Civic Type R vs Veloster N on track review
Civic Type R vs Veloster N on track review
425.847 visualizações • 10 de mai. de 2021 • 2021 Honda Civic Type R vs Hyundai Veloster N on the race track. Which one would you take or would you rather have a RWD car like a Ford Mustang GT or a Chevrolet Camaro SS. Support us on Patreon: Become a YouTube Member! Subscribe! Facebook! Instagram! Twitter! Buy our shirts! Profits go directly to burnouts: Check out Continental Tire at For more information on the Hyundai Veloster TCR driven by Mark Wilkins: Check out Toronto Motorsports Park at Check out Speed Academy at ------------------- #civictyper #velosterN #typeRvsvelosterN ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais
[Music] I'm URI I'm Jacob we're gonna test out the Veloster end in the Civic type-r at the official straight pipes test track yes we are actually now this is the speed Academy official test track oh yeah I guess you're right actually well we're gonna test it out anyways we're gonna see which one's faster drag race and lap times and just fun but also watch their Mazda video starting with the drag race [Music] if you lose in the type r that means you're really lost okay so let's do this roll up
the windows three two one go [Music] I'm so hot it he's got me hotter oh he's got me okay I've got no chance of winning in the Veloster then you reeled me in right at the end there that was close did you spin out a little bit I I do a little bit in first but this thing really catches up yeah it does I've got no chance of beating you in that no probably not I didn't lose in the tie part now it's Jacob's turn to not lose in the tie part either okay here we go traction off our mode let' s do this
Erie three two one go oh there we go still bogging and God no chance no chance hurry down they're pretty close though not gonna lie all right so the type bar is obviously faster everybody knew that but it's a lot faster by that much I red line and bogged down and hit faster than I thought from second to third okay so should we get on with the rest of the video yeah there's your drag race so as we expected the velocity lost the drag race but surprisingly enough the velocit er edged out at the
beginning a yeah the Veloster seemed to have liked a better launch every single time I don't know why maybe we just happen to like launching the Veloster a little better but we both did not use launch control yeah it's pretty tricky though to countdown go forward and roll up the window all at the same time yeah we should probably leave that to car well maybe that was the first official straight pipes drag race though yeah that was that's good we get some credi t for that so right from that point
I don't expect the philosopher and to be faster because how's it gonna make up on all those straights right yeah the Civic type-r just feels like it's just the faster car cuz it is so the plan for the rest of the video we're gonna do some lapping we're gonna see how we feel in each car we're gonna try to set our fastest lap at each one and see how it compares and to be fair we both have our own GPS lap tracker that we're going to use for ourselves so the number of discrepancies don't like
mismatch because he's using an Android phone in a different app in that car compared to Apple and something else in this one yeah so the times aren't 100% accurate but it's as accurate as we can get between the two cars all right Yuri let's send it on this straight and talk about how these cars feel on the racetrack because they feel very different yes they do so you're getting for me a lot quicker than I expected yeah the velociter can not catch the Civic on the straights and all those crackles
and pops and I was in leveled with the street when you're in the zone you barely notice them yeah that's the thing I didn't even notice those crackles and pops at all on the racetrack and I'm kind of disappointed I thought the first time that we tracked it on the track is because we were wearing helmets I don't notice it here yeah that's kind of disappointing that it doesn't translate to the track but like I totally get it b ut you know what you do notice in both cars is the LSD pulling you
through pretty much every single corner yeah in a front-wheel drive car it straight-up feels like cheating you just mash the power and it just pulls you through there's not much understeer and it's just power power power yeah it surprises you sometimes like you don't think you'll make it through and then you stay on the gas and it just pulls you right around let's stick to the differences though so the first thin g that I noticed in the Civic there's just so much grip like it's just straight-up
unlimited grip even with the LSD and the tires and stuff it just feels like there's more grip than the Veloster yeah the velocity has got a lot more tire squealing a lot more noise it just seems like more of an exciting mess yeah exactly so on the road we did say that the Veloster and was more playful and out here that playfulness translates into slightly more difficult to drive isn't it yeah but the fun thing is the first couple laps while the tires are still cold if you don't think take
control of what you're doing you get a little oversteer which is a lot of fun oh my god yeah the oversteer on the Veloster and when the tires are cold is insane and I did get a little tiny bit of oversteer in the first couple laps with the Civic type-r too but it's way more noticeable in the Veloster n and in terms of body roll I don't really notice a difference between both of them I've b een using plus R and then I did the slightly softer suspension on the Veloster end and I think it
really balanced it out let me try and custom because I've been in n mode the whole time I figure if they give me a track weapon I'm gonna put it in full weapon mode I think n mode for the suspension is just way too stiff for Toronto Motorsports Park yes we are Toronto Motorsports Park in Cayuga it's about an hour and a half away from Toronto it's probably the best track to go t o if you just want to like have some fun in your regular car eh yeah it's nice and close speed Academy's here good times
yeah it's a really fun track especially for not the fastest cars it makes it like really interesting cuz there's a lot more you can do here a lot shifting gears speaking of shifting gears Yuri I needed an omission from you have you turned off automatic rev-matching today nah man this cars pretty quick if I had turned off auto rev-matching I think I'd miss a couple b rake zones here and there I'm totally not lying either I left it on it's so good anyone that complains about it you're just wrong
like it's just that good and it helps when you're learning a track and learning a car but in a slower car like the Mazda Miata it was fun to not have Auto rev-matching there because it just like it meant more you have to grasp while driving yeah and I just want to know what the potential of the car is so I'm trying to use all the features available to me I would turn it off eventually but if I'm going for lap times and I don't know the car that well yet I'm just gonna leave it on we've done a
couple laps in both cars so far which one do you think is fastest I think the Civic type-r is faster like no question in my mind and I think we should prove that with some hot laps yeah I felt like every time I was driving a Civic type-r it went where I wanted it to go it felt more like magical you know what I mean like they put more technolo gy to make it do everything it needed to do hey Yuri you heard that I said hot laps right all right hot laps let's go let's do this Civic type-r here we go
all right I got your yeah to be in the Veloster and he's sending it hit that apex come on apex and then get on the throttle and do not touch this wall and I'm full on the throttle let's see who got the better exit on that one oh you're gonna need a point buy on this one now that I've passed Yuri how does my exhaust look honestly a ll I see is that three-quarter angle from behind and absolutely love in your class looks cool but it doesn't make any sound yeah it doesn't and when you were in front
of me I actually heard your crackles and pops more than when I was inside that car and you know what doesn't matter from the rear view fake vents when's the last time you thought about a fake vent in the driver's seat the last thing you think about fake vents and where are these fake vents moving farther away from me s o fast I mean this feels a little more loosey-goosey then the type are the type are just found like a rocket ship through here then going through this chicane is scary because it's
like red light happens right when you're going full through here this is just a track weapon absolute weapon I know everybody's called it that but holy crap this is so good on the track come on 125 at least please please please all right let's see 126 124 - right on so how'd you do in the Type R I think the fastest I've driven a production car around this track was in the Civic type-r and it was 124 point - I'm very happy with that in the velociter and I got one twenty six point six but our GPS
might be slightly different so we really need to compare it to how we do in the other car yeah so we're gonna keep the same GPS with the same driver so that it's consistent between both drivers and cars once we're switching so overall from setting your hot lap time to driving the Veloster and ea rlier wait what's the differences you feel so far the Civic just has unlimited amounts of grip and I don't feel like I'm fighting it to get everything out of it I feel like the car is helping me do
everything and I have felt the traction control a couple times but overall this thing just feels so planted and like it's part of me not fighting against me yeah this philosopher and I am fighting it a little bit it seems like a lot more tire squealing through a lot of corners maybe not as on Rails as I'd like it and the brakes seem to kind of be fading a little bit here and there like my brake zones are shrinking yeah the Civic Type R has Brembos in the front and it makes all the difference on
the track there is no fade from these brakes but if you're gonna track your Veloster and you should probably change your pads and your brake fluid but we'll get into that more later in a special video yeah surprise announcement we are actually gonna be doing a bunch of ra cing videos this summer with the Veloster and with Mark Wilkins who is a professional racecar driver with the Hyundai factory team so Continentals going to be hooking us up with a whole bunch of tires to use on the velociter in
the summer the whole goal is to see how much faster we can get with a bunch of instruction and the reason we picked the Hyundai Veloster was because we met Marc Wilkins driving the Veloster and and Hyundai was okay with it I can't wait to see how many seconds we can shave off our lap time with the Veloster end and I think that's a good starter car for us to learn all the fundamentals because it's front-wheel drive so we're not going to be drifting we're gonna be concentrating on like more
important things like the racing line yeah and from today we'll have our benchmark lap time so we'll know exactly how much we will shave off now let's switch cars have you looked down for the shift lights yeah I don't look down I look straight ahea d and just see what's in my peripheral vision and the Veloster end definitely wins 4/5 lights for me yeah I think the color changes and how bright they are and how they flash helps a lot I haven't missed any shifts in the tie bar I'm just kind of
watching it for those big red lights at the top to start flashing I like them both but I think the Veloster definitely wins okay let's talk seating position real quick because in the Civic type-r it does feel more buckety and more racec ar it seems like on the road it was a more of a paint to get in everyday in and out but on the track it kind of pays off oh it really does so it basically confirmed exactly what I thought on the road and it's just so much better on the track when I'm in the
velocity running right now I feel like I'm sitting on top of it I know it's not that bad like it's nowhere near a Focus RS focus as T on top of it but compared to the Civic type-r it's definitely way higher doesn't it feel m ore hot hatch in the Veloster end where the Type R feels more racecar this does feel a little bit smaller where you said that on the road I didn't really notice but on the track I do notice the smallness of the Veloster end but the Civic type-r destroys all the smallness with
magic yeah it pretty much does let's talk steering wheels I actually like the one in the Veloster and a little bit more I haven't found like a difference or a preference for anything especially since there's no p addles attached the thing I love about this steering wheel is that I'm able to go into any custom right away and customize that suspension I don't know enough about track driving yet to dial in my suspension for every track I'm gonna let mark take care of that when we do the velociter
end video I'm actually really excited for mark to tell us the set lap times with whatever mode we want and then whatever mode he tells us to be in and since now you're in front of me all I hear is you r exhaust pumping yeah not here right now - I think when you're going flat out for hot laps it dials it back because it's trying to be more efficient for racing so should we maybe do some hot laps yeah we definitely should all right here we go Veloster n hot loud let's set our fastest times in the
opposite cars and braking way too late into this and and flat-out here we go your ease in my rear view let's see if I can keep them there haha let's see how much breaks you have through th at quarter uh yeah not much breaks left and you already caught up right there I'll watch this impacts I'm gonna hit it boom I am definitely gonna catch you on the straight you literally have zero chance unless I get a better launch right here here we go can you pass me I'm gonna stay flat I got a better exit on
that one you know what I just realized about Honda the Acura NSX and the Civic type-r are such forgiving race cars yeah and conveniently they're both on the same tyres the Cont inental support contact sixes I freaking love these tires like friggin lava here those tires squealing look where you want to go there's the exit use the whole track whoa I do have the suspension in sport mode not Sport Plus normal is a little bit too soft for this track I think sport is just right this is faster than the
Veloster and you can just tell body roll is on point transferring my weight from turn-to-turn hitting all the curbs let's get a good exit on this get a good lap tim e and nice and tight here we go floor it come on come on let's see what I did Oh 125 whoa I will take it okay let's see the lap time that's it a lap time 124 point six two seconds faster what can I say so coming out of those hot laps I did a 125 point for three in the velocity and I'm pretty damn happy with that I did a 120 4.67 in
the Civic type-r which is like two full seconds faster than the Veloster end so we're both very similar to each other and the difference between yours w as slightly more but the difference between mine is like 1.2 seconds but you use and custom right I did use n custom so I had slightly softer suspension so I used n and that might have been a fault of my own for this track which I plan on learning about because I don't fully know about that stuff yet there's definitely room for driver
improvement between both of us but the biggest thing is between the cars there's not that much difference there's like one or two seconds wh ich is exactly what I had in my head and I just wanted to verify that on the track now is that $6,000 worth of differences Canadian well that's exactly it you can drive this at ten tenths and get everything out of it and your saving like six or seven thousand dollars that's a lot of money for track days and drive for instruction yeah I'm convinced I'm gonna
get at least two seconds off my time that's my goal in the Veloster end that's a pretty lofty goal I don't know if I can get two seconds out of myself but since you're gonna set that for yourself I slept that for myself too okay so with the drag race done with the hot laps done should we talk about which car we prefer on the track and which car we would take home for what situation so you picked the velocity ran for the road I picked the Honda Civic type-r for the road what's the decision for
the track I got more out of the Type R I went faster and if I was on a track day I'd want to pass Mustangs and I thi nk I could for sure doing this I fully agree with you I do think the Civic Type R is the better track car and the better Road car so I am picking the simatai bar as the overall winner however I had no less fun in the Veloster n like no less fun I think overall when you factor in price road driving track driving the Veloster n wins overall but if you're like just going for track
stuff type R and if you're not the best driver what is one or two seconds of lap time every other weeken d or probably even less than that worth to you is it worth six or seven thousand dollars that's a pretty big decision but then you get more cargo room and more room for your backseat passengers in the faster car as well like it's a very weird toss-up yeah it's obviously more money for the Civic Type R but there's so much value in the Veloster and and you don't really lose out on much you do
lose out on some cargo space and about one or two seconds a lap time potentially you can't r eally go wrong either way but if we have to do the math to four Type R for you one for Type R for me on the track and one philosopher and on the road so technically the Type R wins the Reta one yeah we do have to name a winner after all this so Type R wins so would you take the type r home instead of Veloster and if you could only have one I still think I would take the Civic Type R and I think I still
take the Veloster n because the amount of fun I have on the roads for the amount of tracking I do I think it's just enough speed for me to now worry about that extra two seconds and I fully understand that perspective so let us know what you guys think about the Civic Type R and the velocity red which one would you guys take and let us know what you thought of this track comparison did you like the drag race what things do you think we should change or did we just absolutely nail it I think we
absolutely nailed it yeah we nailed that just like you should nail t hat subscribe button and the notification bell come on you guys knew I was gonna say that a lot of you guys are watching without subscribing just hit the button and then we can do more track reviews and more cool stuff so once again thank you to Toronto Motorsports Park for letting us use the track this is an awesome track not that far from Toronto if you have some time on the weekend or during the week definitely check it out
and shout out Speed Academy for letting us use their off
Civic Type R vs Veloster N on track review
425.847 visualizações • 10 de mai. de 2021 • 2021 Honda Civic Type R vs Hyundai Veloster N on the race track. Which one would you take or would you rather have a RWD car like a Ford Mustang GT or a Chevrolet Camaro SS. Support us on Patreon: Become a YouTube Member! Subscribe! Facebook! Instagram! Twitter! Buy our shirts! Profits go directly to burnouts: Check out Continental Tire at For more information on the Hyundai Veloster TCR driven by Mark Wilkins: Check out Toronto Motorsports Park at Check out Speed Academy at ------------------- #civictyper #velosterN #typeRvsvelosterN ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

[Music] I'm URI I'm Jacob we're gonna test out the Veloster end in the Civic type-r at the official straight pipes test track yes we are actually now this is the speed Academy official test track oh yeah I guess you're right actually well we're gonna test it out anyways we're gonna see which one's faster drag race and lap times and just fun but also watch their Mazda video starting with the drag race [Music] if you lose in the type r that means you're really lost okay so let's do this roll up
the windows three two one go [Music] I'm so hot it he's got me hotter oh he's got me okay I've got no chance of winning in the Veloster then you reeled me in right at the end there that was close did you spin out a little bit I I do a little bit in first but this thing really catches up yeah it does I've got no chance of beating you in that no probably not I didn't lose in the tie part now it's Jacob's turn to not lose in the tie part either okay here we go traction off our mode let' s do this
Erie three two one go oh there we go still bogging and God no chance no chance hurry down they're pretty close though not gonna lie all right so the type bar is obviously faster everybody knew that but it's a lot faster by that much I red line and bogged down and hit faster than I thought from second to third okay so should we get on with the rest of the video yeah there's your drag race so as we expected the velocity lost the drag race but surprisingly enough the velocit er edged out at the
beginning a yeah the Veloster seemed to have liked a better launch every single time I don't know why maybe we just happen to like launching the Veloster a little better but we both did not use launch control yeah it's pretty tricky though to countdown go forward and roll up the window all at the same time yeah we should probably leave that to car well maybe that was the first official straight pipes drag race though yeah that was that's good we get some credi t for that so right from that point
I don't expect the philosopher and to be faster because how's it gonna make up on all those straights right yeah the Civic type-r just feels like it's just the faster car cuz it is so the plan for the rest of the video we're gonna do some lapping we're gonna see how we feel in each car we're gonna try to set our fastest lap at each one and see how it compares and to be fair we both have our own GPS lap tracker that we're going to use for ourselves so the number of discrepancies don't like
mismatch because he's using an Android phone in a different app in that car compared to Apple and something else in this one yeah so the times aren't 100% accurate but it's as accurate as we can get between the two cars all right Yuri let's send it on this straight and talk about how these cars feel on the racetrack because they feel very different yes they do so you're getting for me a lot quicker than I expected yeah the velociter can not catch the Civic on the straights and all those crackles
and pops and I was in leveled with the street when you're in the zone you barely notice them yeah that's the thing I didn't even notice those crackles and pops at all on the racetrack and I'm kind of disappointed I thought the first time that we tracked it on the track is because we were wearing helmets I don't notice it here yeah that's kind of disappointing that it doesn't translate to the track but like I totally get it b ut you know what you do notice in both cars is the LSD pulling you
through pretty much every single corner yeah in a front-wheel drive car it straight-up feels like cheating you just mash the power and it just pulls you through there's not much understeer and it's just power power power yeah it surprises you sometimes like you don't think you'll make it through and then you stay on the gas and it just pulls you right around let's stick to the differences though so the first thin g that I noticed in the Civic there's just so much grip like it's just straight-up
unlimited grip even with the LSD and the tires and stuff it just feels like there's more grip than the Veloster yeah the velocity has got a lot more tire squealing a lot more noise it just seems like more of an exciting mess yeah exactly so on the road we did say that the Veloster and was more playful and out here that playfulness translates into slightly more difficult to drive isn't it yeah but the fun thing is the first couple laps while the tires are still cold if you don't think take
control of what you're doing you get a little oversteer which is a lot of fun oh my god yeah the oversteer on the Veloster and when the tires are cold is insane and I did get a little tiny bit of oversteer in the first couple laps with the Civic type-r too but it's way more noticeable in the Veloster n and in terms of body roll I don't really notice a difference between both of them I've b een using plus R and then I did the slightly softer suspension on the Veloster end and I think it
really balanced it out let me try and custom because I've been in n mode the whole time I figure if they give me a track weapon I'm gonna put it in full weapon mode I think n mode for the suspension is just way too stiff for Toronto Motorsports Park yes we are Toronto Motorsports Park in Cayuga it's about an hour and a half away from Toronto it's probably the best track to go t o if you just want to like have some fun in your regular car eh yeah it's nice and close speed Academy's here good times
yeah it's a really fun track especially for not the fastest cars it makes it like really interesting cuz there's a lot more you can do here a lot shifting gears speaking of shifting gears Yuri I needed an omission from you have you turned off automatic rev-matching today nah man this cars pretty quick if I had turned off auto rev-matching I think I'd miss a couple b rake zones here and there I'm totally not lying either I left it on it's so good anyone that complains about it you're just wrong
like it's just that good and it helps when you're learning a track and learning a car but in a slower car like the Mazda Miata it was fun to not have Auto rev-matching there because it just like it meant more you have to grasp while driving yeah and I just want to know what the potential of the car is so I'm trying to use all the features available to me I would turn it off eventually but if I'm going for lap times and I don't know the car that well yet I'm just gonna leave it on we've done a
couple laps in both cars so far which one do you think is fastest I think the Civic type-r is faster like no question in my mind and I think we should prove that with some hot laps yeah I felt like every time I was driving a Civic type-r it went where I wanted it to go it felt more like magical you know what I mean like they put more technolo gy to make it do everything it needed to do hey Yuri you heard that I said hot laps right all right hot laps let's go let's do this Civic type-r here we go
all right I got your yeah to be in the Veloster and he's sending it hit that apex come on apex and then get on the throttle and do not touch this wall and I'm full on the throttle let's see who got the better exit on that one oh you're gonna need a point buy on this one now that I've passed Yuri how does my exhaust look honestly a ll I see is that three-quarter angle from behind and absolutely love in your class looks cool but it doesn't make any sound yeah it doesn't and when you were in front
of me I actually heard your crackles and pops more than when I was inside that car and you know what doesn't matter from the rear view fake vents when's the last time you thought about a fake vent in the driver's seat the last thing you think about fake vents and where are these fake vents moving farther away from me s o fast I mean this feels a little more loosey-goosey then the type are the type are just found like a rocket ship through here then going through this chicane is scary because it's
like red light happens right when you're going full through here this is just a track weapon absolute weapon I know everybody's called it that but holy crap this is so good on the track come on 125 at least please please please all right let's see 126 124 - right on so how'd you do in the Type R I think the fastest I've driven a production car around this track was in the Civic type-r and it was 124 point - I'm very happy with that in the velociter and I got one twenty six point six but our GPS
might be slightly different so we really need to compare it to how we do in the other car yeah so we're gonna keep the same GPS with the same driver so that it's consistent between both drivers and cars once we're switching so overall from setting your hot lap time to driving the Veloster and ea rlier wait what's the differences you feel so far the Civic just has unlimited amounts of grip and I don't feel like I'm fighting it to get everything out of it I feel like the car is helping me do
everything and I have felt the traction control a couple times but overall this thing just feels so planted and like it's part of me not fighting against me yeah this philosopher and I am fighting it a little bit it seems like a lot more tire squealing through a lot of corners maybe not as on Rails as I'd like it and the brakes seem to kind of be fading a little bit here and there like my brake zones are shrinking yeah the Civic Type R has Brembos in the front and it makes all the difference on
the track there is no fade from these brakes but if you're gonna track your Veloster and you should probably change your pads and your brake fluid but we'll get into that more later in a special video yeah surprise announcement we are actually gonna be doing a bunch of ra cing videos this summer with the Veloster and with Mark Wilkins who is a professional racecar driver with the Hyundai factory team so Continentals going to be hooking us up with a whole bunch of tires to use on the velociter in
the summer the whole goal is to see how much faster we can get with a bunch of instruction and the reason we picked the Hyundai Veloster was because we met Marc Wilkins driving the Veloster and and Hyundai was okay with it I can't wait to see how many seconds we can shave off our lap time with the Veloster end and I think that's a good starter car for us to learn all the fundamentals because it's front-wheel drive so we're not going to be drifting we're gonna be concentrating on like more
important things like the racing line yeah and from today we'll have our benchmark lap time so we'll know exactly how much we will shave off now let's switch cars have you looked down for the shift lights yeah I don't look down I look straight ahea d and just see what's in my peripheral vision and the Veloster end definitely wins 4/5 lights for me yeah I think the color changes and how bright they are and how they flash helps a lot I haven't missed any shifts in the tie bar I'm just kind of
watching it for those big red lights at the top to start flashing I like them both but I think the Veloster definitely wins okay let's talk seating position real quick because in the Civic type-r it does feel more buckety and more racec ar it seems like on the road it was a more of a paint to get in everyday in and out but on the track it kind of pays off oh it really does so it basically confirmed exactly what I thought on the road and it's just so much better on the track when I'm in the
velocity running right now I feel like I'm sitting on top of it I know it's not that bad like it's nowhere near a Focus RS focus as T on top of it but compared to the Civic type-r it's definitely way higher doesn't it feel m ore hot hatch in the Veloster end where the Type R feels more racecar this does feel a little bit smaller where you said that on the road I didn't really notice but on the track I do notice the smallness of the Veloster end but the Civic type-r destroys all the smallness with
magic yeah it pretty much does let's talk steering wheels I actually like the one in the Veloster and a little bit more I haven't found like a difference or a preference for anything especially since there's no p addles attached the thing I love about this steering wheel is that I'm able to go into any custom right away and customize that suspension I don't know enough about track driving yet to dial in my suspension for every track I'm gonna let mark take care of that when we do the velociter
end video I'm actually really excited for mark to tell us the set lap times with whatever mode we want and then whatever mode he tells us to be in and since now you're in front of me all I hear is you r exhaust pumping yeah not here right now - I think when you're going flat out for hot laps it dials it back because it's trying to be more efficient for racing so should we maybe do some hot laps yeah we definitely should all right here we go Veloster n hot loud let's set our fastest times in the
opposite cars and braking way too late into this and and flat-out here we go your ease in my rear view let's see if I can keep them there haha let's see how much breaks you have through th at quarter uh yeah not much breaks left and you already caught up right there I'll watch this impacts I'm gonna hit it boom I am definitely gonna catch you on the straight you literally have zero chance unless I get a better launch right here here we go can you pass me I'm gonna stay flat I got a better exit on
that one you know what I just realized about Honda the Acura NSX and the Civic type-r are such forgiving race cars yeah and conveniently they're both on the same tyres the Cont inental support contact sixes I freaking love these tires like friggin lava here those tires squealing look where you want to go there's the exit use the whole track whoa I do have the suspension in sport mode not Sport Plus normal is a little bit too soft for this track I think sport is just right this is faster than the
Veloster and you can just tell body roll is on point transferring my weight from turn-to-turn hitting all the curbs let's get a good exit on this get a good lap tim e and nice and tight here we go floor it come on come on let's see what I did Oh 125 whoa I will take it okay let's see the lap time that's it a lap time 124 point six two seconds faster what can I say so coming out of those hot laps I did a 125 point for three in the velocity and I'm pretty damn happy with that I did a 120 4.67 in
the Civic type-r which is like two full seconds faster than the Veloster end so we're both very similar to each other and the difference between yours w as slightly more but the difference between mine is like 1.2 seconds but you use and custom right I did use n custom so I had slightly softer suspension so I used n and that might have been a fault of my own for this track which I plan on learning about because I don't fully know about that stuff yet there's definitely room for driver
improvement between both of us but the biggest thing is between the cars there's not that much difference there's like one or two seconds wh ich is exactly what I had in my head and I just wanted to verify that on the track now is that $6,000 worth of differences Canadian well that's exactly it you can drive this at ten tenths and get everything out of it and your saving like six or seven thousand dollars that's a lot of money for track days and drive for instruction yeah I'm convinced I'm gonna
get at least two seconds off my time that's my goal in the Veloster end that's a pretty lofty goal I don't know if I can get two seconds out of myself but since you're gonna set that for yourself I slept that for myself too okay so with the drag race done with the hot laps done should we talk about which car we prefer on the track and which car we would take home for what situation so you picked the velocity ran for the road I picked the Honda Civic type-r for the road what's the decision for
the track I got more out of the Type R I went faster and if I was on a track day I'd want to pass Mustangs and I thi nk I could for sure doing this I fully agree with you I do think the Civic Type R is the better track car and the better Road car so I am picking the simatai bar as the overall winner however I had no less fun in the Veloster n like no less fun I think overall when you factor in price road driving track driving the Veloster n wins overall but if you're like just going for track
stuff type R and if you're not the best driver what is one or two seconds of lap time every other weeken d or probably even less than that worth to you is it worth six or seven thousand dollars that's a pretty big decision but then you get more cargo room and more room for your backseat passengers in the faster car as well like it's a very weird toss-up yeah it's obviously more money for the Civic Type R but there's so much value in the Veloster and and you don't really lose out on much you do
lose out on some cargo space and about one or two seconds a lap time potentially you can't r eally go wrong either way but if we have to do the math to four Type R for you one for Type R for me on the track and one philosopher and on the road so technically the Type R wins the Reta one yeah we do have to name a winner after all this so Type R wins so would you take the type r home instead of Veloster and if you could only have one I still think I would take the Civic Type R and I think I still
take the Veloster n because the amount of fun I have on the roads for the amount of tracking I do I think it's just enough speed for me to now worry about that extra two seconds and I fully understand that perspective so let us know what you guys think about the Civic Type R and the velocity red which one would you guys take and let us know what you thought of this track comparison did you like the drag race what things do you think we should change or did we just absolutely nail it I think we
absolutely nailed it yeah we nailed that just like you should nail t hat subscribe button and the notification bell come on you guys knew I was gonna say that a lot of you guys are watching without subscribing just hit the button and then we can do more track reviews and more cool stuff so once again thank you to Toronto Motorsports Park for letting us use the track this is an awesome track not that far from Toronto if you have some time on the weekend or during the week definitely check it out
and shout out Speed Academy for letting us use their off
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