The 2021 BMW X5M Competition is the Best Fast Luxury SUV for $150,000
The 2021 BMW X5M Competition is the Best Fast Luxury SUV fo
738.305 visualizações • 23 de jun. de 2021 • 2021 BMW X5M Competition review by The Straight Pipes. The BMW X5M Competition is pumping out 617hp and 553 lb-ft tq from a Twin Turbo 4.4L V8. Sitting at $143,350 CAD, would this be your pick over the Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk or a Mercedes-AMG GLE63S? Support us on Patreon: Become a YouTube Member! Subscribe! Facebook! Instagram! Twitter! Buy our merch at Check out Continental Tire at ------------------- #bmw #x5 #x5m ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais
The 2021 BMW X5M Competition is the Best Fast Luxury SUV for $150,000
738.305 visualizações • 23 de jun. de 2021 • 2021 BMW X5M Competition review by The Straight Pipes. The BMW X5M Competition is pumping out 617hp and 553 lb-ft tq from a Twin Turbo 4.4L V8. Sitting at $143,350 CAD, would this be your pick over the Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk or a Mercedes-AMG GLE63S? Support us on Patreon: Become a YouTube Member! Subscribe! Facebook! Instagram! Twitter! Buy our merch at Check out Continental Tire at ------------------- #bmw #x5 #x5m ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

[Music] I'm Yuri of Jacob's book room drive [Music] 2020 BMW x5m competition with launch control [Music] okay the cuts fast so we actually got live control to work in this we'll talk about that in a moment but horsepower and torque 617 horsepower 553 pound-feet of torque from a twin-turbo 4.4 liter v8 why were we so concerned about the launch control okay so BMWs are actually quite difficult to get into launch control especially for the M models ironically yeah with a lot of other
manufacturers like Porsche and Mercedes you get full brakes full gas it'll say launch control and it goes this you need to have a weird setup and even when you have the setup correct it still will take a couple tries because it needs a cooldown period and even if it is cooled down it still has errors and this one's also different than M performance models because this is a real M so you have to have slightly different settings yeah like you have to put it into manual shifting but you don't have
to manual shift it only in last control it's weird and then you need to spool up the turbos I guess yeah to get full boost let's watch it's really weird and eww please fix this it's almost just as good without launch control almost yeah but that's pretty good launch so we recently drove the x6 this is the x5 M which will look more aggressive but it is not the coupie shape which is related to the x6 yes so thank God it's not and all of my complaints with the x6 looks have been solved with the x5
and I think this thing is gorgeous I hope I'd say gorgeous I would say mean-looking well compared to the x6 I think this is gorgeous so you know what this didn't solve is the wheel gap but we'll get that one talked to the side let's start with the front fronts pretty aggressive slightly different than the x6 the headlights look a little bit different and the grille looks a little bit different as well we've got all real grilles and everything is blacked out be cause it is the competition yeah so
on the regular x5 m regular in quotations it's not all blacked out and then if we look under the hood we've got a really cool package there yeah so on the competition we have extra bracing which is really cool to see and then we also have an optional carbon fiber cover and you can also see from the front that we do have the M mirrors yeah and I think they look a little bit awkward on such a large vehicle but at the end of the day if you're paying f or an M car I want all the M stuff yeah yeah I
get it and if we look at the side view the trunk part is totally normal it's not a coupie version like the x6 yeah it looks a lot better from the side compared to the x6 in my opinion I know you really likes the x6 but from the side overall this thing looks great pretty much like the other x5 we drove that wasn't an M model we've got ok body lines nothing as good as the last gen and then if we go to the wheels that's where we've got tha t bigger wheel gap yeah so this doesn't have air suspension
it is a DAB so yeah you can't adjust the height yeah it's it's a little too high for my liking but what I really like is the wheels yeah these wheels look awesome every BMW with competition spec looks amazing I feel like every Mercedes and BMW that has been sent to us in the last couple of weeks has had perfect specs yes congratulations to every company for upping their spec game because in the last couple years some of the stuff was bad but everything right now is really good excellent then
we've got nice big blue M breaks behind that and they're drilled and then in the front we have what looks to be like fake vents so I don't know about that but it looks kind of cool yeah it doesn't look like there's anywhere for air to come in from behind the front wheel yeah exactly so moving on to the back end we have a split full trunk now which we didn't have in the x6 because it was just a hatch yeah and I th ink this is so much better another reason to like this over the x6 but the load
floor is very high up I feel like in the x7 we were able to drop it with the air ID and made a lot easier for loading stuff in that is true and you don't get like a fully flat load floor very close in this I wonder how many boxes it will fit let's find out with the box test 10 and our news box test member Charles M 11 plus 12 get your own box on slash the street pipes so obviously more tha n the x6 yes because you should buy SUVs for the practicality of them if you're going to buy an
SUV and while we're on the trunk it does have a cool privacy cover with buttons that will come out and it'll automatically cover everything when you close the trunk which is very cool trunk innovation of the year that's I'm just gonna give it to them that's the coolest and then back to the back looks we do have double dual exhaust which is all blacked out and it is all real because it is a real end model and I really like how when you look underneath there you can see all the heat shields there
and since this is a real M model let's take a listen to that exhaust [Music] very authentic sounding not too many crackles and pops I really like it it's a nice deep growly tongue yeah and it doesn't feel as fake as like the set for did with the prepping clothes and then moving out to the taillights the x6 looked like the rocks eyebrows this kind of looks more normal yeah way m ore normal and they kind of add a part up top on SUVs so it's not just like one little line at the bottom like an L
and then we got a cool little double spoiler thing at the top and from looking at it from very far back we do have very very wide tires which is kind of like an x5 thing from back in the date still yeah and then we have a little bit of fender flare as well on the side so overall I think this thing looks really really good yes top notch I still think the x6 looks coo l compared to it maybe not better but overall looks great yeah I think this looks better than a GL e63 better than a GL e63 coupe eh
so for all you people that think I'm hating on BMW I think this thing is amazing I just don't like the coupie SUVs that's it so with all the looks out of the way I want to talk about the tech in here our last x5 review I covered a ton of it including the reverse assist the 360 cameras automatic parking assist so check out that video if you want to know a bout all that stuff but I want to get into a new feature we have here which is the driver quarter and what a driver quarter is is a built in
dash cam yeah so you can actually use every camera that this car has so you can use front side and rear to record every angle at the same time or you can change that through the settings yes and the best part is you can set it up so that it'll automatically record when you get into an incident or you can click to manually record or do both an d then you can set it so we allow the record ahead or behind I've got it set up so it'll record 20 seconds before and 20 seconds after when I go through it
I can also set the driver record mode to one of the preset buttons down here from 1 to 8 and then I can also set it on the home screen and when I do that all I do is click and it starts recording right away it's a really cool feature and I hope other manufacturers start implementing stuff like this it's it's perfect and then you c an use like a USB to unload it all it's great and if you watched our X 6 video this is the feature that this didn't have and as for the rest of the gauges and
everything like that a lot of this stuff is transferred over from the end that we drove yeah and this is the same style interior with the M buttons that the m8 had yeah so we really like these customizable M 1 and M 2 buttons but they are very tricky shall we get into how it all works yes ok so M 1 and M 2 you program that as your mode but to find a mode there's no dial like we have in Mercedes where it's like Comfort Sport Sport+ and race yeah so instead of that we have a setup button and then
we have an M mode button that you then customize through the infotainment yeah so the M mode button controls whether your infotainment and gauges look like Road mode sport mode or track mode and track mode will like cut off the whole display sport mode will make it the vertical style and then Road mode will make it the one with the opposite tack that we don't like yeah so then if you really want to customize everything like all your suspension your driving modes you have to hit setup and then
you can customize each individual option and it shows up on your gauge when you click that and it's really easy to see what you need to adjust yeah so there is no actual comfort mode in this car but you can adjust everything to comfort and then the best part about these buttons is say you set up m2 to have your traction off or like half off you just need to click a twist to confirm it's the fastest way to get into traction off and pretty much any vehicle yeah so I love those buttons but I do not
love this setup mode and then with that you can also change how fast your transmission shifts with a little button on the shifter and to get into four-wheel drive sport you do need to have traction off at least one or else it's grayed out and BMWs traction control system is actually fantastic you can still have a little bit of fun with this if you just put it into sport you can also customize the engine sound to be on or off so here's what it sounds like on and here's what it sounds like when
it's off oh wow a huge difference yeah it's much quieter you can barely hear when the pumpkin audio is off it's almost like you kind of need it on sometimes but it can be overpowering I think you're really even on in this car because it just sounds like air yeah because w e don't get those like AMG crackles and pops at the end when you up shift everything it's more just like a good sound yeah and it's just generally quieter than a comparable AMG so we'll touch on the rest of the interior at
the end but I'll get you in the driver's seat go through cliche corner and talk about all that great BMW traction control and everything that we love so much horsepower and torque no handling attraction launch control yes it worked okay that's got a ton of tor que it's like almost track hock fast but less aggressive yeah but that number is not track Hawk numbers so this will do is zero to 100 km/h in 3.8 seconds which is still obviously very quick but not track off okay while you're launching
that did you like the head-up display showing you when to shift and everything didn't even look at it okay but it is pretty good it does have a lot of modes you can to reduce mode but for the most part kind of gets in the way so let's talk about th is engine it pulls so hard 1800 rpm is when you get your maximum torque and it feels like that like this thing is very aggressive you just downshift downshift and torque so let's send this into cliche corner and find out what it feels like okay minimal
understeer it feels actually really well planted but the biggest thing that I've noticed is how the electronic system works with you and works with the car so I'm going to floor it right now it doesn't understeer it just kind of pulls y ou through so the electronics work with you in this car not against you kind of like a MGS yeah and when we drove the X 3m and the X 4m on the track we notice that it was really hard to get it to like oversteer and slide and this feels kind of similar like it
just doesn't want to it doesn't want to it just wants grip which is kind of totally different in characteristic and feel from AMG's because AMG's they just want to slide if you have the traction fully off if you have it on t hey just want to bog down even if you're in an AMG in non race mode it like needs to be in a race mode yeah so I really like what BMW does with their suspension their tuning of the engine their tuning and calibration of the stability control as well yeah especially when tie
it to an all-wheel-drive system because it acts way more rear-wheel drive than you'd expect it to yeah so this is all-wheel drive it's X Drive and when you turn on traction to four-wheel drive sport it actually s ends even more power to the rear even though this is already a rear biased system okay when you were ripping it did you notice that the gears kind of just go on forever like you stay in a gear for a long time they are long gears for sure but I mean I kind of expect that out of an SUV as
well yeah but it kind of sucks that you don't get to just keep like banging gears but it is just like such a big engine yeah exactly and it's like a 7000 rpm if redline so and what do you think of the transmission like say you put it in Auto how quickly does it shift into gear decent actually surprisingly good so this is the 8-speed ZF that we love in pmws and it's pretty damn good here but you're not getting any car out of it at all really no you don't at all but it will sound better from
outside like if you're watching it go by then it will inside behind the wheel [Music] this sounds way better from the outside and that part really sucks but that's the thing people want a luxurious experience so they have to delete the exhaust in the interior to get that yes which is why they have to pump it back in but at least it's not said for fake which we talked about earlier but I'm just happy the way it sounds and the competition gets the m-sport exhaust as well so it does sound better
than the regular x5 and to touch on the suspension again if we run through the drive modes we have Comfort Sport and Sport Plus I think this is overall way more comfortable tha n AMG's and just generally softer even in every mode yeah but it is still like kind of stiff it is yeah yeah it is stiff because this is an x5 m competition but compared to AMG s I think they always get the damping better on BMW M models and no issues at all with the steering because this is a real end models on M sport
like zero issues and love others feel is perfect and one thing I absolutely do not love is the driving position this is such a tall SUV and the seat doesn't go low enough yeah it's probably better for someone who's not 6 feet tall probably but still it's just if the seat went a little bit lower I would like it more but this is a really big SUV so you'll still be able to see over the hood very clearly so when you're talking about the seats should we move into the interior and talk about all that
kind of stuff let's do it okay so the seats are good we can adjust them from the side and look how much you can move this forward part back you can adju st the headrest on its own without moving or everything here it is pretty cool like I imagine if you want to get in with a helmet or without a helmet you can adjust it very well yeah and I find these headrests to be like a little bit too big like it just digs into the back of my head it's kind of hard but it does say x5 m and it does light up so
that's awesome and then we also have massage seats and the massages are fantastic then how about the back seats do we have plenty of room fo r Jacob yes we do at six foot one and a half and the colours and everything here are awesome it's like this weird light grayish Brown yeah interesting spec I like it it's different and then we've got carbon fibre everywhere which I'm gonna be honest with you guys I'm kind of sick of it it's been like nine cars in a row with the same carbon fibre oh your life
is so hard Yuri well come on give me that dark ash wood I love this carbon fibre obviously because I love carbon fibre but yeah I mean different patterns would be nice but this is really and then we do have nice quilted materials here on the side too which I really like and because this is an M model we have some M signature stuff on the seat belt as well as on the steering wheel on the inside stitching and in the back seats we also have manual peasant blockers yeah the manual part of that sucks
it would have been nice if there automatic but and then we also have this awesome moonroof that lights up as well as normal BMW lights on the interior then if we move onto our cup holder area we have heated and cooled cup holders and it does fit at all can of redbull just fine shred our cup holders how about the visors let's find out three two one yes per job and in terms of regular driving not sporty performance this does have very good lane keep and adaptive cruise yes it's the one that gives
you highway driving assist so that under fifty kilometers an hour and bumper-to-bumper traffic you'll st are your eyes to make sure you not doing anything I think it's the perfect amount of bugging you to keep your hands on the wheel so that you have to be responsible because like pals in the Telluride and the g90 that lets you do it a little too much which if you don't know what you're doing and you trust the system too much could be bad this is probably the right amount that's the kind of one
that you might accidentally take a nap behind the wheel and this is like on it on it I just jam a couple of oranges into your steering wheel so with all of that stuff out of the way I think we can finally get to the price it's a lot of money obviously it starts at one hundred and twenty four thousand five hundred dollars Canadian and with the competition package and a little bit of extra carbon fiber this is one hundred and forty three thousand three hundred fifty dollars Canadian a lot of money
yeah but this is like a really fast luxurious SUV with so much friggin tech yeah a lot cuz you don't really get that tech stuff in a track Hawk you just get the horsepower so I'm personally teen track Hawk obviously but this is really nice and even in a comparable Mercedes the GLA 63 you don't get as much good tech well I think you do get a lot of tech in a Mercedes but I think you just prefer the way the tech works in this well it's tough like you don't get the dash cam mode for now because
they will copy it they got the touchpad instead of the rotary wheel that's just a preference thing they don't have the highway driving assist where you can take your hands off the whole time and stop and go traffic yeah you're right and it doesn't have the mode where you'll reverse 50 meters just by putting in the backup assist okay so it has a couple more tech features you're right yeah there's a lot that that's missing that this has that makes us a way better car for daily driving I really
like this car like I like it a lot I think like it more r $150,000
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