The $400,000 Lamborghini Huracan EVO has the Wildest Launch Control EVER

The $400,000 Lamborghini Huracan EVO has the Wildest Launch

The $400,000 Lamborghini Huracan EVO has the Wildest Launch Control EVER

924.769 visualizações • 6 de mar. de 2021 • 2021 Lamborghini Huracan EVO Review by The Straight Pipes. The Lamborghini Huracan EVO is pumping out 640hp from a 5.2L V10. Would this be your pick over the McLaren 650S, McLaren 570S, McLaren 720s, Porsche GT3RS, Porsche GT2RS, Audi R8, Acura NSX, C8 Corvette, some kind of Ferrari that we haven't driven yet? Support us on Patreon: Become a YouTube Member! Subscribe! Facebook! Instagram! Twitter! Buy our merch at Check out Continental Tire at ------------------- #Lamborghini #huracan #supercars ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

The $400,000 Lamborghini Huracan EVO has the Wildest Launch Control EVER

[Music] I'm Jai gagné I'm going for a drive [Music] 2020 Lamborghini Huracan evil with thrust mode [Music] I think that was the best line we've ever had I'm actually shaved are 640 horsepower 443 pound-feet of torque from a 5.2 liter v10 and how many turbos do we have on this bad boy zero yes naturally aspirated man these things are dying out I love this and you guys may have noticed that we're on the homestretch to 1 million subscribers so if you like supercar stuff in the winter we like

supercar stuff in the winter subscribe the best part about this is that it revs out so high yeah 8500 rpm is the redline we recently drove the CA Corvette which is different we know but it's crazy to be mentioned that in the same sentence as this and there's actually reason for it yes well they put the engine in the back yep but it doesn't rip out as high no so we complained about that this solves that problem I mean it wasn't a problem for this ever but yeah yeah it's just cool or w hat it revs

out higher exactly so this is the Evo so it has been updated for 2020 and this one is all wheel drive but they do offer it in rear-wheel drive now so there is no regular Horicon anymore no the Evo is the Huracan now is there an Evo Huracan perform on - not yet is there a perform on t at all now no so it's just a Huracan Evo and it convertible as well a spider okay cool that's it you know I'm gonna be real with you looks wise there was no way I would take a spider over thi s no same here from the

rear angle this thing looks so badass in this color it kind of looks like a DeLorean and kind of like the car from Blade Runner yeah this color is called Cory's you know artists so now the looks know before we get the looks everybody knows what it looks like let's send it into cliche corner downshift downshift downshift and let's send this oh my god okay so obviously it's really flat it's in lamborghini the steering is amazing I don't think it's as good as McL aren steering but it's really good

and obviously it's really fast when I went through cliche and this the thing that I found is that like I'm on the brakes way more than everything else and I'm still faster than every other car I've taken through cliche quarter yeah this thing is silly fast so you do need to shoot the brakes more for safety you need like a full Grand Prix track just to get the most out of it you really do that's why I'm not gonna be going through too many gears toda y I'm just gonna let's just coast a little bit

so this is a dual clutch transmission 7-speed just like in the Audi r8 and as I said in the Audi r8 this is the fastest shifting transmission I've ever used let's just downshift a couple gears watch this click it's like as fast as you can think it does it and lucky for us they're called a mountain so they don't turn with the steering wheel and the paddles themselves are so high-quality they feel so nice but it is quite a bit of a reach to get to it if you're not used to that it really is and

there are no turn signal stalks it's actually on the steering wheel and I have grown to love this this is the perfect solution to steering wheel stocks honestly they should put that on more cars yeah like regular cars everyone should have that yes CEO Hyundai Genesis start doing this Honda Toyota everybody please so you're in manual mode right now if we put it into automatic is it just as fast if you for it yep before yes it is man okay so let's talk about that engine sound now v10

naturally aspirated sounds incredible I always like the McClaren sound I feel like that's more Formula One II and this is just more that and more showmanship but this is more old formula 1e yeah it's hard for me to pick between Bowen I love them both equally but I think this one is a little bit better for everyone else every time I think I prefer this one for sure like no question in my mind would I take a Lambor ghini sound over a McLaren whoever the doors don't go up on this so should we get at

the supercar checklist supercar checklist is it fast is it loud yes and yes probably the most yes and yes oh my god yeah do you look cool getting in and out of it I mean it's a Lambo so yes especially in the winter when you got snow everywhere yeah as you can tell it is super snowy outside it's freezing and the wind is blowing like hotcakes yeah sorry if the footage isn't up to our usual quality but w e've tried really hard today does it get a lot of attention yeah it's a Lambo I hope you like

talking to people at gas stations do the doors go up no they don't it's a Huracan only the event the doors have doors that go up because v12 and this is a v10 but I think Lamborghini should introduce a new rule that as long as it's not an SUV the doors can go up I'm down with that rule does this have a gimmicky steering wheel yes it does because the turn signal thing and the drive modes an d the paddles can it fit a box box test no it obviously can't perfect supercar pass visor test let's find

out nope supercar pass and the visors are so small the sticker doesn't even fit all the way on it and the last test does it fit a small cup of coffee we don't actually have the cup holder option now you guys grill this in the car legs on the last video it's actually an option this one does not have it so is this a supercar yes yeah yeah it is so now we can get into the looks a little bit let's get into the looks so this has no spoiler unlike the perform on teh that we drove earlier I personally

love all Lamborghinis without a spoiler Countach no spoiler that's my jam or no spoiler the Countach with the spoiler looks so good first the first one that Parris Matt Farah's Countach is perfect I think that green one from like the late 70s is perfect and then we got some pretty sick looking taillights yeah normal Oricon stuff and we got sick looking exhaust just like the peripheral monta so they chained to that what I really like back there is they've got all real grill and if they have any

panels that they need to block stuff off its behind that and then we have a really sick looking rear diffuser as well I really like it it's a completely different shape and then if we look a little higher we have our engine with our firing order for every 10 yes with the p10 badge right there and we can open up that glass and see right inside yeah and it looks super cool cooler than the corvette CA yeah I was gonna say it is a little bit better and then for side profile we've got these gigantic

scoops and the way it comes around it's so satisfying it looks much better than the spider version yeah I love how it looks from the side and the wheels on this thing look incredible there's huge bigger in the back smaller in the front and we have big carbon ceramic brakes love how they look and what does the Continental recommended tire for the oricon Evo the sport contact six and then front end front end is razor sharp you just sharpen everything about it in the front I think it makes it look

a little less elegant but like way more aggressive yeah this is where I think the rear wheel drive one looks just so much better they just changed the front end the scoops just I love how clean it looks and I like how there's like no grill at the front it's just scoops yeah exactly like no fake grills because there are no grills a nd it's cool cuz when you're driving through snow you can see where all of the snow goes yeah and launching it in the snow is hilarious [Music] so overall these looks

compared to the perform on teh I like to perform on Taymor even its spider No okay these looks in this color I would take this color over like a red or something maybe because I like the DeLorean style cyber truck style look of it but man like this looks so perfect I'd take a brighter color in this any day green yellow yes like a dark blue or something like that now I wouldn't do it totally agree so let's get you into the driver's seat launch control thrust mode all right a little soft didn't

stay in it the show if this was not winter and this was not snowy conditions it can do 0 to 100 km/h in 2.9 seconds and that's pretty much the same as the Corvette right on paper it is and they can probably do it the exact same pace but it's the speed after and the sensation of speed that's way more in here yeah like this feels like oh my goodness the Corvette was like I could use more exactly so if you got upset at us for saying that the Corvettes not that fast in the Corvette video here's the

answer so let's talk about some more mechanical stuff before you send it in the cliche corner so we do have a mechanical locking rear differential which is awesome and we do have magnetorheological suspension which I find to be stiffer than MacLaren's yeah to be honest I haven't noticed too much of a difference but I think you have a keener feeling of the differences I can notice suspension changes a little bit more than you can and another cool thing that this has is all-wheel steering so you

can actually see the degree of steering if you hit the vehicle button and go into LDV eye on your infotainment because yeah this has a whole new infotainment and there you can see the all-wheel-drive bias so it is primarily rear-wheel drive then you also have a built in camera that y ou can use for driving on track stuff to record all your data and everything yeah this has the telemetry option but I'm going to hit a cliche corner first and then we'll get into the rest the infotainment go for it

here you send it and with the wet roads are gonna floor it to Mike right away after I floored I'm on the brakes pretty much but it's still the fastest thing I've taken through here but we have driven the gt2 RS gt3 RS the NSX and a bunch of other crazy cars through like a 570 in the 615 yeah I feel like this is still faster and this is in the winter there's something about this it's the instant response because the v10 it's probably that yeah it feels really fast okay so now time to get into the

infotainment and the interior go for it and I start with the infotainment please do so we have a vertical screen in the middle area right here yeah before we didn't have anything yeah the last Huracan that we drove it had the infotainment screen in the gauge p oster she actually had your Google Maps in your gauges yeah if you had apple carplay because this actually has apple carplay but it does not have Android auto or at least I can't get it to work and the apple cart play is all vertical which

is pretty cool it looks so interesting for your directions it like doesn't make any sense there's like a way too much blank room it's one of the biggest screens for apple carplay actually do you think volvo is gonna introduce this since they have v ertical screens no because Volvo is done by Android now yeah Google so on this infotainment screen we do have satellite radio but it does not rewind and noticeably absent from this because they deleted pretty much every button there is no volume or

tuning knob however they came up with the best solution in the world two fingers on the infotainment slide up and down that's it volume changes but then what if you need to mute it real quick three fingers slam them down and muted that' s genius it is genius how does a Lamborghini have so many like infotainment and interior inventions that everyone else hasn't been copying Honda could have just done that instead of reintroducing the volume knob and everyone would be like yeah you know what great

solution and overall the infotainment is really responsive the graphics are cool we've got hexagons everywhere I like it for it being in a Lamborghini I am very satisfied with it it's a little too good you know what I mean l ike it should be worse this whole interiors a little too good so let's take a general look at it does it feel intimidating does it feel overly supercar or anything I mean the driving position itself feels very supercar but in here the materials everything feels pretty

luxurious it does feel kind of wide though yeah the overall car is really white but inside you really feel it we do have some gloss black accents but this is at the price that you're not going to clean it yoursel f so whatever don't complain about and we've got and we got really nice blue stitching and I think my favorite feature is this carbon fiber pattern in the door panel because carbon fiber is a woven material and different from the door panels all the carbon fiber and we have that's

exposed in the middle area is hard carbon fiber yeah it's like a matte finish I like it I mean I like carbon fibre you know me and just like the other aircon that we drove we've got a start/stop butto n that you've got to lift a little safeguard over to start it up and then are shifting area reverse you pull up there's buttons for park and manual but to get it into Drive you need to click the up panel I love that feature and as I said earlier I love these paddles yes probably the best in class

well maybe I don't know like the McLaren wants to yeah they're very everywhere at the top is good but if you noticed that this whole shifter area is very similar to the c8 you think they b orrowed some of that stuff oh for sure they did except they made it a little bit more awkward because like the drive mode selector and stuff this drive mode selector is on the steering wheel so we have strata sport and Corsa and I love it or what the strata sport of course I mean street sport and race / track

nice yeah and then we have some toggle buttons up here so we do have a nose lift system which is very much appreciated in the winter then we also have our window switches up th ere kind of like a Jeep yeah kind of I guess and a PT Cruiser and other Lamborghinis and the gauges do change between drive modes I really like the way it looks in sport but in strata goes all the way across yeah that's definitely your race moment and like you said earlier the turn signal is on the steering wheel

I've gotten very used to it I feel like my hands are lazy now and I don't want to leave the steering wheel at all anymore and I know that's what I'm saying but I ha ve at one point hit the window wipers while trying to turn the right signal by hitting the buttons on the right side of the steering wheel and by the way the left headlight button is actually for your high beams and then as for blind spots and everything while driving I've got great visibility everywhere in front because the engine is

in the back the mirrors are good I can see out the back really well except you can't really look out the side that rear section is definitely covered by engine area and then we've got a reverse camera in the middle of your gauges spot unfortunately for us in the winter it got covered in snow yeah which makes sense subscribe for snow reviews for supercars which we have to give Lamborghini a big shout out because now they're the 3rd company to give us a supercar in the winter that's true

shadow thank you and lastly the seats the seats are fairly comfortable but after sitting them for like an hour in traffic my side but area w as kind of painful so if you're a little bit smaller person you'll probably be fine yeah I am and as long as not freakishly tall right I'm kidding yeah that's fine that was the other video watching that video but speaking of freakishly tall I'm actually almost hitting the roof here but there is more room in here than there wasn't a spider and how's the back

seat room oh it's fantastic good one hey I got a joke for you to hit me with a gas mileage ha ha ha ha one more rep and then I h ave a question for you ok goodness okay how do you pronounce Huracan Huracan Huracan yeah he's the H not silent is it not cleric on well depending on who you are I've heard Lamborghini a hurricane okay I showed you a Lamborghini video you know how he pronounced the Murcielago you told me before and it's very weird muthiya lado that is very weird so I think someone needs

to explain to us how to properly say all these names let us know in the comments below how we're supposed to pronoun ce every Lambert Gino I believe it's runic on but again I'm probably totally wrong so I'm just gonna say it for a con and that's like ordering food at a restaurant the way it supposed to be pronounced correctly yes I'm like but maybe sometimes you shouldn't yeah and one thing I'd like to mention since I'm on the passenger side it's way more cramped than on the driver side yeah I

feel great here even if I was six foot one and a half which I am NOT but you don't buy this for the pass enger no not at all well I mean depends what kind of passengers you want to pick up yeah I guess so I guess with all that out of the way let's get to the price three hundred and five thousand six hundred ninety one dollars to start Canadian and this is obviously not the base spec so this one is three hundred and eighty four thousand nine hundred and ninety one dollars okay that's more like it

because we use that 305 like oh man I get a little excited there but I would love to see a b ase model for a con like what that comes with that's probably not legal yeah probably not like yeah yeah your orders coming never so that may seem like a lot but an Aventador is still a couple hundred thousand dollars more than this exactly so there's a lot of value in this price yes and it's like probably with the craziest fastest car I've driven I think we've driven the r8 and we love that but there was

just something missing there was a lot missing that this covered exactly so peop le saying that's a poor man's Lamborghini like it kind of really is a hundred percent like there is so much that you get from this that you don't get in the r8 minus the performance because of the engine what one thing that you really do get in this is less understeer because driving the r8 in the winter we got a lot of understeer yeah and this is like right away you'll oversteer in this which makes it so much more

fun and just so much more satisfying so out of all the super cars we 've driven and maybe not driven let us know in the comments where this ranks honestly I think near the top and if you want to help us get the million subscribers just hit the subscribe button you probably won't even get know anyway don't even get notifications oh and also click this playlist right here to see what other supercars we're comparing this again supercar playlist you a supercar check those playlists did you check the

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