Hyundai Ioniq Electric
Hyundai Ioniq Electric
426.016 visualizações • 17 de mai. de 2021 • Hyundai Ioniq Electric & Hybrid Maximum Range Challenge Review Support us on Patreon: Subscribe! Facebook! Buy our shirts! Profits go directly to burnouts: Add us on Instagram and Snapchat @TheStraightPipes Equipment we use that you can purchase on Amazon: GoPro Hero 4 & 5 Black ( Sony Action Cam ( Sony A6000 ( Sony A7S ( Sony RX100 IV ( Manfrotto Video Tripods ( DJI Phantom 3 Pro Drone ( DJI Inspire 1 Drone ( DJI Osmo ( I have teamed up with Ontaerial to bring you the best visuals in the industry. Our reviews are from an enthusiast perspective (Jakub), as well as someone who doesn't really know much about cars but likes them (Yuri). You won't find details about compression ratios here, instead you'll have real world opinions on what it's like to drive and own these cars. We go for a drive in this 2021 Hyundai Ioniq Electric and 2021 Hyundai Ioniq Hybrid. We take a road trip from Toronto to Ottawa, which is about a 1000km round trip. We review both cars along the way. The Hyundai Ioniq EV has a range of 200km and the HEV has a range of 1000km. Mostrar menos Mostrar mais
I'm Jacob I'm Yuri and we're going for a driver on over to auto and one day and back after my car fix is charging well I'm ready 2017 hyundai ioniq v's and this is a 2017 hyundai ioniq HEV so how many kilometers you have to your tank tells me right now nine hundred and thirty one for our one thousand kilometer journey I'm at a hundred and eighty five this is going to be interesting so we only did planning half hour before our trip and it looks like there's a gap of no fast chargers on the way so
what we're going to do is refill up in Ajax which is only 70 kilometers away from where we took off from get another full charge and then go as far as we can until we need to do a four-hour normal level to charge let's explain the charging so a level one charger is about twenty four hours a level two is about four and a half hours and a level three is about thirty five minutes for a full charge so if we can't find a level three then it's going to take us four and a half hours between stops this
car should be able to make it from Toronto to Ottawa and back on one tank and this car will need around four to five charges Navy yeah hopefully if everything works right so if we go into easy mode you can see how far by clicking range we can actually go on a map we've got the green circle which is safe red which is a bit riskier I find it better to find charging stations using an iPhone than it is using the inboard system because you have so many more details you know we had to download a lot
of apps to figure out how to drive that car properly with all the charging stations for apps and most the apps are charging station pay apps which is fine so there's different types of charging stations different brands and you have to have that brand charging station with your phone pre-loaded to that charging station so which one do you like more the hybrid or the electric man I think I like the electric more I also like the electric more we have three level s of regenerating braking what that
means is when you let off the gas it'll break for you and charge the battery let me set my cruise to 100 and I am one radar behind you I actually hate the windshield wiper stalk and the turn signal stock they feel very cheap compared to the rest of the car I disagree plastics from the pot you know what's from the future lasers sugar cane and volcano rocks because that's what the superior is made of okay all right so why don't I have a sugar cane tu rn stock in volcano paddles that's what
I'm saying I dare you to lick the windowsill I'm not licking the windowsill all right yeah I like the headliner ah so I'm getting thirteen point six kilowatt hours per 100 kilometers and I have 140 kilometers of range left so we should probably go to that station soon yeah so that station was an AJAX and we kind of passed a Jax but it's okay are you serious yeah I have so much range though okay so where's the neck level three station ok ay Peter borrow but we're not going on that highway we're
staying on the 401 okay boo how are we going to do let's stop at the 34 kilometers away on route which gives us Jewish gives me 100 kilometers left in the tank you mean your battery and my tank yeah my battery tank are you cold uh no actually I'm going to turn it up a little bit 25 degrees I'm nice and toasty I'm cold and I have no climate on because I don't want to waste any battery why is that how many more kilometers do y ou get by turning off the climate alright if I put on front heated seats
steering wheel heat and crank that up with climate on I have 112 with climate off I get 115 kilometers that's pretty good so 3 kilometers just to be nice and warm and toasty yeah not worth it though no not today I have sport eco and normal the cool thing about sport mode is instead of showing you 2 kilometers an hour on the ring it shows you how much power you're using and it just shows the speed in the middle ye ah I love that that thing looks so cool and the needle graphics are really really
good but sport mode is completely useless on both of these cars no it's fun in this car No let's go kay let's park our cars together let's go inside get a coffee and then let's figure out the plan from there because that seems like a reasonable thing people do on rest stops my car sounds so ominous was driving slow [Music] hey what's your favorite a crunchy fruit vegetable Apple the Big Big Apple yeah okay I go to the Big Apple really yeah this is a double free no it's a level two so we might
get it for a while if we click on the Big Apple they have one pork Evy plug for me one Tesla charger 148 m max easy six feet not reservable charger looks like it's free ours look like 24 hours and it's at the Big Apple so that'll be good that'll that'll get a few oh that's like the best possible places Tom it is it's really reason they're not putting in faster than apples all right we're o n our way to Belleville to the Big Apple because that's the next charging station on our route I'm so
excited of it I've never been there always driven by yeah I've always wanted to stop by but I never really wanted Apple as much as I wanted electricity so I'm charging my phone right now through the armrest USB because I can't charge it through the one at the front the one at the front doesn't provide enough voltage which is really annoying however if you do have a phone that h as wireless charging you can just place it as a mat right here and in the electric car there has its own little slot
right beside the drive modes the styling of electric cars is so cool because it opens up a whole new way to design I guess right yeah but both of these cars look great because they look like regular cars mine has like silver accents everywhere yours has like brown copper accents everywhere okay put into the Big Apple Oh finally this is definitely the place to stop t he others you can change oh I love electric cars looks max I dunno it's not Tesla okay fellows this that's Tesla that is not us that
looks like the same a Tom Boone that's easy Evie plug it in I guess yes you can see it do some bets Big Apple yes oh my god it says look at it says three hours remaining 36% are you serious sweetheart give the Big Apple three hours to kill the Big Apple or three hours to kill the Big Apple so we'll need to drive electric cars more and go any more adventu res what charger we had we got about two hours left you want to play some ping-pong yeah alright what are we at now we've got one hour left you
want to play some mini putt and set the farm annals yeah so we're at the Big Apple and we need to get the Kingston next which is right here at the BMW dealership mine doesn't show that free station but as I showed three other stations so we're gonna try BMW three and we're off to Kingston nope my turn the electric I say we go to the BMW and K ingston and get just enough to get to the next fast charge deal first thing I noticed getting on the on-ramp in this car is it handled so much worse than
the hybrid I didn't really notice the difference in the handling yeah but you don't notice those kind of things I accept that so how much fun did you have it the Big Apple I'd a lot of fun actually turns out the only reason there's a charging station there is because the owner of the vehicle has a Tesla yeah so thank you to the ow ner for putting in a charging station for Tesla and people with Hyundais the hybrid has 139 horsepower The Electric has 118 but the electric is 215 foot-pounds of
torque so it feels a lot faster than it is it's actually really fun I really like the LEDs that come down on the side and I really like how there's no vents in the grille it makes it such an obvious electric car and I really like to look at that and the hybrid actually has active grilles in the front that open or close d depending on how fast you're driving in the electric we have one gear in the hybrid we have six but it's a DCT a dual clutch which is basically for race cars I'm glad they didn't
go with a CVT but you can shift it manually and there's no rpm gauge which is kind of weird so the first day I had this car I actually had so much range anxiety but then after the first day I was completely fine you you really get over the electric range anxiety after you drive the car around the city doing your usual routes and realize you've got tons of battery left the electric car is very similar to a cell phone so if you've ever left the house with a cell phone and it was charged overnight
it's kind of stressful isn't it it's like keeping enough battery to call that uber at the end of the night this one really feels like you're driving the future like the hybrid feels like you're driving like a regular car that's really good on gas this one just feels like the future yeah so it co mes with a plug in the car so that you can plug it into a household power right yeah my apartment wouldn't let me charge up the car in the basement they have plugs but they wouldn't let me use them
so what did you do I took a trip down to the hospital and I charged there the first time I charged this car it took me 12 minutes to figure it out at the station because I had to download several apps so if you don't have a smartphone or Wi-Fi you better plan ahead that is true you d o need to do a decent amount of downloading and googling yeah because you can order a key fob but you have to plan that ahead we're almost at BMW Kingston for our second charge stop maybe they'll let us test drive an
i8 yeah yeah yeah okay okay BMW Kingston and now watch this Drive this I ate here we are at BMW Kingston okay where's the charging port hey I think I see it are you doing can I park here entirely for sure yeah no problem this isn't a 15-minute charger just we realized rig ht yeah it's available good to go alright lgz yes that's it yeah how much time do we have left on here now it says here you go BMW 530i yes so they gave us an electric car to test out hybrid car they haven't even brought it in
yet this is actually brand new for head off the truck classic still on it this feels like luxury this off soft these are yeah soft elbows I was so comfortable what is this like a hundred thousand dollar car man this is a BMW dealership do you think they'll let us drive an m3 well we got to do something to kill time if you're going to ask squatter Peter okay let's do it they handed us the keys to the m3 BMW Kingston things to do while you're at collect your car charges yeah by the way like none
of this was planned we just showed up charged her car and they were so nice to just let us drive things while we waited for a car to charge I loved electric cars I love electric cars electric cars give you so many opportunities that you wouldn't ha ve otherwise it gets you into the bad situation yeah I think we have to give the car back now yeah let's go get our electric cars let's see would charge rad to see if we can get to the next stop exactly we just left BMW Kingston we have 168 kilometers
on our range we have 141 km/h destination which is a level 3 charger in Kempsville so I'm not going to suffer anymore I'm going to turn on the AC you crazy Jake of you crazy put the pedal to the floor I got your back door bandit oh he's down loaded up and truckin we go do what they think happy does you got a long way to go and a long time to get there electric why I've got my shades onto the bright and I don't care oh yeah part of my not care package as well is shade shade you know give me stuff
give us a you know what I'm going to be crazy Jacob again and we're going to go drive mode we're going to power sport mode don't go into sport mode while we're trying to Eco challenge no I'm doing it I'm doing sport mode Jac ob yeah let's do the test three two one yeah Kentville I'd never thought I'd be so happy to see Kempsville I know Kentville we've had pretty good experiences at every charging station so far I wonder what's in Kempsville you know what the slower charging station in Kentville
is out of bowling alley I kind of wish we could stop there but I really don't want to wait another three hours it's been ten hours and we're not even in Ottawa yeah but we could be going bowling okay we're in Ken tville I just got a little battery warning oh we're very close to the charging station but that's the first time I've seen the low warning we have 23 kilometers left on a church have you ever thought about the fact that maybe the Google Maps thing is wrong and there's no Evie stationed
out here hello wouldn't lie to us it says it's right here dude I see it I see it ah and I said ah we got to turn around alright so we found an electric circuit level 3 at solar city velocity velocity are you the owner this is the owner solar panel company you have a hard time getting the whole but we're good now ok so now we have to figure out a pizz going to be different than ours alright so push start it's in French let's see if this is going to work with well maybe not but it did show up on
the app so it's good work I think it will authenticating yeah so you're he's going to call a flow station because we're not sure if it's going to work and it's way too close to range anxie ty mode yeah we're going to try to go 218 kilometers and I don't think this even has that range it doesn't it keep saying 208 FS so so we're gonna have to max that out yeah it's do or die we'll do a dieter CAA and I think we're going to try to get to that Peterborough one right now but I don't think we
have that much range but we're going to try anyways anyways okay we got the new hyundai ioniq Evy yeah have you seen that one oh yeah I think we got a both to shops for that on e well we left Toronto at 6 a.m. today and we're just at Kemp Ville now we need more fast chargers we're heading to Ottawa right now leave about 27 kilometers to go I have 152 kilometers left on my charge we're going to go to Parliament Hill we're going to right back to that level three charging station then we're going to
try and get home it's taken us over twelve hours to get to Ottawa six a.m. start 6:00 p.m. we're in Ottawa downtown traffic on the highway you know what though if w e didn't have to deal with the slow charging we would have been here in no time how much fun did we have level 2 charging an amazing time while charging okay this is it here's Parliament Hill oh we made it to Ottawa this one's for Canada this is for Canada 150 this is for URI and Jacob URI and Jacob it only took 12 hours and 20
minutes that's it we made it right there right here so do you want to find a charging station try and go home yeah let's let's just go home should we at least parking like look at it no I honestly don't think we should so that was 471 kilometres to get to Parliament Hill from the hospital beside Toronto I think yo that's a fast charger okay this worked out quite perfectly actually fYI we made it to Ottawa we stopped Parliament we're going to get some electricity and head right back [Music] we
are on the way to Kentville to get a full charge where we will then hope that we can get to the next level 3 station which is this it's now 8 p.m. we left at 6 a.m. so we've been on the road for 14 hours and we just left Ottawa to try and get back home alright back at camp Ville okay we're back in Seoul the city CELAC cities so we need a good charge so that we can make it all the way to Peterborough unknown State Station unreachable no no oh my god authenticated detected program yes this is the
real test like the real real test this is going to get us from here to Peterborough we're going to go push the range farther tha n it should go and we might not make it this is the one that we might actually I should not make it the car has limits we're going beyond those limits it's 9:30 and we need coffee we have 219 kilometers and URI what is your range 206 hi there hello there just want to go home or go to bed I just want to go home to URI it's been 15 and a half hours how comfortable these
seats honestly so comfortable I didn't even think to question the comfort of these peeps I know like my back would u sually be hurting by now and it's surprisingly not this is such a nice comfortable car I feel like if I had to get my girlfriend a car your fiancee like if I had to get my fiancee a car I would get her this just so I could drive it yeah I mean if you commute within 200 kilometers there golden a train are you kidding me I think this is going to be an easier trip than we thought that
said uh I don't know Oh it said where'd you get now charge immediately power limited remember all that t ime that said no razor anxiety uh dude it says it's like right here Oh No is it nothing there uh it says we're here man holy s--t there's nothing here this is really bad you you like stop your car or something yeah I'm going to park it like right here charge immediately power limited oh my god I think it's a turtle oh my god this was a flow right yeah there's nothing here there's no
food laying out here this is Norwood oh my god we went the wrong way no yeah we missed it ho w we went by it we got to go back up and turn right what did your range 0-0 dude it's the range stopped a while ago 1% oh my god okay charger you did the charger oh my god we made it huh first leg yeah ever since hahaha oh my god I'm shaking oh yes yeah just read this through this we did it read this system check warning look at this oh my god just immediately Oh barely fit you nervous there bud you can't
get it in the hole get it all flow so happy to see slow slow holy crap we missed this there should be like a big green light or something I know how do we yeah we totally missed this this is it yeah yeah this is nothing else out here oh my god Arthur civilization in process please yes authenticating yes I'm some really good news what is it 170 kilometers to the hospital they had that this vid how far do we have on this oh I gotta check that electric car made it Oh Mike okay I got some bad news
140 140 this is the real test yeah you know you guys start the elect ric car with the drama nah it's this one oh my god hey oh crap we're gonna do a thousand kilometers to 101 tank your a just finished charging the electric car we have 170 kilometers to go now I have 140 kilometers of range in my hybrid so here's the real challenge if we can get a thousand kilometers on this tank I'm really tired and I hope we make it because I don't want to get stopped by uh uh 1:30 in the morning when do we
start 6:00 a.m. yesterday oh crap oh my god a situation update my gas light is now on I have 57 kilometers of range and we need to go Oh No 77 kilometers Yuri yeah I got a critical warning for preventing damage to the hybrids battery all of that means it says you have to fill up or else it's reversible damage so we're not going to make it I have 18 kilometers left but I I don't want to brake the car all right we have 40 kilometers to go to CN tower we're not going to make it we could
probably push it but I don't want to break t he frigging car all right what do you have one of where you want to pull over a lot of gas we're in Scarborough I think Scarborough we almost made it man isn't Scarborough part of Toronto I'm so disappointed we're so close we averaged four point three liters per 100 kilometers in this thing in the electric we averaged 12 points six kilowatt hours per 100 kilometers gas station right here we got to call it they're calling it so man I have 18 kilometers
left but I don't want to break i t it's a hypothetical victory but a realistic almost yeah it is 3:15 in the morning oh man so close so 900 900 this is the first time I have to fill up vitally so what do you think of hybrid and electric cars they're pretty fun to get kind of stressed out about how far you have to drive but if we didn't do it this stupidly and we planned everything it would have been so much better yeah what's the fun in that no fun no fun would you take the hybrid or the electric
if you had to have o ne ah I would really want the electric but I travel long distances so I think I would have to take the hybrid I risk it with the electric that you would I would 21 hours to get us two from Toronto to Ottawa and almost back to Toronto 21 hours we rode for don't know how crucial we had fun we had a lot of fun I've read their great and electrics are great just use them properly BMW m3s are great oh that's it $45 39 liters that means I still had six liters left those things like
very pre mature warning yeah well I didn't want to damage the battery okay you know what that's it we won we cremated that we was right there here right here that's proof we could have made it right there we could have made it we won we won anyways we've got 900 kilometers and we beat it on the electric this is a subscription break if you're still watching you're probably already subscribed yeah I just subscribe some more tell your buddies how much we suffered [Music] scription break don't forget
my scribe scribe right now subscribe we didn't even [Music] [Applause] Inglês
Hyundai Ioniq Electric & Hybrid Maximum Range Challenge
426.016 visualizações • 17 de mai. de 2021 • Hyundai Ioniq Electric & Hybrid Maximum Range Challenge Review Support us on Patreon: Subscribe! Facebook! Buy our shirts! Profits go directly to burnouts: Add us on Instagram and Snapchat @TheStraightPipes Equipment we use that you can purchase on Amazon: GoPro Hero 4 & 5 Black ( Sony Action Cam ( Sony A6000 ( Sony A7S ( Sony RX100 IV ( Manfrotto Video Tripods ( DJI Phantom 3 Pro Drone ( DJI Inspire 1 Drone ( DJI Osmo ( I have teamed up with Ontaerial to bring you the best visuals in the industry. Our reviews are from an enthusiast perspective (Jakub), as well as someone who doesn't really know much about cars but likes them (Yuri). You won't find details about compression ratios here, instead you'll have real world opinions on what it's like to drive and own these cars. We go for a drive in this 2021 Hyundai Ioniq Electric and 2021 Hyundai Ioniq Hybrid. We take a road trip from Toronto to Ottawa, which is about a 1000km round trip. We review both cars along the way. The Hyundai Ioniq EV has a range of 200km and the HEV has a range of 1000km. Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

I'm Jacob I'm Yuri and we're going for a driver on over to auto and one day and back after my car fix is charging well I'm ready 2017 hyundai ioniq v's and this is a 2017 hyundai ioniq HEV so how many kilometers you have to your tank tells me right now nine hundred and thirty one for our one thousand kilometer journey I'm at a hundred and eighty five this is going to be interesting so we only did planning half hour before our trip and it looks like there's a gap of no fast chargers on the way so
what we're going to do is refill up in Ajax which is only 70 kilometers away from where we took off from get another full charge and then go as far as we can until we need to do a four-hour normal level to charge let's explain the charging so a level one charger is about twenty four hours a level two is about four and a half hours and a level three is about thirty five minutes for a full charge so if we can't find a level three then it's going to take us four and a half hours between stops this
car should be able to make it from Toronto to Ottawa and back on one tank and this car will need around four to five charges Navy yeah hopefully if everything works right so if we go into easy mode you can see how far by clicking range we can actually go on a map we've got the green circle which is safe red which is a bit riskier I find it better to find charging stations using an iPhone than it is using the inboard system because you have so many more details you know we had to download a lot
of apps to figure out how to drive that car properly with all the charging stations for apps and most the apps are charging station pay apps which is fine so there's different types of charging stations different brands and you have to have that brand charging station with your phone pre-loaded to that charging station so which one do you like more the hybrid or the electric man I think I like the electric more I also like the electric more we have three level s of regenerating braking what that
means is when you let off the gas it'll break for you and charge the battery let me set my cruise to 100 and I am one radar behind you I actually hate the windshield wiper stalk and the turn signal stock they feel very cheap compared to the rest of the car I disagree plastics from the pot you know what's from the future lasers sugar cane and volcano rocks because that's what the superior is made of okay all right so why don't I have a sugar cane tu rn stock in volcano paddles that's what
I'm saying I dare you to lick the windowsill I'm not licking the windowsill all right yeah I like the headliner ah so I'm getting thirteen point six kilowatt hours per 100 kilometers and I have 140 kilometers of range left so we should probably go to that station soon yeah so that station was an AJAX and we kind of passed a Jax but it's okay are you serious yeah I have so much range though okay so where's the neck level three station ok ay Peter borrow but we're not going on that highway we're
staying on the 401 okay boo how are we going to do let's stop at the 34 kilometers away on route which gives us Jewish gives me 100 kilometers left in the tank you mean your battery and my tank yeah my battery tank are you cold uh no actually I'm going to turn it up a little bit 25 degrees I'm nice and toasty I'm cold and I have no climate on because I don't want to waste any battery why is that how many more kilometers do y ou get by turning off the climate alright if I put on front heated seats
steering wheel heat and crank that up with climate on I have 112 with climate off I get 115 kilometers that's pretty good so 3 kilometers just to be nice and warm and toasty yeah not worth it though no not today I have sport eco and normal the cool thing about sport mode is instead of showing you 2 kilometers an hour on the ring it shows you how much power you're using and it just shows the speed in the middle ye ah I love that that thing looks so cool and the needle graphics are really really
good but sport mode is completely useless on both of these cars no it's fun in this car No let's go kay let's park our cars together let's go inside get a coffee and then let's figure out the plan from there because that seems like a reasonable thing people do on rest stops my car sounds so ominous was driving slow [Music] hey what's your favorite a crunchy fruit vegetable Apple the Big Big Apple yeah okay I go to the Big Apple really yeah this is a double free no it's a level two so we might
get it for a while if we click on the Big Apple they have one pork Evy plug for me one Tesla charger 148 m max easy six feet not reservable charger looks like it's free ours look like 24 hours and it's at the Big Apple so that'll be good that'll that'll get a few oh that's like the best possible places Tom it is it's really reason they're not putting in faster than apples all right we're o n our way to Belleville to the Big Apple because that's the next charging station on our route I'm so
excited of it I've never been there always driven by yeah I've always wanted to stop by but I never really wanted Apple as much as I wanted electricity so I'm charging my phone right now through the armrest USB because I can't charge it through the one at the front the one at the front doesn't provide enough voltage which is really annoying however if you do have a phone that h as wireless charging you can just place it as a mat right here and in the electric car there has its own little slot
right beside the drive modes the styling of electric cars is so cool because it opens up a whole new way to design I guess right yeah but both of these cars look great because they look like regular cars mine has like silver accents everywhere yours has like brown copper accents everywhere okay put into the Big Apple Oh finally this is definitely the place to stop t he others you can change oh I love electric cars looks max I dunno it's not Tesla okay fellows this that's Tesla that is not us that
looks like the same a Tom Boone that's easy Evie plug it in I guess yes you can see it do some bets Big Apple yes oh my god it says look at it says three hours remaining 36% are you serious sweetheart give the Big Apple three hours to kill the Big Apple or three hours to kill the Big Apple so we'll need to drive electric cars more and go any more adventu res what charger we had we got about two hours left you want to play some ping-pong yeah alright what are we at now we've got one hour left you
want to play some mini putt and set the farm annals yeah so we're at the Big Apple and we need to get the Kingston next which is right here at the BMW dealership mine doesn't show that free station but as I showed three other stations so we're gonna try BMW three and we're off to Kingston nope my turn the electric I say we go to the BMW and K ingston and get just enough to get to the next fast charge deal first thing I noticed getting on the on-ramp in this car is it handled so much worse than
the hybrid I didn't really notice the difference in the handling yeah but you don't notice those kind of things I accept that so how much fun did you have it the Big Apple I'd a lot of fun actually turns out the only reason there's a charging station there is because the owner of the vehicle has a Tesla yeah so thank you to the ow ner for putting in a charging station for Tesla and people with Hyundais the hybrid has 139 horsepower The Electric has 118 but the electric is 215 foot-pounds of
torque so it feels a lot faster than it is it's actually really fun I really like the LEDs that come down on the side and I really like how there's no vents in the grille it makes it such an obvious electric car and I really like to look at that and the hybrid actually has active grilles in the front that open or close d depending on how fast you're driving in the electric we have one gear in the hybrid we have six but it's a DCT a dual clutch which is basically for race cars I'm glad they didn't
go with a CVT but you can shift it manually and there's no rpm gauge which is kind of weird so the first day I had this car I actually had so much range anxiety but then after the first day I was completely fine you you really get over the electric range anxiety after you drive the car around the city doing your usual routes and realize you've got tons of battery left the electric car is very similar to a cell phone so if you've ever left the house with a cell phone and it was charged overnight
it's kind of stressful isn't it it's like keeping enough battery to call that uber at the end of the night this one really feels like you're driving the future like the hybrid feels like you're driving like a regular car that's really good on gas this one just feels like the future yeah so it co mes with a plug in the car so that you can plug it into a household power right yeah my apartment wouldn't let me charge up the car in the basement they have plugs but they wouldn't let me use them
so what did you do I took a trip down to the hospital and I charged there the first time I charged this car it took me 12 minutes to figure it out at the station because I had to download several apps so if you don't have a smartphone or Wi-Fi you better plan ahead that is true you d o need to do a decent amount of downloading and googling yeah because you can order a key fob but you have to plan that ahead we're almost at BMW Kingston for our second charge stop maybe they'll let us test drive an
i8 yeah yeah yeah okay okay BMW Kingston and now watch this Drive this I ate here we are at BMW Kingston okay where's the charging port hey I think I see it are you doing can I park here entirely for sure yeah no problem this isn't a 15-minute charger just we realized rig ht yeah it's available good to go alright lgz yes that's it yeah how much time do we have left on here now it says here you go BMW 530i yes so they gave us an electric car to test out hybrid car they haven't even brought it in
yet this is actually brand new for head off the truck classic still on it this feels like luxury this off soft these are yeah soft elbows I was so comfortable what is this like a hundred thousand dollar car man this is a BMW dealership do you think they'll let us drive an m3 well we got to do something to kill time if you're going to ask squatter Peter okay let's do it they handed us the keys to the m3 BMW Kingston things to do while you're at collect your car charges yeah by the way like none
of this was planned we just showed up charged her car and they were so nice to just let us drive things while we waited for a car to charge I loved electric cars I love electric cars electric cars give you so many opportunities that you wouldn't ha ve otherwise it gets you into the bad situation yeah I think we have to give the car back now yeah let's go get our electric cars let's see would charge rad to see if we can get to the next stop exactly we just left BMW Kingston we have 168 kilometers
on our range we have 141 km/h destination which is a level 3 charger in Kempsville so I'm not going to suffer anymore I'm going to turn on the AC you crazy Jake of you crazy put the pedal to the floor I got your back door bandit oh he's down loaded up and truckin we go do what they think happy does you got a long way to go and a long time to get there electric why I've got my shades onto the bright and I don't care oh yeah part of my not care package as well is shade shade you know give me stuff
give us a you know what I'm going to be crazy Jacob again and we're going to go drive mode we're going to power sport mode don't go into sport mode while we're trying to Eco challenge no I'm doing it I'm doing sport mode Jac ob yeah let's do the test three two one yeah Kentville I'd never thought I'd be so happy to see Kempsville I know Kentville we've had pretty good experiences at every charging station so far I wonder what's in Kempsville you know what the slower charging station in Kentville
is out of bowling alley I kind of wish we could stop there but I really don't want to wait another three hours it's been ten hours and we're not even in Ottawa yeah but we could be going bowling okay we're in Ken tville I just got a little battery warning oh we're very close to the charging station but that's the first time I've seen the low warning we have 23 kilometers left on a church have you ever thought about the fact that maybe the Google Maps thing is wrong and there's no Evie stationed
out here hello wouldn't lie to us it says it's right here dude I see it I see it ah and I said ah we got to turn around alright so we found an electric circuit level 3 at solar city velocity velocity are you the owner this is the owner solar panel company you have a hard time getting the whole but we're good now ok so now we have to figure out a pizz going to be different than ours alright so push start it's in French let's see if this is going to work with well maybe not but it did show up on
the app so it's good work I think it will authenticating yeah so you're he's going to call a flow station because we're not sure if it's going to work and it's way too close to range anxie ty mode yeah we're going to try to go 218 kilometers and I don't think this even has that range it doesn't it keep saying 208 FS so so we're gonna have to max that out yeah it's do or die we'll do a dieter CAA and I think we're going to try to get to that Peterborough one right now but I don't think we
have that much range but we're going to try anyways anyways okay we got the new hyundai ioniq Evy yeah have you seen that one oh yeah I think we got a both to shops for that on e well we left Toronto at 6 a.m. today and we're just at Kemp Ville now we need more fast chargers we're heading to Ottawa right now leave about 27 kilometers to go I have 152 kilometers left on my charge we're going to go to Parliament Hill we're going to right back to that level three charging station then we're going to
try and get home it's taken us over twelve hours to get to Ottawa six a.m. start 6:00 p.m. we're in Ottawa downtown traffic on the highway you know what though if w e didn't have to deal with the slow charging we would have been here in no time how much fun did we have level 2 charging an amazing time while charging okay this is it here's Parliament Hill oh we made it to Ottawa this one's for Canada this is for Canada 150 this is for URI and Jacob URI and Jacob it only took 12 hours and 20
minutes that's it we made it right there right here so do you want to find a charging station try and go home yeah let's let's just go home should we at least parking like look at it no I honestly don't think we should so that was 471 kilometres to get to Parliament Hill from the hospital beside Toronto I think yo that's a fast charger okay this worked out quite perfectly actually fYI we made it to Ottawa we stopped Parliament we're going to get some electricity and head right back [Music] we
are on the way to Kentville to get a full charge where we will then hope that we can get to the next level 3 station which is this it's now 8 p.m. we left at 6 a.m. so we've been on the road for 14 hours and we just left Ottawa to try and get back home alright back at camp Ville okay we're back in Seoul the city CELAC cities so we need a good charge so that we can make it all the way to Peterborough unknown State Station unreachable no no oh my god authenticated detected program yes this is the
real test like the real real test this is going to get us from here to Peterborough we're going to go push the range farther tha n it should go and we might not make it this is the one that we might actually I should not make it the car has limits we're going beyond those limits it's 9:30 and we need coffee we have 219 kilometers and URI what is your range 206 hi there hello there just want to go home or go to bed I just want to go home to URI it's been 15 and a half hours how comfortable these
seats honestly so comfortable I didn't even think to question the comfort of these peeps I know like my back would u sually be hurting by now and it's surprisingly not this is such a nice comfortable car I feel like if I had to get my girlfriend a car your fiancee like if I had to get my fiancee a car I would get her this just so I could drive it yeah I mean if you commute within 200 kilometers there golden a train are you kidding me I think this is going to be an easier trip than we thought that
said uh I don't know Oh it said where'd you get now charge immediately power limited remember all that t ime that said no razor anxiety uh dude it says it's like right here Oh No is it nothing there uh it says we're here man holy s--t there's nothing here this is really bad you you like stop your car or something yeah I'm going to park it like right here charge immediately power limited oh my god I think it's a turtle oh my god this was a flow right yeah there's nothing here there's no
food laying out here this is Norwood oh my god we went the wrong way no yeah we missed it ho w we went by it we got to go back up and turn right what did your range 0-0 dude it's the range stopped a while ago 1% oh my god okay charger you did the charger oh my god we made it huh first leg yeah ever since hahaha oh my god I'm shaking oh yes yeah just read this through this we did it read this system check warning look at this oh my god just immediately Oh barely fit you nervous there bud you can't
get it in the hole get it all flow so happy to see slow slow holy crap we missed this there should be like a big green light or something I know how do we yeah we totally missed this this is it yeah yeah this is nothing else out here oh my god Arthur civilization in process please yes authenticating yes I'm some really good news what is it 170 kilometers to the hospital they had that this vid how far do we have on this oh I gotta check that electric car made it Oh Mike okay I got some bad news
140 140 this is the real test yeah you know you guys start the elect ric car with the drama nah it's this one oh my god hey oh crap we're gonna do a thousand kilometers to 101 tank your a just finished charging the electric car we have 170 kilometers to go now I have 140 kilometers of range in my hybrid so here's the real challenge if we can get a thousand kilometers on this tank I'm really tired and I hope we make it because I don't want to get stopped by uh uh 1:30 in the morning when do we
start 6:00 a.m. yesterday oh crap oh my god a situation update my gas light is now on I have 57 kilometers of range and we need to go Oh No 77 kilometers Yuri yeah I got a critical warning for preventing damage to the hybrids battery all of that means it says you have to fill up or else it's reversible damage so we're not going to make it I have 18 kilometers left but I I don't want to brake the car all right we have 40 kilometers to go to CN tower we're not going to make it we could
probably push it but I don't want to break t he frigging car all right what do you have one of where you want to pull over a lot of gas we're in Scarborough I think Scarborough we almost made it man isn't Scarborough part of Toronto I'm so disappointed we're so close we averaged four point three liters per 100 kilometers in this thing in the electric we averaged 12 points six kilowatt hours per 100 kilometers gas station right here we got to call it they're calling it so man I have 18 kilometers
left but I don't want to break i t it's a hypothetical victory but a realistic almost yeah it is 3:15 in the morning oh man so close so 900 900 this is the first time I have to fill up vitally so what do you think of hybrid and electric cars they're pretty fun to get kind of stressed out about how far you have to drive but if we didn't do it this stupidly and we planned everything it would have been so much better yeah what's the fun in that no fun no fun would you take the hybrid or the electric
if you had to have o ne ah I would really want the electric but I travel long distances so I think I would have to take the hybrid I risk it with the electric that you would I would 21 hours to get us two from Toronto to Ottawa and almost back to Toronto 21 hours we rode for don't know how crucial we had fun we had a lot of fun I've read their great and electrics are great just use them properly BMW m3s are great oh that's it $45 39 liters that means I still had six liters left those things like
very pre mature warning yeah well I didn't want to damage the battery okay you know what that's it we won we cremated that we was right there here right here that's proof we could have made it right there we could have made it we won we won anyways we've got 900 kilometers and we beat it on the electric this is a subscription break if you're still watching you're probably already subscribed yeah I just subscribe some more tell your buddies how much we suffered [Music] scription break don't forget
my scribe scribe right now subscribe we didn't even [Music] [Applause] Inglês
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