ILLEGAL IN USA! Renault Sport Clio V6 Review
ILLEGAL IN USA! Renault Sport Clio V6 Review
189.869 visualizações • 30 de out. de 2021 • 2002 Renault Sport Clio V6 review by The Straight Pipes. The Renaultsport Clio V6 is pumping out 230hp 221 lb-ft tq from a 3L V6. At $69,995 CAD, would you take it over any other hot hatch? Check out and Blackhorn Offroad wheels (5% off with discount code 'straightpipes'): Support us on Patreon: Become a YouTube Member! Subscribe! Facebook! Instagram! Twitter! MERCH! Check out Continental Tire at ------------------- #renault #clio #hatchback ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais
ILLEGAL IN USA! Renault Sport Clio V6 Review
189.869 visualizações • 30 de out. de 2021 • 2002 Renault Sport Clio V6 review by The Straight Pipes. The Renaultsport Clio V6 is pumping out 230hp 221 lb-ft tq from a 3L V6. At $69,995 CAD, would you take it over any other hot hatch? Check out and Blackhorn Offroad wheels (5% off with discount code 'straightpipes'): Support us on Patreon: Become a YouTube Member! Subscribe! Facebook! Instagram! Twitter! MERCH! Check out Continental Tire at ------------------- #renault #clio #hatchback ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

[Music] so [Music] i'm yuri i'm jacob we're going for a drive [Music] 2002 renault sport cleo v6 phase one rolling start [Music] horsepower and torque 230 horsepower 221 pound-feet of torque from a 3-liter v6 mounted right behind us and big shout out to ob prestige for hooking us up with this renault clio sport v6 yeah they're located in gatineau quebec and they specialize in hyper cars exotics and all types of rare and unique vehicles so make sure you watch our ferrari f12 review yes and let us
know in the comments below what other cars of theirs should we review yeah they've got a lot that i would like to try so what the heck is this and why do we have it well renault is a french company and this car was never officially sold in canada so this was imported to canada and there was only about 1500 of them built worldwide because this is the phase one so that was 2001 to 2002. and apparently this one was brought directly to canada for the canadian grand prix and that's why we got this
cool formula one renault livery stickers on it yes we can't verify that but that's what we were told so i think it looks really cool with these decals okay and then the engine is in the back yeah so this is actually based on a front engine front-wheel drive five-seater and converted to mid-engine rear-wheel drive two-seater so yes the engine is right there yeah the normal clio kind of looks like a crappy car but this is super awesome and to put this into north american pe rspective that's like
taking a ford fiesta or ford focus and doing the same thing to it because this is essentially just an economy car and it's pretty quick and we do have a titanium exhaust on here but that's the only thing that's different about this yeah that's the only modification but it does look cool with those titanium pipes so we should probably start with the looks i was gonna say exhaust and for all you commenters over the years who want us to drive old cars and cool ca rs we hit a million we finally did
it finally you guys can subscribe to us this car isn't even available in north america and we did it so starting with the front end it's very euro not something we got here in north america but it's wide bodied out yeah the wide body looks amazing it's all squared off it looks incredible it also does look super awkward and then the front wheels and the back wheels aren't that thick so it kind of looks a little skinny in there yeah and then the head lights are like very normal but they are
projectors which is nice and it still looks very euro and we've got real grills and fake grills i think this is the oldest fake grill we've reviewed at 2002. yeah interesting so this is a renault sport so that's kind of like ford performance sort of yeah i'm trying to relate this to all north american stuff and if we pop the hood to see where the engine would be we just have parts they didn't do anything special to clean it up yeah so s ome of the original stuff from the regular clio is still all
mounted up there which is pretty funny to see and then moving on to the side view it's a hatchback so that looks cool but we've got a gigantic wing yeah and this is wide body af and you can see the side intakes and they look so cool and you can hear them from the side when you have the door open it's just like a just like a sucking sound and if you open the door you're going to see a huge side cell because it's all wide bodi ed out it looks like it's just tacked on yeah which is crazy because
like you can actually see the original metal body and then almost like the glue seal to the wide body but it looks so good it's a very cool looking factory wide body and then what do you think of these stickers on it i actually don't mind it at all it looks it looks very 2002 computer windows pc kind of stuff it's very appropriate for this and what do you think of these wheels i absolutely love these multi-spoke wheels i think they're one of my favorite rally style wheels yeah kind of like the
alpena yeah they're like o.z kind of style like they look really good and they fit really well and what would be the continental recommended tire if you had a 2002 renault clio sport v6 uh close enough extreme contact sport and then moving on to the back end we got one thick ass boy yeah yeah we really do the tail lights kind of suck but the exhaust looks amazing yeah it's pretty cool coming out of th ere it couldn't get more real than it is and it's just like so wide and awkward looking to the
point where it's kind of ugly but i do really like my ugly car so i think it's perfect and then from like the rear three quarter you can see the way the body line comes all the way across and blends into the bumper it's it's the coolest looking rear wheel drive mid engine hatchback yeah this is one of my favorite looking cars it's so dumb but it's so perfect and then you're also pointing o ut that volkswagen made something like this as well yes so the only other example that i could think of that
something related to this which is like a hot hatchback with a mid engine is the volkswagen w12 concept so they never actually sold it to the public whereas this was sold to the public that had a bentley twin turbo w12 shoved in the back and it was amazing and i wish they made it but this is the only thing that you can actually buy like this and then i guess the hyundai veloste r is going to have a similar version as well yeah i guess that's the only other concept right now [Music] so i just want
to say whoever actually got this thing approved at renault like whoever was drunk at the time in accounting or whatever like was passed out when they got this approved i love you for it great job yes do more of this please and because this is a european car we have these really weird side mirrors that warp everything and a weird rear view mirror it's pretty much a f ull-out nightmare it's like driving with three gopros yeah and what's cool is that our reading light up here is like airplane styles
yes it really is and before you drive we got to do a little send into cliche back corner yeah shout out quebec for your corners yuri how's that turning i mean you got to do a lot of steering wheel inputs but i'm used to that because i do have an old car as well yeah it's not like it's heavy to actually do it it's just a lot of turning input no it's it's super light and it feels nice and sporty i don't really know how it's going to react if you give it too much power or try to oversteer and i'm
not going to try right now yeah because we did mention that this is a rear-wheel drive so all the weight is kind of behind us yeah and when this came out i'm sure it was the coolest idea ever and people got to skid it and stuff and drive it on a track we missed that boat because we were in grade 10 but in the future maybe we'll get the velost er to do that yeah yeah so we'll just be extra careful with this one all right your turn behind the wheel okay how do you say launch control in french that
is the right amount of speed this can do zero to 100 kilometers per hour in just over six seconds which is pretty decent yeah especially for 2002. yeah so i would like to start off by talking about all of the sounds in this cabin and outside so there's everything from intake sucking to just general engine noises to also exhaust bu rbles and then you got a lot of mechanicalness from the transmission and everything like it's it's got a lot going on yeah because this has a six-speed transaxle yeah
yeah like listen to this it's just you can almost hear the fluids like boiling it's it's insane like there's so much going on and you can actually lift that cover and see the engine but there's another little cover under there that we didn't want to lift because this is an old car and what i really like about the exhau st sound is the burbles you get everything sounds so natural like floor i'll downshift second there we go yeah it's so good like it's so authentic and i think that may have
something to do with that extra titanium exhaust we have i doubt the factory one would burble like that i i don't like the titanium exhaust it's too loud in here i can't hear anything i love it obviously i would love it a lot more stock but this does sound great especially from outside and it's so crazy to have a v6 behind us like that's the biggest engine that they had in their arsenal basically because renault is owned by a bunch of companies it's like a conglomerate kind of like volkswagen
and so this is the biggest engine that they could fit in here because they already had like a tuned up front engine renault sport clio but this it just wasn't enough they had to do this not the v6 you know how i love my v6 sub 260 horsepower transaxle cars yes yes i know yuri so the overall driv ing experience is incredible it feels like a normal car the shifter is so light the clutch is super light well the clutch is kind of a pain because you when you slide your foot back you didn't have your
foot all the way off the ground or else it kind of like gets your foot stuck underneath it you are right i did get my foot stuck in the plastic above the clutch because the way that the clutch engages it's almost kind of flat where more traditional clutches of 99 of other cars i've d riven they're kind of like on an angle more so it's way less likely to happen and then the shifter is a little weird i feel like neutral is actually where i think first should end up but i did get used to that pretty
quick and by that you mean the actual position in relation to where the shifter is because you kind of have to bash your knuckles into the dash to hit third yeah but it's not the end of the world you get used to it right away yeah it's just a little bit weird but it's als o yeah very normal and then heel toe is also a little bit weird because of the pedal position so you kind of just have to slide your foot over it's definitely not my ideal so i'm going to send it into quebec cliche corner and
just the right amount of power the right amount of sound the suspension is also incredible i expected it to totally suck but man the damping is just right it is a little bit stiffer but it's kind of a sporty car so that's exactly what i would expect it's not l ike you get those like thuds it's just nice and soft over bumps and i feel like the stiffer suspension is canceled out a bit by these soft seats because they're like old-school car seats that are very comfy they really are but this thing
like has no real perceptible body roll it's incredible i think it has something to do with the wheelbase and the fact that this car is already solo to the ground like i love driving this it's such a droid to actually just drive this thing and even though this is rear-wheel drive and the engine's right behind us i feel like it kind of puts enough weight to the back but i feel like if i was to lose the rear end i wouldn't be able to catch it because the wheelbase is so short hence why i'm not
pushing it very hard today the worst part about the overall driving experience has to be the driving position i feel like i'm 40 feet in the air but because of that my visibility is impeccable it feels like you're in a bus yes exactly b ecause the steering wheel is also kind of angled like that coupled with where the position of the shifter is but the outside looks totally makes up for anything weird in here yes and if you drive this thing in parking lots the turning radius is absolutely terrible
you have to do like a 17 point turn to do a three-point turn worth it definitely worth it okay let's move on to the interior because this is a french interior but it seems like a pretty normal car interior yeah it just feels very 90s kind of 2000s era okay some cool stuff we've got alcantara on the shift boot we've got alcantara on the e-brake and then we got these cool screws around the shifter yeah and everything's kind of painted silver which looks like what people did to their cars in the
2000s when they painted them themselves the steering wheel does feel very consumer car but we have horns on the steering wheel and on the turn stock on the left push that in yeah so weird and then we got a little cd deck here which is also weirdly laid out and we have controls for it behind the right side of the steering wheel attached to the column yeah so you can't actually see them when you're driving it's completely blocked by the steering wheel so you have to like you can only control it on
turns or you have to know exactly where everything is and then the gauge cluster is pretty basic white with an orange needle in the middle it's very legible very easy to read but the first thing that i noticed is that it goes 5 10 20 30 is it's got an extra zero oh yeah yeah it's not one yeah because it goes five to ten instead of like 500 to a thousand france you're crazy okay and then as for storage there's a little net back here which helps you put your jacket i don't think we could fit a box
in there can we i don't know let's find out what the box test and if we wanted to drink a cup of tim horton's coffee in france we have no cup holders here visible anywhere no this is not a cup holder either but if we drop our glove box we have two cup holders right there which does not fit a medium and i would not suggest driving with a cup but it kind of holds it in place sort of that way because it is a medium but no that's a total fail and before we do the visor test downshift downshift one
last pull that sounds so good it it feels fast too yes okay visor test uh let's do a careful one this is an older car three two one ah fail does not pass supercar pass no i mea n it takes a lot of the supercar boxes but no it does it's not a supercar it does get a lot of attention like a locked super hatch yes so i feel like that's pretty much it with the 2002 renault sport clio v6 phase one phase one let's get to the price this one is currently for sale at opie prestige and if i don't buy it the
price is 69 995 canadian which is incredible and i actually legitimately want to buy this so hard this is now a dream car i've always liked this car but being able to drive it it lives up to every single expectation i had for it yeah this is very cool to be honest this wasn't even on my radar at all like i pretty much didn't even realize this thing existed but i don't know if i would want this for that price i totally get that that's kind of a lot of money for a rear-wheel drive hatchback that's
from france that was never sold here okay but how would americans would you like you can't have it that's right i'll sell it to you guys for double the price whenever it's legal to import we'll hold on to it so if you're interested in this car make sure you check out ob prestige located in gatineau quebec and if you're not interested in this car they also have hyper cars super cars very rare and unique cars so make sure you watch our ferrari f12 review and follow them on instagram too you Inglês
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