REAL-FUN! 2021 Nissan Sentra SR Manual Review
REAL-FUN! 2021 Nissan Sentra SR Manual Review
170.571 visualizações • 29 de mar. de 2021 • 2021 Nissan Sentra SR Review by The Straight Pipes. The Nissan Sentra SR is pumping out 149hp and 146 lb-ft tq from a 2L 4 cylinder engine. Sitting at $23,383 CAD, would this be your pick over the Toyota Corolla, Honda Civic, Hyundai Elantra? We edit these videos on Maingear Computers: Support us on Patreon: Become a YouTube Member! Subscribe! Facebook! Instagram! Twitter! MERCH! Check out Continental Tire at ------------------- #TheContiPipes #nissan #sentra ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais
i'm yuri i'm jacob we're going for a [Music] drive 2021 nissan santra sr manual with no launch control okay so there's obviously a rev hang get horsepower and torque 149 horsepower 146 pound-feet of torque from a 2-liter four-cylinder with no turbo okay we previously drove the sentra with the cvt yes we did we overall liked the car but uh weren't having as much fun and it felt slower this does not feel slow at all with the manual transmission this is so much better with the manual it's so much
fun it feels like a different car it it 100 does and i really enjoy driving this but let's start with that ref hang thing you talked about okay so what i noticed that happens in this car and this is happening in a lot of cars lately because of emissions is that they actually have to manually keep the throttle open even though your foot is off the gas so it actually adds a little bit more gas so that it burns off whatever's in the combustion chamber which no longer becomes emissions s o basically
what happens is even though you clutch in you don't press the gas the rpms are still rising for a little bit and then you have to wait for about two seconds to match your shift perfectly yeah it's very meant for slow shifting but for trying to go faster everything it's kind you're gonna have to like beat it up exactly or the alternative is to kind of just slip the clutch between shifts which is gonna prematurely wear out your clutch now i'm going to do a pull where i don' t let the rev hang chill
okay just bang gears so you can do it but we just kind of shake a lot into it yeah [Music] which is just like the opposite of a commuter car kind of thing this is a commuter car version it's not snappy and quick like a type r yes now downshift and do the same thing but rev match for the two seconds so that it's a smooth shift that still wasn't enough exactly so that's the thing it is cool i really appreciate the fact that they do have the manual and new for 20 21 is having it in this sr trim
because previously last year they've already made changes because it was only available in the base model okay and nissan is a surprisingly very cool company in canada because they are going to have a centra cup with race car versions of this yeah and this is the exact same powertrain that's in the cup cars which they previously started with the nissan micro which no longer exists so now it's the center cup yeah but you can now also race micros aga inst the centers and i think they're in their
own class though with the micras all they did was add brakes because they just needed to make sure they stopped yeah so basically there's rear brakes from an upper trim yeah exactly there's there's a lot of different changes it's a full-blown race car that you're buying and i do have the canadian price for the full-blown race car with it it is 39 990 but i guess you have to pay a lot more to go to every race for the full year and have t hem have all the cars ready for you yes but we are gonna get
to go test that out later this year yes so you're gonna see us in some of these race cars i'm very excited because i feel good about everything here driving this and shifting it except for one thing with the pedal placement is that when you heel toe downshift you got to stick your ankle out like that whatever that's all good but my right part of my ankle would rub against the plastic part oh is this why this is sitting on my passenger seat underneath my legs over here yeah so i pulled this panel
off and now i have enough room to heal toe down shift it's perfect and i assume the race cars are going to have that removed as well so i feel like that is not cheating that is fair and it's not really covering up anything important so if you do have one of these and you can't he'll go downshift pull that panel off and technically it's not a weight reduction so it would still qualify for racing because if you kee p it in the car there's like no interior yeah i know i do have the same problem with
pedal placement because i feel like all the pedals are shifted to the right so my heel kind of hits it and i can't do the roll that i like to do so i kind of have to do like an actual almost heel toe yeah full twist never roll so enough of me talking about that let's talk about the looks very briefly okay so it does look really good as we really like the one that we drove last year and this black roof yes so this two-tone paint is actually new for 2021. i really like the looks of this i
think this looks better than a current gen civic based civic but civic is getting refreshed so yeah but i think this looks better than uh current gen corolla as well uh coral is a good looking car but yeah and i guess and i feel like when we drove the manual transmission corolla this was more fun i think i like this shifting better yeah i don't know it's kind of hard to compare because we drove that solo yeah it's actually been a year but i feel like i remember that being so soft yes like you
couldn't know didn't really know what's going on and this is just more normal old-school manual transmission oh this is way more old-school because this also doesn't have any rev matching you got to do it yourself all right ready you're ready for it that's good okay you can't go fast red light okay and then the side view we got some pretty good body lines nothing spectacular bu t it's very very good and this paint does pop a lot it does look really good with this two-tone roof like i said
especially from the side oh man i kind of wish it was orange burnt orange paint oh do you though nissan owns that it's okay i like that and then we've got black wheels on this and i think generally everybody hates black wheels but i really don't i hear a lot of people complaining about black wheels but i really like these type of black wheels on this exact car the o nly reason i complained about them in the past because i've already previously owned cars with black wheels in the winter is that
they get really dirty and it's impossible to keep them clean in the winter but this five spoke is such a nice clean design that it works so well on this car and then what would be the continental recommended tire for a sentra the viking contact seven and then moving on to the back end same old sentra it doesn't have really crazy leds at the back and at t he front it's just kind of normal lights yeah overall the headlights and tail lights could be improved the drls and then how about exhaust tips
we have one single exhaust and it is real what does it sound like from the does anyone really want what does it sound like from the outside okay but you know what i bet you the race cars are gonna sound way way sicker 100 i'm so excited for the race cars like actually i wish we could afford to go race yeah but i think with uh both of us havin g kids coming this summer yeah it's not a good idea no not not a good time to enter the century is it cool if i just go race cars for the first time
ever with a new board exactly i'll bring the newborn to the track except you have to take care of them a little bit through cliche and then it's your turn to drive okay and it is wet we are on winters it's pretty good this is a little dry part oh okay you have traction on no i have it off okay so it's slid out a bit i think it's a ll because of the temperature right now but it feels good until the weather gets in the way yeah i guess so i i have no issues with this handling it's actually pretty
good so i guess we covered looks compared to the civic and the corolla a bunch of manual transmission stuff i know you're going to want to talk about it a lot because that's the coolest part of this car so let's get you behind the driver's seat clutch gas watch this car clutch gas dump clutch that's a fast downshift li ghtning bra you can't lightning shift this yeah you can well you should it's just gonna bounce that's race that's what the race car drivers are gonna do oh yeah with like solid
motor mounts and stuff do you want me to install this panel or not god no okay ready oh that's when you shift a little too quick yeah i felt all right exactly because i waited a little bit yeah so you just you got to wait between shifts otherwise you're probably going to ruin your entire power train or at l east all the motor mounts and transmissions all right hit me with a downshift and rip it okay downshift one downshift two dude this is so much more fun than that stupid cvt like so much more
fun i like small cars with manual transmissions is so enjoyable my civic so freaking slow manual transmission makes it amazing and this zero to 60 miles per hour is actually faster than your civic and the quarter mile time is actually faster than your civic yeah well look at all these parts i'm getting from my civic so guess what my civic is going to be faster than a mustang yo shout out holly shout out noss oh should we give the people an update on my mustang it's orange shout out car
star egglington car star scarborough northeast for painting my fox body molten orange to match my raptor and now they're working on my civic right now but i'm not repainting that because the art is already perfect but yuri we actually have a discount for everyone 15 off for anyone th at mentions us at car star scarborough northeast or car star eglinton only those two locations yeah there's actually a straight pipes discount so if you need to get normal stuff fixed on your normal car that's their
specialty bodywork yeah yeah not necessarily yeah yeah but shout out to those guys they did a fantastic job the paint looks like forbidden fruit like i just want to eat it like a lollipop on that mustang oh dude it's so good it's juicy okay what were we talking about i ac tually don't remember i think back to this transmission it's a six speed and we do have a reverse ring and reverse is up and left yeah and what's cool about the reverse ring is is it doesn't get in the way like it does on a lot
of hyundai's yeah exactly and the actual shifting experience is so nice and loose everything's just like it goes into place there's nothing that you have to like force into anything it's nice it's just easy and the clutch is also really light so for commuting this would all be very good very good combo for commuting and on top of all that cool stuff we have a manual e-brake so in the snow today i was having fun cranking that thing and getting a little bit of slide yo cranking that thing's pretty
fun and it doesn't bog down that whole oh crank it yeah well obviously it's fun everybody's doing it so in preparation for the central cup give me a hard break into cliche corner okay and i want to see how much you like the heel toe downshift i'm g onna go at a moderate level of pace and okay yeah i could do it it's totally fine yeah it's great as long as you remove that panel because not having that panel really saves the shifting experience and this also has nissan's intelligent
trace control which is basically just brake torque vectoring i kind of feel here and there like it wants to break one of the wheels because it wants you to have traction and i do feel like it's doing something and it handles okay but we 'll probably really be able to tell what it can do as a cop car okay the thing is i don't know if that stuff's on or off with traction control if you're a nissan engineer hit me up on linkedin yuri tarzan tell me all about it but to turn off the traction tell
me about the adventure you have to go through follow me on the straight pipes on instagram first and then follow me on uritarian on the instagram as well i have a verification badge so do i wow we're popular yeah okay so the the the journey you have to do to turn off traction control oh god so i got to do it through the infotainment well sorry my gauge cluster so i have to manipulate my left thumb wheel to be able to go into vdc settings so that's actually a big frustration that is easily
solvable with a hard button unfortunately this doesn't have it i'm interested to see if they're going to have the cup cars have the permanently off or if you have to do that in the infotainment because what if th e race starts and you have to do that i'm pretty sure it's permanently off we won't know until we go but we are excited to go yes very excited because i like this thing this is a very good package let's talk about the actual suspension and ride quality because that is one of the things
that stands out the most for me in this car it is one of the most comfortable cars to drive in this class i think the suspension is very well calibrated i think it's more comfortable than a civic but are our minds being tricked by these very comfortable space seats potentially because that's also very comfortably holding my butt in because these are nissan space seats yeah nissan seats are like i think i've been talking about that a lot of luxury cars like even the gl a35 was saying how much
more comfortable oh yeah the seats would be it and i don't change my mind on that one bit yeah no these seats are fantastic and even in cloth like it doesn't matter they're so comfortable not even real yeah and then we also have a ton of room back there especially for myself at six foot one and a half but what about sitting in the front seat you parked and you want to leave the car okay so if the car's running you can't actually get out so right now i can't so if i was parked it would do the
same thing so i actually have to unlock my own door to get out yeah while it's running most cars let you just pull the handle and it'll unlock no matter what yeah so that's a f rustration and we couldn't find how to turn that off in the infotainment so i think it's just a nissan thing because we have had other nissans do that in the past as well yeah um i would say pretty pretty decent annoyance yeah it's not like a deal breaker or anything like that but for us filming constantly getting in and
out of the car we notice like dumb things like that but i wonder what the ratio of non-filming people is they're like how many times do you get out of your car whil e it's running exactly like like i mean i do that because like if i have to run back in my house and my car is running and i forget something like i've done that in other cars many times i feel like it's not that common i don't know let us know in the comments in the comments yeah and as for the rest of this interior it is pretty nice
we got some orange stitching which makes it look good everything is very intuitive on the infotainment we've got apple carplay android auto and those ar e both standard for 2021 we got usb and usbc which is a nice thing and and aux yeah yeah not that you can ox into anything i guess if you have your old ipod with all your old songs why not keep it going right i guess so and then we do have sirius xm satellite radio and it does rewind which is very nice but you do have to click a replay button to
get to that part and we do have a very good volume knob and tuning knob which is nice and then we do have a lot of hard buttons for stuff bu t we don't have a hard button for apple carplay but it almost always shows up at the bottom but what sucks about the screen is that it's almost always too dark yes we've had this problem in other nissans as well it's just too dim even when you maximize the brightness it's just too dim yeah and i noticed it the most in the reverse camera because i've
got everything cranked full brightness and everything else is fine reverse just a little dull but reverse camera is very clear e xactly and as for the rest of this interior we do have hard buttons we do have a pretty good layout in here we do have a cup holder yuri does it pass a small or medium cup of coffee yeah it does and it's surrounded by carbon fiber which we also have on the door panels carbon fiber inspired carbon fiber inspired print and on the gauge cluster area i mean they are making
a race car out of this exactly so that is a fully allowed thing to do i wonder how the race car is going to do in th e visor test ah three two one yes okay the race car will for sure pass it's better unless it doesn't have visors but that's a super car pass if it has the thing or race car pass supercar central we're gonna have to do a race car pass i'm okay with that okay and then we have heated seats heated steering wheel and it just hard buttons which is nice and the steering wheel does
get very hot all the way around as i criticize subarus for not doing that okay here's a smooth shift the re it would take like four seconds to get to the actual point i know and to end off the interior i do really like the sound system in this it's very punchy for a lower trim car and to actually end off the interior sitting behind myself at six foot one and a half is very comfortable back there i feel like you already mentioned that there's a lot of room back there not in this review yuri i told
you we already mentioned it is that the last one yeah dude yeah no there's a lot of room bac k there for sure yeah so now we should get to the price this one is a whopping 23 383 dollars with this optional paint canadian and when i say whopping that is a whopping good deal it's a really fun car for that price in manual yes especially if you have a daily commute that sucks manual will make it a lot more fun unless it's like pure stop and go traffic but even then this clutch is so light the shifter
is so light that i actually wouldn't be bothered by it at all in this car you wo uld have fun passing cars from lane to lane on your commute even though no one's driving anywhere right now well actually everyone's still driving everywhere no one's really staying home well yeah and on your commute you also have adaptive cruise which is nice yeah and like lane departures and stuff yes okay so this civic corolla base-ish in manual i don't know that's hard to say they're all very close they all
have their pluses and their minuses i don't know i'm not really the biggest fan of all the corolla infotainment stuff and the civic is old and getting refreshed so i think technically this would be better at this moment right now i think civic because it definitely had a better powertrain i preferred shifting in that it had more power it's got a turbo engine but they're not having a race car series out of it no i know but you can get a civic and a house and a crowl in a hatchery they do have
a race car series with the type r in the united states y eah but not the base ones no i know so let us know what you think of this center with the manual transmission would you take it over a base a specific with a manual transmission or a base ish corolla with a manual transmission i can tell you i would take this over any cvt any day so good and watch some of these videos over here which is a bunch of playlists of a bunch more cars including this one with a cvt i'm going to slow down and the
micro yes micro is good [Music] Inglês (gera
REAL-FUN! 2021 Nissan Sentra SR Manual Review
170.571 visualizações • 29 de mar. de 2021 • 2021 Nissan Sentra SR Review by The Straight Pipes. The Nissan Sentra SR is pumping out 149hp and 146 lb-ft tq from a 2L 4 cylinder engine. Sitting at $23,383 CAD, would this be your pick over the Toyota Corolla, Honda Civic, Hyundai Elantra? We edit these videos on Maingear Computers: Support us on Patreon: Become a YouTube Member! Subscribe! Facebook! Instagram! Twitter! MERCH! Check out Continental Tire at ------------------- #TheContiPipes #nissan #sentra ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

i'm yuri i'm jacob we're going for a [Music] drive 2021 nissan santra sr manual with no launch control okay so there's obviously a rev hang get horsepower and torque 149 horsepower 146 pound-feet of torque from a 2-liter four-cylinder with no turbo okay we previously drove the sentra with the cvt yes we did we overall liked the car but uh weren't having as much fun and it felt slower this does not feel slow at all with the manual transmission this is so much better with the manual it's so much
fun it feels like a different car it it 100 does and i really enjoy driving this but let's start with that ref hang thing you talked about okay so what i noticed that happens in this car and this is happening in a lot of cars lately because of emissions is that they actually have to manually keep the throttle open even though your foot is off the gas so it actually adds a little bit more gas so that it burns off whatever's in the combustion chamber which no longer becomes emissions s o basically
what happens is even though you clutch in you don't press the gas the rpms are still rising for a little bit and then you have to wait for about two seconds to match your shift perfectly yeah it's very meant for slow shifting but for trying to go faster everything it's kind you're gonna have to like beat it up exactly or the alternative is to kind of just slip the clutch between shifts which is gonna prematurely wear out your clutch now i'm going to do a pull where i don' t let the rev hang chill
okay just bang gears so you can do it but we just kind of shake a lot into it yeah [Music] which is just like the opposite of a commuter car kind of thing this is a commuter car version it's not snappy and quick like a type r yes now downshift and do the same thing but rev match for the two seconds so that it's a smooth shift that still wasn't enough exactly so that's the thing it is cool i really appreciate the fact that they do have the manual and new for 20 21 is having it in this sr trim
because previously last year they've already made changes because it was only available in the base model okay and nissan is a surprisingly very cool company in canada because they are going to have a centra cup with race car versions of this yeah and this is the exact same powertrain that's in the cup cars which they previously started with the nissan micro which no longer exists so now it's the center cup yeah but you can now also race micros aga inst the centers and i think they're in their
own class though with the micras all they did was add brakes because they just needed to make sure they stopped yeah so basically there's rear brakes from an upper trim yeah exactly there's there's a lot of different changes it's a full-blown race car that you're buying and i do have the canadian price for the full-blown race car with it it is 39 990 but i guess you have to pay a lot more to go to every race for the full year and have t hem have all the cars ready for you yes but we are gonna get
to go test that out later this year yes so you're gonna see us in some of these race cars i'm very excited because i feel good about everything here driving this and shifting it except for one thing with the pedal placement is that when you heel toe downshift you got to stick your ankle out like that whatever that's all good but my right part of my ankle would rub against the plastic part oh is this why this is sitting on my passenger seat underneath my legs over here yeah so i pulled this panel
off and now i have enough room to heal toe down shift it's perfect and i assume the race cars are going to have that removed as well so i feel like that is not cheating that is fair and it's not really covering up anything important so if you do have one of these and you can't he'll go downshift pull that panel off and technically it's not a weight reduction so it would still qualify for racing because if you kee p it in the car there's like no interior yeah i know i do have the same problem with
pedal placement because i feel like all the pedals are shifted to the right so my heel kind of hits it and i can't do the roll that i like to do so i kind of have to do like an actual almost heel toe yeah full twist never roll so enough of me talking about that let's talk about the looks very briefly okay so it does look really good as we really like the one that we drove last year and this black roof yes so this two-tone paint is actually new for 2021. i really like the looks of this i
think this looks better than a current gen civic based civic but civic is getting refreshed so yeah but i think this looks better than uh current gen corolla as well uh coral is a good looking car but yeah and i guess and i feel like when we drove the manual transmission corolla this was more fun i think i like this shifting better yeah i don't know it's kind of hard to compare because we drove that solo yeah it's actually been a year but i feel like i remember that being so soft yes like you
couldn't know didn't really know what's going on and this is just more normal old-school manual transmission oh this is way more old-school because this also doesn't have any rev matching you got to do it yourself all right ready you're ready for it that's good okay you can't go fast red light okay and then the side view we got some pretty good body lines nothing spectacular bu t it's very very good and this paint does pop a lot it does look really good with this two-tone roof like i said
especially from the side oh man i kind of wish it was orange burnt orange paint oh do you though nissan owns that it's okay i like that and then we've got black wheels on this and i think generally everybody hates black wheels but i really don't i hear a lot of people complaining about black wheels but i really like these type of black wheels on this exact car the o nly reason i complained about them in the past because i've already previously owned cars with black wheels in the winter is that
they get really dirty and it's impossible to keep them clean in the winter but this five spoke is such a nice clean design that it works so well on this car and then what would be the continental recommended tire for a sentra the viking contact seven and then moving on to the back end same old sentra it doesn't have really crazy leds at the back and at t he front it's just kind of normal lights yeah overall the headlights and tail lights could be improved the drls and then how about exhaust tips
we have one single exhaust and it is real what does it sound like from the does anyone really want what does it sound like from the outside okay but you know what i bet you the race cars are gonna sound way way sicker 100 i'm so excited for the race cars like actually i wish we could afford to go race yeah but i think with uh both of us havin g kids coming this summer yeah it's not a good idea no not not a good time to enter the century is it cool if i just go race cars for the first time
ever with a new board exactly i'll bring the newborn to the track except you have to take care of them a little bit through cliche and then it's your turn to drive okay and it is wet we are on winters it's pretty good this is a little dry part oh okay you have traction on no i have it off okay so it's slid out a bit i think it's a ll because of the temperature right now but it feels good until the weather gets in the way yeah i guess so i i have no issues with this handling it's actually pretty
good so i guess we covered looks compared to the civic and the corolla a bunch of manual transmission stuff i know you're going to want to talk about it a lot because that's the coolest part of this car so let's get you behind the driver's seat clutch gas watch this car clutch gas dump clutch that's a fast downshift li ghtning bra you can't lightning shift this yeah you can well you should it's just gonna bounce that's race that's what the race car drivers are gonna do oh yeah with like solid
motor mounts and stuff do you want me to install this panel or not god no okay ready oh that's when you shift a little too quick yeah i felt all right exactly because i waited a little bit yeah so you just you got to wait between shifts otherwise you're probably going to ruin your entire power train or at l east all the motor mounts and transmissions all right hit me with a downshift and rip it okay downshift one downshift two dude this is so much more fun than that stupid cvt like so much more
fun i like small cars with manual transmissions is so enjoyable my civic so freaking slow manual transmission makes it amazing and this zero to 60 miles per hour is actually faster than your civic and the quarter mile time is actually faster than your civic yeah well look at all these parts i'm getting from my civic so guess what my civic is going to be faster than a mustang yo shout out holly shout out noss oh should we give the people an update on my mustang it's orange shout out car
star egglington car star scarborough northeast for painting my fox body molten orange to match my raptor and now they're working on my civic right now but i'm not repainting that because the art is already perfect but yuri we actually have a discount for everyone 15 off for anyone th at mentions us at car star scarborough northeast or car star eglinton only those two locations yeah there's actually a straight pipes discount so if you need to get normal stuff fixed on your normal car that's their
specialty bodywork yeah yeah not necessarily yeah yeah but shout out to those guys they did a fantastic job the paint looks like forbidden fruit like i just want to eat it like a lollipop on that mustang oh dude it's so good it's juicy okay what were we talking about i ac tually don't remember i think back to this transmission it's a six speed and we do have a reverse ring and reverse is up and left yeah and what's cool about the reverse ring is is it doesn't get in the way like it does on a lot
of hyundai's yeah exactly and the actual shifting experience is so nice and loose everything's just like it goes into place there's nothing that you have to like force into anything it's nice it's just easy and the clutch is also really light so for commuting this would all be very good very good combo for commuting and on top of all that cool stuff we have a manual e-brake so in the snow today i was having fun cranking that thing and getting a little bit of slide yo cranking that thing's pretty
fun and it doesn't bog down that whole oh crank it yeah well obviously it's fun everybody's doing it so in preparation for the central cup give me a hard break into cliche corner okay and i want to see how much you like the heel toe downshift i'm g onna go at a moderate level of pace and okay yeah i could do it it's totally fine yeah it's great as long as you remove that panel because not having that panel really saves the shifting experience and this also has nissan's intelligent
trace control which is basically just brake torque vectoring i kind of feel here and there like it wants to break one of the wheels because it wants you to have traction and i do feel like it's doing something and it handles okay but we 'll probably really be able to tell what it can do as a cop car okay the thing is i don't know if that stuff's on or off with traction control if you're a nissan engineer hit me up on linkedin yuri tarzan tell me all about it but to turn off the traction tell
me about the adventure you have to go through follow me on the straight pipes on instagram first and then follow me on uritarian on the instagram as well i have a verification badge so do i wow we're popular yeah okay so the the the journey you have to do to turn off traction control oh god so i got to do it through the infotainment well sorry my gauge cluster so i have to manipulate my left thumb wheel to be able to go into vdc settings so that's actually a big frustration that is easily
solvable with a hard button unfortunately this doesn't have it i'm interested to see if they're going to have the cup cars have the permanently off or if you have to do that in the infotainment because what if th e race starts and you have to do that i'm pretty sure it's permanently off we won't know until we go but we are excited to go yes very excited because i like this thing this is a very good package let's talk about the actual suspension and ride quality because that is one of the things
that stands out the most for me in this car it is one of the most comfortable cars to drive in this class i think the suspension is very well calibrated i think it's more comfortable than a civic but are our minds being tricked by these very comfortable space seats potentially because that's also very comfortably holding my butt in because these are nissan space seats yeah nissan seats are like i think i've been talking about that a lot of luxury cars like even the gl a35 was saying how much
more comfortable oh yeah the seats would be it and i don't change my mind on that one bit yeah no these seats are fantastic and even in cloth like it doesn't matter they're so comfortable not even real yeah and then we also have a ton of room back there especially for myself at six foot one and a half but what about sitting in the front seat you parked and you want to leave the car okay so if the car's running you can't actually get out so right now i can't so if i was parked it would do the
same thing so i actually have to unlock my own door to get out yeah while it's running most cars let you just pull the handle and it'll unlock no matter what yeah so that's a f rustration and we couldn't find how to turn that off in the infotainment so i think it's just a nissan thing because we have had other nissans do that in the past as well yeah um i would say pretty pretty decent annoyance yeah it's not like a deal breaker or anything like that but for us filming constantly getting in and
out of the car we notice like dumb things like that but i wonder what the ratio of non-filming people is they're like how many times do you get out of your car whil e it's running exactly like like i mean i do that because like if i have to run back in my house and my car is running and i forget something like i've done that in other cars many times i feel like it's not that common i don't know let us know in the comments in the comments yeah and as for the rest of this interior it is pretty nice
we got some orange stitching which makes it look good everything is very intuitive on the infotainment we've got apple carplay android auto and those ar e both standard for 2021 we got usb and usbc which is a nice thing and and aux yeah yeah not that you can ox into anything i guess if you have your old ipod with all your old songs why not keep it going right i guess so and then we do have sirius xm satellite radio and it does rewind which is very nice but you do have to click a replay button to
get to that part and we do have a very good volume knob and tuning knob which is nice and then we do have a lot of hard buttons for stuff bu t we don't have a hard button for apple carplay but it almost always shows up at the bottom but what sucks about the screen is that it's almost always too dark yes we've had this problem in other nissans as well it's just too dim even when you maximize the brightness it's just too dim yeah and i noticed it the most in the reverse camera because i've
got everything cranked full brightness and everything else is fine reverse just a little dull but reverse camera is very clear e xactly and as for the rest of this interior we do have hard buttons we do have a pretty good layout in here we do have a cup holder yuri does it pass a small or medium cup of coffee yeah it does and it's surrounded by carbon fiber which we also have on the door panels carbon fiber inspired carbon fiber inspired print and on the gauge cluster area i mean they are making
a race car out of this exactly so that is a fully allowed thing to do i wonder how the race car is going to do in th e visor test ah three two one yes okay the race car will for sure pass it's better unless it doesn't have visors but that's a super car pass if it has the thing or race car pass supercar central we're gonna have to do a race car pass i'm okay with that okay and then we have heated seats heated steering wheel and it just hard buttons which is nice and the steering wheel does
get very hot all the way around as i criticize subarus for not doing that okay here's a smooth shift the re it would take like four seconds to get to the actual point i know and to end off the interior i do really like the sound system in this it's very punchy for a lower trim car and to actually end off the interior sitting behind myself at six foot one and a half is very comfortable back there i feel like you already mentioned that there's a lot of room back there not in this review yuri i told
you we already mentioned it is that the last one yeah dude yeah no there's a lot of room bac k there for sure yeah so now we should get to the price this one is a whopping 23 383 dollars with this optional paint canadian and when i say whopping that is a whopping good deal it's a really fun car for that price in manual yes especially if you have a daily commute that sucks manual will make it a lot more fun unless it's like pure stop and go traffic but even then this clutch is so light the shifter
is so light that i actually wouldn't be bothered by it at all in this car you wo uld have fun passing cars from lane to lane on your commute even though no one's driving anywhere right now well actually everyone's still driving everywhere no one's really staying home well yeah and on your commute you also have adaptive cruise which is nice yeah and like lane departures and stuff yes okay so this civic corolla base-ish in manual i don't know that's hard to say they're all very close they all
have their pluses and their minuses i don't know i'm not really the biggest fan of all the corolla infotainment stuff and the civic is old and getting refreshed so i think technically this would be better at this moment right now i think civic because it definitely had a better powertrain i preferred shifting in that it had more power it's got a turbo engine but they're not having a race car series out of it no i know but you can get a civic and a house and a crowl in a hatchery they do have
a race car series with the type r in the united states y eah but not the base ones no i know so let us know what you think of this center with the manual transmission would you take it over a base a specific with a manual transmission or a base ish corolla with a manual transmission i can tell you i would take this over any cvt any day so good and watch some of these videos over here which is a bunch of playlists of a bunch more cars including this one with a cvt i'm going to slow down and the
micro yes micro is good [Music] Inglês (gera
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