This Porsche has one HUGE Flaw - 2021 Porsche 718 Boxster Spyder Review
This Porsche has one HUGE Flaw - 2021 Porsche 718 Boxster S
279.133 visualizações • 4 de set. de 2021 • 2021 Porsche 718 Boxster Spyder Review by The Straight Pipes. The 718 Spyder is pumping out 414hp and 309 lb-ft tq from a 4L flat 6 cylinder engine. Sitting at $129,735 CAD, would this be your pick over the C8 Corvette, Porsche Cayman GT4, Porsche 911 Speedster lol? Patreon! YouTube Membership! Subscribe! Facebook! Instagram! Twitter! MERCH! Check out Continental Tire at Blackhorn Offroad wheels (discount code 'straightpipes'): ------------------- #porsche #boxster #spyder ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais
[Music] roof [Music] i'm jake i'm here and we're going for a drive [Music] 2020 porsche 718 spyder with launch control 8 000 come on 8 000 again and that's it i gotta back off [Music] horsepower torque 414 horsepower 309 pound-feet of torque from a 4-liter naturally aspirated flat 6 engine so was that launch control only first and second yes it was and why is that well because i still want to keep my license so here's the problem with this car i'm just going to flat out say it right away the
gearing sucks just straight up sucks and ruins the whole experience of this car yeah because it shifts at 8 000 which naturally aspirated which is awesome except you can't use it second gear ends at 140 kilometers an hour yes so to prove my point throughout this entire review i'm going to leave it in second gear and i'm going to have no issues the audio is not going to be too loud because right now i'm cruising going about 3 500 rpm yeah and even if you floor to that rpm you're still not going
to have full power until you're very near the end yeah and i'm going to rant more about the transmission in a second but the exhaust also sucks below 4000 rpm so like this makes no sound below 4 000 but i mean at top end it does sound pretty good yes but how many times can you get there legally only in first gear exactly like it's crazy so i'm going to send it into cliche corner but for the first time ever no downshift into cliche corner because you can't really downshift at the first going like
60. oh man this handles really well okay so everything i said about the transmission does ruin the experience but the handling is impeccable yeah it oversteers a little bit but it's mostly understeer at first and then you kind of power through and then you get some oversteer just like all porsches they're amazing the driving position is amazing the steering feel the feeling of the shifter the feeling of the pedals it's all perfect and notice i didn't shift at all yet like i'm literally not going
to shift out of second year this entire review it's pretty much an automatic yes it really is this car would be better in pdk yes and apparently that is coming later this year so i saw an article from an australian magazine and they had a chance to speak to dr frank stephen wallacer who was the head of porsche motorsports and what did he say about this glorious gearing in the transmission well that's actually where he admitted the fact that it was an older transmission and it was technically not
possible to have shorter gears even though he would have liked to see shorter gears yeah well i guess that sucks pretty much totally ruins it it really does for road driving i'm sure on track it might be better i'm sure it would be better so let's cut to the clip of the track all right driving the 718 boxster spider i know it's not a boxer i'm gonna keep saying it on the racetrack and this thing is fantastic everything we said about it on the road about the transmission that still applies but on
the racetrack doesn't really matter it's actually really good you basically just do this track in second gear now this is most sport this is canadian tire motorsports park and this is the driver development track so it's much shorter course and this is basically a second gear course for this car you ping it off that limiter 8 000 sounds awesome but i mean you drive it on the road and it just you can't get to that second gear at 8 000 i can't really look down but i remember saying it's about 140
kilometers per hour and you don't really have to shift into third but when you do it's a joy so here we go i don't really have to but 8 000 shift this transmission is fantastic on the race track kyoto is amazing i know exactly what gear i'm in all the time i haven't missed any shifts man this is a fantastic track car i'm not really sure if i would ever track a convertible version of this i think i would prefer ju st the cayman itself so personally because of the roof and everything i actually
really like the cayman more and look forward to our canon review because we're also going to do a canon gt4 review because we're also driving on the track here today oh man i don't even need auto blip even though it has it this car handles so well it puts the power right down the psm or sport traction or traction doesn't get in the way rev match heel toe all day long 8 000 whoa okay i really like this on the track it has fully redeemed itself from the road review [Music] wow if you've got one of
these for the track good job see if i can get the third gear here [Music] just briefly and back on the brakes auto blip shift i would say that the gearing sucks like i did in the on road review but for track and going fast it's pretty freaking sweet but overall you wouldn't want to track your boxster 718 spider you'd probably get a cayman instead so i still feel very similar about the boxs ter 718 spider sorry i keep saying boxster 718 spider yo we are so lucky to have this job thank you all for
watching and subscribing you guys have made our lives the coolest with the best dream jobs ever just by watching and subscribing we appreciate all of you so much and all of that happened next week so we actually don't know how we felt about that yet that's right so i just want to sum up basically how you drive this car it's a six speed but it's really a three speed first rip up to second at like 70 kilometers an hour yep and then don't go any faster in second and sometimes go in reverse yeah
exactly those are the three gears one two and r and i'm actually getting really bored of second gear so i'm gonna go a little slower and downshift into first which i've never done mid-drive and i gotta back off because there's speed limits okay that's one of the craziest things about this is that like you're actually shifting into first while you're going like over 50 kilometers an hour because you have to thank god there's an auto blip feature so that like you know if you can actually get into
that gear or not and where to land on the rpm yeah so i rev match that myself but if i'm going to hit the auto blip and go into first perfect that's the most enjoyable two seconds i'll ever have in this car and if you're worried about shifting and checking your speed while you're doing everything even though we have the most perfect push attack on the ri ght bubble we can have the gear shift assist which will pretty much turn red when it's time to shift in your peripheral vision which is
absolutely perfect for shift lights and how many times do you see that per day first gear only yeah yeah so if you like honest reviews like this and our 350 other past reviews maybe consider subscribing all of those are honest too i just like those more so back to the suspension it actually has adaptive suspension and the whole front axle is from the gt3 so the suspension's really good the back end is unique to the spider and the cayman gt4 because this is basically a cayman gt4 without a top
but the cool thing about this is it has a fancy top like the 911 speedster where you have to manually retract and put it on but that one was much more enjoyable to actually use it functioned better this one takes a really long time to figure out and to actually do it once you even figure it out the hardest part is the little latch es over the spider logo you need to click those to unlatch them and then twist them weird to latch them back up and you have to do that before you lift up the whole
back part or when you're putting the top back on you need to clip that on before you do the final lock and the final log needs to be done with the key in there's just a whole lot of steps you need to do and it takes forever yeah it takes about a minute when you know what you're doing which is a long time but it is cool i get the whole making things manual so it's like more special i guess it's kind of built for people to take the top off once in the summer leave it in their garage and never
put that back on till winter that's exactly what this is built for even though it shares basically everything with the cayman gt4 which is a track car but i really don't think you would track this if you actually owned it maybe once just to prove a point but like realistically even though this is technicall y a gt car i wouldn't bother tracking this and then we don't have any drive modes because this is a gt car there's nothing on the steering wheel the only thing we have is esc off and esc plus
traction control off which still makes it very controllable through the cliche corner especially if you're letting the back out of it yeah if you want the back end to step out a bit you're definitely going to want to turn off traction there's no sport there's no kind of middle mode it's kind of off or on i guess the nice thing is you're never going to be like midway through a gear through a turn yeah because the gears are so long i can't even get to 8000 though it's ridiculous you
literally can't shift it ever and then we also have an exhaust button which if you get to 8000 sounds really good but when you don't below 4000 like i said doesn't sound very good yeah and even like the launch control pinging it doesn't sound as crazy as like the 911s or any of the o ther gt cars did but it is like pretty good sounding but nothing like spectacular and you know this goes to 8000 whereas the gt3 and gt3 rs goes to 9000. okay run me to 9000 but do not say anything let me just auto
blip into a second [Music] oh my god yes i love 9000 rpm so that's kind of my assessment of this car this is an 8 out of 10 versus the 9 out of 10. you're giving us an eight i'm being i'm being nice so that's enough me driving at 4000 rpm just one more rip your turn launc h control 8 000. back off back oh i can't even get close redline in this but that one shift was spectacular and that was a solid launch this will do zero to 100 kilometers per hour in 4.4 seconds which i believe matches the
previous gt4 alright let's get into the looks because this does have that speedster back which i think is the coolest looking thing ever so now the front end it's got all real grilles everywhere it looks really cool it looks very efficient yeah it's different than other gt cars the actual mesh and then at the bottom it does say spider spider's spelled with a wide because things are cooler when they're misspelled up there we do have a frunk with a whole bunch of room we should probably do the box
test box test shout out to all of our box test members thank you all on and welcome our new box test member tony up front and at the very back happy one year anniversary ali shout out to your partner who ordered that box for you so even though the box didn't fit in the back trunk there's still actually a ton of room and i'm very surprised yeah because the roof only gets stored in the most forward part the rest of its storage okay side view pretty much just a normal boxster yeah
pretty much kind of looks like a 911 speedster-ish yeah only because of that bubble back but besides that nothing too special except this paint it's kind of interesting it'll pop in certain lights but just a little bit i don't really li ke it yeah i believe it's called gentian blue i'm on board with not liking it as well i guess it's probably a good color if you're trying to hit 8000 rpm in second gear but i really like these wheels because they're like gt styles yeah i really like the look it's
almost like an updated modern look of the gt3 wheels and what would be the continental recommended tire the extreme contact sport so now to the back end we've got a cool diffuser at the bottom and nice dual exhaust and i don 't like that diffuser i think it looks pretty awkward you don't like the part in the middle how it's cut out right exactly i like it it just looks the more bigger it looks the more efficient i think it is but at least the exhaust tips look pretty good yeah they look good
except for you could like see the bright muffler right behind it yeah okay then tail lights are pretty normal just two solid lines and then we got a spoiler that moves up and down but when you look from the back and look from above you see that bubble back speedster style thing and it looks fantastic overall i think this car looks pretty good yes 100 better than every other boxer because of the back 718 yuri it's not called the boxster anymore same okay so the funny thing about the 718 thing is
they use that number to bring back heritage for the four cylinder but this is a six cylinder so it really doesn't make sense here yeah but like you know branding is branding no you mean marketing be m arketing they're both the same all right i'm gonna slow it down get into first so i can actually use it three two one and like it pulls really hard yeah it's got just the right amount of power i've got no issues with this actual engine and the power delivery of it it's just the stupid gearing and
it kind of sounds really good at the back especially with no top i would love to drive this on a big gt track maybe i already did love driving it you actually only drove it on a small gt t rack ah darn i know so now moving inside the 718 spider some things i like we've got the old school attack i love having the speedo and the gear right there in the middle and i love being able to see all my gauges again and it's really nice to see 8000 even though you'll hit that once per day because it is an
older style porsche which shows because we do have the older style infotainment which still does have apple carplay but everything else is pretty much a nightmare to use yeah n o android auto everything else kind of sucks but we've got hard buttons down here which is really good nothing glossy nothing weird like the new ones love that and then we also have the old style cup holders which they've replaced with kind of like a single one on the new 911 yeah these kind of suck uh put a monster energy
drink in that for me all right let's see what happens with a monster energy drink uh it's gonna tip over all right kinda sucks yup what about the visor test um tota l fail locked in place and the seats themselves are very comfortable they're not too buckety they're just buckety enough where you don't have to get like the carbon fiber buckets and then on the side since it's a gt car we do have door pulls instead of like normal handles super lightweight and to get the car started and everything we
actually have to insert the key and turn it which is cool except for the fact that we need to put that in to move the top up and down every single time like and this also doesn't have proximity key so you have to unlock it with the key yeah it's like the weird conveniences that i'm missing that kind of suck even though it's like supposed to be a gt car hardcore put your top up and down yourself it's like yeah i kind of want those features like in the car if you want the hardcore gt car you
should probably just get the cayman gt4 yeah exactly all right so before we finish it off let me get a little center cliche corner in second no downshifts please uh it does want to plow a little bit before it oversteers exactly and you can stay in second the whole time which is good i think but i guess it'll get kind of old on normal streets yeah but see what i mean the initial thing that it wants to do is understeer and then you kind of have to back off let it kind of dive in and then
it'll oversteer with more throttle yeah a little throttle will push right out which is good because it's safe it's kind of what you want it to do it's a mid-engine car which we never mentioned but it's not like a 911 which is rear engine so with all that stuff out of the way let's get to the price it starts at one hundred and ten thousand five hundred dollars canadian and this one is optioned out to 129 735 that seems like a pretty good price for a gt car it really is and i was genuinely
excited to drive this because my expectations were very high maybe they were too high i don't know what it is but it 's just it's the transmission that just totally ruins the car for me because this is a really good car otherwise yeah it's just no fun to drive on normal roads like there i shifted into third for no reason exactly i was already at 5000 rpm now i'm down to three and a half and like if i floor it there's nothing and i still won't have anything for another five seconds of flooring so
like honestly i would just take a miata over this maybe three miatas for me i don't even know what it co mes out to or a base boxster i've been wanting to drive a base boxster for so long but like it's hard to get our hands on them because everyone keeps wanting to push us like the faster model sorry a 718 my bad i'm gonna call it boxer i know it's a it's a boxer because that's what i like the first gen with the runny egg headlights in yellow yellow black whatever but i feel like we had a
lot more fun in the 718 gts's and the career teas yeah so i would suggest watching that play pyder Review
This Porsche has one HUGE Flaw - 2021 Porsche 718 Boxster Spyder Review
279.133 visualizações • 4 de set. de 2021 • 2021 Porsche 718 Boxster Spyder Review by The Straight Pipes. The 718 Spyder is pumping out 414hp and 309 lb-ft tq from a 4L flat 6 cylinder engine. Sitting at $129,735 CAD, would this be your pick over the C8 Corvette, Porsche Cayman GT4, Porsche 911 Speedster lol? Patreon! YouTube Membership! Subscribe! Facebook! Instagram! Twitter! MERCH! Check out Continental Tire at Blackhorn Offroad wheels (discount code 'straightpipes'): ------------------- #porsche #boxster #spyder ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

[Music] roof [Music] i'm jake i'm here and we're going for a drive [Music] 2020 porsche 718 spyder with launch control 8 000 come on 8 000 again and that's it i gotta back off [Music] horsepower torque 414 horsepower 309 pound-feet of torque from a 4-liter naturally aspirated flat 6 engine so was that launch control only first and second yes it was and why is that well because i still want to keep my license so here's the problem with this car i'm just going to flat out say it right away the
gearing sucks just straight up sucks and ruins the whole experience of this car yeah because it shifts at 8 000 which naturally aspirated which is awesome except you can't use it second gear ends at 140 kilometers an hour yes so to prove my point throughout this entire review i'm going to leave it in second gear and i'm going to have no issues the audio is not going to be too loud because right now i'm cruising going about 3 500 rpm yeah and even if you floor to that rpm you're still not going
to have full power until you're very near the end yeah and i'm going to rant more about the transmission in a second but the exhaust also sucks below 4000 rpm so like this makes no sound below 4 000 but i mean at top end it does sound pretty good yes but how many times can you get there legally only in first gear exactly like it's crazy so i'm going to send it into cliche corner but for the first time ever no downshift into cliche corner because you can't really downshift at the first going like
60. oh man this handles really well okay so everything i said about the transmission does ruin the experience but the handling is impeccable yeah it oversteers a little bit but it's mostly understeer at first and then you kind of power through and then you get some oversteer just like all porsches they're amazing the driving position is amazing the steering feel the feeling of the shifter the feeling of the pedals it's all perfect and notice i didn't shift at all yet like i'm literally not going
to shift out of second year this entire review it's pretty much an automatic yes it really is this car would be better in pdk yes and apparently that is coming later this year so i saw an article from an australian magazine and they had a chance to speak to dr frank stephen wallacer who was the head of porsche motorsports and what did he say about this glorious gearing in the transmission well that's actually where he admitted the fact that it was an older transmission and it was technically not
possible to have shorter gears even though he would have liked to see shorter gears yeah well i guess that sucks pretty much totally ruins it it really does for road driving i'm sure on track it might be better i'm sure it would be better so let's cut to the clip of the track all right driving the 718 boxster spider i know it's not a boxer i'm gonna keep saying it on the racetrack and this thing is fantastic everything we said about it on the road about the transmission that still applies but on
the racetrack doesn't really matter it's actually really good you basically just do this track in second gear now this is most sport this is canadian tire motorsports park and this is the driver development track so it's much shorter course and this is basically a second gear course for this car you ping it off that limiter 8 000 sounds awesome but i mean you drive it on the road and it just you can't get to that second gear at 8 000 i can't really look down but i remember saying it's about 140
kilometers per hour and you don't really have to shift into third but when you do it's a joy so here we go i don't really have to but 8 000 shift this transmission is fantastic on the race track kyoto is amazing i know exactly what gear i'm in all the time i haven't missed any shifts man this is a fantastic track car i'm not really sure if i would ever track a convertible version of this i think i would prefer ju st the cayman itself so personally because of the roof and everything i actually
really like the cayman more and look forward to our canon review because we're also going to do a canon gt4 review because we're also driving on the track here today oh man i don't even need auto blip even though it has it this car handles so well it puts the power right down the psm or sport traction or traction doesn't get in the way rev match heel toe all day long 8 000 whoa okay i really like this on the track it has fully redeemed itself from the road review [Music] wow if you've got one of
these for the track good job see if i can get the third gear here [Music] just briefly and back on the brakes auto blip shift i would say that the gearing sucks like i did in the on road review but for track and going fast it's pretty freaking sweet but overall you wouldn't want to track your boxster 718 spider you'd probably get a cayman instead so i still feel very similar about the boxs ter 718 spider sorry i keep saying boxster 718 spider yo we are so lucky to have this job thank you all for
watching and subscribing you guys have made our lives the coolest with the best dream jobs ever just by watching and subscribing we appreciate all of you so much and all of that happened next week so we actually don't know how we felt about that yet that's right so i just want to sum up basically how you drive this car it's a six speed but it's really a three speed first rip up to second at like 70 kilometers an hour yep and then don't go any faster in second and sometimes go in reverse yeah
exactly those are the three gears one two and r and i'm actually getting really bored of second gear so i'm gonna go a little slower and downshift into first which i've never done mid-drive and i gotta back off because there's speed limits okay that's one of the craziest things about this is that like you're actually shifting into first while you're going like over 50 kilometers an hour because you have to thank god there's an auto blip feature so that like you know if you can actually get into
that gear or not and where to land on the rpm yeah so i rev match that myself but if i'm going to hit the auto blip and go into first perfect that's the most enjoyable two seconds i'll ever have in this car and if you're worried about shifting and checking your speed while you're doing everything even though we have the most perfect push attack on the ri ght bubble we can have the gear shift assist which will pretty much turn red when it's time to shift in your peripheral vision which is
absolutely perfect for shift lights and how many times do you see that per day first gear only yeah yeah so if you like honest reviews like this and our 350 other past reviews maybe consider subscribing all of those are honest too i just like those more so back to the suspension it actually has adaptive suspension and the whole front axle is from the gt3 so the suspension's really good the back end is unique to the spider and the cayman gt4 because this is basically a cayman gt4 without a top
but the cool thing about this is it has a fancy top like the 911 speedster where you have to manually retract and put it on but that one was much more enjoyable to actually use it functioned better this one takes a really long time to figure out and to actually do it once you even figure it out the hardest part is the little latch es over the spider logo you need to click those to unlatch them and then twist them weird to latch them back up and you have to do that before you lift up the whole
back part or when you're putting the top back on you need to clip that on before you do the final lock and the final log needs to be done with the key in there's just a whole lot of steps you need to do and it takes forever yeah it takes about a minute when you know what you're doing which is a long time but it is cool i get the whole making things manual so it's like more special i guess it's kind of built for people to take the top off once in the summer leave it in their garage and never
put that back on till winter that's exactly what this is built for even though it shares basically everything with the cayman gt4 which is a track car but i really don't think you would track this if you actually owned it maybe once just to prove a point but like realistically even though this is technicall y a gt car i wouldn't bother tracking this and then we don't have any drive modes because this is a gt car there's nothing on the steering wheel the only thing we have is esc off and esc plus
traction control off which still makes it very controllable through the cliche corner especially if you're letting the back out of it yeah if you want the back end to step out a bit you're definitely going to want to turn off traction there's no sport there's no kind of middle mode it's kind of off or on i guess the nice thing is you're never going to be like midway through a gear through a turn yeah because the gears are so long i can't even get to 8000 though it's ridiculous you
literally can't shift it ever and then we also have an exhaust button which if you get to 8000 sounds really good but when you don't below 4000 like i said doesn't sound very good yeah and even like the launch control pinging it doesn't sound as crazy as like the 911s or any of the o ther gt cars did but it is like pretty good sounding but nothing like spectacular and you know this goes to 8000 whereas the gt3 and gt3 rs goes to 9000. okay run me to 9000 but do not say anything let me just auto
blip into a second [Music] oh my god yes i love 9000 rpm so that's kind of my assessment of this car this is an 8 out of 10 versus the 9 out of 10. you're giving us an eight i'm being i'm being nice so that's enough me driving at 4000 rpm just one more rip your turn launc h control 8 000. back off back oh i can't even get close redline in this but that one shift was spectacular and that was a solid launch this will do zero to 100 kilometers per hour in 4.4 seconds which i believe matches the
previous gt4 alright let's get into the looks because this does have that speedster back which i think is the coolest looking thing ever so now the front end it's got all real grilles everywhere it looks really cool it looks very efficient yeah it's different than other gt cars the actual mesh and then at the bottom it does say spider spider's spelled with a wide because things are cooler when they're misspelled up there we do have a frunk with a whole bunch of room we should probably do the box
test box test shout out to all of our box test members thank you all on and welcome our new box test member tony up front and at the very back happy one year anniversary ali shout out to your partner who ordered that box for you so even though the box didn't fit in the back trunk there's still actually a ton of room and i'm very surprised yeah because the roof only gets stored in the most forward part the rest of its storage okay side view pretty much just a normal boxster yeah
pretty much kind of looks like a 911 speedster-ish yeah only because of that bubble back but besides that nothing too special except this paint it's kind of interesting it'll pop in certain lights but just a little bit i don't really li ke it yeah i believe it's called gentian blue i'm on board with not liking it as well i guess it's probably a good color if you're trying to hit 8000 rpm in second gear but i really like these wheels because they're like gt styles yeah i really like the look it's
almost like an updated modern look of the gt3 wheels and what would be the continental recommended tire the extreme contact sport so now to the back end we've got a cool diffuser at the bottom and nice dual exhaust and i don 't like that diffuser i think it looks pretty awkward you don't like the part in the middle how it's cut out right exactly i like it it just looks the more bigger it looks the more efficient i think it is but at least the exhaust tips look pretty good yeah they look good
except for you could like see the bright muffler right behind it yeah okay then tail lights are pretty normal just two solid lines and then we got a spoiler that moves up and down but when you look from the back and look from above you see that bubble back speedster style thing and it looks fantastic overall i think this car looks pretty good yes 100 better than every other boxer because of the back 718 yuri it's not called the boxster anymore same okay so the funny thing about the 718 thing is
they use that number to bring back heritage for the four cylinder but this is a six cylinder so it really doesn't make sense here yeah but like you know branding is branding no you mean marketing be m arketing they're both the same all right i'm gonna slow it down get into first so i can actually use it three two one and like it pulls really hard yeah it's got just the right amount of power i've got no issues with this actual engine and the power delivery of it it's just the stupid gearing and
it kind of sounds really good at the back especially with no top i would love to drive this on a big gt track maybe i already did love driving it you actually only drove it on a small gt t rack ah darn i know so now moving inside the 718 spider some things i like we've got the old school attack i love having the speedo and the gear right there in the middle and i love being able to see all my gauges again and it's really nice to see 8000 even though you'll hit that once per day because it is an
older style porsche which shows because we do have the older style infotainment which still does have apple carplay but everything else is pretty much a nightmare to use yeah n o android auto everything else kind of sucks but we've got hard buttons down here which is really good nothing glossy nothing weird like the new ones love that and then we also have the old style cup holders which they've replaced with kind of like a single one on the new 911 yeah these kind of suck uh put a monster energy
drink in that for me all right let's see what happens with a monster energy drink uh it's gonna tip over all right kinda sucks yup what about the visor test um tota l fail locked in place and the seats themselves are very comfortable they're not too buckety they're just buckety enough where you don't have to get like the carbon fiber buckets and then on the side since it's a gt car we do have door pulls instead of like normal handles super lightweight and to get the car started and everything we
actually have to insert the key and turn it which is cool except for the fact that we need to put that in to move the top up and down every single time like and this also doesn't have proximity key so you have to unlock it with the key yeah it's like the weird conveniences that i'm missing that kind of suck even though it's like supposed to be a gt car hardcore put your top up and down yourself it's like yeah i kind of want those features like in the car if you want the hardcore gt car you
should probably just get the cayman gt4 yeah exactly all right so before we finish it off let me get a little center cliche corner in second no downshifts please uh it does want to plow a little bit before it oversteers exactly and you can stay in second the whole time which is good i think but i guess it'll get kind of old on normal streets yeah but see what i mean the initial thing that it wants to do is understeer and then you kind of have to back off let it kind of dive in and then
it'll oversteer with more throttle yeah a little throttle will push right out which is good because it's safe it's kind of what you want it to do it's a mid-engine car which we never mentioned but it's not like a 911 which is rear engine so with all that stuff out of the way let's get to the price it starts at one hundred and ten thousand five hundred dollars canadian and this one is optioned out to 129 735 that seems like a pretty good price for a gt car it really is and i was genuinely
excited to drive this because my expectations were very high maybe they were too high i don't know what it is but it 's just it's the transmission that just totally ruins the car for me because this is a really good car otherwise yeah it's just no fun to drive on normal roads like there i shifted into third for no reason exactly i was already at 5000 rpm now i'm down to three and a half and like if i floor it there's nothing and i still won't have anything for another five seconds of flooring so
like honestly i would just take a miata over this maybe three miatas for me i don't even know what it co mes out to or a base boxster i've been wanting to drive a base boxster for so long but like it's hard to get our hands on them because everyone keeps wanting to push us like the faster model sorry a 718 my bad i'm gonna call it boxer i know it's a it's a boxer because that's what i like the first gen with the runny egg headlights in yellow yellow black whatever but i feel like we had a
lot more fun in the 718 gts's and the career teas yeah so i would suggest watching that play pyder Review
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