$450,000! 2021 Rolls-Royce Ghost Review
$450,000! 2021 Rolls-Royce Ghost Review
384.174 visualizações • 26 de mar. de 2021 • 2021 Rolls-Royce Ghost review by The Straight Pipes. The Rolls Royce Ghost is pumping out 523hp and 627 lb-ft tq from a 6.75L Twin Turbo V12. At $461,074 CAD, would you take it over a Mercedes-Maybach S650, Bentley Flying Spur? We edit these videos on Maingear Computers: https://maingear.com/StraightPipes Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thestraightpipes Become a YouTube Member! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC86S... Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/thestraightp... Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thestraight... Twitter! https://twitter.com/StraightPipers MERCH! teespring.com/stores/thestraightpipes Check out Continental Tire at https://www.continentaltire.com/thest... ------------------- #TheContiPipes #rollsroyce #luxury ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais
[Music] i'm jacob and we're going for a drive 2021 rolls-royce ghost without launch control brake boost oh my god effortless thrust okay that was the weirdest thing because it was a hard launch but it was very comfortable yeah that was really quick horsepower and torque 563 horsepower 627 pound-feet of torque from a twin turbo six and three-quarter liter v12 yeah it looks pretty cool down there under the hood doesn't it it really does and i really don't feel like screaming today okay so this is
clearly not the phantom the phantom's the big boy this is the one slightly below it yuri where does this lie in the entire rolls-royce lineup so i believe this is the driver's version of a rolls-royce so that you want to drive this more than you want to be driven in it and i'm pretty sure that it's the easiest way to enter into the rolls-royce besides also a cullinan when you say easiest you mean lowest price yeah the lowest amount of money you have to make to buy a rolls royce and i f you're new
to the channel and this is the first video that you're watching consider subscribing because we really like reviewing rolls royces yeah and we review every car in the same fashion so you'll be able to compare a rolls-royce to a nissan sentra to the new m4 to all kinds of crazy stuff on the same roads okay so this new ghost is all new for 2021 it is post opulence that is the theme of this vehicle so basically kind of what that means they want like no frills all the technol ogy without being overly
complicated but still have all of the features without all of the ostentatiousness of the phantom yeah the rolls royce guy was telling us that there's no quilted stuff in here it's all sleek and like simple lines everywhere yeah it's a very simple interior there's no extra stuff that you don't need yeah lots of clean lines lots of single stitches all the way across everything it's not very ornamental besides these little rolls-royce imprints of the spirit of e cstasy on like a lot of
different surfaces which i really really really like i mean this is pretty extra but in comparison to other vehicles in this class at this price point the only one i can really think of would be the bentley flying spur this doesn't have kind of that level of ostentatiousness that that one would have yeah i haven't really been in a bentley i i've seen them but i'm looking at photos i don't really know what the whole bentley vibe's about it's kind of like this but not but more race car ish because
they have like a bunch of race car versions right yeah but like a flying spur is not a race car version man until until i drive the brand i don't really look into it so since we are in the driver's version i'm going to send this into cliche corner and okay lots of body roll but the suspension i'll get to in a moment i love how this thing handles it's actually incredible it's it feels like a boat but like it makes me miss my jet ski beca use i just get jet ski boat vibes from this thing because it
kind of absorbs everything it wallows everywhere but at the same time it feels planted it's a very interesting feeling it's like if you're on a roller coaster with air ride suspension seats or something yes so this has rolls royce's magic carpet ride but this has a world's first suspension thing where basically the suspension in the front has suspension for the suspension and it's basically extra comfortable because we also have the camera that watches the road and we also have sensors that are
watching everything a million times a second up to 100 kilometers per hour where it's pre-adjusting the suspension yeah and you can definitely see the suspension doing a lot when you hit the brakes you can just see so much movement and like softness which is pretty cool and then i think it also has gps that tells if like a road's getting curvy and elevation so it knows how to stiffen up the car or soften it up th e gps is actually tied to the transmission so it'll pre-downshift because it'll know
you're at cliche corner and it'll know you want to send it okay yeah yeah yeah the cool technology rolls-royce yeah but other cars have that as well i'm not saying it's exclusive and i love that in the press footage for this the guy driving the car was driving it like a real person would drive a car yeah yeah yeah and then he was doing the u-turns was just that or the hand sliding around would have do ne that that was the coolest driving press footage ever because it was so realistic but the
actual feeling of driving this is insane it's just the most comfortable car i've ever driven like in my life it is so quiet in here so comfortable this steering wheel is literally effortless yeah the comfort is really nice we're going with some bumpy roads around the cliche corner area and i passed through them and i'm like oh wait a second i didn't remember it being bumpy and that was lik e the first time ever yeah and so i'm just going to start driving like this i'm just going to floor it dude
it just keeps going wow yeah this is like this is fast this is really i mean it has to be fast but this is like really really fast yeah and it's also a zf eight speed but you pretty much almost don't feel any of the shifts yeah okay go go go like half there's like you can hear it right here if you don't feel it exactly which is crazy okay and then apparently they made this car so quiet that it got like eerily quiet so they had to add some baffles in the trunk to add some more air through so it
didn't feel like a spooky car with no sound yeah because they tested it and people felt sick being in the car because it was too quiet so they actually had to add noise back in yeah there is a thing where there's the most quietest room in the world and people can't stay in there for more than 10 minutes because you can hear your own blood and it's like really creepy i do want to go there one day uh that sounds pretty intense yeah they should have made this with that at least option it and so
back to this actual ghost and what it is it is on an all-new platform it is the same platform as the phantom and the cullinan which are on their unique platform they're not shared with the bmw 7 series or anything like that and the only things that carry it over from the first gen ghost is the spirit of ecstasy and the umbrellas in the doors and the firs t gen ghost came out in 2009 yes and this is also the first ghost with all-wheel drive yes and also has all-wheel steering and i mean it really
helps in parking lots and stuff like that because we drove the cullinan definitely felt a little bit big this feels small even though it's a huge sedan okay let's put it into sport mode oh we can't let's shift the gears oh we can what time what rpm are we on an attack we don't know power reserve that's the whole point of rolls-royce they're l ike don't worry about it we got this nice car that's simple and chill have fun yeah there's nothing to it it's so simple like okay there's a lot to it but
it's also simplified and the general feeling that you get driving this thing like you just literally that guy broke that guy's neck like you literally feel so rich driving this it's insane how cool it makes you feel yeah i mean having the spirit of ecstasy at the front is and what can we do with that yuri you can make it go up and down you can program it to one of your eight presets which is pretty cool i think we have set up is number eight and this is i guess the first one that is in the hood
and not in the space in front of it so when you pop the hood it like sneaks away so there's a lot to address in this interior but let's talk about the exterior first i think the most controversial part is from the front end if you look at the bumper on the bottom right and bottom left it kind of curls up yeah and i was n't sure about it from the photos but seeing it in person definitely helps yeah in person it looks a lot better it's still probably not my favorite rolls royce front end but
it does look really nice i definitely prefer the phantom over this but who am i to really choose i like the cullinan a lot but i think i just like having a rolls-royce that would be gigantic yeah yeah i get that and then we got really really cool headlights and if you're in auto they're brighter if you're i n parking lot mode they're a little dimmer and then in full headlight mode they're also still very nice and what this also has which we can't see during the day the grill actually glows so
there's a strip of leds at the top of the grill and apparently during development of testing it was too bright so they actually had to brush the back of the metal bars to make it a little bit more matte to get the exact ambiance they were looking for why did they just turn down the lights look m an they could charge more money this way exactly yeah yeah i can tell the story now yeah yeah and then from the side view it still looks like a rolls royce it kind of like tapers down at the back and it's
like really like strong and straight at the front but they straightened it all out and made it kind of harder lines than the previous ghost and i think that looks way better and what's cool about this is we've got a purple pinstripe that goes all the way across which matches the stuf f on the interior like this door when you open it the purple pops so hard and then we've got some teal above it to counter it i think it looks really great but yeah that little purple strip it's nice and all four
doors do automatically open and close you just touch the button on the outside to close them and when you're inside there's a little door button in the back and in the front there's two buttons in the center console yeah it's very luxury but is it more convenient than in the teslas when you put your foot on the brake pedal and it closes i feel like that's more convenient but this is more balling like having a button is like pretty cool yeah the brake pedal thing is pretty pretty genius though
and then we've got some awesome rolls-royce wheels i'm pretty sure every single rolls-royce wheel is awesome i don't think i've seen one that i don't like and we've got the anti-spinners zero gravity spinners yeah so you always see the rolls-royce logo i reall y do like these wheels these are the optional 21-inch wheels and you should just option the largest wheels you can because clearly it does not affect the ride quality okay and what would be the continental recommended tire for a rolls royce
ghost the conti sport contact five and moving around to the back end we do have the traditional outlined tail lights but they've kind of like contoured them more i really like the way the whole back tapers in and like rounds off uh you were saying it looks kind of like a boat a yacht maybe one of those like wooden speedboat things yeah i mean everything in rolls-royce is kind of like yacht-like okay when we open the trunk there is a ton of room for our bags and it's so nicely carpeted in there i
really really like that yeah it's really nice back there but speaking of the trunk clothes we also have exhaust finishers in chrome which is an option on this car and that option alone costs more than my fox body mustang not my favorite exhaust tip look it's 20 21 real you gets kind of seat to the back a little too much but like whatever yeah well that actual thing costs a lot of money like i think i'm the only person to like judge exhaustive other rolls royce no no no other person would do that
you and i we might as well listen to it from the outside the outside very quiet about from the inside still very quiet and before you drive and talk about this entire interior which we haven't really touched on the cheapest part of this entire interior you mean least expensive thank you least expensive part of this interior that i feel from the driver's seat is this turn stock but you're probably not going to use it anyways it doesn't have a cost to it or it's cheap it's just it feels oh
okay yeah like they could be a carryover part from another car i don't even think it's like that but maybe it just it feels more car than the rest of this car yeah okay everything else from the car feels like a f ancy house exactly now let's get you into the driver's seat just going to close my own door i could have closed that for you wish you did should i go in the back that would be the cliche i think even though we're at cliche corner we're not gonna do that okay but maybe we should wear
suits eh just kidding that's also too cliche i wore my teddy fresh hoodie because ethan just got a rolls royce so shout out ethan i wore this shirt that's it i'mma ease into it okay oh wow okay i was like to the floor there and even that shift felt really smooth yeah like that just put my neck back it's kind of weird not having like a sport mode or a lodge before any like adjustments nice though like there's no there's no thinking and going through the twisties right before cliche corner like it
feels nimble considering how big and fast this is it's just like the most weird feeling for a big car to be this quick yeah and when we say nimble and this handles well we don't mean in re ference to a 911 gt3 like we mean in reference to something of this size and class like this is almost the size of a truck all right now for a real cliche corner just point the spirit of ecstasy where you want it to go right that's right use that as a reticle i mean okay it does feel like a little thing like
i don't want to get too deep into it but uh yeah i've got all-wheel steering yeah i was trying to feel it there didn't really notice it i honestly noticed it the most in parkin g lots okay and then going up that one bump on the uphill in this very very comfortable yes extremely let us know if you've hit that bump if you've been to cliche corner so now this interior we've got all white everywhere we've got this really cool dark black wood i haven't seen anything like this this is obviously much
nicer than what mercedes offers by the way some of this wood pour and i'm not saying all of it is more expensive than your honda civic yeah just saying and then we' ve got purple stitching on the seats too like right here with the rr i love it it's got it up on the dash here and it's all hand stitched as well it's such a good mix and then this whole perforated headliner with the stars in it is also very cool and apparently there could be a shooting star that comes across every now and then yeah
so maybe if you guys catch if you guys are watching this video maybe there was a shooting star at some point in this video yeah so let us know if you sa w that at any point because it just randomly happens and we can control it with this button up here and you can make it brighter or darker and sitting in the passenger seat do you enjoy looking at this reflection of yourself the whole time i actually do it's just like i wish there was like money painted on this or something like that okay explain
this panel to me okay so it says ghost in it it lights up sometimes and it has over 90 000 laser etched dots in it which apparently took ove r two years and over 10 000 hours to develop this yeah it's cool i bet you rolls royce has like 10 guys working on crazy stuff whatever they want and be like when it's done we'll introduce it it'll be good don't worry about it probably because i mean it looks pretty cool and we'll show you guys that night but it's a cool feature okay next up we got rolls
royce goodwood and the clock very nice and then we've got our infotainment engage cluster so our gauge cluster it's digital but it looks analog and then you know no tac but we have power reserve so when you're off it's at 100 and when you floor it it goes down to zero eventually one has no power reserve left when you're fully ripping it and this doesn't have the radar cruise lane keep stuff that we like in all the new bmws but it does have just regular radar cruise yes it does yuri it's called
the chauffeur yeah but then this is the driver one right yeah yeah okay our infotainment it is an older style bmw th at is obviously reskinned and like changed up a bit for rolls-royce but i feel like this one is way way faster than anything bmw ever offered like going through the menus they probably added extra ram for this to make sure the customers were extra happy yes and speaking of extra happy customers we do have apple carplay it is wireless there is no android auto but i feel like they
may add it at some point because i think they had it in other rules races okay and then we do have the 3 60 cameras and everything in here just like all the other ones where you see the car all the way around which is pretty cool and then we still do have time shift in here which is nice for rewinding your sat radios no that's pretty good the sound system uh it's pretty crazy it's uh over ten thousand dollars it's so nuts it's so clear no matter how loud you go but you really can't get past
75 without hurting your ears because it's just but it's still clear it's still clear like yo u can handle that crank it and go outside keep the doors open or something pretty much and the speaker vents themselves look amazing all the materials are here are obviously like next level like everything that looks metal is metal everything that looks like wood was probably chopped down on a floor somewhere and then these vents they said that the noise of the wind of the air was a little too loud so
they added felt on the inside to make it quieter which i believe it it is kind o f loud but i think it's only loud because this car is so quiet and we do have cupholders which i'm sure will fit a cup of coffee i'm not going to bring any food into this so um we didn't buy the car we bought wendy's and now we're eating it in the car chicken dogs i'm ethan and this is trisha how's it going and then we should do the visor test very carefully ethan if you're watching this check if your cullen can do
this three two one ah okay it doesn't extend the cullinan the cullin an did so that's a fail well man hey i'm gonna floor it okay went through two gears geez okay i i love the turbo v12 yes yes redeemed itself for the visor test okay seats we do have massage seats and they're like fully adjustable and everything and they're so comfortable like you don't really need any extra bolstering but i feel like because of the material i'm i'm held in the seats really well but i feel like this
headrest isn't as soft as that seven series headrest tha t one time right i know what you're saying but you could probably option that because we do have additional option ones in the back which are extra soft back there we should probably start talking about the back now okay it is very luxurious back there there's enough room for you it suits for water absolutely yuri i could be 12 feet and it'd be still fine maybe not there is an extended wheelbase version though they are
extremely comfortable they have massages the y're heated and cooled we also have tray tables and our own infotainments back there they kind of just display certain things that we can see in the front as well okay so again this infotainment at the front you control it with this rotary dial as well as a touch screen but the back one you pop up the little thing in the armrest and there's a rotary dial there as well which is like such a cool little surprise yes and then you can also put away your
infotainments and leave your tra y tables out and enjoy some drinks because yes we do have a fridge back there with some champagne flutes i i don't see any rolls-royce not having that yeah i agree like i'm not surprised by that one if you bought a rolls-royce and you bought it brand new and you didn't option those let us know in the comments as to why you did that okay and then when you open the doors and close the doors there's these door pulls right here for every single door up at the top
which is cool and th en all the doors are electrically assisted if you don't want to actually just push the button to close it yeah so it's really light to actually open them because it's there's like a motor in there there's even gyroscopes in there because if you're on an incline or a decline it'll actually adjust the speed that the motor operates it's nuts but the surprising thing is with this one no peasant blockers back there no curtains no rear shade yeah i i don't get why it doesn't
have it i'm surprised at the spec because you can get all that stuff but i guess because it's the driver's car they didn't option this one with it yeah but like you got to get that stuff yeah i don't know i you know what i mean the only rolls royce i'd buy is a used one because i don't have the money for this but in the future if i ever did i would just kind of have to like take whatever they got me right yeah well i tried to buy hoovies but it went for even more money than i was expecting so
maybe eventually i'll buy a gen 1 phantom all the window switch buttons are very luxurious feeling the mirror controlled knob that is also very nice every single button is just so luxurious in here and then lastly the carpet in the whole car is very nice all the upholstery at the bottom but lucky for us rolls royce gave us some floor mats so that we wouldn't get any of this dirty but we did have shoe booties ready just in case yeah just in case because you know you don't want to dirty this u p
because we can't afford to okay so is that pretty much everything with the rolls-royce ghost i'd say so we should probably get to the price let me guess this one's a lot of money yeah you're a good one okay it's probably in the title of the video maybe not who knows this one starts at 343 140 canadian and this one with nine hundred and 117 four dollars in options is four hundred and sixty one thousand seventy four dollars honestly not even that expensive for royals rice that's uh about 92 fox
body mustangs the one that i bought specifically i get it it's cool i feel like like this compared to the cullinan it feels kind of similar why don't you ask me if i'd rather have 92 fox body mustangs or this i know you'd rather have this i would okay but this compared to that cullinan we reviewed which we reviewed like two years ago but since our format is always very similar you can watch it back and compare it directly for yourself so subscribe to our channel if yo u like to compare
cars filmed in the same way so this versus the cullinan i kind of like how large the cullinan is and i like the ostentatiousness of that and the phantom more than this i think i would personally go cullinan i'm a fan of suvs and especially like a rolls-royce suv i think that's like very very cool and i like that rappers are rapping about it but like ghost is also a sick name and i love how this looks now as well but if you're talking about cars instead of suvs from rolls royce i would definitely
go with a wraith or a dawn just because i think a two-door is so much cooler i think i would go with a phantom drop head which i don't think they make anymore but man that was cool so all that really matters to end off the video is i want to know which one of our viewers actually own rolls royces or rollers whatever the pluralist hit me up at yuri teresa on instagram and tag me so i can repost it and then also follow jacob at the straight pipes tag me too because how many people could possibly
own rolls-royce watch their videos i think on the day this gets posted we're going to have 20 viewers who own rolls royces okay so follow up on instagram we'll see if yuri was correct and what's your guess what are you guys plus 50 plus i'm gonna go with like 10 okay yeah so i think i can repost it if it's under 15 you win if it's over 15 i win also it has to be a photo so you can't like make it up no press photos no like or video y eah photo or video we'll repost that rolls royce guys and
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$450,000! 2021 Rolls-Royce Ghost Review
384.174 visualizações • 26 de mar. de 2021 • 2021 Rolls-Royce Ghost review by The Straight Pipes. The Rolls Royce Ghost is pumping out 523hp and 627 lb-ft tq from a 6.75L Twin Turbo V12. At $461,074 CAD, would you take it over a Mercedes-Maybach S650, Bentley Flying Spur? We edit these videos on Maingear Computers: https://maingear.com/StraightPipes Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thestraightpipes Become a YouTube Member! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC86S... Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/thestraightp... Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thestraight... Twitter! https://twitter.com/StraightPipers MERCH! teespring.com/stores/thestraightpipes Check out Continental Tire at https://www.continentaltire.com/thest... ------------------- #TheContiPipes #rollsroyce #luxury ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

[Music] i'm jacob and we're going for a drive 2021 rolls-royce ghost without launch control brake boost oh my god effortless thrust okay that was the weirdest thing because it was a hard launch but it was very comfortable yeah that was really quick horsepower and torque 563 horsepower 627 pound-feet of torque from a twin turbo six and three-quarter liter v12 yeah it looks pretty cool down there under the hood doesn't it it really does and i really don't feel like screaming today okay so this is
clearly not the phantom the phantom's the big boy this is the one slightly below it yuri where does this lie in the entire rolls-royce lineup so i believe this is the driver's version of a rolls-royce so that you want to drive this more than you want to be driven in it and i'm pretty sure that it's the easiest way to enter into the rolls-royce besides also a cullinan when you say easiest you mean lowest price yeah the lowest amount of money you have to make to buy a rolls royce and i f you're new
to the channel and this is the first video that you're watching consider subscribing because we really like reviewing rolls royces yeah and we review every car in the same fashion so you'll be able to compare a rolls-royce to a nissan sentra to the new m4 to all kinds of crazy stuff on the same roads okay so this new ghost is all new for 2021 it is post opulence that is the theme of this vehicle so basically kind of what that means they want like no frills all the technol ogy without being overly
complicated but still have all of the features without all of the ostentatiousness of the phantom yeah the rolls royce guy was telling us that there's no quilted stuff in here it's all sleek and like simple lines everywhere yeah it's a very simple interior there's no extra stuff that you don't need yeah lots of clean lines lots of single stitches all the way across everything it's not very ornamental besides these little rolls-royce imprints of the spirit of e cstasy on like a lot of
different surfaces which i really really really like i mean this is pretty extra but in comparison to other vehicles in this class at this price point the only one i can really think of would be the bentley flying spur this doesn't have kind of that level of ostentatiousness that that one would have yeah i haven't really been in a bentley i i've seen them but i'm looking at photos i don't really know what the whole bentley vibe's about it's kind of like this but not but more race car ish because
they have like a bunch of race car versions right yeah but like a flying spur is not a race car version man until until i drive the brand i don't really look into it so since we are in the driver's version i'm going to send this into cliche corner and okay lots of body roll but the suspension i'll get to in a moment i love how this thing handles it's actually incredible it's it feels like a boat but like it makes me miss my jet ski beca use i just get jet ski boat vibes from this thing because it
kind of absorbs everything it wallows everywhere but at the same time it feels planted it's a very interesting feeling it's like if you're on a roller coaster with air ride suspension seats or something yes so this has rolls royce's magic carpet ride but this has a world's first suspension thing where basically the suspension in the front has suspension for the suspension and it's basically extra comfortable because we also have the camera that watches the road and we also have sensors that are
watching everything a million times a second up to 100 kilometers per hour where it's pre-adjusting the suspension yeah and you can definitely see the suspension doing a lot when you hit the brakes you can just see so much movement and like softness which is pretty cool and then i think it also has gps that tells if like a road's getting curvy and elevation so it knows how to stiffen up the car or soften it up th e gps is actually tied to the transmission so it'll pre-downshift because it'll know
you're at cliche corner and it'll know you want to send it okay yeah yeah yeah the cool technology rolls-royce yeah but other cars have that as well i'm not saying it's exclusive and i love that in the press footage for this the guy driving the car was driving it like a real person would drive a car yeah yeah yeah and then he was doing the u-turns was just that or the hand sliding around would have do ne that that was the coolest driving press footage ever because it was so realistic but the
actual feeling of driving this is insane it's just the most comfortable car i've ever driven like in my life it is so quiet in here so comfortable this steering wheel is literally effortless yeah the comfort is really nice we're going with some bumpy roads around the cliche corner area and i passed through them and i'm like oh wait a second i didn't remember it being bumpy and that was lik e the first time ever yeah and so i'm just going to start driving like this i'm just going to floor it dude
it just keeps going wow yeah this is like this is fast this is really i mean it has to be fast but this is like really really fast yeah and it's also a zf eight speed but you pretty much almost don't feel any of the shifts yeah okay go go go like half there's like you can hear it right here if you don't feel it exactly which is crazy okay and then apparently they made this car so quiet that it got like eerily quiet so they had to add some baffles in the trunk to add some more air through so it
didn't feel like a spooky car with no sound yeah because they tested it and people felt sick being in the car because it was too quiet so they actually had to add noise back in yeah there is a thing where there's the most quietest room in the world and people can't stay in there for more than 10 minutes because you can hear your own blood and it's like really creepy i do want to go there one day uh that sounds pretty intense yeah they should have made this with that at least option it and so
back to this actual ghost and what it is it is on an all-new platform it is the same platform as the phantom and the cullinan which are on their unique platform they're not shared with the bmw 7 series or anything like that and the only things that carry it over from the first gen ghost is the spirit of ecstasy and the umbrellas in the doors and the firs t gen ghost came out in 2009 yes and this is also the first ghost with all-wheel drive yes and also has all-wheel steering and i mean it really
helps in parking lots and stuff like that because we drove the cullinan definitely felt a little bit big this feels small even though it's a huge sedan okay let's put it into sport mode oh we can't let's shift the gears oh we can what time what rpm are we on an attack we don't know power reserve that's the whole point of rolls-royce they're l ike don't worry about it we got this nice car that's simple and chill have fun yeah there's nothing to it it's so simple like okay there's a lot to it but
it's also simplified and the general feeling that you get driving this thing like you just literally that guy broke that guy's neck like you literally feel so rich driving this it's insane how cool it makes you feel yeah i mean having the spirit of ecstasy at the front is and what can we do with that yuri you can make it go up and down you can program it to one of your eight presets which is pretty cool i think we have set up is number eight and this is i guess the first one that is in the hood
and not in the space in front of it so when you pop the hood it like sneaks away so there's a lot to address in this interior but let's talk about the exterior first i think the most controversial part is from the front end if you look at the bumper on the bottom right and bottom left it kind of curls up yeah and i was n't sure about it from the photos but seeing it in person definitely helps yeah in person it looks a lot better it's still probably not my favorite rolls royce front end but
it does look really nice i definitely prefer the phantom over this but who am i to really choose i like the cullinan a lot but i think i just like having a rolls-royce that would be gigantic yeah yeah i get that and then we got really really cool headlights and if you're in auto they're brighter if you're i n parking lot mode they're a little dimmer and then in full headlight mode they're also still very nice and what this also has which we can't see during the day the grill actually glows so
there's a strip of leds at the top of the grill and apparently during development of testing it was too bright so they actually had to brush the back of the metal bars to make it a little bit more matte to get the exact ambiance they were looking for why did they just turn down the lights look m an they could charge more money this way exactly yeah yeah i can tell the story now yeah yeah and then from the side view it still looks like a rolls royce it kind of like tapers down at the back and it's
like really like strong and straight at the front but they straightened it all out and made it kind of harder lines than the previous ghost and i think that looks way better and what's cool about this is we've got a purple pinstripe that goes all the way across which matches the stuf f on the interior like this door when you open it the purple pops so hard and then we've got some teal above it to counter it i think it looks really great but yeah that little purple strip it's nice and all four
doors do automatically open and close you just touch the button on the outside to close them and when you're inside there's a little door button in the back and in the front there's two buttons in the center console yeah it's very luxury but is it more convenient than in the teslas when you put your foot on the brake pedal and it closes i feel like that's more convenient but this is more balling like having a button is like pretty cool yeah the brake pedal thing is pretty pretty genius though
and then we've got some awesome rolls-royce wheels i'm pretty sure every single rolls-royce wheel is awesome i don't think i've seen one that i don't like and we've got the anti-spinners zero gravity spinners yeah so you always see the rolls-royce logo i reall y do like these wheels these are the optional 21-inch wheels and you should just option the largest wheels you can because clearly it does not affect the ride quality okay and what would be the continental recommended tire for a rolls royce
ghost the conti sport contact five and moving around to the back end we do have the traditional outlined tail lights but they've kind of like contoured them more i really like the way the whole back tapers in and like rounds off uh you were saying it looks kind of like a boat a yacht maybe one of those like wooden speedboat things yeah i mean everything in rolls-royce is kind of like yacht-like okay when we open the trunk there is a ton of room for our bags and it's so nicely carpeted in there i
really really like that yeah it's really nice back there but speaking of the trunk clothes we also have exhaust finishers in chrome which is an option on this car and that option alone costs more than my fox body mustang not my favorite exhaust tip look it's 20 21 real you gets kind of seat to the back a little too much but like whatever yeah well that actual thing costs a lot of money like i think i'm the only person to like judge exhaustive other rolls royce no no no other person would do that
you and i we might as well listen to it from the outside the outside very quiet about from the inside still very quiet and before you drive and talk about this entire interior which we haven't really touched on the cheapest part of this entire interior you mean least expensive thank you least expensive part of this interior that i feel from the driver's seat is this turn stock but you're probably not going to use it anyways it doesn't have a cost to it or it's cheap it's just it feels oh
okay yeah like they could be a carryover part from another car i don't even think it's like that but maybe it just it feels more car than the rest of this car yeah okay everything else from the car feels like a f ancy house exactly now let's get you into the driver's seat just going to close my own door i could have closed that for you wish you did should i go in the back that would be the cliche i think even though we're at cliche corner we're not gonna do that okay but maybe we should wear
suits eh just kidding that's also too cliche i wore my teddy fresh hoodie because ethan just got a rolls royce so shout out ethan i wore this shirt that's it i'mma ease into it okay oh wow okay i was like to the floor there and even that shift felt really smooth yeah like that just put my neck back it's kind of weird not having like a sport mode or a lodge before any like adjustments nice though like there's no there's no thinking and going through the twisties right before cliche corner like it
feels nimble considering how big and fast this is it's just like the most weird feeling for a big car to be this quick yeah and when we say nimble and this handles well we don't mean in re ference to a 911 gt3 like we mean in reference to something of this size and class like this is almost the size of a truck all right now for a real cliche corner just point the spirit of ecstasy where you want it to go right that's right use that as a reticle i mean okay it does feel like a little thing like
i don't want to get too deep into it but uh yeah i've got all-wheel steering yeah i was trying to feel it there didn't really notice it i honestly noticed it the most in parkin g lots okay and then going up that one bump on the uphill in this very very comfortable yes extremely let us know if you've hit that bump if you've been to cliche corner so now this interior we've got all white everywhere we've got this really cool dark black wood i haven't seen anything like this this is obviously much
nicer than what mercedes offers by the way some of this wood pour and i'm not saying all of it is more expensive than your honda civic yeah just saying and then we' ve got purple stitching on the seats too like right here with the rr i love it it's got it up on the dash here and it's all hand stitched as well it's such a good mix and then this whole perforated headliner with the stars in it is also very cool and apparently there could be a shooting star that comes across every now and then yeah
so maybe if you guys catch if you guys are watching this video maybe there was a shooting star at some point in this video yeah so let us know if you sa w that at any point because it just randomly happens and we can control it with this button up here and you can make it brighter or darker and sitting in the passenger seat do you enjoy looking at this reflection of yourself the whole time i actually do it's just like i wish there was like money painted on this or something like that okay explain
this panel to me okay so it says ghost in it it lights up sometimes and it has over 90 000 laser etched dots in it which apparently took ove r two years and over 10 000 hours to develop this yeah it's cool i bet you rolls royce has like 10 guys working on crazy stuff whatever they want and be like when it's done we'll introduce it it'll be good don't worry about it probably because i mean it looks pretty cool and we'll show you guys that night but it's a cool feature okay next up we got rolls
royce goodwood and the clock very nice and then we've got our infotainment engage cluster so our gauge cluster it's digital but it looks analog and then you know no tac but we have power reserve so when you're off it's at 100 and when you floor it it goes down to zero eventually one has no power reserve left when you're fully ripping it and this doesn't have the radar cruise lane keep stuff that we like in all the new bmws but it does have just regular radar cruise yes it does yuri it's called
the chauffeur yeah but then this is the driver one right yeah yeah okay our infotainment it is an older style bmw th at is obviously reskinned and like changed up a bit for rolls-royce but i feel like this one is way way faster than anything bmw ever offered like going through the menus they probably added extra ram for this to make sure the customers were extra happy yes and speaking of extra happy customers we do have apple carplay it is wireless there is no android auto but i feel like they
may add it at some point because i think they had it in other rules races okay and then we do have the 3 60 cameras and everything in here just like all the other ones where you see the car all the way around which is pretty cool and then we still do have time shift in here which is nice for rewinding your sat radios no that's pretty good the sound system uh it's pretty crazy it's uh over ten thousand dollars it's so nuts it's so clear no matter how loud you go but you really can't get past
75 without hurting your ears because it's just but it's still clear it's still clear like yo u can handle that crank it and go outside keep the doors open or something pretty much and the speaker vents themselves look amazing all the materials are here are obviously like next level like everything that looks metal is metal everything that looks like wood was probably chopped down on a floor somewhere and then these vents they said that the noise of the wind of the air was a little too loud so
they added felt on the inside to make it quieter which i believe it it is kind o f loud but i think it's only loud because this car is so quiet and we do have cupholders which i'm sure will fit a cup of coffee i'm not going to bring any food into this so um we didn't buy the car we bought wendy's and now we're eating it in the car chicken dogs i'm ethan and this is trisha how's it going and then we should do the visor test very carefully ethan if you're watching this check if your cullen can do
this three two one ah okay it doesn't extend the cullinan the cullin an did so that's a fail well man hey i'm gonna floor it okay went through two gears geez okay i i love the turbo v12 yes yes redeemed itself for the visor test okay seats we do have massage seats and they're like fully adjustable and everything and they're so comfortable like you don't really need any extra bolstering but i feel like because of the material i'm i'm held in the seats really well but i feel like this
headrest isn't as soft as that seven series headrest tha t one time right i know what you're saying but you could probably option that because we do have additional option ones in the back which are extra soft back there we should probably start talking about the back now okay it is very luxurious back there there's enough room for you it suits for water absolutely yuri i could be 12 feet and it'd be still fine maybe not there is an extended wheelbase version though they are
extremely comfortable they have massages the y're heated and cooled we also have tray tables and our own infotainments back there they kind of just display certain things that we can see in the front as well okay so again this infotainment at the front you control it with this rotary dial as well as a touch screen but the back one you pop up the little thing in the armrest and there's a rotary dial there as well which is like such a cool little surprise yes and then you can also put away your
infotainments and leave your tra y tables out and enjoy some drinks because yes we do have a fridge back there with some champagne flutes i i don't see any rolls-royce not having that yeah i agree like i'm not surprised by that one if you bought a rolls-royce and you bought it brand new and you didn't option those let us know in the comments as to why you did that okay and then when you open the doors and close the doors there's these door pulls right here for every single door up at the top
which is cool and th en all the doors are electrically assisted if you don't want to actually just push the button to close it yeah so it's really light to actually open them because it's there's like a motor in there there's even gyroscopes in there because if you're on an incline or a decline it'll actually adjust the speed that the motor operates it's nuts but the surprising thing is with this one no peasant blockers back there no curtains no rear shade yeah i i don't get why it doesn't
have it i'm surprised at the spec because you can get all that stuff but i guess because it's the driver's car they didn't option this one with it yeah but like you got to get that stuff yeah i don't know i you know what i mean the only rolls royce i'd buy is a used one because i don't have the money for this but in the future if i ever did i would just kind of have to like take whatever they got me right yeah well i tried to buy hoovies but it went for even more money than i was expecting so
maybe eventually i'll buy a gen 1 phantom all the window switch buttons are very luxurious feeling the mirror controlled knob that is also very nice every single button is just so luxurious in here and then lastly the carpet in the whole car is very nice all the upholstery at the bottom but lucky for us rolls royce gave us some floor mats so that we wouldn't get any of this dirty but we did have shoe booties ready just in case yeah just in case because you know you don't want to dirty this u p
because we can't afford to okay so is that pretty much everything with the rolls-royce ghost i'd say so we should probably get to the price let me guess this one's a lot of money yeah you're a good one okay it's probably in the title of the video maybe not who knows this one starts at 343 140 canadian and this one with nine hundred and 117 four dollars in options is four hundred and sixty one thousand seventy four dollars honestly not even that expensive for royals rice that's uh about 92 fox
body mustangs the one that i bought specifically i get it it's cool i feel like like this compared to the cullinan it feels kind of similar why don't you ask me if i'd rather have 92 fox body mustangs or this i know you'd rather have this i would okay but this compared to that cullinan we reviewed which we reviewed like two years ago but since our format is always very similar you can watch it back and compare it directly for yourself so subscribe to our channel if yo u like to compare
cars filmed in the same way so this versus the cullinan i kind of like how large the cullinan is and i like the ostentatiousness of that and the phantom more than this i think i would personally go cullinan i'm a fan of suvs and especially like a rolls-royce suv i think that's like very very cool and i like that rappers are rapping about it but like ghost is also a sick name and i love how this looks now as well but if you're talking about cars instead of suvs from rolls royce i would definitely
go with a wraith or a dawn just because i think a two-door is so much cooler i think i would go with a phantom drop head which i don't think they make anymore but man that was cool so all that really matters to end off the video is i want to know which one of our viewers actually own rolls royces or rollers whatever the pluralist hit me up at yuri teresa on instagram and tag me so i can repost it and then also follow jacob at the straight pipes tag me too because how many people could possibly
own rolls-royce watch their videos i think on the day this gets posted we're going to have 20 viewers who own rolls royces okay so follow up on instagram we'll see if yuri was correct and what's your guess what are you guys plus 50 plus i'm gonna go with like 10 okay yeah so i think i can repost it if it's under 15 you win if it's over 15 i win also it has to be a photo so you can't like make it up no press photos no like or video y eah photo or video we'll repost that rolls royce guys and
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