The Rolls-Royce SUV - 2021 Cullinan
The Rolls-Royce SUV - 2021 Cullinan
1.135.283 visualizações • 21 de dez. de 2021 • 2021 Rolls-Royce Cullinan Review. Considering a Bentley Bentayga, Lamborghini Urus, Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk, BMW X7, Mercedes-Benz GLS, Range Rover? Watch this Vehicle provided by @grandtouringautos - Support us on Patreon: Join us on YouTube, become a Member! Subscribe! Facebook! Instagram! Twitter! Buy our shirts! Profits go directly to burnouts: ------------------- #RollsRoyce #cullinan #rollsroycecullinan ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais
The Rolls-Royce SUV - 2021 Cullinan
1.135.283 visualizações • 21 de dez. de 2021 • 2021 Rolls-Royce Cullinan Review. Considering a Bentley Bentayga, Lamborghini Urus, Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk, BMW X7, Mercedes-Benz GLS, Range Rover? Watch this Vehicle provided by @grandtouringautos - Support us on Patreon: Join us on YouTube, become a Member! Subscribe! Facebook! Instagram! Twitter! Buy our shirts! Profits go directly to burnouts: ------------------- #RollsRoyce #cullinan #rollsroycecullinan ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

[Music] I'm Jacob Uriel go for a drive you didn't want sports cars you're not gonna get any more sports cars it's winter we got the 2019 Rolls Royce Cullinan let's take it down enough so this is the new rolls-royce SUV they've never had an SUV before that is correct and they've never had all-wheel drive so is this our first rolls-royce technically kind of no so we did a Mini Cooper Goodwood edition which was made by rolls-royce ish that's right ish but this is actually our first real rolls-royce
that's actually fully hand-built in Goodwood yo how much do you like rolls-royce I love rolls-royce it's so comfy it's so quiet it's so relaxing I understand rolls-royce and for those of you who don't understand rolls-royce they're super expensive but everything in here is so quality so smooth so nice and comfortable so fancy that's the big difference when people say this is the rolls-royce of things this is the rolls-royce of SUVs like it makes sense since we're at cliche corner thi s is
the most expensive car we've ever brought here give it the full luxury center this is the full luxurious end and I'm gonna floor it flat out this is amazing oh my god this is actually incredible like an absolute king sending this Tony I think the best part is the Spirit of Ecstasy the Spirit of Ecstasy is amazing but my god the handling in this thing you don't feel anything there's tons of body roll but you don't feel anything that's the whole point of this so let's put t he pedal down and hit me
with that horsepower and torque 563 horsepower and 627 pound-feet of torque twin turbo v12 it's pretty damn fast not gonna lie this thing is huge but it's also pretty fast so we would describe that speed as pure thrust so if you're used to private jets you will feel right at home here yeah and that thrust comes from a six and three-quarter litre v12 twin turbo as you said six and three-quarter it's six and three-quarter you cannot say 6.75 that is not correct interesting it technically is but
because of the Heritage you cannot call it that okay okay the pulling power is just basically non-stop like there's no lag it's a v12 with two turbos tacked on it's insane for the size of this car and the best part is it's so smooth because like the pedal feel and none of the sport modes or anything it's just rolls-royce mode exactly I wouldn't expect anything less we actually have a ZF 8-speed transmission and you cannot feel the shifts and you ca n't see what gear you're in and you can't do
anything about that and you don't even have an RPM gauge you have a power reserve gauge because rpm gauges are for peasants I love that and I love how it goes from right to left so if you're stopped you have a hundred in your reserve if you're going full speed you'll have like zero exactly and the gauges are so smooth they're digital but they look like they made them a hundred to 20 frames a second the least lagus thing the most realist ic looking gate I've ever seen digital this is all I've ever
wanted out of a digital gauge and I finally got it in a rolls-royce let's dial this back to rolls-royce what is a rolls-royce we have the Spirit of Ecstasy on the hood we have the rolls-royce grille which is classic on every rolls-royce we have suicide doors in the back coach doors your coach door coach doors but you know and what do we have in those doors color matched to the interior umbrellas and did you know that you can actually spec out your umbrella yeah of course I know you have echo
your umbrella no no like the handle the color everything quit tease them of how much this car costs it's half of a big number in Canadian yes okay I wanted to point out that a lot of rolls-royce sedans do look like they're almost an SUV as it is they are so big and no one understands how big they're until you see them in person next to an SUV so this one in real life it's kind of like they just lifted it up a bit it's not that extravagant of a design to go from a sedan to an SUV yeah design-wise
absolutely not but like size-wise this thing is massive and what else does rolls-royce always have on the wheels the weighted center cabs anti spinners yeah I guess they're really cool I remember seeing a bunch of Rolls Royces at the Bahamas Airport and all they were just hanging out with the rims perfectly like that that was actually two sandals I was supposed to go there one time and another thing a bout the doors only peasants closed their own doors okay so we got buttons on the driver side to
close both front doors yes we do on the passenger side I can close my own door automatically and on the back we have buttons right near the rear window to close your own door as well yeah and you can also close them all from the outside by just touching the button on the outside I feel like you gotta like hold it touch it for maybe two seconds or something I think you just tap it just a li ttle bit more than you normally think you would sound gangster it's the most gangster thing in the
world speaking of the back doors guess what we actually legitimately have in this car oh I know what it is peasant blockers yeah there sunshades they're straight-up curtains for peasant blocking yeah curtains but we've got little windows at the back that you have to manually close your own curtains yeah I felt that was a little bit too peasanty I kind of want an automatic one f or the back so let's bring it down a notch again rolls-royce competes pretty much on par with Bentley kind of but always
a notch above okay so that's what I want to find out from you so they're notch above who owns Bentley Volkswagen and then who owns rolls-royce BMW so this isn't built on any BMW platform no the old phantom was but this is on a completely new frame just like the new Phantom that's cool yeah and the old BMW engine has been completely reworked so this is a brand new en gine as well so it's not right out of the seventh series no it's not people complain about the last one being all seven series
related there's still some BMW stuff but definitely its own thing now everything's a rolls-royce thing but more rolls-royce things the doors are actually designed so that they wrap underneath a little bit so when you go mudding or whatever you do pheasant hunting whatever that is I think you're driving out to the polo game to watch it well you no longer have to get the back of your pants dirty because the side skirt is not exposed to the elements interesting that is attention to detail speaking
of attention to detail we should probably do some regular old tests we usually do yeah visor test I'm so excited for this is the most expensive visor test ever three two one yes yes yes Rolls Royce were you extra gentle with that pole no I wasn't I expect nothing but the best from rolls-royce so this is the most expensive car to ever pass the visor test and these are some damn nice visors small cup of coffee fits perfectly I think this is the first time a Tim Horton's small cup will be in this
car ever it actually probably is worldwide yeah no joke that's pretty cool though rewinding satellite radio station test this is a BMW infotainment it rewinds satellite radio stations I was able to repeat all of my favourite rap songs multiple times because the sound system is boomin okay sound systems the best yeah it's as clear as possible at the highest volume but now the next test what's that box test did you guys seriously think we were going to load this thing to the top with boxes not
with that interior just the patreon boxes close the trunks you know what's called a class just like the hot element no this car is so damn luxurious so nice to drive I don't want to stop driving it but I'm gonna let you drive are you gonna do the cliche thing and sit in the back no are you gonna do the next cliche thin g and wear suit no we already have cliche corner we don't need to do more cliches yeah I hope you don't mind but I'm going to rifle through as many gimmicks and features as I
possibly can because this thing is full of them go for it so our infotainment it's kind of a BMW infotainment but it looks way nicer it doesn't have those weird widgets it's just really cool graphics I agree we have our hotkeys here for our presets we can also make it a preset for time shift on 7 which I do so I can rewind and they are proximity yes so you put your finger there and it'll show up what's there and then somebody already programmed number 8 to be our Spirit of Ecstasy raise
and lower and you can also set that to be automatic so that when you park it no one will steal it and we control that from our scroll wheel right here which has the Rolls Royces Spirit of Ecstasy in the middle that stays that way if you've gotten out of a BMW recently and got into this it's pret ty much second nature we have a totally normal volume knob right in the middle yeah soon as I got in here I knew exactly where the volume knob was and then we have hard buttons for all of our climate
stuff for our heated seats cooled seats heated steering wheel it's amazing everything is aluminum the materials the textures everything is incredible all the gloss black shout-out gloss black I don't have to clean it love gloss black want more of it the next thing is our temperature so we've got off soft medium high and Max and then for our temperature settings we have a blue bar and a red bar that controls the upper portion and the lower portion it's so simple there's actually no automatic
climate in this car it's so fancy it is down in this area we also have an off-road mode button so it can go off-roading and it can also not go off-roading yeah apparently this thing can really send off right yeah we're I gotta try it but when you click the button you can also mess with your traction controls which is cool yeah cuz I couldn't find traction not that I really wanted to turn it off because I just wanted to know where it was and on the Left we have our buttons to raise the SUV or
lower the SUV because by the way this is on air suspension obviously and then we've got me interrupt you and talk about the air suspension just a little bit more go for it it is fully self leveling so there's actually a camera system that the camera is picking up everything ahead of the car and adjusting the suspension before the bumps in the road actually hit the car so it's at the right level all the time that's insane and the lowers when you get into it when you unlock it with your key fob or
when you touch the handle so it's easy to get in and out well it better for this price that I'm saying okay speaking of key fobs so you've got multiple keys when you come in with your key it gives you your driver settings so if you come in with the second key it'll adjust to their settings when they get in yeah but my Lexus had that too back to this button area we have a parking sensor button which like the BMW throws up our front camera 360 camera and then we can do the cool augmented reality
camera but this one's got a cool rolls-royce exactly obviously it does we just found out that this thing has night vision wild and then if we open up our center console wireless charging and USB sea ports so I kept shout out rolls-royce I can't plug in my iphone looking after the Android people even though this infotainment does not have apple carplay or Android auto and I think that's whatever because rolls-royce seems like the kind of company that puts whatever they want in there for you and
you're gonna take it because they did it the way they want it what are you gonna not buy a rolls-royce that's what I'm saying bro exactly like hey you don't want to see your infotainment boo and we'll cover for you and the s teering my god it's so light oh it's so smooth but this has four-wheel steering so in parking lots it's actually still really easy to drive and we've got radar cruise that we can use on the steering wheel and volume control and everything and this thing on the highway is so
nice to drive I do have one NIT to pick with the steering wheel though alright I am somewhat upset that the center cap isn't a zero gravity spinner like the wheels that's a good point probably wouldn't be good fo r airbag stuff yeah exactly but whatever and it's all gloss black which is beautiful in this car and chrome the chrome here is like really good I don't know if it's chrome if it's been polished whatever it is all hand polished in here this is real metal it's not like yeah yeah it's not a
Lincoln plastic no no it's all real metal and it's all hand polished because this is a rolls-royce everything's done by hand all of the stitching everything is done by hand we also have a very lightwe ight but very high quality shifter does it feel out of place no it's very light and honestly I'm kind of upset that I have to pull it towards myself slightly yeah we have two seat controls obviously but we do have massage seats it's probably more comfortable than the Mercedes massages and I love the
Mercedes massages I do agree however we do not have the optional bucket seats in the back which also would have had massages so these actually don't have massages back but to be honest I t hink more people will drive this than a phantom phantom you get driven in this you drive because you already own a phantom that's true and before we get into the back section I want to talk about some more the materials upfront look at this cool wood pattern we have here oh my god you can option whatever you
want but this one looks awesome and our speaker covers look expensive too there's no regular grip to close the door for yourself ah peasant would think that you have to grip up here exactly and then I learned about the button I'd never touch there yeah and another quality thing the clock we have on the dashboard this is a six thousand dollar optional clock you can get a slightly cheaper looking clock as well and it looks really cool at night - speaking of night time we do have interior lighting
but it's only cool white or warm white and it's so hard to see it is very faint no cheese at all in this car and also with nighttime we have this light bar up here the one is like a nice like old-time you lamp it's a diffused light and that'll give you a nice glow and then if you click the next button to the left it lights this thing up so bright and it's a cooler white it's so perfect it's like the exact amount of light I need when I need to see something in my car at night yeah and it lights
up these beautiful seats which by the way peanut butter that's the color for this that's what I'm calling it okay that's the rap term tell me more about these seats the seats are so comfortable easily the most comfortable seats I've ever sat in they are the most comfortable because I got into another high-end car right after driving this and it felt hard plastic heat yeah and that's a pretty high-end car too and I should also mention that we have heated armrest in the front and in the back yes
we do let's move on to the back we have us beat C Chargers in the doors and we have a nice little center console but it's not that fancy it' s just kind of for your cups the rear seats are also heated and then we also have trays with screens and like the 7 Series the screens don't really do much they give you control of the front but they don't have like an airplane infotainment system like I would like yeah so it does have screen mirroring but it just doesn't work very well how's the leg room
back there fantastic and then we have nice vents at the bottom all aluminum let's talk about the truck for a second so it's a sp lit full trunk when you open the clasp is what it's called and then we actually have a button on the bottom of the clasp to lower the loading floor in the trunk well raise it so that it's like dead flat angle that up or down yeah and then you can drop your rear seats obviously you can also drop your rear seats from the rear seats and you know something else that we
haven't really mentioned what the looks yeah we have it I know it looks like the perfect rolls-royce SUV I wouldn't call it beautiful I wouldn't call it anything else other than the perfect looking rolls-royce SUV you really need to understand rolls-royce to understand why the SUV looks like it I agree because that first it looks weird but it looks better than the bent a go which I also think looks like the perfect Bentley SUV man's agree I like the SUV versions of these luxury brands and
because they sell so many they could continue to make cool cars for fun it's perfect I love this SUV tre nd and you know who's demanding it younger buyers gangster rappers probably they need a new words to rhyme with Cullinan let's talk about coenen the name Cullinan comes from the world's largest diamond that was ever found at 3106 carats I don't know what that means but I do like the name Cullinan I do really like the headlights and the taillights everything makes sense rolls-royce the wheels
are not my favorite but they're very appropriate however these are the 21 inch wheels which are being used as winters so I would like to 22s obviously and we're on some nice continental winter tires so you can drive this in winter oh absolutely it's all wheel drive do you ever see many Rolls Royces on the road no you don't I think we'll start to see more because people are gonna drive these more because they're all-wheel-drive wait is it roses or like what's the plural of Rolls Royces in short
term rolls-royce is Rolls Royces so I can't be like more roses you kind of can a nd nobody says Royce's no so let's get to the half-a-million dollar question how much does this rolls-royce Cullinan cost I would love to tell you Yuri it starts at over $400,000 Canadian four hundred and two thousand to be exact and what's this one sitting at five hundred and twenty thousand and one hundred and eighty one dollars Canadian yeah so this is the most expensive car we've driven this is the most
expensive car we've taken through cliche corner do you think it's wo rth it yeah absolutely I mean if you want your second Rolls Royce which will be an SUV yeah because you absolutely have one or two before this I'm speed I'm a little speechless I know but I totally get it like there's nothing like this this is insane everyone knows what this is I got so much attention we got so much attention to driving this so many thumbs up everybody comments like oh my god is that the new Cullinan and one guy
actually said culligan but it's a Cullinan one guy asked me what I do for a living and I'm like I review cars I should have lied and she said my daddy's a lawyer one guy asked me if I just got it I said yep as I was taking a picture of it in the Home Depot parking lot follow us on Instagram the straight pipes ureter should is there any other luxury SUV that you think is more appealing than this I think the Lamborghini horas is appealing but I haven't driven one yet if you're a little more into
going faster yeah but this honestly even wit hout having driven that one I think I would take this one because this is just so insane this is everything over-the-top opulence I want to do this versus a Ben Tiger so badly because to me they look very similar they look similar you know what I mean no I don't they're big SUVs converted from big sedans okay fine that's what I mean all right like I see the resemblance from their smaller counterparts all right so if you're looking forward to that maybe
we'll do it in the future don't forget to subscribe hit the notification bell actually ding the notification bell if you're thinking about getting a rolls-royce go to Grand Touring to runner to check one out because they hooked us up with this one definitely do that and then check out our patreon maybe we'll be able to buy one of these Robin a YouTube ever show yeah thanks for sitting through us doing luxury cars guys winners come in crossovers are coming yeah trust us yeah yeah SUVs we promised
you guys a semi in t
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