even more problems. In this video, we show you exactly how we bought them and how much all of the repairs cost. In future videos, we will review them, take them on a road trip, and take them to the race track. Watch this new series of Mustang vs Civic cheap car challenges and let us know which one you like more, and what else we should do with them. Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/thestraightpipes YouTube Membership! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC86S... Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/thestraightp... Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thestraight... Twitter! https://twitter.com/StraightPipers MERCH! teespring.com/stores/thestraightpipes Check out Continental Tire at https://www.continentaltire.com/thest... Blackhorn Offroad wheels (discount code 'straightpipes'): https://blackhornoffroad.com ------------------- #cheapcarchallenge #mustang #civic ------------------- 0:00 - Intro 1:20 - Buying Foxbody 6:37 - Buying Civic 12:19 - Foxbody Problems 13:50 - Register Cars 14:17 - Civic First Drive 17:03 - Foxbody Exhaust 18:16 - Civic Exhaust 20:41 - Foxbody First Drive 21:58 - Plan for Next Videos Mostrar menos Mostrar mais
5 000 cheap car challenge i got a 1994 honda civic i bought a 1987 ford mustang gt [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm yuri i'm jacob and we bought these cars we should probably explain how we got these all right so the plan was five thousand dollars cheap cars kind of like top gear style because that always looked like fun but you know yeah we grew up watching that and it just it seemed like fun watching what would break yeah so finally got to a million subs time to have some fun i found a
sun fire with a body kit online for 5 000 bucks and it was clean and i'm like i want to get this jacob found this mustang and he's like i'm going to get this yeah i found a lot more expensive versions i had a mustang before i just wanted another one but i saw this paint and i couldn't resist it when we checked this out we actually bought it that was the first car you checked out look it's still got the they never have this little hook so we were lucky enough to have our mechanic ben come with us
afterward from dixie bloor service best mechanic ever everyone go there yeah number one mechanic he brought a floor jack and he brought a whole bunch of stuff and a spare wheel because we heard that one of the wheels was messed up so when i talked to the guy i was sending him direct messages and stuff like that the front wheels were corded so they had no tread left so the back wheels were totally fine which is weird because you'd expect the back wheels to be gone no it's definitely a front so we
should probably cut to a couple clips showing our experience buying this thing the shock towers are actually really good i'm surprised because right down in here you'll see that rust right there that's where they like to rot like there'd be holes here like don't get me wrong there's there is a little hole there but it's it's like they don't have headers yeah it's got a long tube yes it does yeah yes it does it's got shorties no it's got shorty headers but stil l yeah they've got a brand new
clutch cable which is nice yeah so he said he just did the clutch and he did the rear main seal there's going to be a lot of rust underneath this fender that's that's all sunroof cars on that fox body if i knock on that sunroof delete yeah oh look at the exhaust this is perfect there's no mufflers this is going to be so loud like like they're supposed to be mufflers right here that's right where these that like this is a bbk mid pipe this is a cat delete pipe and then there's supposed to be
two mufflers here this is as straight as it gets you guys you're gonna have a good time with this this is gonna be the loudest car i've probably ever heard meanwhile i just found out my sunfire was sold so that's dude look at this oh dude yeah the body's just gonna fall apart you just need to accept that door's got a little bit of a happy mark there it's not leaking anything that's kind of nice like i don't think these are stock that's probably stock let's see is that those are factory yep
that's that's the factory badly looked i used to have one of these i don't remember that dude you got the tuned by matrix seats dude i love i'm gonna ben can we make this thing rev to 10 000 because that's what the shifter says i just said that to yuri oh no somebody tried to tow it see how this is pulled out yeah somebody tried to pull it with buy here and it ripped the freaking frame yes it did yeah so that's okay but that 's okay because it's got the yeah these things here you just grab them
by the sway bar or the death but oh it's got a new brake line look at that very nice still got quad shocks in it you know what that means no we're going to do a burnout i'm actually terrified of sitting in these seats [Laughter] you got to make that button do something no it does it doesn't press that again it is doing something up front oh this that's the line lock for doing the burnout ben are you excited to wo rk on this uh oh god no no that's the one part i don't win well but that's the only
reason you're here i know i'm not buying this video it just it just needs to work yes yeah no it'll work how good oh that's not up to me well i mean i'm pretty sure it's only up to you it is literally only up to you [Applause] so ben brought everything we needed i pre-negotiated the price sort of i knew he was going to be like negotiable but i didn't know the exact price he was willing to take so so o kay so we're pretending to negotiate but we're very happy with five oh yeah we're definitely
taking five yeah we just have to look a little angry right yeah yeah like i i just i don't know if we can take this but i'm definitely taking this yeah exactly just yeah you got to make the face like i don't know but really it's like we're buying it you found this car online before and you remember the old ad and somebody bought it i guess gave up on it so you decided now it's your turn to try turns out i bought it from the guy that gave up on it because i previously saw it listed for five
thousand dollars i'm like okay i could probably get this thing for like maybe three grand maybe four grand and it sold right away and then i saw it pop up a month later i was like yuri this is a sign i gotta buy it we pretty much had free reign to just get into the car on our own yeah so we were able to check everything out mechanically pop the hood look at everything check it out underneath realize it was straight piped saw all the work that it needed and then eventually we were also able
to start it it's signed so i i own half of this kid and the guy told us that there's some story that this was on a car cover or the guy who painted it wanted to buy it something weird so if you guys if you guys know let us know because we're trying to figure it out too yeah we have no idea i mean it kind of looks like a show car i i should say it looks like it might have been a show car at one point yeah it might have been a photo with a trophy in front of it at one point there's also
questionable modifications and it looks like some of them have been removed there's an msd ignition the straight pipe there's a bunch of stuff the line lock like this thing's been through some stuff okay so we had ben drive it back and when we got back he did a nice big burnout shout out ben for that sick burnout it was pretty cool just seeing it roll fo r the first time so we got that back to the shop and then it's time for me to buy a car so then i dialed up that guy with the pontiac sunfire
and he said sold already so now it was time to find another fast and furious style car somewhere else because i had my mind set on it after that body kit yeah so i was searching stuff like custom paint subwoofer head turner stuff like that and then yuri found this thing and it just popped up and i was like yeah that's it yeah i checked every classified ad i checked facebook marketplace kijiji autotrader craigslist autotempest absolutely everything that's the only way you can find everything you
need yeah and it's kind of hard to find cars like this these days because not many people drive these things anymore and the way these things are listed is so weird i have to go to every car under 6 500 in my radius and just look at everything below 2005 to find something and someone on instagram who has a mitsubishi eclipse from fast and furious and does raps sent me this listing i didn't find it until he sent it ah there you go i thought you found it yourself well i found it later in searches
but not till after he already showed me the link all right so anyways i wasn't able to help yuri check out the car because i was busy jet skiing sorry yuri but he went by himself yeah i checked it out the guy said he was going to sell it safety which he did yeah and got a safety on the price was three thousand dollars and i'm like okay jacob's got his car i'm not gonna haggle for this you could have haggled i just didn't feel like it there was another guy coming later he may have bluffed me it's
all good it looked funny i didn't know all of the crazy airbrushing on the side i saw some of it and then when i saw the door handle airbrushing i'm like alright this is too funny to pass up and i had no idea about any of this at this point okay and then when i saw it they had a dvd player i saw that i had neons below but we didn't know if it was set up or not and then yuri sent me a bunch of pictures of all the paint up close with all the sparkle i was like holy this is a better paint job than
i thought yeah it was pretty much there's enough funny stuff with it to buy it for the price so i bought it certified then i had a tow truck drive it over to ben's because i couldn't have been drive back with me and i didn't want to ride dirty so then i had ben take a look at the civic and kind of here's what he thought about it want me to be nice no what the is this okay yeah check this out we got a skull all right now here's the easter resistance and we've got more stuff to get a really nice
job on it that's what i'm saying it's like actually this is a neon button that's exactly what i want and then we got a tv up here yeah we got to work i don't know probably not we gotta attack the um head unit's missing so there's no system shifter is a oh that's okay it's all these t hings this is the uh bushing so we got some rust down here in the on the bottom there oh yeah lots oh yeah but that's terrific we have a body shop guy who might be able to take care of it okay euro tail lights i
think it leaks through here because there was water oh i don't want it no no no no wrong thing oh split fold just like the element no way so there's still wiring for like the system i think yeah lots of room for the nitrous it's a little wet there so that's why i kind of want to put a cover on it so it doesn't yeah more rust but like i think that's fine we got to bolt this back into place i think you have to understand yuri rust is lighter than carbon fiber intake bruh and he lost the honda
badge oh baby no power steering no double air conditioning straight race car old hid look at the size of the box on it the chicken wire grill i'm very stoked on lots of room right here for the turbo so the neons are down here okay so so far this or jacob's mus tang what mustang so you're team mustang yeah i'm too mustard i'm gonna need speed academy to help beat team mustang even though the mustang's cooler i feel like this one will be faster because that's kind of it's way crappier but i feel
like the mustang's gonna be way faster oh yeah oh i got my mask and i did facetime with him when i was checking out the car so that was like a little bit of peace of mind but you know there's still some stuff wrong with it so we'll get to that late r so ben checked both of them out gave us the ok ish and then sent us on our way legitimately the first time i'm looking at this okay airbrushing amazing uh missing the honda badge yeah yeah it's like it's my full battery i'm gonna i'm gonna replace
that with a red honda bag i was already gonna get you a red hat for this airbrush yeah yeah the airbrush then we got the tribal over the flames wow uh body kit at the back we got the double wing the smallest exhaust tip ever because doe s it pass the straight pipe's pinky test it does barely what about the thumb oh well hang on hang on you missed this part i wouldn't say i missed it i'll get that face you missed that part i didn't miss it you went to see inside the door jam i got i got a intake
and that's it your filter's a little rough yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we could easily shove it but this hood doesn't go all the way up holy so this is this is legit and they do this this is good skulls this is like o ne whole plastic piece and then okay here there's a lot of color we can only see it pop in the sun we're gonna have to blur yeah but like how sick is that okay sit inside sit inside dude this these seats yeah yeah and the back seats are done up too oh yes you have one too i
attacked just like mine double tack well i bet that doesn't work okay give it a good little rev that was in gear yeah yeah that thing's broken we gotta i gotta fix this apparently there's a bushing that goes wron g [Music] this is highly approved good job it needs mufflers because it is incredibly loud the parking brake cables um i fixed the shifter so yeah buddy had her on backwards there shifter was sloppy had to punch the dash to get third but line lock still works the line lock still works i
made sure excellent rear brakes are cooked i had a feeling this guy liked his burnouts and then just on minor stuff because if you're going to be beaten on it you know like spark plug wire covers yes um you know this thing's got headers oh it's got headers exactly yeah it's going to get hot so you know i might put an electric fan on it like stuff like that okay to make sure it won't pop when you guys are can you delete those yellow pedals no no you're not allowed dude i can't shift they're
horrible you're gonna you're gonna need to add some green flames to those maybe it was very difficult to do the bird out in this thing because of my work boots i can't physically get my fo ot on the brake pedal without touching the clutch or the gas at the same time your feet hit each other i guess it really isn't that much it's actually okay it's pretty stout about what like a thousand dollars worth of work all right so that's good so is that the straight pipes discount yeah that's free pipe
disc all right so i guess mine's slightly over the five thousand dollar challenge limit uh with the work that it needs but yuri's is definitely well below spend that that's lef tover money on like a like a big oled tv let me have that yeah i would prefer you spend it on the car with like a turbo okay yeah turbo the car please so you guys are going to be team mustang and then i'll look for someone for team civic probably speed academy i think that'll be good they like they like civics right yeah
speed academy get on board okay so they were both fixed up we went to go register the cars when we did register the cars we got noticed at the service ontario shutt le guy at service ontario and then we got matching plates so we're just one number off at the end so that's kind of cool yeah that's super cool so we actually had to go to the next kiosk and ask the person to do that for us so when we got them registered that's where we had to pay taxes we had to pay for the license plate we had to
pay for the sticker so there was a bunch of extra costs at that point and then you had to dump more money into your mustang already and then i had to ha ve ben take a look over of my civic so once we threw the plates on and let's take it for a spin around the block and uh we did all right proper maiden voyage of the civic i hope the seat belts work we got the air going obviously not air conditioning how's your is your mirror over here you don't want me to just it for you yeah yeah i can't handle
my knob but let me know on this one up down left right right it doesn't work dude this thing drives it drives totally fine it's really nice how do we water redline it you got to find out where redline is but it's not warmed up so probably oh your temperature gauge does work let's just let it warm up how does the clutch feel everything's fine shifter is good other than all the floppiness sounds good heal though cupholders dude i think the whole seat moved which is why i hit my head i feel like
the entire back moved all right you break you break work just take that off and just show that this is the shifter is it neutral this is first which is why i stalled it the first time i tried second e-brake seems to work though that's good okay give it give a little rev [Music] lots of black smoke coming out or brown smoke oh my god it's like just rust came out let's get this thing back to bends the steering's very direct all right intake there we go it's pretty good one point yuri my car works
and it costs less yeah well we'll award the points later why is my civic smoking already oh it started burning oil w e thought turns out it was just burning tons of fresh rust proof coating yeah because it was just black smoke it smelled like oil because i mean it realistically is oil so luckily nothing bad internally yeah you can see the smoke yeah it's just leaves bro next one's like ten thousand dollars this is so this is so sh i feel like an idiot and when i was checking out the civic and
when i messaged the guy he was telling me that it was painted and airbrushed by johnny depp's tattoo art ist interesting yes later i did find out that the guy who airbrushed this this was the first civic he airbrushed and he did tattoo johnny depp he tattooed his hands wasn't necessarily his tattoo artist but this guy didn't claim to be the guy selling the car claim that so potentially a real story it i think it is real all right i'm gonna go with the real because they saw photos yeah okay so
then we knew that the mustang was already straight pipe so it was way too loud the civic had a tiny little dinky exhaust and it just it wasn't right for the car so small yeah so we called up hot rod scots we asked for some valved exhausts so we made a trek out to hot rod scots and what happened there yuri all right oh wait we didn't actually get there okay i did my first rip my first good pull which wasn't good at all [Music] i don't know the belt snapped i didn't know it was like under the car
so i saw the battery light i'm like all right the alternator or something that w as the nastiest sound i've ever heard a car make drove it to ben's and then ben took care of it later and then give it a nice oil change because apparently the guy who had it before is kind of neglected so we pulled the top gear and i left i went straight to hot rod scots he hooked me up with a valved exhaust everything got installed perfectly and let's take a listen to that [Music] oh yo good to go but before i went
to hot rod scotts to get the exhaust put on i had to get my neons pu t on because this thing had neons but they weren't connected so second pair of neons yeah we just set so we just zip tied them over quick and dirty and they looked really awesome i headed down to hot rod scots and it drove perfectly fine all the way there there you go they put on a really nice valved exhaust and put on like the best blue exhaust tip it does look really nice and it suits the car and it sounds so wild let's have
a listen and now now is it closed [Music] wow [Music] i never realized how much i'd love the sound of a civic until i got to drive a pretty much straight pipe civic i'm not going to say i like it it's ear piercing i love it this this is me [Music] you can actually vary the amount of degrees that the valve is open with a volume plus minus button when you have it fully open this thing just screams okay yeah so shout out hot rod scotts go there check it out if you're in toronto get a valve exhaust
for your car best decision best decision eve r so it seemed like everything was set i started driving this thing i drove for a weekend and then all of a sudden i went to start it at night wouldn't crank over i'm like oh ben what is this so that nasty sound turned out to be the starter so then i had to bump start it i had to get a buddy named gary to help me push the car in the morning and then get it to ben's but i also had a low fuel light on because my gas gauge also doesn't work and i couldn't
stop because i couldn't restart the car so it was the scariest drive i've ever had on the highway i pulled the kramer and we were going to an event that day so it was the first time that i was going to hear the mustang and i was going to drive the mustang and it sounded like really good i was actually shocked at how loud it was when you were just revving in the parking lot it was insanely loud and that same day is also the day that i heard his civic for the first time in person [Laughter] all
right that sounds pr etty good oh my god [Laughter] wow yeah it was a solid reveal so then we drove them to the event and then finally yuri had a chance to drive this thing and let's cut to some of those clips which one starts it yuri uh s square square key correct oh my god that's your clutch pedal yeah is carbureted no fuel injected how good does that sound and this is on or off this is on that's fully open how good does that sound yo the shifter and the pedals and everything is nice it's like
stiff i can barely see out the back window yeah cause it's all messed up i gotta fix that yo solid solid choice second i think this is very good for like opposite levels of like the same type of crappy car exactly yeah so obviously this radio doesn't work i've tried everything but maybe my faceplate works on yours we'll try that it's actually cool your steering is like really bad it's really bad you haven't even adjusted the steering column you can adjust it right here i don't know no no you
have to bus driver mode ah so quiet [Music] that's all it's cool to have more power than i do yeah it's got a lot of torque yeah so we just finished filming reviews for both of these as you can see the sun is setting we're going to have individual ones but we want you guys to pick which one you're going to see first so follow us on instagram at the straight pipes at yuri parishion and both we're going to have it in our instagram stories it's a fun way to do this i think people are gonna pick the
civic once they see it with the neons on come on man once they hear this thing once i hear this thing uh they're probably gonna be turned off and this morning we did get to film some donuts burnouts tray slides that was a lot of fun that was a lot of fun kind of stupid stuff to do but it was good and filming the reviews was good the cars held up all day nothing weird happened yeah so let us know what you guys think of this cheap car challenge do you guys want to see more of these it was pretty
hectic to put this together but like it's really fun yeah i feel like everything you see on real tv shows is like kind of alive yeah way more weird stuff and cars are way more expensive than you think they'd be for anything interesting we don't have any behind the scenes crew this is the crew this this is everything so yeah plus ben but we got to film everything ourselves and before you actually watch the reviews that are coming out soon let us know who you think won with the better car purchase
yeah let us know which one you like more yuri with the civic coming in at about 3 500 with the extra added work on top of the 3 dollar price tag and jacob with the five thousand dollar cheap car perfect challenge car and i also spent a little bit more extra on top of that so i'm probably around six thousand maybe five sixty five hundred and we're going to take these to a track on a little day trip see which one's faster under drag race and around the track if jacob wins i'm gonna have that
leftover difference of money to upgrade this how should i upgrade it if i i lose i'm excited for the road trip but i'm also really scared and i'm also really scared of the racetrack stuff because these are kind of scary to drive oh yeah totally all right guys thanks for watching this i hope you like this different kind of video we really enjoyed buying these cars in the whole process it definitely takes a lot more work than you think on tv just showing up somewhere with a car yeah so let us know
what you guys think in the comments which one you like which one you want to see a review of next and subscribe if you want to or don't but i suggest subscribing because there's going to be a lot more content yeah yeah we're going to try to buy other interesting stuff for challenges if this goes well i think it will i yeah let us know if you like it is it dark enough to see my neons no i don't think so are they green right now no th ey're yellow i hope you guys like that there's a lot of work yo
you forgot to you forgot to do this you forgot to do the ah man we didn't sink you Inglês Turbo S!
Cheap Car Challenge - Honda Civic vs Ford Mustang
459.454 visualizações • 25 de ago. de 2021 • $5000 Cheap Car Challenge by The Straight Pipes. We bought two cheap cool cars with a maximum budget of $5000 each. Yuri bought a 1994 Honda Civic for $3000 with a load of problems, and Jakub bought a $5000 1987 Ford Mustang GT Foxbody with even more problems. In this video, we show you exactly how we bought them and how much all of the repairs cost. In future videos, we will review them, take them on a road trip, and take them to the race track. Watch this new series of Mustang vs Civic cheap car challenges and let us know which one you like more, and what else we should do with them. Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/thestraightpipes YouTube Membership! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC86S... Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/thestraightp... Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thestraight... Twitter! https://twitter.com/StraightPipers MERCH! teespring.com/stores/thestraightpipes Check out Continental Tire at https://www.continentaltire.com/thest... Blackhorn Offroad wheels (discount code 'straightpipes'): https://blackhornoffroad.com ------------------- #cheapcarchallenge #mustang #civic ------------------- 0:00 - Intro 1:20 - Buying Foxbody 6:37 - Buying Civic 12:19 - Foxbody Problems 13:50 - Register Cars 14:17 - Civic First Drive 17:03 - Foxbody Exhaust 18:16 - Civic Exhaust 20:41 - Foxbody First Drive 21:58 - Plan for Next Videos Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

5 000 cheap car challenge i got a 1994 honda civic i bought a 1987 ford mustang gt [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm yuri i'm jacob and we bought these cars we should probably explain how we got these all right so the plan was five thousand dollars cheap cars kind of like top gear style because that always looked like fun but you know yeah we grew up watching that and it just it seemed like fun watching what would break yeah so finally got to a million subs time to have some fun i found a
sun fire with a body kit online for 5 000 bucks and it was clean and i'm like i want to get this jacob found this mustang and he's like i'm going to get this yeah i found a lot more expensive versions i had a mustang before i just wanted another one but i saw this paint and i couldn't resist it when we checked this out we actually bought it that was the first car you checked out look it's still got the they never have this little hook so we were lucky enough to have our mechanic ben come with us
afterward from dixie bloor service best mechanic ever everyone go there yeah number one mechanic he brought a floor jack and he brought a whole bunch of stuff and a spare wheel because we heard that one of the wheels was messed up so when i talked to the guy i was sending him direct messages and stuff like that the front wheels were corded so they had no tread left so the back wheels were totally fine which is weird because you'd expect the back wheels to be gone no it's definitely a front so we
should probably cut to a couple clips showing our experience buying this thing the shock towers are actually really good i'm surprised because right down in here you'll see that rust right there that's where they like to rot like there'd be holes here like don't get me wrong there's there is a little hole there but it's it's like they don't have headers yeah it's got a long tube yes it does yeah yes it does it's got shorties no it's got shorty headers but stil l yeah they've got a brand new
clutch cable which is nice yeah so he said he just did the clutch and he did the rear main seal there's going to be a lot of rust underneath this fender that's that's all sunroof cars on that fox body if i knock on that sunroof delete yeah oh look at the exhaust this is perfect there's no mufflers this is going to be so loud like like they're supposed to be mufflers right here that's right where these that like this is a bbk mid pipe this is a cat delete pipe and then there's supposed to be
two mufflers here this is as straight as it gets you guys you're gonna have a good time with this this is gonna be the loudest car i've probably ever heard meanwhile i just found out my sunfire was sold so that's dude look at this oh dude yeah the body's just gonna fall apart you just need to accept that door's got a little bit of a happy mark there it's not leaking anything that's kind of nice like i don't think these are stock that's probably stock let's see is that those are factory yep
that's that's the factory badly looked i used to have one of these i don't remember that dude you got the tuned by matrix seats dude i love i'm gonna ben can we make this thing rev to 10 000 because that's what the shifter says i just said that to yuri oh no somebody tried to tow it see how this is pulled out yeah somebody tried to pull it with buy here and it ripped the freaking frame yes it did yeah so that's okay but that 's okay because it's got the yeah these things here you just grab them
by the sway bar or the death but oh it's got a new brake line look at that very nice still got quad shocks in it you know what that means no we're going to do a burnout i'm actually terrified of sitting in these seats [Laughter] you got to make that button do something no it does it doesn't press that again it is doing something up front oh this that's the line lock for doing the burnout ben are you excited to wo rk on this uh oh god no no that's the one part i don't win well but that's the only
reason you're here i know i'm not buying this video it just it just needs to work yes yeah no it'll work how good oh that's not up to me well i mean i'm pretty sure it's only up to you it is literally only up to you [Applause] so ben brought everything we needed i pre-negotiated the price sort of i knew he was going to be like negotiable but i didn't know the exact price he was willing to take so so o kay so we're pretending to negotiate but we're very happy with five oh yeah we're definitely
taking five yeah we just have to look a little angry right yeah yeah like i i just i don't know if we can take this but i'm definitely taking this yeah exactly just yeah you got to make the face like i don't know but really it's like we're buying it you found this car online before and you remember the old ad and somebody bought it i guess gave up on it so you decided now it's your turn to try turns out i bought it from the guy that gave up on it because i previously saw it listed for five
thousand dollars i'm like okay i could probably get this thing for like maybe three grand maybe four grand and it sold right away and then i saw it pop up a month later i was like yuri this is a sign i gotta buy it we pretty much had free reign to just get into the car on our own yeah so we were able to check everything out mechanically pop the hood look at everything check it out underneath realize it was straight piped saw all the work that it needed and then eventually we were also able
to start it it's signed so i i own half of this kid and the guy told us that there's some story that this was on a car cover or the guy who painted it wanted to buy it something weird so if you guys if you guys know let us know because we're trying to figure it out too yeah we have no idea i mean it kind of looks like a show car i i should say it looks like it might have been a show car at one point yeah it might have been a photo with a trophy in front of it at one point there's also
questionable modifications and it looks like some of them have been removed there's an msd ignition the straight pipe there's a bunch of stuff the line lock like this thing's been through some stuff okay so we had ben drive it back and when we got back he did a nice big burnout shout out ben for that sick burnout it was pretty cool just seeing it roll fo r the first time so we got that back to the shop and then it's time for me to buy a car so then i dialed up that guy with the pontiac sunfire
and he said sold already so now it was time to find another fast and furious style car somewhere else because i had my mind set on it after that body kit yeah so i was searching stuff like custom paint subwoofer head turner stuff like that and then yuri found this thing and it just popped up and i was like yeah that's it yeah i checked every classified ad i checked facebook marketplace kijiji autotrader craigslist autotempest absolutely everything that's the only way you can find everything you
need yeah and it's kind of hard to find cars like this these days because not many people drive these things anymore and the way these things are listed is so weird i have to go to every car under 6 500 in my radius and just look at everything below 2005 to find something and someone on instagram who has a mitsubishi eclipse from fast and furious and does raps sent me this listing i didn't find it until he sent it ah there you go i thought you found it yourself well i found it later in searches
but not till after he already showed me the link all right so anyways i wasn't able to help yuri check out the car because i was busy jet skiing sorry yuri but he went by himself yeah i checked it out the guy said he was going to sell it safety which he did yeah and got a safety on the price was three thousand dollars and i'm like okay jacob's got his car i'm not gonna haggle for this you could have haggled i just didn't feel like it there was another guy coming later he may have bluffed me it's
all good it looked funny i didn't know all of the crazy airbrushing on the side i saw some of it and then when i saw the door handle airbrushing i'm like alright this is too funny to pass up and i had no idea about any of this at this point okay and then when i saw it they had a dvd player i saw that i had neons below but we didn't know if it was set up or not and then yuri sent me a bunch of pictures of all the paint up close with all the sparkle i was like holy this is a better paint job than
i thought yeah it was pretty much there's enough funny stuff with it to buy it for the price so i bought it certified then i had a tow truck drive it over to ben's because i couldn't have been drive back with me and i didn't want to ride dirty so then i had ben take a look at the civic and kind of here's what he thought about it want me to be nice no what the is this okay yeah check this out we got a skull all right now here's the easter resistance and we've got more stuff to get a really nice
job on it that's what i'm saying it's like actually this is a neon button that's exactly what i want and then we got a tv up here yeah we got to work i don't know probably not we gotta attack the um head unit's missing so there's no system shifter is a oh that's okay it's all these t hings this is the uh bushing so we got some rust down here in the on the bottom there oh yeah lots oh yeah but that's terrific we have a body shop guy who might be able to take care of it okay euro tail lights i
think it leaks through here because there was water oh i don't want it no no no no wrong thing oh split fold just like the element no way so there's still wiring for like the system i think yeah lots of room for the nitrous it's a little wet there so that's why i kind of want to put a cover on it so it doesn't yeah more rust but like i think that's fine we got to bolt this back into place i think you have to understand yuri rust is lighter than carbon fiber intake bruh and he lost the honda
badge oh baby no power steering no double air conditioning straight race car old hid look at the size of the box on it the chicken wire grill i'm very stoked on lots of room right here for the turbo so the neons are down here okay so so far this or jacob's mus tang what mustang so you're team mustang yeah i'm too mustard i'm gonna need speed academy to help beat team mustang even though the mustang's cooler i feel like this one will be faster because that's kind of it's way crappier but i feel
like the mustang's gonna be way faster oh yeah oh i got my mask and i did facetime with him when i was checking out the car so that was like a little bit of peace of mind but you know there's still some stuff wrong with it so we'll get to that late r so ben checked both of them out gave us the ok ish and then sent us on our way legitimately the first time i'm looking at this okay airbrushing amazing uh missing the honda badge yeah yeah it's like it's my full battery i'm gonna i'm gonna replace
that with a red honda bag i was already gonna get you a red hat for this airbrush yeah yeah the airbrush then we got the tribal over the flames wow uh body kit at the back we got the double wing the smallest exhaust tip ever because doe s it pass the straight pipe's pinky test it does barely what about the thumb oh well hang on hang on you missed this part i wouldn't say i missed it i'll get that face you missed that part i didn't miss it you went to see inside the door jam i got i got a intake
and that's it your filter's a little rough yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we could easily shove it but this hood doesn't go all the way up holy so this is this is legit and they do this this is good skulls this is like o ne whole plastic piece and then okay here there's a lot of color we can only see it pop in the sun we're gonna have to blur yeah but like how sick is that okay sit inside sit inside dude this these seats yeah yeah and the back seats are done up too oh yes you have one too i
attacked just like mine double tack well i bet that doesn't work okay give it a good little rev that was in gear yeah yeah that thing's broken we gotta i gotta fix this apparently there's a bushing that goes wron g [Music] this is highly approved good job it needs mufflers because it is incredibly loud the parking brake cables um i fixed the shifter so yeah buddy had her on backwards there shifter was sloppy had to punch the dash to get third but line lock still works the line lock still works i
made sure excellent rear brakes are cooked i had a feeling this guy liked his burnouts and then just on minor stuff because if you're going to be beaten on it you know like spark plug wire covers yes um you know this thing's got headers oh it's got headers exactly yeah it's going to get hot so you know i might put an electric fan on it like stuff like that okay to make sure it won't pop when you guys are can you delete those yellow pedals no no you're not allowed dude i can't shift they're
horrible you're gonna you're gonna need to add some green flames to those maybe it was very difficult to do the bird out in this thing because of my work boots i can't physically get my fo ot on the brake pedal without touching the clutch or the gas at the same time your feet hit each other i guess it really isn't that much it's actually okay it's pretty stout about what like a thousand dollars worth of work all right so that's good so is that the straight pipes discount yeah that's free pipe
disc all right so i guess mine's slightly over the five thousand dollar challenge limit uh with the work that it needs but yuri's is definitely well below spend that that's lef tover money on like a like a big oled tv let me have that yeah i would prefer you spend it on the car with like a turbo okay yeah turbo the car please so you guys are going to be team mustang and then i'll look for someone for team civic probably speed academy i think that'll be good they like they like civics right yeah
speed academy get on board okay so they were both fixed up we went to go register the cars when we did register the cars we got noticed at the service ontario shutt le guy at service ontario and then we got matching plates so we're just one number off at the end so that's kind of cool yeah that's super cool so we actually had to go to the next kiosk and ask the person to do that for us so when we got them registered that's where we had to pay taxes we had to pay for the license plate we had to
pay for the sticker so there was a bunch of extra costs at that point and then you had to dump more money into your mustang already and then i had to ha ve ben take a look over of my civic so once we threw the plates on and let's take it for a spin around the block and uh we did all right proper maiden voyage of the civic i hope the seat belts work we got the air going obviously not air conditioning how's your is your mirror over here you don't want me to just it for you yeah yeah i can't handle
my knob but let me know on this one up down left right right it doesn't work dude this thing drives it drives totally fine it's really nice how do we water redline it you got to find out where redline is but it's not warmed up so probably oh your temperature gauge does work let's just let it warm up how does the clutch feel everything's fine shifter is good other than all the floppiness sounds good heal though cupholders dude i think the whole seat moved which is why i hit my head i feel like
the entire back moved all right you break you break work just take that off and just show that this is the shifter is it neutral this is first which is why i stalled it the first time i tried second e-brake seems to work though that's good okay give it give a little rev [Music] lots of black smoke coming out or brown smoke oh my god it's like just rust came out let's get this thing back to bends the steering's very direct all right intake there we go it's pretty good one point yuri my car works
and it costs less yeah well we'll award the points later why is my civic smoking already oh it started burning oil w e thought turns out it was just burning tons of fresh rust proof coating yeah because it was just black smoke it smelled like oil because i mean it realistically is oil so luckily nothing bad internally yeah you can see the smoke yeah it's just leaves bro next one's like ten thousand dollars this is so this is so sh i feel like an idiot and when i was checking out the civic and
when i messaged the guy he was telling me that it was painted and airbrushed by johnny depp's tattoo art ist interesting yes later i did find out that the guy who airbrushed this this was the first civic he airbrushed and he did tattoo johnny depp he tattooed his hands wasn't necessarily his tattoo artist but this guy didn't claim to be the guy selling the car claim that so potentially a real story it i think it is real all right i'm gonna go with the real because they saw photos yeah okay so
then we knew that the mustang was already straight pipe so it was way too loud the civic had a tiny little dinky exhaust and it just it wasn't right for the car so small yeah so we called up hot rod scots we asked for some valved exhausts so we made a trek out to hot rod scots and what happened there yuri all right oh wait we didn't actually get there okay i did my first rip my first good pull which wasn't good at all [Music] i don't know the belt snapped i didn't know it was like under the car
so i saw the battery light i'm like all right the alternator or something that w as the nastiest sound i've ever heard a car make drove it to ben's and then ben took care of it later and then give it a nice oil change because apparently the guy who had it before is kind of neglected so we pulled the top gear and i left i went straight to hot rod scots he hooked me up with a valved exhaust everything got installed perfectly and let's take a listen to that [Music] oh yo good to go but before i went
to hot rod scotts to get the exhaust put on i had to get my neons pu t on because this thing had neons but they weren't connected so second pair of neons yeah we just set so we just zip tied them over quick and dirty and they looked really awesome i headed down to hot rod scots and it drove perfectly fine all the way there there you go they put on a really nice valved exhaust and put on like the best blue exhaust tip it does look really nice and it suits the car and it sounds so wild let's have
a listen and now now is it closed [Music] wow [Music] i never realized how much i'd love the sound of a civic until i got to drive a pretty much straight pipe civic i'm not going to say i like it it's ear piercing i love it this this is me [Music] you can actually vary the amount of degrees that the valve is open with a volume plus minus button when you have it fully open this thing just screams okay yeah so shout out hot rod scotts go there check it out if you're in toronto get a valve exhaust
for your car best decision best decision eve r so it seemed like everything was set i started driving this thing i drove for a weekend and then all of a sudden i went to start it at night wouldn't crank over i'm like oh ben what is this so that nasty sound turned out to be the starter so then i had to bump start it i had to get a buddy named gary to help me push the car in the morning and then get it to ben's but i also had a low fuel light on because my gas gauge also doesn't work and i couldn't
stop because i couldn't restart the car so it was the scariest drive i've ever had on the highway i pulled the kramer and we were going to an event that day so it was the first time that i was going to hear the mustang and i was going to drive the mustang and it sounded like really good i was actually shocked at how loud it was when you were just revving in the parking lot it was insanely loud and that same day is also the day that i heard his civic for the first time in person [Laughter] all
right that sounds pr etty good oh my god [Laughter] wow yeah it was a solid reveal so then we drove them to the event and then finally yuri had a chance to drive this thing and let's cut to some of those clips which one starts it yuri uh s square square key correct oh my god that's your clutch pedal yeah is carbureted no fuel injected how good does that sound and this is on or off this is on that's fully open how good does that sound yo the shifter and the pedals and everything is nice it's like
stiff i can barely see out the back window yeah cause it's all messed up i gotta fix that yo solid solid choice second i think this is very good for like opposite levels of like the same type of crappy car exactly yeah so obviously this radio doesn't work i've tried everything but maybe my faceplate works on yours we'll try that it's actually cool your steering is like really bad it's really bad you haven't even adjusted the steering column you can adjust it right here i don't know no no you
have to bus driver mode ah so quiet [Music] that's all it's cool to have more power than i do yeah it's got a lot of torque yeah so we just finished filming reviews for both of these as you can see the sun is setting we're going to have individual ones but we want you guys to pick which one you're going to see first so follow us on instagram at the straight pipes at yuri parishion and both we're going to have it in our instagram stories it's a fun way to do this i think people are gonna pick the
civic once they see it with the neons on come on man once they hear this thing once i hear this thing uh they're probably gonna be turned off and this morning we did get to film some donuts burnouts tray slides that was a lot of fun that was a lot of fun kind of stupid stuff to do but it was good and filming the reviews was good the cars held up all day nothing weird happened yeah so let us know what you guys think of this cheap car challenge do you guys want to see more of these it was pretty
hectic to put this together but like it's really fun yeah i feel like everything you see on real tv shows is like kind of alive yeah way more weird stuff and cars are way more expensive than you think they'd be for anything interesting we don't have any behind the scenes crew this is the crew this this is everything so yeah plus ben but we got to film everything ourselves and before you actually watch the reviews that are coming out soon let us know who you think won with the better car purchase
yeah let us know which one you like more yuri with the civic coming in at about 3 500 with the extra added work on top of the 3 dollar price tag and jacob with the five thousand dollar cheap car perfect challenge car and i also spent a little bit more extra on top of that so i'm probably around six thousand maybe five sixty five hundred and we're going to take these to a track on a little day trip see which one's faster under drag race and around the track if jacob wins i'm gonna have that
leftover difference of money to upgrade this how should i upgrade it if i i lose i'm excited for the road trip but i'm also really scared and i'm also really scared of the racetrack stuff because these are kind of scary to drive oh yeah totally all right guys thanks for watching this i hope you like this different kind of video we really enjoyed buying these cars in the whole process it definitely takes a lot more work than you think on tv just showing up somewhere with a car yeah so let us know
what you guys think in the comments which one you like which one you want to see a review of next and subscribe if you want to or don't but i suggest subscribing because there's going to be a lot more content yeah yeah we're going to try to buy other interesting stuff for challenges if this goes well i think it will i yeah let us know if you like it is it dark enough to see my neons no i don't think so are they green right now no th ey're yellow i hope you guys like that there's a lot of work yo
you forgot to you forgot to do this you forgot to do the ah man we didn't sink you Inglês Turbo S!
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