2021 McLaren 720S Spider Review - The Superest Super Car
2021 McLaren 720S Spider Review - The Superest Super Car
1.003.972 visualizações • 11 de jun. de 2021 • We go for a drive in the 2021 McLaren 720S Spider. Thanks to McLaren Toronto for providing it. Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thestraightpipes Become a YouTube Member! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC86S... Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/thestraightp... Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thestraight... Twitter! https://twitter.com/StraightPipers Buy our shirts! Profits go directly to burnouts: teespring.com/stores/thestraightpipes Check out Continental Tire at https://www.continentaltire.ca ------------------- #mclaren #720s #720sspider ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais
2021 McLaren 720S Spider Review - The Superest Super Car
1.003.972 visualizações • 11 de jun. de 2021 • We go for a drive in the 2021 McLaren 720S Spider. Thanks to McLaren Toronto for providing it. Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thestraightpipes Become a YouTube Member! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC86S... Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/thestraightp... Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thestraight... Twitter! https://twitter.com/StraightPipers Buy our shirts! Profits go directly to burnouts: teespring.com/stores/thestraightpipes Check out Continental Tire at https://www.continentaltire.ca ------------------- #mclaren #720s #720sspider ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

[Music] Goldberg's right 20:20 McLaren 720's Spyder that's why we got the top down it's so nice in here it is amazing in here how can you get a McLaren with a roof alright that's what I keep thinking to myself every time I Drive one of these ok horsepower and torque 710 horsepower and 568 pound-feet of torque 4 liter v8 twin turbo and it's not 720 horsepower in North America because 720 is how they calculated differently in Europe yeah it's just a different calculation send it [Music] this is
fast this is like gt2 RS Oricon fast yes it is this is question probably faster I think this is faster than both okay then I guess let's get into it let's start with the looks it's orange it is orange and let's call it McLaren orange even though it's not actually called McLaren or this is the best color ever thank you for McLaren Toronto for getting us the orange press unit yeah this is the best color you could have gotten in the best spec you could have gotten easy pal come on Oh ca rbon fibre
exposed everywhere because this is loaded with packages so we've driven the 570 and the 650 the 720 looks a lot different so they changed the way the headlights looked at the front that's what I noticed the mouse this one has eyesockets I believe they're called okay and it looks pretty cool and then if we move over to the backend it's different as well but kind of more similar yeah it's more similar to the newer 570s which is part of their new generation what do you think looks better the 570 or
this this for sure okay what do you think looks better this were p1 p1 okay so p1 is that style this is the new style I know I also agree I've seen a lot of these in person they look great I've seen a center in real life and that looked amazing I like both and I'm happy they both exist and I don't know if I have a favorite I know this is very unique compared to the 1650s and that old style they're both very good let's talk about the spoiler yeah okay so if I p ress this arrow button it pops up
but if I also hit the brakes hard it also pops up and blocks your rear-view mirror exactly which is amazing who cares but there isn't a spoiler that pops up it's just not fixed in a gigantic position like the Santa yeah and it works like an air brake when it stops you and then how about the sides the doors go up okay the doors go up and we'll get into the supercar checklist in a bit but my favorite part of sitting here is seeing the extra sill on t he door on the outside and they're like a
secondary skeleton thing and there's like an air intake that goes through there yeah those channel air all the way to the back because the engines in the back because it's a mid-engine car rear-wheel drive let's finish off with the front end the more I think about it I think I like the p1 style a little more this front because they incorporate the McLaren logo into the headlight system yeah and then even the front of this compared to th e front of a Santa I guess the center is just a beefed up
720 kind of kind of when I didn't like the looks of until I saw on a track what I saw on Grand Tour then I started talking and the last thing I really liked about the looks is how much Park it's huh it's how many parts you can see from behind through all the grills and stuff yeah when you look at it from behind it looks so crazy everything's exposed I love it and how about our exhaust yeah that exhaust is really loud as you can hear and I'm gonna send it a little bit but before I send it
I'm actually gonna put this little window down just so we can hear it a little bit better all the sound that this thing makes you downshift and sometimes I've been getting this like whoop I have just whiplash crackle and it's so rare and it's the best it sounds like a gunshot one pop yeah like one pop every like 15 minutes honestly I think MacLaren's sound the best they sound the least fake of any supercar I thin k the engines right there your turbo noises your Vita courses here every week and
the exhaust also looks really well we got two tips right in the middle kind of like the perform on teh now how does this thing look what the top looks really good it looks pretty much exactly like a 720s that's the best part yeah you're facing anything exactly you don't lose out on anything and all you gain is this it's the best and let's talk about the roof real quickly okay when it goes up you've go t a button which can make it darker or see-through just like the SL we had yeah I think it's
called electrochromic today home attic something like that it's amazing the only other car I've seen with that is the SL 63 Gary this is a McLaren let's end it here we go [Music] zero to 100 kilometers in 2.9 seconds for the spider I think that's better than a Tesla yeah it's around the same what feels better this feels better I fully agree yeah it's that feeder that I said that I missed i t's all there the drama is there the turbo lag is there and I didn't even use launch control my face felt
like this actually yeah it's so good this car is so damn fast but lag does exist hopefully does and that's what I love about it it still has that character but way less lag from the 570s and the 650s yeah but it's still fast even before the lag and then once a hit to hit an extra hard and it feels like fantastic it's like that roller coaster like that boom boom and then downshi ft whiplash crackle I love this so much let's talk about handling because I'm gonna get carried away with power
this thing handles like nothing else what kind of like a duty to our that's it a Huracan perform on tape we really need to do a track day to figure it all out yeah we've done attracting the gt2 RS so I fully know what car that car is capable of this I'm not so sure yet what I am sure though is that this has variable drift control in the main menu and that is what I need to try on the racetrack yeah it's always visible exactly it's the funniest thing ever you want some satellite radio how you
sure you don't want some variable drift control too yeah I would like some variable drift with my satellite radio please one day so you go into variable drift control with the traction control off and then all you do is adjust how much of a drift angle you want and the car will hold that it's I'm sure it's amazing that's I can't say it's amazing cuz I ha ven't used it that's my favorite graphic illustration exactly how much drift yeah but overall power and handling wise we have three
different modes as we've had in every other McLaren so they're both adjustable with each independent dial for handling and power and I've had them both in track mode on the road and it's completely fine the suspension is so compliant yeah very yeah like it's super comfortable I don't think I'm missing out on anything by going into comfort and the modes are Comfort Sport and track it used to be normal sport and track but then our McLaren guy told us there's nothing normal about a McLaren so we
got to change that it's comfortable which is a very accurate exactly and then you have to click active for it to enable if you don't then you're just an automatic mode yeah so automatic shifting and everything and let's talk about shifting we have a 7-speed transmission shifts lightning fast it's it's insane like the click and go and then gone and then down ship sounds so good and then just like every other McLaren we've driven it's got paddles that op go opposite and it's all carbon fibre so
you can up shift with your left hand by pushing away yeah so it's good for holding a slushy and stuff on this beautiful day speaking of slushies we should check if a small cup fits in the cupholders and do this supercar checklist the small cup of coffee looks like it passes fits in two different cupholders we have that is a supercar fail does the doors go up yes they do supercar pass do you look cool getting in or out yes yeah of course you do it's a McLaren they drop down the frame so it's a
lot easier to get in yeah and it's a spider so there's no hassles is it fast yes yep supercar fast is it loud really loud it's really like the loudest but it's not too bad no it's not obnoxious in any way it's loud but it's alright inside especially when the roof is up visor test ok great do one that's a it does not pass so it's a supercar pass exactly a box test let's see if it'll fit one box yep just one box fail but wait there's more storage for one lid just like Yuri's future
Plymouth Prowler supercar fail it actually had so much room up there does it get a lot of attention yeah especially at orange exactly everyone's taking pictures of this thing what kind of car you got there be a lot cooler if it was a Dodge we did get that 2% got that comment yeah you know large lifted Dodge truck is the steering wheel gimmicky yes cuz you can switch the pals from both ways and it's all carbon fibers so carbon fiber and there's no buttons frame your controls just from the stocks
so is this a supercar yeah obviously it's not super ok now it's my turn to drive and talk about the infotainment the interior and some other fun little things should we transition you with a top-down subscription break we know a lot of you guys watch without subscribing just hit the subscribe button there was a favor hit the bell that's it [Music] I think I like the acceleration in MacLaren's the most yeah it's not like the Lambo is good the GTRs is good this is just a little bit better than all
of them dude I'm on the same page I think this is my favorite out of those ones and I'll spoil it right there okay let's start with the gauges then go for it we've got the flip up gauge yeah it's super cool super gimmicky so the way it works is when the car is off it tuck s in so it looks more sleek when you turn the car on it pops up so in comfort sport you're going to have this big screen showing a lot of information in comfort it prioritizes your speed in the middle and then in sport you'll
prioritize your gear to be displayed then when you go to track it's gonna flip down so all you see is your speed and your tack and your shift lights but then you can also click this button here on the left to flip the screen back up so you get more information like tire pressure and all that stuff that gauge cluster is incredible I love the shift lights the strip lights are so cool it makes it so easy know when to shift I mean I'm short shifting a lot but that's because I'm a little bit of
a wuss today not because of the shift light yeah we don't wanna right this car off and you can also control a little bit of information in your left side with these turn stocks and they're a little bit different from the 570s and the 650s yeah I th ink this is a lot easier to control than those ones and obviously it's more modern and everything yeah and the nose lift system works a little differently as well it's on the right you just click the button and it does it it's so much better no menus
but then sometimes if you move too much you accidentally you accidentally limited your speed to thirty kilometers an hour I sure did and it took me about a minute to figure out what's going on so people were behind they were pretty upse t on why this McLaren let's point 30 so overall gauges are great and when you're reversing it shows a big reverse camera up there too as well and what else do we have a 360 camera yeah I'm pretty sure that's like class-exclusive and if it's not I'm sorry but I've
never seen it anything outside of this it's so easy to park with that now like finally so if we click our middle button we'll go to our home screen and there we have rewinding satellite radio and what else do we have with th at Yuri tune mix Wow I mean sure it's not the easiest to use but once you figure it all out it's not the worst the fact that it has it it's already pretty crazy let's talk about the sound system it's really good this has the Bowers & Wilkins and it's amazing then we've also
got a nice navigation we've got track telemetry in here which syncs up to our track camera in the back yeah that's a camera by the way which makes it perfect for track news could you get all the stats and stuff f rom it yeah share it with your buddies too but I'm not sure how much people who have this car really care about that stuff I don't know man it's got drift mode and everything I don't but like for us it's like yeah we film it we upload it to YouTube we get comments you think rich people
care I don't know like I think they just want to go fast and they just continue on with their day being rich maybe but I feel like they would have asked some people before they started to add that stu ff or maybe that's bragging rights I think it's bragging rights at least for the journalists to enjoy and it also has navigation and it works slightly better than it did before a little bit faster you can pinch to zoom but overall still does not have Android auto apple carplay okay the Lambo had
apple carplay and android auto and the gt2 RS had only apple carplay that's right all right so there's our ranking system for all that stuff but I'm gonna give this a supercar pass because it doesn't have that so it's actually better that it doesn't have it because it's make the car worse okay and the air conditioning blows mighty cold in here yeah so that's a point down for pretty super clearance which kind of just coughed on you I love cold air conditioning I know it's really nice to have so
let's talk about the rest of the interior then it's carbon fibre everywhere and when there isn't carbon fiber there's Alcantara and then we also have some leather - yeah and th en our vents are controlled by actually just clicking them in so you open or close by clicking them a lot more events than the first one we driver like the revenge we had to like share a vent and how about these seats seats are so comfortable they're very comfortable but they're not crazy bolstered no their just firm
however shaped properly and they are fully adjustable and they even have lumbar ok the adjustments weird it's like on the inside up front you can't really see what you're doing and it's really difficult to do so that gets a full supercar pass and then our gear selector is down here in the middle it looks pretty cool yeah drive neutral reverse no parking so to park it you put it in Drive and just shut the car off or if you're a neutral you just lift up the ebrake with the button here on the
left and then we also have our launch control button down there which we're not allowed to use today and that's pretty much it for the interior wait the re's more look at this exposed carbon fiber that is an additional option so you actually have to pay so that you better raid carbon-fibre displayed I've kind of like worst grade carbon-fibre displayed so it look more hardcore ya know and I guess that's pretty much it for the interior yeah pretty much yeah there's a couple things we forgot to talk
about you have the brakes Oh Mike yeah that's insane this is the wing go up yeah so the brakes are really good and by the way I really like the way the wheels look I forgot to say that before I think they would look a little better in black you just match a little bit better I think this looks absolutely perfect and I love the brake calipers how their color matched yeah the calipers are huge they look really good and the Continental recommended tire would be the extreme contact sport there's a
couple more things I want to mention about driving it though your line of sight what you can see there's so much visibility yeah you're not as low to the dash as like up 911 but you still have extremely clear visibility and you're low to the ground yeah it just looks like there's nothing in front of you and just like the other MacLaren's we drove there's not much room for your left foot so you kind of got to tuck it over to the left definitely super car things and the steering wheel the steering
and MacLaren's is second to none I think I prefer it to the Huracan for sure and the gt2 RS is same level like the f eel of the wheel yeah this is my favorite wheel I get into all kinds of other cars and try to shift up with my left hand and never can do it I mean the steering like steering like if we were on track like turning oh I have to do like a track of person to like accurately say which one I want I'm never at the limit of any of these yeah I just like the feel of this I guess that's
pretty much it yeah that's it I'm gonna floor it into the price game what does a pull like that cost you this costs you four hundred and seventy two thousand four hundred and thirteen dollars with all the options that this one has which is quite a bit Canadian yeah so this does have a lot of options tacked on to it and I think that's worth it yeah there's a spider so there you go gt2 RS was not a spider Huracan powerful Monta was this or the perform on ting I would take this The Doors go up
that's the thing with me too I keep thinking about every car I've driven when I want to fast er car and I seem to always have had the most fun in a McLaren yea MacLaren's for me I never really loved or liked like they were always great I appreciated them but I didn't want one now after driving one I want one there's something special about it there is and you might not get it until you actually get the chance to drive one which is kind of disappointing and I like how all the doors go up exactly
like they don't stop by any rules like off it's a v10 we can't go up because if the Lambos doors went up on a v10 that would make it a lot cooler yeah and it's got a v10 so it still sounds really good I think it might even sound better than this but the doors don't go up the thing is I like the sound of this more than Lambos because Lambos I feel like the sound is a part of theater and this is just like this is the way it comes out there's nothing we can do about it I like both but I think I
prefer the Lambo is there anything you prefer from the gt2 RS over t his I think the precision of the gt2 RS I just have more confidence in that car yeah I had a ton of confidence with that on the track I'd be surprised if I had more confidence with this I don't think I would either I think it would take a lot of work and a lot of skill to push this car to the limit whereas with the 911 I'd feel a little bit safer to get it to the limit to our limit yeah exactly what we're learning we got
professional instruction now so we'll see what we can do we're trying to be the fastest drivers we can yeah we always want to get better at everything including making videos but also becoming better drivers and hopefully drifting McLaren soon variable drift we won't even need that we're just gonna need our foot don't forget to subscribe hit the notification valve check out patreon.com/scishow to Bishop buy yourself a box and watch us ended send it into the next video I'm URI I'm Jacob we're
going for a drive [Music] don't forget scrib
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