Taycan Turbo vs Turbo S Review - Better than a Porsche 911 Turbo S!
Taycan Turbo vs Turbo S Review - Better than a Porsche 911
459.095 visualizações • 19 de jun. de 2021 • 2021 Porsche Taycan Turbo Review and 2021 Porsche Taycan Turbo S Review by The Straight Pipes. The Porsche Taycan Turbo makes more horsepower during a launch than the Turbo, but makes the same 616hp otherwise. Would this be your pick over the Porsche 911 Turbo S or Tesla Model S Performance? Check out https://bit.ly/YOU-Win-Cars to enter for a chance to win any of the cars currently on Omaze Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thestraightpipes Become a YouTube Member! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC86S... Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/thestraightp... Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thestraight... Twitter! https://twitter.com/StraightPipers Buy our merch at teespring.com/stores/thestraightpipes Check out Continental Tire at https://www.continentaltire.ca ------------------- #taycan #taycanturbo #taycanturbos ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais
[Music] motor drive Boise 20 Porsche hike on turbo 20 20 Porsche tyke on turbo s with launch control with launch control oh my god okay that's fast so hit me with the horsepower and torque the turbo has up to 670 horsepower and 626 pound-feet of torque during launch control otherwise 616 horsepower and the turbo s has up to 750 horsepower 774 pound-feet of torque in over boost during launch control otherwise the same 616 horsepower so I guess if I floor it'll be pretty fast and since I'm in the
slightly faster one apparently yup feels just as fast as that one be honest they're pretty much the exact same speed unless you're in launch control but even in launch control pretty much no one's gonna feel the difference because they're both faster than pretty much anything you've ever driven in your life yeah so the turbo is actually rated for 0 to 100 kilometers in 3.2 seconds the turbo s is 2.8 seconds but in reality they're pretty much identical and they feel the same so as mos t of you
guys know we've already reviewed the Tai con turbo s now we're going to compare both to see if it really matters do you need the turbo s more than the turbo but first we're super excited to announce that again we're partnering with omae's the last two times we did the g63 and the e63 s this time we want to show you all of the cars that you can enter for a chance to win on omae's comm slash all cars the best part about amazed that every one of their prizes is paired with a n incredible cause so
when you're doing it for the chance to win a car you're supporting the work of some really great organizations all you have to do is go to amaze comm slash all cars and enter for your chance to win one taxes and shipping on the cars are included and amazing we even throw in $20,000 cash for the lucky winner some of the cars that you can win right now are actually cars that we've driven like the 2020 Corvette Stingray's EDD 51 which is benefitting the Ronald Re agan UCLA Medical Center there's
also the 2020 Range Rover Sport SVR which is benefitting feeding America which is supplying America's network of over 200 food banks and there's also the 2020 Porsche ty con turbo which is one of the cars that we're driving right now and that's benefiting the Dempsey Center which is committed to making life better for people managing the impact of cancer so go to amaze comm slash all cars or click the link below to see all of the cars you can enter for a chance to win right now and before we get
back to the review quickly here are some of the past winners of some of those awesome cars a yury think you know what time it is send it it's so fast I feel like there's pretty much no difference no there really isn't and the fact that they have the same horsepower when not in launch control means that there really isn't okay so let's briefly touch on the looks because we've already reviewed one of these and talked about the looks but o ne of these has the perfect wheels yes and it's the grey one
that I'm driving which is the turbo s and you can get these wheels on the turbo but the turbo s just comes with these wheels and it's cool because you can get the white wheels on anything but you also can get them color matched so on the turbo s it's silver it's color match to the car but you can also get them in white and you can also get them in white for non-white versions yeah so if you watched our other review you know how much that we complain about not having these wheels and I
love having these wheels so much you have to get these wheels if you buy this car and then another difference is that the tie con turbo has color matched accents at the front and on the sides where the turbo ass has carbon fiber instead what do you think looks better I think they both look pretty good the darker accents make it look a little bit more aggressive but I like the white color match more I think yeah I think I'd go color match as well and then another difference we have is on the
electric gas caps or whatever they're called the electricity charging caps the electric fuel door I think okay a fuel door the turbo s you can slide your finger below and it's the cool electronic version that comes up and on the turbo you just need to click and it flaps up but you can get it optionally on the turbo as well if you pay extra and the last notable feature between the two is the brake cali pers / the brakes the turbo S comes standard with carbon ceramics and they are bright yellow and
they stop you like crazy and this turbo has normal huge steel brakes so we've got white calipers honestly you're missing a lot of that pop and I feel like big yellow carbon ceramic brakes is like part of the image of the tie con I think the yellow calipers look amazing I really don't think you need the carbon ceramics for a car like this even though it does help stop the car quite well I t hink you should realistically just get the turbo I'm just gonna say that right off the bat and I'm
completely opposite I think you should get the carbon ceramics because this car gets away from you because it's so fast you not used to it and sometime you really need those carpet ceramics to help slow you down so then what would be the Continental recommended tire for the Porsche Tyco on that would be the Continental Pro contact Rx and lastly one is white one is silver the la st one we had was a dark grey which I absolutely hated because you couldn't see all the black accents to be honest after
seeing them both I think I'd be very fine with a silver instead of a white even though I'm still team white I think they should have switched the spec on these ones and the white should have had the amazing wheels so I really like the white with the white wheels yeah it's pretty much the exact same spec as the omission a prototype which is like everyone's favourite to have it just like the prototype and so this is kind of a looks thing but it's also a performance thing the turbo actually has a
better drag coefficient which means it's more slippery in the air I think it has something to do with the side vents the brake duct yes so on the turbo s it's fake vents you don't have any gap behind the wheel and when you're looking at it from the side view it's filled up but on the turbo it's fully open so I think that's one of the things that helps ma ke this car more slippery and get better fuel economy or battery economy because the turbo is the one that gets slightly better mileage but it's
totally weird that the faster one has fake vents and the slower one doesn't oh it's the weirdest thing like you and I had to do like a quadruple take we're like is it yeah I guess it is so what are the differences performance-wise between the two well they do have the exact same battery pack it's 93 kilowatt hours so it's not that it's actual ly in the motors they have the exact same motors in the back but in the front the Tyco on turbo s has a slightly bigger motor so they're both
all-wheel-drive and that's one of the reasons why it can put down a little bit more horsepower and have a better launch and the funny thing is the turbo is actually a little bit heavier and maybe it has something to do with those carbon ceramic brakes which are standard on the turbo s and just like our first Tyco on turbo s review they both have a two-speed transmission it's the exact same one between them and we've both noticed a little bit of clunking kind of going between high speed and low
speed when it changes between the speeds [Music] yeah Jacob pointed out that it feels like you're going over a rumble strip but I mean it's cool that you could feel things happening in the car especially electric cars which take out a lot of the feeling and if you put it into range mode then that puts it into the highe r gear all the time so you would never feel that in range mode but then it limits you to 120 km/h because it's a range mode and that's one of the differences between the Thai
Khan compared to the Tesla models they don't have different speed transmissions they just have a fixed one exactly Porsche is pretty much the only company that has done that and I think they did it more for like Autobahn Nurburgring speeds and stuff like that yeah so you get more torque and more efficiency the best of both worlds so I touched on the turbo having a slightly better range let's get to the range and charging stuff now the turbo has a range of 201 miles or 323 kilometers and the
turbo s is 192 miles or 309 kilometers so we did take note of the mileage and how many kilometers it said we could travel when we picked up the cars we're going to let you know by the very end how many we actually did driving it completely normally like doing launches filming sitting around with the AC on and also taking it easy a bit on the highway so now on to the charging times for level 350 kilowatts which is what most chargers are it takes one and a half hours to get from five to eighty
percent level three up to two hundred and seventy kilowatts takes twenty two and a half minutes for five to 80% these charges are still rolling out and they are part of Electrify America and Electrify Canada and Porsche owners do get three years of free electric charging at half an h our at a time and on a level two charger it charges in about ten and a half hours and one side of the Porsche has level two and the other side of the Porsche has level three we've got electric fuel caps on both sides
but the turbo has it as part of an optional Performance Package which also includes rear axle steering whereas the turbo s has rear axle steering which is standard and then we also have adaptive air suspension it's super comfortable and all the drive modes and you can rea lly see the car raise and lower when you switch it up yeah so the drive modes are arranged normal Sport Sport+ and individual sport plus by default has the loud electric sports sound on the inside and I think it sounds awesome
I'm just going to floor right now so cool spaceship yeah so what sounds like they're just going whoop whoop and overlaying it instead of actually having gears which is awesome and even when you're slowing down you get a lot of those cool electric car sounds it definitely takes the cake beats out the eye pace for the best electro ki stuff yeah spaceship sounds are where it's at for electric cars and then even from outside you can hear when it's backing up and using its parking sensors it sounds
like submarine radar like really cool so both in Sport+ PSM sport we're gonna go through cliches switch it up and see if we can tell a big difference or not the first thing I noticed is Porsche steering it is incredible pretty much feels like a 911 yeah oh and I'm plowing out a tiny bit on the turbo they do understeer a little bit but they're still so fun and very controllable and floor it oh got some oversteer but they are so flat this suspension is incredible so to me the turbo plowed a bit
it didn't really oversteer by didn't push it too hard but it did feel like it was on Rails through there like pretty much slack our territory way weird acceleration that I'm not used to so now we're gonna switch it up see if there's a d ifference on the launch and then see if there's a difference through cliche corner turbo launch feels the same and with 88 km/h but I'll floor it anyways okay even with no launch control it's still just as fast as the turbo with launch control and this has
less range and since these are electric cars even if you drive them in normal mode there's still just as fast pretty much all the time unless you're in range mode but we'll talk about that after cliche corner so against poor Plus and PS M Sport ok launching the turbo into cliche corner man this just it has a lot of grip but it does have less grip than the turbo s and the turbo s does come with much wider tires yeah the turbo s definitely oversteers a lot quicker before plowing and feels a lot
grippier through there but the steering feels exactly the same the horsepower feels exactly the same yet to be honest I think it comes down to tire size and tire style like if you have a performance or an all-sea son and if you fully turn off the traction control and try to do a little bit of a donut it's actually really easy and super controllable so then moving on to the interior we've got pretty much the exact same interior that we had in the tie con turbo s review that we did previously but
in this one we've got red yeah and in the turbo we've got black and in both of them we still don't have the optional passenger screen so if you want a lot of details watch our older turbo s review but there's a few things I want to touch on in this because we have now logged into an account that gives us Apple music yeah so I've never used Apple music before and I don't plan on using it but I'm sure for someone that has Apple music this is great to have well I think it's kind of dumb because if
you have Apple music it's probably cuz you have an iPhone and if you have an iPhone you don't need Apple music built into your car because you already have it on your phone there you go fr om an Apple person not even an Android person hating on it but I'm not hating on Apple I'm just hating on having that built in in general if it was Google Music it would be just as dumb of a feature and speaking of Google do we have Android auto in here no we don't we still don't have Android auto in here I
even tried hey Porsche enable Android auto doesn't have it because it's not part of Porsches stuff that they're including on any cars yet and we have apple carplay and unlike t he newer 911 Turbo S we've got the wider one with bigger buttons so that the icons on the left aren't the size of a baby's fingernail so being able to spend more time with this car I got to be more in depth with a lot of things did you notice that on satellite radio it does rewind by the way to click the bottoms at the
button you pretty much need to slide your finger along this bottom panel I didn't because I don't rewind satellite radios yeah the buttons are really low at the bot tom but the ledge sticks out so much so it's kind of tricky to hit stuff luckily your fingernails still works to touch everything and then the rest of the menus and everything is pretty easy to use but you should be parked while using it because it is kind of confusing these ones do have a hey Porsche feature hey Porsche turn on my
heated seats but it's not very helpful it's pretty much only good for like I have turned on the seat heating temperature and radio stations but you can' t control your Apple music through the voice commands and then we also have our vehicle settings so then you can go to your drive your sister your trip and your comfort but like a lot of other Porsches a lot of the stuff is grayed out while driving so we got to drive this on the highway and use Porsches new Lane keep assist system yes I believe
it's called Porsche you know Drive and it's quite an expensive option and with Porsche inner drive there's also a mode that will read street signs and slow you down according to what it sees I had to come to a full stop to turn that off because there's a lot of buttons you can't change while the vehicle is moving because that thing was pretty much a hazard it would slow me down in the middle of nowhere while it saw a Construction sign or something on the side once that was off it was pretty
decent to use yeah so it reads the speed limit signs and if there's constant changes on the highway because of construction zone s it's actually very frustrating yeah if all cars were actually autonomous and the robots actually drove like that all the roads would be a wreck so we've also got a 360 camera here which is pretty clear but it does kind of warp along the sides and what sucks is that it doesn't have a camera that shows you directly where your wheels are so when you're parallel parking
you have to use an augmented reality mode which makes it kind of scary because I don't know exactly how far the augm ented reality is from the wheels and I don't want to scratch them then we still have the shortcut button on the steering wheel and the gauge cluster screen but still like every other Porsche you can't toggle right through your favourites on satellite radio if you want to go from channel 5 to channel 4 you need to scroll through 300 channels and unlike the 911 Turbo S we do have
these vents that we can't actually touch we have to do it the infotainment to change them yeah it's pret ty much a vent simulator built into the car if you're trying to poach it at your face it's a total nightmare I think I just leave it on defuse and hope for the best will Auto climb it yeah I basically use auto climate in every car and I'm kind of forced to use it in this car and in the tie cone we also have a bottom screen which controls your infotainment it does have a couple icons at the top
which will show your applique play when it's plugged in so instead of having a hard button t hat's kind of a nice shortcut to have and you can also change your volume in two different ways on this bottom screen yes you can actually take two or three fingers and just slide up the screen or you can also just press the buttons for volume at the bottom but I've had the issue where every time I touch it I slap my fingers too far and all of a sudden start changing my climate and it also adds so much
grease to the screen and in the wrong sunlight you take this nice cool texture a nd pretty much just make it a full out smudge yeah there's not too much gloss black in here which is really nice however there's a lot of screens in here which happened to be gloss black because they're glass but it's nice that the main gauge cluster you can make it into a reduced mode yeah and I really like the power meter mode it's kind of like rpms without actually having rpms so then ask for drive modes I
assume you've been in Sport Plus this whole time entire time haven't changed it out so I've been doing some range on the highway and it's pretty cool because it kind of limits you at 120 kilometres an hour so if you do put your foot down unless you actually floor it all the way down it won't easily break 120 yeah I've used range mode on the highway and it's great for that but what sucks about the range mode and everything to do with range here we don't have a cool range score like we did in a
lot of the other easy cars and then we have buttons that we can actually press on our gauge display on the right and left of it which I've actually gotten pretty used to using after the first initial scare of I have to touch my gauge screen to control stuff but it's definitely a little gross seeing your finger prints there because they're right in front of you and then you can also connect your Porsche through a Porsche Connect app which lets you monitor I guess how much it charges overnight and
everything you can pre climate eyes it it's pretty useful but I didn't have to use it because my car was in an underground yeah and it's got a terrible rating on the Android app for some reason and then as for general interiors do you still like it as much as the earlier tie contest we reviewed I do like it especially in the red which is on the turbo s but even in black this looks really nice and it's very functional and it's very comfortable these seats are super comfortable that bolstering is
nice and soft this center consol e armrest is so annoying because it doesn't actually stay up so if you lift it up you have to hold it up and I've actually cut my finger on it and now I'm bleeding so I really don't like the center console how about not being able to fully close the sunroof do you mind that because I know you don't like open sunroof it is actually a bit of a pain it's just it's just constant Sun even though it is dimmed it's just constant and I can't turn it off well with the
visors help cover th e Sun so we should probably do the visor test three two one failed my pass but you know what if I was if I was bald I could probably hide my bald spot from the Sun like this I don't think so I mean if I drove like this or something and I do fit pretty comfortably behind myself at six foot one and a half and the trunk and the front not too much space the same as our last Tyco on turbo s review so with all that out of the way let's get to the prices so the turbo is the cheaper
one star ting at one hundred and seventy three thousand nine hundred dollars Canadian and it's optioned out to one hundred ninety one thousand seven hundred and forty dollars and how about the turbo s two hundred and thirteen thousand nine hundred to start Canadian and this one is two hundred and thirty seven thousand three hundred and ten dollars to be honest it's a lot but this car is so cool probably one of Porsches coolest non GT cars so now it's time to debate between both of these and
also get to that 911 Turbo S question I think personally between these two I'm team Tyco on turbo not Turbo S I think you should just save the money because they're pretty much exactly the same as each other as much as I love the crazy launches in the Turbo S yeah the launchers are pretty much the same the performance is pretty much the same but if I had the chance I go turbo ass because I would love to have a top trim in the press color white on white with the yellow brake calipers and we d id
drive the 911 Turbo S recently and we've been debating which one we take we would actually both take the Tyco on turbo which is crazy to say yeah I picked icon because the 911 Turbo S was cool but I get more thrills out of this and I think AG t9 11 would be way cooler so the 911 Turbo S just doesn't do it for me as much as everything else does yeah the Tyco on turbo and the Turbo S do it for me way more than the 911 Turbo ested but GT cars no I'd still take a GT car over any of t hese yeah a
hundred percent and end it off I want to give a huge thanks to amazed for partnering up with us on this video so click the link below and let us know which car is your favorite on omae's comm slash all cars [Music] Inglês Turbo S!
Taycan Turbo vs Turbo S Review - Better than a Porsche 911 Turbo S!
459.095 visualizações • 19 de jun. de 2021 • 2021 Porsche Taycan Turbo Review and 2021 Porsche Taycan Turbo S Review by The Straight Pipes. The Porsche Taycan Turbo makes more horsepower during a launch than the Turbo, but makes the same 616hp otherwise. Would this be your pick over the Porsche 911 Turbo S or Tesla Model S Performance? Check out https://bit.ly/YOU-Win-Cars to enter for a chance to win any of the cars currently on Omaze Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thestraightpipes Become a YouTube Member! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC86S... Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/thestraightp... Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thestraight... Twitter! https://twitter.com/StraightPipers Buy our merch at teespring.com/stores/thestraightpipes Check out Continental Tire at https://www.continentaltire.ca ------------------- #taycan #taycanturbo #taycanturbos ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

[Music] motor drive Boise 20 Porsche hike on turbo 20 20 Porsche tyke on turbo s with launch control with launch control oh my god okay that's fast so hit me with the horsepower and torque the turbo has up to 670 horsepower and 626 pound-feet of torque during launch control otherwise 616 horsepower and the turbo s has up to 750 horsepower 774 pound-feet of torque in over boost during launch control otherwise the same 616 horsepower so I guess if I floor it'll be pretty fast and since I'm in the
slightly faster one apparently yup feels just as fast as that one be honest they're pretty much the exact same speed unless you're in launch control but even in launch control pretty much no one's gonna feel the difference because they're both faster than pretty much anything you've ever driven in your life yeah so the turbo is actually rated for 0 to 100 kilometers in 3.2 seconds the turbo s is 2.8 seconds but in reality they're pretty much identical and they feel the same so as mos t of you
guys know we've already reviewed the Tai con turbo s now we're going to compare both to see if it really matters do you need the turbo s more than the turbo but first we're super excited to announce that again we're partnering with omae's the last two times we did the g63 and the e63 s this time we want to show you all of the cars that you can enter for a chance to win on omae's comm slash all cars the best part about amazed that every one of their prizes is paired with a n incredible cause so
when you're doing it for the chance to win a car you're supporting the work of some really great organizations all you have to do is go to amaze comm slash all cars and enter for your chance to win one taxes and shipping on the cars are included and amazing we even throw in $20,000 cash for the lucky winner some of the cars that you can win right now are actually cars that we've driven like the 2020 Corvette Stingray's EDD 51 which is benefitting the Ronald Re agan UCLA Medical Center there's
also the 2020 Range Rover Sport SVR which is benefitting feeding America which is supplying America's network of over 200 food banks and there's also the 2020 Porsche ty con turbo which is one of the cars that we're driving right now and that's benefiting the Dempsey Center which is committed to making life better for people managing the impact of cancer so go to amaze comm slash all cars or click the link below to see all of the cars you can enter for a chance to win right now and before we get
back to the review quickly here are some of the past winners of some of those awesome cars a yury think you know what time it is send it it's so fast I feel like there's pretty much no difference no there really isn't and the fact that they have the same horsepower when not in launch control means that there really isn't okay so let's briefly touch on the looks because we've already reviewed one of these and talked about the looks but o ne of these has the perfect wheels yes and it's the grey one
that I'm driving which is the turbo s and you can get these wheels on the turbo but the turbo s just comes with these wheels and it's cool because you can get the white wheels on anything but you also can get them color matched so on the turbo s it's silver it's color match to the car but you can also get them in white and you can also get them in white for non-white versions yeah so if you watched our other review you know how much that we complain about not having these wheels and I
love having these wheels so much you have to get these wheels if you buy this car and then another difference is that the tie con turbo has color matched accents at the front and on the sides where the turbo ass has carbon fiber instead what do you think looks better I think they both look pretty good the darker accents make it look a little bit more aggressive but I like the white color match more I think yeah I think I'd go color match as well and then another difference we have is on the
electric gas caps or whatever they're called the electricity charging caps the electric fuel door I think okay a fuel door the turbo s you can slide your finger below and it's the cool electronic version that comes up and on the turbo you just need to click and it flaps up but you can get it optionally on the turbo as well if you pay extra and the last notable feature between the two is the brake cali pers / the brakes the turbo S comes standard with carbon ceramics and they are bright yellow and
they stop you like crazy and this turbo has normal huge steel brakes so we've got white calipers honestly you're missing a lot of that pop and I feel like big yellow carbon ceramic brakes is like part of the image of the tie con I think the yellow calipers look amazing I really don't think you need the carbon ceramics for a car like this even though it does help stop the car quite well I t hink you should realistically just get the turbo I'm just gonna say that right off the bat and I'm
completely opposite I think you should get the carbon ceramics because this car gets away from you because it's so fast you not used to it and sometime you really need those carpet ceramics to help slow you down so then what would be the Continental recommended tire for the Porsche Tyco on that would be the Continental Pro contact Rx and lastly one is white one is silver the la st one we had was a dark grey which I absolutely hated because you couldn't see all the black accents to be honest after
seeing them both I think I'd be very fine with a silver instead of a white even though I'm still team white I think they should have switched the spec on these ones and the white should have had the amazing wheels so I really like the white with the white wheels yeah it's pretty much the exact same spec as the omission a prototype which is like everyone's favourite to have it just like the prototype and so this is kind of a looks thing but it's also a performance thing the turbo actually has a
better drag coefficient which means it's more slippery in the air I think it has something to do with the side vents the brake duct yes so on the turbo s it's fake vents you don't have any gap behind the wheel and when you're looking at it from the side view it's filled up but on the turbo it's fully open so I think that's one of the things that helps ma ke this car more slippery and get better fuel economy or battery economy because the turbo is the one that gets slightly better mileage but it's
totally weird that the faster one has fake vents and the slower one doesn't oh it's the weirdest thing like you and I had to do like a quadruple take we're like is it yeah I guess it is so what are the differences performance-wise between the two well they do have the exact same battery pack it's 93 kilowatt hours so it's not that it's actual ly in the motors they have the exact same motors in the back but in the front the Tyco on turbo s has a slightly bigger motor so they're both
all-wheel-drive and that's one of the reasons why it can put down a little bit more horsepower and have a better launch and the funny thing is the turbo is actually a little bit heavier and maybe it has something to do with those carbon ceramic brakes which are standard on the turbo s and just like our first Tyco on turbo s review they both have a two-speed transmission it's the exact same one between them and we've both noticed a little bit of clunking kind of going between high speed and low
speed when it changes between the speeds [Music] yeah Jacob pointed out that it feels like you're going over a rumble strip but I mean it's cool that you could feel things happening in the car especially electric cars which take out a lot of the feeling and if you put it into range mode then that puts it into the highe r gear all the time so you would never feel that in range mode but then it limits you to 120 km/h because it's a range mode and that's one of the differences between the Thai
Khan compared to the Tesla models they don't have different speed transmissions they just have a fixed one exactly Porsche is pretty much the only company that has done that and I think they did it more for like Autobahn Nurburgring speeds and stuff like that yeah so you get more torque and more efficiency the best of both worlds so I touched on the turbo having a slightly better range let's get to the range and charging stuff now the turbo has a range of 201 miles or 323 kilometers and the
turbo s is 192 miles or 309 kilometers so we did take note of the mileage and how many kilometers it said we could travel when we picked up the cars we're going to let you know by the very end how many we actually did driving it completely normally like doing launches filming sitting around with the AC on and also taking it easy a bit on the highway so now on to the charging times for level 350 kilowatts which is what most chargers are it takes one and a half hours to get from five to eighty
percent level three up to two hundred and seventy kilowatts takes twenty two and a half minutes for five to 80% these charges are still rolling out and they are part of Electrify America and Electrify Canada and Porsche owners do get three years of free electric charging at half an h our at a time and on a level two charger it charges in about ten and a half hours and one side of the Porsche has level two and the other side of the Porsche has level three we've got electric fuel caps on both sides
but the turbo has it as part of an optional Performance Package which also includes rear axle steering whereas the turbo s has rear axle steering which is standard and then we also have adaptive air suspension it's super comfortable and all the drive modes and you can rea lly see the car raise and lower when you switch it up yeah so the drive modes are arranged normal Sport Sport+ and individual sport plus by default has the loud electric sports sound on the inside and I think it sounds awesome
I'm just going to floor right now so cool spaceship yeah so what sounds like they're just going whoop whoop and overlaying it instead of actually having gears which is awesome and even when you're slowing down you get a lot of those cool electric car sounds it definitely takes the cake beats out the eye pace for the best electro ki stuff yeah spaceship sounds are where it's at for electric cars and then even from outside you can hear when it's backing up and using its parking sensors it sounds
like submarine radar like really cool so both in Sport+ PSM sport we're gonna go through cliches switch it up and see if we can tell a big difference or not the first thing I noticed is Porsche steering it is incredible pretty much feels like a 911 yeah oh and I'm plowing out a tiny bit on the turbo they do understeer a little bit but they're still so fun and very controllable and floor it oh got some oversteer but they are so flat this suspension is incredible so to me the turbo plowed a bit
it didn't really oversteer by didn't push it too hard but it did feel like it was on Rails through there like pretty much slack our territory way weird acceleration that I'm not used to so now we're gonna switch it up see if there's a d ifference on the launch and then see if there's a difference through cliche corner turbo launch feels the same and with 88 km/h but I'll floor it anyways okay even with no launch control it's still just as fast as the turbo with launch control and this has
less range and since these are electric cars even if you drive them in normal mode there's still just as fast pretty much all the time unless you're in range mode but we'll talk about that after cliche corner so against poor Plus and PS M Sport ok launching the turbo into cliche corner man this just it has a lot of grip but it does have less grip than the turbo s and the turbo s does come with much wider tires yeah the turbo s definitely oversteers a lot quicker before plowing and feels a lot
grippier through there but the steering feels exactly the same the horsepower feels exactly the same yet to be honest I think it comes down to tire size and tire style like if you have a performance or an all-sea son and if you fully turn off the traction control and try to do a little bit of a donut it's actually really easy and super controllable so then moving on to the interior we've got pretty much the exact same interior that we had in the tie con turbo s review that we did previously but
in this one we've got red yeah and in the turbo we've got black and in both of them we still don't have the optional passenger screen so if you want a lot of details watch our older turbo s review but there's a few things I want to touch on in this because we have now logged into an account that gives us Apple music yeah so I've never used Apple music before and I don't plan on using it but I'm sure for someone that has Apple music this is great to have well I think it's kind of dumb because if
you have Apple music it's probably cuz you have an iPhone and if you have an iPhone you don't need Apple music built into your car because you already have it on your phone there you go fr om an Apple person not even an Android person hating on it but I'm not hating on Apple I'm just hating on having that built in in general if it was Google Music it would be just as dumb of a feature and speaking of Google do we have Android auto in here no we don't we still don't have Android auto in here I
even tried hey Porsche enable Android auto doesn't have it because it's not part of Porsches stuff that they're including on any cars yet and we have apple carplay and unlike t he newer 911 Turbo S we've got the wider one with bigger buttons so that the icons on the left aren't the size of a baby's fingernail so being able to spend more time with this car I got to be more in depth with a lot of things did you notice that on satellite radio it does rewind by the way to click the bottoms at the
button you pretty much need to slide your finger along this bottom panel I didn't because I don't rewind satellite radios yeah the buttons are really low at the bot tom but the ledge sticks out so much so it's kind of tricky to hit stuff luckily your fingernails still works to touch everything and then the rest of the menus and everything is pretty easy to use but you should be parked while using it because it is kind of confusing these ones do have a hey Porsche feature hey Porsche turn on my
heated seats but it's not very helpful it's pretty much only good for like I have turned on the seat heating temperature and radio stations but you can' t control your Apple music through the voice commands and then we also have our vehicle settings so then you can go to your drive your sister your trip and your comfort but like a lot of other Porsches a lot of the stuff is grayed out while driving so we got to drive this on the highway and use Porsches new Lane keep assist system yes I believe
it's called Porsche you know Drive and it's quite an expensive option and with Porsche inner drive there's also a mode that will read street signs and slow you down according to what it sees I had to come to a full stop to turn that off because there's a lot of buttons you can't change while the vehicle is moving because that thing was pretty much a hazard it would slow me down in the middle of nowhere while it saw a Construction sign or something on the side once that was off it was pretty
decent to use yeah so it reads the speed limit signs and if there's constant changes on the highway because of construction zone s it's actually very frustrating yeah if all cars were actually autonomous and the robots actually drove like that all the roads would be a wreck so we've also got a 360 camera here which is pretty clear but it does kind of warp along the sides and what sucks is that it doesn't have a camera that shows you directly where your wheels are so when you're parallel parking
you have to use an augmented reality mode which makes it kind of scary because I don't know exactly how far the augm ented reality is from the wheels and I don't want to scratch them then we still have the shortcut button on the steering wheel and the gauge cluster screen but still like every other Porsche you can't toggle right through your favourites on satellite radio if you want to go from channel 5 to channel 4 you need to scroll through 300 channels and unlike the 911 Turbo S we do have
these vents that we can't actually touch we have to do it the infotainment to change them yeah it's pret ty much a vent simulator built into the car if you're trying to poach it at your face it's a total nightmare I think I just leave it on defuse and hope for the best will Auto climb it yeah I basically use auto climate in every car and I'm kind of forced to use it in this car and in the tie cone we also have a bottom screen which controls your infotainment it does have a couple icons at the top
which will show your applique play when it's plugged in so instead of having a hard button t hat's kind of a nice shortcut to have and you can also change your volume in two different ways on this bottom screen yes you can actually take two or three fingers and just slide up the screen or you can also just press the buttons for volume at the bottom but I've had the issue where every time I touch it I slap my fingers too far and all of a sudden start changing my climate and it also adds so much
grease to the screen and in the wrong sunlight you take this nice cool texture a nd pretty much just make it a full out smudge yeah there's not too much gloss black in here which is really nice however there's a lot of screens in here which happened to be gloss black because they're glass but it's nice that the main gauge cluster you can make it into a reduced mode yeah and I really like the power meter mode it's kind of like rpms without actually having rpms so then ask for drive modes I
assume you've been in Sport Plus this whole time entire time haven't changed it out so I've been doing some range on the highway and it's pretty cool because it kind of limits you at 120 kilometres an hour so if you do put your foot down unless you actually floor it all the way down it won't easily break 120 yeah I've used range mode on the highway and it's great for that but what sucks about the range mode and everything to do with range here we don't have a cool range score like we did in a
lot of the other easy cars and then we have buttons that we can actually press on our gauge display on the right and left of it which I've actually gotten pretty used to using after the first initial scare of I have to touch my gauge screen to control stuff but it's definitely a little gross seeing your finger prints there because they're right in front of you and then you can also connect your Porsche through a Porsche Connect app which lets you monitor I guess how much it charges overnight and
everything you can pre climate eyes it it's pretty useful but I didn't have to use it because my car was in an underground yeah and it's got a terrible rating on the Android app for some reason and then as for general interiors do you still like it as much as the earlier tie contest we reviewed I do like it especially in the red which is on the turbo s but even in black this looks really nice and it's very functional and it's very comfortable these seats are super comfortable that bolstering is
nice and soft this center consol e armrest is so annoying because it doesn't actually stay up so if you lift it up you have to hold it up and I've actually cut my finger on it and now I'm bleeding so I really don't like the center console how about not being able to fully close the sunroof do you mind that because I know you don't like open sunroof it is actually a bit of a pain it's just it's just constant Sun even though it is dimmed it's just constant and I can't turn it off well with the
visors help cover th e Sun so we should probably do the visor test three two one failed my pass but you know what if I was if I was bald I could probably hide my bald spot from the Sun like this I don't think so I mean if I drove like this or something and I do fit pretty comfortably behind myself at six foot one and a half and the trunk and the front not too much space the same as our last Tyco on turbo s review so with all that out of the way let's get to the prices so the turbo is the cheaper
one star ting at one hundred and seventy three thousand nine hundred dollars Canadian and it's optioned out to one hundred ninety one thousand seven hundred and forty dollars and how about the turbo s two hundred and thirteen thousand nine hundred to start Canadian and this one is two hundred and thirty seven thousand three hundred and ten dollars to be honest it's a lot but this car is so cool probably one of Porsches coolest non GT cars so now it's time to debate between both of these and
also get to that 911 Turbo S question I think personally between these two I'm team Tyco on turbo not Turbo S I think you should just save the money because they're pretty much exactly the same as each other as much as I love the crazy launches in the Turbo S yeah the launchers are pretty much the same the performance is pretty much the same but if I had the chance I go turbo ass because I would love to have a top trim in the press color white on white with the yellow brake calipers and we d id
drive the 911 Turbo S recently and we've been debating which one we take we would actually both take the Tyco on turbo which is crazy to say yeah I picked icon because the 911 Turbo S was cool but I get more thrills out of this and I think AG t9 11 would be way cooler so the 911 Turbo S just doesn't do it for me as much as everything else does yeah the Tyco on turbo and the Turbo S do it for me way more than the 911 Turbo ested but GT cars no I'd still take a GT car over any of t hese yeah a
hundred percent and end it off I want to give a huge thanks to amazed for partnering up with us on this video so click the link below and let us know which car is your favorite on omae's comm slash all cars [Music] Inglês Turbo S!
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