Range Rover Evoque Review - Refined Luxury SUV
Range Rover Evoque Review - Refined Luxury SUV
534.522 visualizações • 20 de jul. de 2021 • We go for a drive in the 2021 Land Rover Range Rover Evoque HSE Dynamic Si4. Quite the name! Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thestraightpipes Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/thestraightp... Buy our shirts! Profits go directly to burnouts: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/thestrai... https://shop.spreadshirt.com/thestrai... Add us on Instagram and Snapchat @TheStraightPipes Equipment we use that you can purchase on Amazon: GoPro Hero 4 & 5 Black (http://amzn.to/2iPzhE6) Sony Action Cam (http://amzn.to/2hWn8xd) Sony A6000 (http://amzn.to/2hzIv6g) Sony A7S (http://amzn.to/2hWo0ls) Sony RX100 IV (http://amzn.to/2iiSyAJ) Manfrotto Video Tripods (http://amzn.to/2iACmIQ) DJI Phantom 3 Pro Drone (http://amzn.to/2iPA5ZE) DJI Inspire 1 Drone (http://amzn.to/2iQEShN) DJI Osmo (http://amzn.to/2iPJDDW) I have teamed up with Ontaerial to bring you the best visuals in the industry. Our reviews are from an enthusiast perspective (Jakub), as well as someone who doesn't really know much about cars but likes them (Yuri). You won't find details about compression ratios here, instead you'll have real world opinions on what it's like to drive and own these cars. Mostrar menos Mostrar mais
[Music] I'm Jake on the area or Goldberg Drive you [Music] 2017 Land Rover Range Rover Evoque HSE dynamic STI for quite the name that's quite the name as yeah I think this is hands-down the best looking SUV of all time I actually agree with you for once nothing wrong with the look fully agree this is offered in a four-door which is what we have but it's also offered in a two-door SUV and a convertible convertible it's wild that's the only SUV you can get like that Murano doesn't they don't make
it anymore ahaha the Jeep yeah it kind of counts I guess so what's the difference between Range Rover and Land Rover Land Rover is the parent company Range Rover is a sub model Range Rover is kind of like a more luxurious city SUV oh and learn like Land Rover is more to business and off-roading exactly but this can still off-road oh yeah but we're not going to do that not today because we've got nowhere to off-road no this SUV actually has torque vectoring like like a sports car awes ome so it'll
actually pull you through corners it's pretty good the corner is really well for an SUV the ride is very firm and if you put it into dynamic it gets even more firm that the steering tightens up and all that stuff this car makes her well but you know what it sucks at what straight-line acceleration yeah it does low as balls off the line after that it's okay yeah but I mean if you're buying a car like this you want to be able to boogie yeah I want to be able to boogie so it 's a 2-liter turbo with
240 horsepower and 258 ohrp's okay so that's not even fast no but it's decent these two good enough yeah it's just off the line it's not very good we do have a nine speed transmission though oh yeah it's really smooth except when you really step on it that's when you can see all the shifts and for some reason there's paddle shifters when I tried the paddles that automatically shifts me before I want a shift yeah so there's no point since this is the HSE dynami c there's so many different packages
on this car and it gets way better looking bumpers and a bunch of other things we're gonna have to pull over to actually talk about all that let's pull over and take a look so with the HSE dynamic package you get a way better front bumper on the HSE these are a lot shorter I think this is require you have to get this you also get the better drill it's blacked out but also has this honeycomb pattern to it and then come along here got these nice vent s they actually are functional black design
package black wheels everything is blacked out you get darker front headlights obviously the front headlights it looks so good this one also has optional LEDs but that's a separate option not part of the black design package and you also get this in black called Narvik black supposed to be gloss black but expand see if you call it Narvik and if you follow me back here Narvik than your piano I think so this is all blacked out so we have black letters at the front we also have black letters back
here you have the black surrounds and the taillights are also darkened we also have this in again Narvik blast sweetness user block exhaust pitch so cool we also have an opening chunk with your foot you can't close it like that it's got to press this button your what do you think of these little tab things I'm not sure what they are I think this is a design feature to break up the roundness yeah okay if you're a designer let us know in the comments because we're both confused what I also like is
how the hood wraps around the fender flare yeah that looks really good and when we look at the side I like the straight lines across and the sloping roof straight line straight pipe come closer more lumbar less lumbar upper lumbar lower lumbar more bolstering less bolstering that's really cool wild [Music] okay heads-up display I forgot about this yeah I don't like it you don't like it no what don't you like abou t it it's too expensive it's $1,300 for that yeah but you kind of got to you don't
you absolutely don't so it shows the speed you're going and it also shows the speed limit on the road you're currently on yes because this SUV actually scans for road signs I think it goes through the GPS it says it scans for signs maybe it does both hey this is a CD player yeah that's kind of weird it actually has a USB and HDMI as well does that mean we can watch ourselves on it are we watching ours elves right now looks like we are Jacob what do you think of these seats I kind of really like
the look of them I'm a sucker for red seats so yeah they're so comfortable they look great they are the best-looking seats you know these are a free upgrade yeah yeah that's awesome are you getting a massage right now no I forgot about that yeah so through the eyes cooled heated seats that's an upgrade worth every penny actually though then the massaging isn't the greatest but it is pretty good so turn on the massage through the infotainment you click the power button and then you click go
through speaking of infotainment like the nicest infotainment ever yeah like who designed this Apple is perfect I figured you'd like it a lot they're like the best graphic design it may not be the easiest to use I think it's really easy but the looks make up for it yeah and it's very impressive it is everything is so smooth like it literally feels like an iphone and this is com ing from an Android person yeah I think pretty much everything about this car is more to impress people than it is
for practicality I'm so British oh darling yeah it's relatively practical but it's definitely all about leaving an impression on people yeah every single person who I've shown this car to was so impressed yeah until you floor it you just don't floor it yeah but it's the best looking SUV like it just it is yeah none besides the Honda Element like you know this takes second but it's a good second the gauge cluster is pretty nice or very standard I think it's kind of basic yeah but what's cool is
that you can go through all the settings while driving from a steering wheel yeah it doesn't block you out yeah it's like you bought this car figure it out yourself yeah and it's got like Lane Keeping Assist monitoring radar cruise all that good stuff all that stuff but it doesn't have like serious Lane keep assist it works pretty good though it's okay i t's not like the Forte 5sx which has pretty much every feature of this it does have a lot of use feature a lot less yeah it's a much smaller
car kind of a difference I'm not really good looking there's no K in the history of people buying the Evoque no one's cross shop there was a Kia Forte 5 yeah but I'm just saying you're not wrong yeah this is not the top trim this is just under the top trim is the autobiography edition very cool name and I don't know what it means but I like t he name yeah I agree I would pay extra for the autobiography just so I could use that when I was explaining what car I purchased yeah I got a evoke
autobiography oh he got the autobiography yeah yeah the autobiography when I was driving this car at night I was so frustrated with all the glares from the lights because this has an optional heated windshield which is so cool it's cool but I would not get it I just couldn't get it because the glare from the lights yeah they kind of come out like all criss cross he and yeah it looks like stars on every light it's really annoying I got used to it pretty quick so I'm not going to complain about it
that's fine what I will complain about is the wind noise from having one of the windows down here's a clip I don't get it it's an expensive car I should be able to rolled out any window I want whether it makes sense or not yeah you get a lot of buffeting later that's called it hurts my ears like it was painful it is pa inful but it doesn't matter because all the climate control no one rolls down windows and types of cars like this okay no one back back to lane keep assist right now I've got it
set to active it also had a mode where it was fake rumble strips yeah that was kind of cool that was very cool yeah interior is very nice we can actually change the color of the ambient lighting speaking of fancy lighting how about that light when you turn on the car at night yeah that's cool I really like that you can actually turn it on with the key fob I've never seen a headlight button on a key fob before yeah fancy yeah and the box test we can skip the box after okay let's get the box
test yet oh there's one back there right there's quite a bit yeah we didn't talk about it though there's a room back there right yeah hop in bud okay there's actually pretty decent legroom back here yeah and I'm a comfortable driving spot how about Headroom it's really good with the glass open I don't I don't think it would be so good with it closed I feel like I'm outside back here does it it doesn't feel good I do so much better than the front okay so this is awesome yeah what I want to do now
is the buffett test Oh suffer just some time this to me we got to hit 100 back left window down this is why you put me back here yeah kind of really hurting my ear yeah doesn't matter that does it it doesn't matter cuz we have climate controlled hey hey don't lock me out what do you think of this texture they've got on the dashboard I don't mind it you can actually get a different one if you pay for it really yeah I really like the texture it's not fake carbon fiber it's its own thing so
you can't get mad at it for being not real true the sound system meridian yo it goes up to like 50 and it is so loud crystal clear but so loud here's a clip of me playing and think and you can see the camera shake from the base I literally have a clip of that line right I believe you I five five we also do have active self parking yes the self parking works great for parallel parking and perpendicular parking and leaving a parking spot I actually had no issue using it for once I think I like
the Lincoln Continental automatic parking better I think I like this one better I couldn't get that one to work okay so there you go the one thing I really like about the parking centers is when you're backing up into something the way it shows what part of th e car is going to hit first you feel like it really makes you get close as possible to a lot of objects so you play like a game pretty much it just you can actually change what cameras you're using in here so you can actually watch the
front camera if you're going really slow kind of fun yeah it's it's hard to understand how it really helps for certain things but you can do it and I'm sure there's a reasoning behind it this was the easiest infotainment to pair my phone I've ever used I hopped in it said would you like to connect the phone and it worked perfectly it was very easy it's over Bluetooth yeah doesn't have apple carplay or Android auto I actually don't care for once for once yeah I guess the map in here is super nice
yeah you can have internet in the Range Rover there is a web browser and the map is like full Google Maps satellite view it's pretty crazy it's huge yeah I like the widescreen but I don't like the angle of this I have found no issues wi th glare and it was nicely with the dashboard you're a liar cause it's glaring right now not for me okay it's clearing for me yeah if you live downtown and you're all about impressing people this is the one to buy that's looking SUV and there's nothing wrong with
driving it exactly from buffeting just keep your climate on don't forget to subscribe don't subscribe I don't care subscribe I'm Yuri I'm Jacob we're going for a drive break don't forget on scribe described right now subscri
Range Rover Evoque Review - Refined Luxury SUV
534.522 visualizações • 20 de jul. de 2021 • We go for a drive in the 2021 Land Rover Range Rover Evoque HSE Dynamic Si4. Quite the name! Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thestraightpipes Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/thestraightp... Buy our shirts! Profits go directly to burnouts: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/thestrai... https://shop.spreadshirt.com/thestrai... Add us on Instagram and Snapchat @TheStraightPipes Equipment we use that you can purchase on Amazon: GoPro Hero 4 & 5 Black (http://amzn.to/2iPzhE6) Sony Action Cam (http://amzn.to/2hWn8xd) Sony A6000 (http://amzn.to/2hzIv6g) Sony A7S (http://amzn.to/2hWo0ls) Sony RX100 IV (http://amzn.to/2iiSyAJ) Manfrotto Video Tripods (http://amzn.to/2iACmIQ) DJI Phantom 3 Pro Drone (http://amzn.to/2iPA5ZE) DJI Inspire 1 Drone (http://amzn.to/2iQEShN) DJI Osmo (http://amzn.to/2iPJDDW) I have teamed up with Ontaerial to bring you the best visuals in the industry. Our reviews are from an enthusiast perspective (Jakub), as well as someone who doesn't really know much about cars but likes them (Yuri). You won't find details about compression ratios here, instead you'll have real world opinions on what it's like to drive and own these cars. Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

[Music] I'm Jake on the area or Goldberg Drive you [Music] 2017 Land Rover Range Rover Evoque HSE dynamic STI for quite the name that's quite the name as yeah I think this is hands-down the best looking SUV of all time I actually agree with you for once nothing wrong with the look fully agree this is offered in a four-door which is what we have but it's also offered in a two-door SUV and a convertible convertible it's wild that's the only SUV you can get like that Murano doesn't they don't make
it anymore ahaha the Jeep yeah it kind of counts I guess so what's the difference between Range Rover and Land Rover Land Rover is the parent company Range Rover is a sub model Range Rover is kind of like a more luxurious city SUV oh and learn like Land Rover is more to business and off-roading exactly but this can still off-road oh yeah but we're not going to do that not today because we've got nowhere to off-road no this SUV actually has torque vectoring like like a sports car awes ome so it'll
actually pull you through corners it's pretty good the corner is really well for an SUV the ride is very firm and if you put it into dynamic it gets even more firm that the steering tightens up and all that stuff this car makes her well but you know what it sucks at what straight-line acceleration yeah it does low as balls off the line after that it's okay yeah but I mean if you're buying a car like this you want to be able to boogie yeah I want to be able to boogie so it 's a 2-liter turbo with
240 horsepower and 258 ohrp's okay so that's not even fast no but it's decent these two good enough yeah it's just off the line it's not very good we do have a nine speed transmission though oh yeah it's really smooth except when you really step on it that's when you can see all the shifts and for some reason there's paddle shifters when I tried the paddles that automatically shifts me before I want a shift yeah so there's no point since this is the HSE dynami c there's so many different packages
on this car and it gets way better looking bumpers and a bunch of other things we're gonna have to pull over to actually talk about all that let's pull over and take a look so with the HSE dynamic package you get a way better front bumper on the HSE these are a lot shorter I think this is require you have to get this you also get the better drill it's blacked out but also has this honeycomb pattern to it and then come along here got these nice vent s they actually are functional black design
package black wheels everything is blacked out you get darker front headlights obviously the front headlights it looks so good this one also has optional LEDs but that's a separate option not part of the black design package and you also get this in black called Narvik black supposed to be gloss black but expand see if you call it Narvik and if you follow me back here Narvik than your piano I think so this is all blacked out so we have black letters at the front we also have black letters back
here you have the black surrounds and the taillights are also darkened we also have this in again Narvik blast sweetness user block exhaust pitch so cool we also have an opening chunk with your foot you can't close it like that it's got to press this button your what do you think of these little tab things I'm not sure what they are I think this is a design feature to break up the roundness yeah okay if you're a designer let us know in the comments because we're both confused what I also like is
how the hood wraps around the fender flare yeah that looks really good and when we look at the side I like the straight lines across and the sloping roof straight line straight pipe come closer more lumbar less lumbar upper lumbar lower lumbar more bolstering less bolstering that's really cool wild [Music] okay heads-up display I forgot about this yeah I don't like it you don't like it no what don't you like abou t it it's too expensive it's $1,300 for that yeah but you kind of got to you don't
you absolutely don't so it shows the speed you're going and it also shows the speed limit on the road you're currently on yes because this SUV actually scans for road signs I think it goes through the GPS it says it scans for signs maybe it does both hey this is a CD player yeah that's kind of weird it actually has a USB and HDMI as well does that mean we can watch ourselves on it are we watching ours elves right now looks like we are Jacob what do you think of these seats I kind of really like
the look of them I'm a sucker for red seats so yeah they're so comfortable they look great they are the best-looking seats you know these are a free upgrade yeah yeah that's awesome are you getting a massage right now no I forgot about that yeah so through the eyes cooled heated seats that's an upgrade worth every penny actually though then the massaging isn't the greatest but it is pretty good so turn on the massage through the infotainment you click the power button and then you click go
through speaking of infotainment like the nicest infotainment ever yeah like who designed this Apple is perfect I figured you'd like it a lot they're like the best graphic design it may not be the easiest to use I think it's really easy but the looks make up for it yeah and it's very impressive it is everything is so smooth like it literally feels like an iphone and this is com ing from an Android person yeah I think pretty much everything about this car is more to impress people than it is
for practicality I'm so British oh darling yeah it's relatively practical but it's definitely all about leaving an impression on people yeah every single person who I've shown this car to was so impressed yeah until you floor it you just don't floor it yeah but it's the best looking SUV like it just it is yeah none besides the Honda Element like you know this takes second but it's a good second the gauge cluster is pretty nice or very standard I think it's kind of basic yeah but what's cool is
that you can go through all the settings while driving from a steering wheel yeah it doesn't block you out yeah it's like you bought this car figure it out yourself yeah and it's got like Lane Keeping Assist monitoring radar cruise all that good stuff all that stuff but it doesn't have like serious Lane keep assist it works pretty good though it's okay i t's not like the Forte 5sx which has pretty much every feature of this it does have a lot of use feature a lot less yeah it's a much smaller
car kind of a difference I'm not really good looking there's no K in the history of people buying the Evoque no one's cross shop there was a Kia Forte 5 yeah but I'm just saying you're not wrong yeah this is not the top trim this is just under the top trim is the autobiography edition very cool name and I don't know what it means but I like t he name yeah I agree I would pay extra for the autobiography just so I could use that when I was explaining what car I purchased yeah I got a evoke
autobiography oh he got the autobiography yeah yeah the autobiography when I was driving this car at night I was so frustrated with all the glares from the lights because this has an optional heated windshield which is so cool it's cool but I would not get it I just couldn't get it because the glare from the lights yeah they kind of come out like all criss cross he and yeah it looks like stars on every light it's really annoying I got used to it pretty quick so I'm not going to complain about it
that's fine what I will complain about is the wind noise from having one of the windows down here's a clip I don't get it it's an expensive car I should be able to rolled out any window I want whether it makes sense or not yeah you get a lot of buffeting later that's called it hurts my ears like it was painful it is pa inful but it doesn't matter because all the climate control no one rolls down windows and types of cars like this okay no one back back to lane keep assist right now I've got it
set to active it also had a mode where it was fake rumble strips yeah that was kind of cool that was very cool yeah interior is very nice we can actually change the color of the ambient lighting speaking of fancy lighting how about that light when you turn on the car at night yeah that's cool I really like that you can actually turn it on with the key fob I've never seen a headlight button on a key fob before yeah fancy yeah and the box test we can skip the box after okay let's get the box
test yet oh there's one back there right there's quite a bit yeah we didn't talk about it though there's a room back there right yeah hop in bud okay there's actually pretty decent legroom back here yeah and I'm a comfortable driving spot how about Headroom it's really good with the glass open I don't I don't think it would be so good with it closed I feel like I'm outside back here does it it doesn't feel good I do so much better than the front okay so this is awesome yeah what I want to do now
is the buffett test Oh suffer just some time this to me we got to hit 100 back left window down this is why you put me back here yeah kind of really hurting my ear yeah doesn't matter that does it it doesn't matter cuz we have climate controlled hey hey don't lock me out what do you think of this texture they've got on the dashboard I don't mind it you can actually get a different one if you pay for it really yeah I really like the texture it's not fake carbon fiber it's its own thing so
you can't get mad at it for being not real true the sound system meridian yo it goes up to like 50 and it is so loud crystal clear but so loud here's a clip of me playing and think and you can see the camera shake from the base I literally have a clip of that line right I believe you I five five we also do have active self parking yes the self parking works great for parallel parking and perpendicular parking and leaving a parking spot I actually had no issue using it for once I think I like
the Lincoln Continental automatic parking better I think I like this one better I couldn't get that one to work okay so there you go the one thing I really like about the parking centers is when you're backing up into something the way it shows what part of th e car is going to hit first you feel like it really makes you get close as possible to a lot of objects so you play like a game pretty much it just you can actually change what cameras you're using in here so you can actually watch the
front camera if you're going really slow kind of fun yeah it's it's hard to understand how it really helps for certain things but you can do it and I'm sure there's a reasoning behind it this was the easiest infotainment to pair my phone I've ever used I hopped in it said would you like to connect the phone and it worked perfectly it was very easy it's over Bluetooth yeah doesn't have apple carplay or Android auto I actually don't care for once for once yeah I guess the map in here is super nice
yeah you can have internet in the Range Rover there is a web browser and the map is like full Google Maps satellite view it's pretty crazy it's huge yeah I like the widescreen but I don't like the angle of this I have found no issues wi th glare and it was nicely with the dashboard you're a liar cause it's glaring right now not for me okay it's clearing for me yeah if you live downtown and you're all about impressing people this is the one to buy that's looking SUV and there's nothing wrong with
driving it exactly from buffeting just keep your climate on don't forget to subscribe don't subscribe I don't care subscribe I'm Yuri I'm Jacob we're going for a drive break don't forget on scribe described right now subscri
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