I Bought My Dream Car - A Plymouth Prowler
I Bought My Dream Car - A Plymouth Prowler
625.764 visualizações • 19 de jul. de 2021 • I finally buy my dream car, a yellow Plymouth Prowler. Thanks to everyone who supported us along the way. We're both so stoked to now own our dream cars! Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thestraightpipes Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/thestraightp... Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thestraight... https://www.instagram.com/YuriTereshyn Twitter! https://twitter.com/StraightPipers Buy our shirts! Profits go directly to burnouts: teespring.com/stores/thestraightpipes Check out Continental Tire at https://www.continentaltire.ca ------------------- #Plymouthprowler #Prowler ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais
I Bought My Dream Car - A Plymouth Prowler
625.764 visualizações • 19 de jul. de 2021 • I finally buy my dream car, a yellow Plymouth Prowler. Thanks to everyone who supported us along the way. We're both so stoked to now own our dream cars! Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thestraightpipes Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/thestraightp... Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thestraight... https://www.instagram.com/YuriTereshyn Twitter! https://twitter.com/StraightPipers Buy our shirts! Profits go directly to burnouts: teespring.com/stores/thestraightpipes Check out Continental Tire at https://www.continentaltire.ca ------------------- #Plymouthprowler #Prowler ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

[Music] this is your line of course I'm not buying a car I'm looking at my first Prowler in person we're off to potentially buy my Plymouth Prowler again again so we tried like two months ago turns out it's a lot harder to find a Plymouth Prowler than I thought it would be so we already talked about a lot of the stuff in the first video that we never released yes we did so let's cover some points about the Prowler right now why a prowler like as a kid I always thought it was cool and there's
nothing quite else like it watch our Prowler review but there's like nothing like it there isn't like even that SSR that passed by us today be a lot cooler if there's a prowler I've seen you get so excited about it I hated it at first but I completely understand why you want it now and little kids they get excited to see it like it's just cool to make everybody's day yeah it is I get it now for you and then I wouldn't get it but I get it for you and the reason I'm entertaining this o range one
instead of red or yellow is because it first of all has lambo doors which which can convince me it is hilarious to have that on that vehicle that is the one vehicle outside of a Lambo that I'm completely fine with having lambo doors and it has the trailer yeah that's the best part for me as well and the third thing because it's not my ideal color there's more chance that I'll go out and wrap it okay wrap sponsors yes so I can might be able to do some crazy stuff that I wo uldn't have if I were to
pick my dream cover we checked out that orange one it had too many modifications it had lambo doors the steering felt a little bit off had new suspension ahead like stabilizer bars and stuff but it also had the matching prowler trailer yeah it was like a lot of weird things and I had a black rap on it exactly it just didn't have that spark that a yellow one did and wouldn't really budge on the price either so but he did sell it for his asking price oh good goo d for him yes then we checked out it
was a nice guy he was super nice then we checked out a yellow one bishop that was pretty far out but we did check that barely was able to test-drive it and when we showed up it had accident that he didn't tell us about yeah exactly I had a seat modification for tall people they got removed too it was missing the angle thing yeah the trunk was a little bit mismatched and misaligned so that's how we figured out the accident and that guy would not bud ge on the price either not even a dime when we
found out about the accident when we got there but that one's not listed anymore so I think it's in cottage country where people see it they buy it they don't care perhaps but I don't have that kind of money no and then in the meantime there's been a lot of responses to my ads a lot of people offering me their prowlers that aren't yellow I am looking for any color but the red ones were pretty nice but the gold the orange the black the b lue it just doesn't spark joy in my eyes like a yellow one
does yeah exactly and I made you post the wanted ad because we were looking at all the ones that were for sale but we just couldn't find the right one I'm like yo just post a wanted ad and some guys get buy one so the way the year started they were all listed online at about $38,000 so I figured one dealership posted it because they wanted to keep it on the lot so it looked cool so everyone who owns a prowler and candidates that well then mine's nicer so mine's worth at least thirty eight five
exactly mine's nicer so it's worth at least they're not everyone thinks their Prowler is nicer than everyone else's problem which was about ten grand over the budget that you wanted to spend and let's talk about mileage on prowlers okay so low mileage high mileage is very different from regular cars so low mileage is like 3,000 kilometers average mileage is about 40,000 kilometers and then high mileage is like an ything over 90,000 kilometers and these are like 20 year old cars yes it's so funny
and my initial price range was about 20 to 30 grand I wanted to spend then after some looking online and not buying a prowler and summer running out I settled at 28,000 and good yeah so you've already pre negotiated with this guy so tell me about this guy okay this guy responded to my ad looking for a prowler so my ad first of all I am a retired man looking for a fun toy because people know I'm lookin g for Prowler and if I expose myself which I did earlier I got pranks yes you did people call
him Gaga proud let's go this bit of kilometres straight part sucks but people are also not pranking you and sending you like horrible ones like rebuilt titles for like 25 grand yeah just like lot stuff you guys have been sending me a ton of Prowler pictures and ads I appreciate it I wasn't gonna travel to the States but like my Instagram is non-stop Prowler so so definitely follow us and t hank you for already following us by the way perish in the straight pipes I still haven't bought this
probably yet so I assume I'm buying it because everything checks out yeah the guy's super nice we've talked to him he also modifies prowlers okay so I could just got my number he calls me answer the phone I'm like I know my name is Karl online but this seems pretty serious so Yuri speaking he's like I thought it was you so this guy knows me not from straight pipes from my ads o n Prowler Online which is like this old messageboard Prowler web site from like 1997 and from other people
whose prowlers I've checked out in other ads the Prowler community everybody talks to each other everybody knows everybody it's a very small community and then this guy asks do you know who I am and I tell him I looked him up on Facebook and he's got a bunch of pictures of cool prowlers that exist like the Ford or stretched Lamborghini Darwin and some Hemi swapped o nes and I'm like yeah a lot of cool ones he's like have you seen Prowler dot CA check out that site I checked it out this guy builds
those prowlers so this guy actually built a four-door Lamborghini door Prowler for know a four-seater four seater correct and then he also built a hammy Prowler multiple had me swap prowlers so his daily driver apparently has a v8 Hemi so this guy is doing God's work for prowlers straight-shooter everything he said was how it should be for a used car so we are going to check this one out hopefully everything checks out we were about to pick up the check so that year you can pay the man and we
should be good so I guess we'll cut to me try to buy a prowler now and you'll know by the thumbnail in the title of the video whether he bought this one is this this a car show is this a car show I can't help it I'm a I was addicted two years before they came up okay okay yeah Coco so that was you gotta let me know when you sell these to Zhou in the future [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so smooth [Music] he's so happy I think he's gonna buy it and I'm gonna tell him to buy
it because look at this this is probably the best guy you could buy a bra from maybe the yellow one say pearl nobody wants you gonna buy it he's gonna buy it doing it doing it his duty to me died probably working I just gotta go to VA we're gonna hop in the stretch brow actually get this to the moon sweet what is my life for gum J acob yeah oh thank you pop into the backseat I don't know if I can fit this giving these plates now you see we also just bought a poly cover as well you can't get some
fresh Conte's on it alright guys let us know if you want us to review the heavy prowler cedar stretch leave a comment below I would love to review both let us know [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] spoiler alert I got the prowler yes he did okay was this not the best buying process ever it was the best so why was it t he best what did this dude do to make it so good he had the package ready with everything so the used vehicle package he had an appraisal because to get fully insured for older
cars you need to have the right value he had everything ready in a binder and he just handed the area the keys basically yeah I did the test-drive with him he sat passenger seat he fully knew the drill everything worked out fine no tricks or anything he let me hit the brakes like I wanted to test everything out he showed me what he had done to the car as soon as I saw the owner I knew it was good yeah well display that he had for us oh my god he had a car show a prize for us you know what I
think I got too lucky like I bought the car from the right person but it happened by chance like I didn't plan it this way no exactly so since I bought it for 20 85 is this technically the cheapest climbeth Prowler that's not a rebuilt technically the hypest one that we could find clickbait clic kbait so this Prowler is a little bit different than the other ones we test-drove because everything is stalking here exactly for the first time and it drives very very good a lot better than that first
one who reviewed this one has got a lot of power more than the other ones it drives straighter and handles tighter than the rest yeah I got it hop in hop in hey everybody I'm putting out the video Friday don't tell anyone I won't see we're nothing opposed good yeah we will do a full review on this later where I will finally get to drive it I drove him very briefly and yes URI is right this drives much better than the ones we've previously driven and since this guy is a Plymouth Prowler a holic
he pretty much helped me spec this out perfectly so it didn't have the front bumpers at the beginning it had a bumper delete kit and I had painted wheels what I wanted was pretty much exactly like the plain picture so we've got the bumpers at the front there grain not bla ck because they switched over to black bumpers after like 99 or midway through and then I've got the wheels up until midway through 99 that aren't chrome so how does it feel to actually drive this thing it feels a little like I
was meant for this this is you I needed the yellow because I wanted to see the Prowler from inside and it helps like I always know I'm in a prowler it actually feels kind of weird because it tapers in yeah so you actually think it's thinner than it is I don't know where my wheels are yeah and when you got in it since it was stock how easy was it to adjust the seat for a better seating position I actually do fit in here reasonably well yes because it's got the tilt that the other one
didn't yeah [Music] so this car does get thumbs up from Lambo guys apparently it does you get as much attention driving this than you do in Lambo like so many people looking at its smiling and this is my first convertible so I have already gotten a sunburn yeah that's right you did bring sunscreen but a little bit too outside our birds already after not even one full day no records okay and then driving this thing the radio is not that great I think I already mentioned it but it is the stock
stuff that's fine a song I know I think I might have to upgrade the speaker though and I got a six disc changer behind you a really yeah yeah alright I'm just so happy at how stock this is I think that's the best thing this is perfect y ou couldn't have got a better Prowler for the price and even like 10 grand more I think so how good was it watching me drive this car cuz you were in my element chasing me yeah so every time I came upon you I just saw the rear three-quarter and then I saw the
you go this is a dream car you know probably guys also did they ordered in bulk a whole bunch of little Hot Wheels sized cars of their prowlers what does it say that read that little title produced exclusively fo r the Prowler owners association yeah Wow every Prowler guy has this the orange when we check out has this so I got to get a box of those too to give to the little kitties I need one of these in my Raptor next snapping we fast so I guess that's pretty much it with buying it enjoy
the hell out of it yeah no I'm gonna put so many kilometers on it I'm so happy you got this thank you all for watching so that he can actually buy this he actually bought his dream car thanks subscrib ers thanks sponsors thanks viewers who aren't subscribed but you should probably subscribe because look what it gets you thank you everyone for allowing him to buy his dream car I already bought mine earlier this year as well so now we got team Prowler raptor in the house yeah so we're gonna do
a lot more videos on both of these especially the Prowler we're going to be taking this on road trips we're gonna be taking this with a raptor on road trip we're gonna do the track we're g onna do a drag race because I don't even know which one's gonna win I don't either put your guesses in the comments below and cash in later and we also said that we might jump this with my Raptor when you got this so that's the goal yeah okay we got a lot of promises don't forget to subscribe hit the
notification valve check out patreon.com/crashcourse to buy this as well good bye oh yeah neck snapping I'm Yuri I'm Jakob we're going for a drive [Music] right now subscribe w e didn't even we didn't do that a couple more weird Prowler things from seeing them online what is your least favorite modification that people have done to it I would say the flames probably like the flames with the racing flag okay the racing player brushing yeah so there's a lot of bad modifications to prowler
specifically like more than any other vehicle chrome wings all that kind of stuff just like people did the weirdest stuff and I was trying to get a clean one but th is guy's got all the parts so it might be fine yeah why the other weird thing that I find about everyone's ads in the browser community they seem to have the most special one ever every single person has the most one of something one we've seen what one of 27 well okay the one guy had one of 53 yellow ones for his 2001 in Canada I
guess it sounds like we're in Ontario three in on two in Canada yeah and I've got one of the think it's not special no that's just you buying a car exac tly like yes they're all low production they didn't make that many overall good one of whatever like who cares kind of oh and then I did find the Prowler that we test-drove yes that's right okay so some guy message my first ad looking for a yellow or red Prowler okay I said 25,000 to 30,000 and he said I got this one you can buy for 38 and I said
so outside of your range like what time and I'm like how about 25 he's like what you should be really asking is why only 38 and I which wasn 't listed out when we I think it was 32,000 but we didn't find out that we drove it until he sent some pictures not like that license-plate placement is very familiar and then we noticed that his license plate was a high number so he got her recently he wasn't an original owner right yeah that's what's ramanan I'm like did you get it in new roads and
he started like asking back and then the icing on the cake was he told me it was kept in a bubble when I when you sent me that I was like get picture of the bubble we need pictures of it in the bubble he literally kept it in a bubble in his garage I am going to try to get that bubble if I get a prowler you hack you kind of have to yeah I don't think it'll fit the trailer though no I got a discount for that yeah maybe okay I got another funny story from the Prowler search okay so somebody
messaged me on Instagram and they said hey check out this Prowler it's the highest mileage and this was right after you buy your Raptor okay so I look at the ad it was posted 22 minutes before No the guy you're supposed to contact had the same name and I'm like are you knew you wrote this ad he's like no I didn't I swear I didn't and to top it off it was a rebuilt prowler with the worst seats I've ever seen bad paint bad mods and it was like selling for like $28,000 with how many kilometers I
think around a hundred thousand kilometers okay but like rebuild title you like rebuilt like brand what
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