2021 Lamborghini Urus Review - Is It A Real Lamborghini? Yes

2021 Lamborghini Urus Review - Is It A Real Lamborghini? Ye

2021 Lamborghini Urus Review - Is It A Real Lamborghini? Yes

1.578.073 visualizações • 13 de ago. de 2021 • 2021 Lamborghini Urus Review. Considering a Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk, Audi Q8, Range Rover SVR, Ford Raptor? Watch this Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thestraightpipes Become a YouTube Member! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC86S... Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/thestraightp... Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thestraight... Twitter! https://twitter.com/StraightPipers Buy our shirts! Profits go directly to burnouts: teespring.com/stores/thestraightpipes Check out Continental Tire at https://www.continentaltire.ca ------------------- #lamborghini #urus #lamborghiniurus ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

2021 Lamborghini Urus Review - Is It A Real Lamborghini? Yes

00:07 I'm Jacob hearing bolster drive 00:17 20:19 lamborghini horas with launch 00:20 control hit 00:28 so whoever said this is a fake 00:30 Lamborghini is wrong oh yeah you're all 00:36 liars this is so fast and handles so 00:38 well let's start with the horsepower of 00:41 torque 641 horsepower 627 pound-feet of 00:46 torque from a four liter twin turbo v8 00:49 so usually Lambos are naturally 00:51 aspirated yes they are high revving 00:52 naturally aspirated v10 s and V twelves 00:54 so

we've driven an Aventador and Aragon 00:57 before yes we have the port for Monte 00:59 so now we're in the Auris yes so this is 01:01 obviously an SUV and this is 01:03 Lamborghinis second SUV after the Rambo 01:06 Lambo so I guess sports car companies 01:08 now are making SUV so that they could 01:10 sell them and maintain their company's 01:11 kind of like Porsche did yeah and this 01:13 is the world's first super sports 01:15 utility vehicle as labeled by them yes 01:19 but enough of our

voices let's put this 01:22 in Corsa and let's hear some of this 01:24 exhaust huh it's so so good 01:26 Krabbe hit him with the cliche here we 01:30 go full send into cliche corner and this 01:34 is unbelievable 01:35 it feels like a car and I hate saying 01:37 that but it actually does I think this 01:39 is the most car feeling SUV yeah for 01:41 sure it is this is the best SUV I've 01:43 ever driven in terms of driving like no 01:46 question 01:46 nothing this is perfe ct I was going

to 01:49 say it's at the top of my list as well 01:51 top of the list or number-one at the 01:53 list well I think I enjoyed myself in 01:56 the Alfa Romeo style' vealmoor however 01:59 this is better and I would take this 02:01 that's shocking but okay alright I love 02:04 this I would take this no question if 02:05 money was no object and I think I'm a 02:07 little bit rattled by the non 02:09 column-mounted panels really well the 02:12 Alfa Romeo had it the levanta had it 02:14 every

Lamborghini has column-mounted 02:16 paddles but in the SUV now we're on the 02:18 steering wheel but we do like steering 02:20 wheel-mounted paddles however they are 02:22 always bigger on column-mounted so it is 02:24 more enjoyable it's just more different 02:26 for me and when I get a Lambo that's 02:28 what I want is different before we keep 02:30 going we want to know who's bought a car 02:32 thanks to our car buying advice so send 02:34 us a DM on Instagram at the straight 02:37 pipes and

at URI terracing let us know 02:39 what car you bought because of our 02:40 advice and we want to know because we 02:42 get to drive more fun stuff like this 02:43 back to the video so anyways this has a 02:46 setup 8-speed Auto and it shifts like 02:48 lightning fast my god this car so fast - 02:51 movie sorry my favorite part about the 02:53 transmission is that it knows exactly 02:55 what you want to do I guess you kind of 02:58 have to be in the right mode kind of but 03:00 no matter what

mode you're in it reacts 03:02 very well oh it's always fast but I just 03:04 leave this in Corsa because it's 03:06 actually surprisingly not too stiff for 03:08 an SUV 03:09 it's definitely stiff but even in Corsa 03:11 mode it's fine to drive in this like 03:13 daily driving but in Corsa mode you lose 03:15 a lot of your safety features which just 03:17 has a whole ton of true and you can't 03:18 even use your adaptive cr uise when 03:20 you're in Corsa because Corsa is race so 03:21 let me

explain these modes because they 03:23 are in Italian so we use our anima thing 03:26 over here which stands for adaptive 03:28 Network intelligent manage 03:30 so they made an acronym sound Italian 03:32 yes so we put it in strata for street 03:36 sport for sport Corsa for race sabbia 03:39 for sand tariffs for Earth dirt kind of 03:42 off-road mode and then FA for snow or 03:44 Neve I'm not sure how to pronounc e that 03:46 sorry and then we also have ego but if 03:48 you look really quickly it

looks like 03:49 eco but there's definitely no eco in 03:51 this car so that's just your custom 03:53 settings exactly so you have three 03:54 different ways to adjust that and the 03:55 way to switch the modes are super 03:57 awesome you pull back on this lever like 03:58 it's a friggin rocketship or something 04:00 it is the coolest however what bothers 04:02 me is I can't push it back forward so 04 :04 once I'm in course I don't wanna get 04:06 back into strata 04:06 I gotta click down like

check this out 04:08 for that's what I'm saying 04:11 that's cool though it's fun I gotta get 04:15 pumping shotguns pretty much to make 04:16 your Lambo go faster or slower and then 04:18 let's talk about that so we also have 04:20 this shifter pad thing for reverse yeah 04:23 so to start the car you need to lift 04:24 like the rocket launch button press 04:27 Start or you can stick your finger 04:28 through which it never fits and then to 04:30 get it in Drive you click the paddle to 04:32 put

it into first which kind of makes 04:34 sense if you know other Lamborghinis 04:35 because this is a Lamborghini yes and 04:38 what other Lamborghini is also have is 04:40 if I click both the paddles neutral and 04:42 I can be a jerk into the rev all day 04:44 it's the best and then I click the pedal 04:46 and I'm back into third gear I 04:47 absolutely love that feature that's one 04:49 of the things that sucks about McLaren 04:50 is that since the paddles are connected 04:52 you can't just

like pop into neutral 04:53 yeah that's exactly it 04:54 Yuri would you mind if I sent it into 04:56 cliche again only if you try to get the 04:57 back list okay so I'm gonna try and get 04:59 the back loose and 05:01 honestly I almost cannot get the back 05:03 loose because this has all-wheel 05:05 steering and it is all wheel drive and 05:07 it handles incredibly well feel so 05:10 friggin planted I'm pretty much 05:12 convinced if you do leave traction in 05:14 ESC sport which is in Corsa you

can't 05:16 get the back end to step out yeah you 05:18 gotta like probably do some real tricks 05:19 and I'd really get the momentum to make 05:21 make a kick out for commercials exactly 05:23 which I'm not gonna do today 05:24 it takes corners so flat and the 05:26 steering is so friggin direct like it's 05:29 razor sharp the smallest movement on the 0 5:31 string you is the biggest movement of 05:33 the car and the car itself shouldn't 05:35 move the way it does for an SUV I think 05:37 the

biggest way to notice it is if you 05:39 drive a more regular SUV and then drive 05:41 this the amount of input you give you're 05:44 like oh I turn too tight that's exactly 05:46 it so let's talk more about the shifter 05:47 now ok the reverse you've got to pull 05:50 the whole thing all the way back it's 05:52 cool it's it's kind of intimid ating 05:54 there's like a lot of weird gimmicks to 05:55 it but that's part of the best part of 05:57 it yeah yeah Lamborghinis should have 05:59 little

weird quirks about them and this 06:01 definitely does have quirks can't say 06:03 course not much my ass duck it's fine 06:04 and then quickly back to those paddles 06:06 what do you think of the quality of them 06:08 compared to other Lamborghinis or other 06:09 maybe German cars yes so the paddles are 06:13 definitely better th an outies paddles 06:14 which I'll get to in a bit they're not 06:16 as good as other Lambos like the Huracan 06:18 and the Aventador are they even metal I 06:21 think

they're metal i they feel kind of 06:23 about the fact that I have to 06:24 second-guess it I know kind of 06:26 disappoints me but they don't feel that 06:27 bad no there I just I know you mean I 06:31 want those Alfa Romeo paddles these look 06:34 cooler though cuz they're like I don't 06:35 think sharps strongly dis agrees oh these 06:37 are so sharp they're like Lambo Chanel 06:39 ones were like this big man so let's 06:41 talk about looks because this is the 06:44 first new style Lamborghini

SUV and it 06:46 is very controversial it is but it's 06:49 also not at least not to me 06:51 so what's not controversial to you the 06:53 whole front end it looks like a Lambo to 06:55 me how about the side the sides kind of 06:57 weird because it's an SUV but it is very 06:59 sharp it's got strong hexagon al shapes 07:01 everywhere yeah exactly like they have 07:03 design elements from every other 07:04 Lamborghini in here but certain angles 07:06 in certain colors it does look bad

like 07:08 from a side angle in 07:10 it can look kind of muddy and just like 07:11 what is that oh yeah as far as I'm 07:13 concerned this should only be bought in 07:15 yellow and people are comparing it to 07:17 the Aztec and stuff which is pretty 07:18 funny that is kind of funny just becaus e 07:20 the lines and the sharpness exactly so 07:22 like there are weird parts but I do 07:23 think it is a super good Lamborghini SUV 07:25 much better than the first attempt from 07:27 Porsche to make

an SUV yeah so Porsche 07:29 made the Cayenne first which ended up 07:31 pretty much saving that whole company so 07:33 we should get into that a little bit for 07:35 this one yeah after we finished with the 07:36 looks okay so let's start with the front 07:38 end then we've pretty m uch got a 07:40 stretched-out Aventador I guess yeah for 07:42 sure we do and if you just look at the 07:43 top half of it it looks like a Lambo and 07:45 in the front end I think my favorite 07:47 part is how you

can get those kind of 07:48 triangle sections to show up but that's 07:50 an option right yes it is you don't have 07:52 to get them painted and then behind that 07:54 we've got some rads and stuff like that 07:56 lots of vents for everything nothing 07:58 fake really on here not on the front but 08:00 there are some on the back we've got 08:01 very Lambo headlights and then we've got 08:03 that nice Lambo logo up front and we've 08:05 even got a cool little radar buried in 08:07 there and it

doesn't stick out like a 08:08 sore thumb and this does have night 08:10 vision as well so now if we move to the 08:12 side view amazing body lines like 08:14 amazingly crisp and the way the window 08:17 lines look in the side view it does look 08:19 very coup ie like a slant back kind of 08:21 like the x6 and the new Porsche Cayenne 08:23 coupe yeah I think this is my favorite 08:25 looking of all of the coupe style SUVs 08:27 which I really don't like and while I'm 08:28 driving the driving

position is solo I 08:31 absolutely love it and then if I look to 08:33 my side view mirror's I can actually see 08:35 a little bit of shoulder from the 08:36 backend 08:37 yeah it doesn't it look so peaking with 08:38 that like that helps a lot it does help 08:40 and I really like these wheels Lambo 08:42 nails their wheels and this is no 08:44 exception what size are these these are 08:45 22s 08:46 they look pretty big that's like only 08:48 one inch bigger than my Prowler I think 08:50 no

it's definitely not you do that you 08:52 do not have 21 inch wheels I'm pretty 08:55 sure it's the one you don't have 21 inch 08:57 wheels it's at least 20 I'm sorry to 08:59 break that to you it's only check okay 09:00 and what does t he Continental recommend 09:02 a tyre the Conti Sport contact six and 09:05 then how about the back view back view 09:07 is all right you know this is one of the 09:09 few cars where the rear three-quarter 09:10 angle is not my favorite angle yeah I 09:12 agree

but it like it looks good we got a 09:14 little spoiler on the back we've got 09:15 Lambo style taillights kind of like the 09:18 Veloster and 09:18 like only one all the way across and I 09:20 love the taillights I wish I h ad like 09:22 more kind of like the Veloster and ya 09:23 know I love these taillights and then we 09:25 got some fat exhaust and they sound 09:27 incredible and I'm gonna let you listen 09:29 to that once again 09:32 so hard and the exhausts are very real 09:35 yeah mm too

real yeah yeah that's a 09:39 compliment by the way and then we've got 09:40 like a great diffuser at the back it's 09:42 like it's pretty good but it doesn't say 09:44 auras anywhere on the back no it doesn't 09 :46 I don't know if there's a badge delete 09:47 option or whatever but I think just 09:49 saying Lamborghinis and um I think 09:50 people will know does the Huracan say 09:52 Huracan no I know I invented or no no 09:55 well it's a lamb just perform on tape 09:58 well I guess this

guidance isn't on the 10:00 side on my favorite feature the sidestep 10:03 the chrome flexible sidestep yeah that's 10:06 the one feature we didn't talk about cuz 10:07 we absolutely can't stand it it makes 10:10 the car look so ugly yeah so definitely 10:12 just don't option that because you don't 10:13 have to have that but what's cool is 10:15 we've got frameless windows on these 10:17 doors 10:17 yeah they look awesome when they're open 10:18 and then when you open the door you get 10:20 the

thing where you don't get dirt on 10:21 your pants because the door covers the 10:22 rocker panel but it's kind of useless 10:25 with the sidestep however if you open 10:26 the doors at ni ght 10:27 you got nice Lambeau logos on the ground 10:29 in the front and in the back so I guess 10:32 that's pretty much it for a Lamborghini 10:33 worst looks what color do you think 10:35 yellow only right yeah absolutely this 10:37 one's white which is actually pretty 10:39 cool I absolutely hate the

grey 10:41 yeah the grey just doesn't do it for me 10:43 at all but when the earth first came out 10:44 I wasn't too sure on the looks but I 10:46 follow Heather Lamborghini on Instagram 10:48 helps her Lamborghini girl Heather 10:50 Lamborghini girl and she's always 10:52 spec'ing out the craziest worst ISM and 10:54 pretty much everything yeah yeah you can 10:56 get a full out yellow interior on yellow 10:58 and yellow so I don't know give her a 11:00 follow and like check out all the

crazy 11:02 specs that they make these in like I 11:03 don't even understand how it's possible 11:04 yeah yeah there's you can get this in 11:06 the wildest spec an d this is definitely 11:08 far from 11:09 this is Barry oh yeah also those sides 11:12 of it together 11:12 yeah now let's get you into the driver's 11:15 seat but first I just want to talk about 11:17 the actual exhaust the tone and the 11:20 crackles that is ascended one more time 11:23 okay so that's set f/8 speed up

shifts 11:26 chainsaw style which we absolutely love 11:28 the actual tone of the 11:30 so much better than the one in the 11:32 Cayenne which this engi ne is based on 11:34 the crackles and pops on this are so 11:37 cool they just they're endless so if you 11:39 keep tapping the throttle I'm just tap 11:41 tap tap tap tap tap crackle crackle 11:43 crackle it's the coolest sound it kind 11:45 of sounds like a drumbeat it's just like 11:46 Gumby drum beat drum beat like watch but 11:48 I hope I'm

into that in a Lamborghini 11:49 you know what I mean 11:55 I'm not into it I get it I want this to 11:58 be a high-revving v10 as well but it is 12:00 what it is and I like and that's why I 12:02 think I like driving the Alfa Romeo a 12:04 little more 12:05 that exhaust sound compared to this yeah 12:06 this is much deeper sound but anyways 12:08 let's get you into the driver's seat so 12:10 here's why I like the transmission so 12:12 much put it into strata nice and quiet 12:16 but if I floor

it it'll still do what I 12:18 wanted to do it's still ridiculously 12:24 fast but the exhaust is minor 12:25 yeah but the way e verything kicks into 12:27 gear so quickly it makes it perfect like 12:30 if you needed to drive this around and 12:31 regularly and then you floor it like you 12:33 don't need to do like both switch the 12:35 drive mode to make everything work like 12:36 it just goes all the time yeah and if 12:38 you were to do launch control this will 12:40 do 0 to 100 km/h in 3.6

seconds which is 12:44 pretty freakin fast and the more I look 12:46 at this thing speeding around town the 12:48 mo re it looks like kind of a big wagon 12:51 to me more than an SUV ok like don't you 12:54 know I get the feeling it's so low so 12:56 wide it's almost just like a fat fat 12:58 wagon I guess I guess but aren't all 13:01 SUVs just fat wagons I mean an e63 wagon 13:04 is a lot different than a GL cease well 13:07 so you let me know yeah SUVs are fat 13:10 wagons you go I'm ok with

that 13:12 I'll allow it it right after cliche 13:14 corner I'll talk about the interior 13:21 way too f ast 13:22 so inside we've got a pretty good 13:26 infotainment it's pretty much right out 13:28 of the Audi q8 but it's totally reskin 13:31 to match everything else in the 13:33 Lamborghini lineup yeah if you've ever 13:34 driven an Audi you'll be right at home 13:36 with this infotainment like you 13:37 absolutely loved it in the a7 I love it 13:40 in here so unlike a lot of luxury

cars 13:41 this doesn't have a scroll wheel to 13:43 control everything this just has to 13: 45 touch screens which are very easy to use 13:47 but they come stock with like a haptic 13:49 feedback thing on so you got to go into 13:52 the MMI settings turn that off so it's 13:53 just click and works like a normal type 13:55 screen and there's a theme with 13:57 Lamborghinis where things are hexagons 13:58 or octagons what is it it's hexagons and 14:01 wise so we've got a lot of

hexagon 14:02 shapes all inside this infotainment 14:04 everything's skin that w ay and it 14:06 actually looks pretty good and it suits 14:07 the rest of the car yeah it's unique to 14:09 Lambo and it works in here so we've got 14:11 apple carplay Android auto yeah it works 14:13 flawlessly rewinding Satellite Radio's 14:15 no tuned mix though we've got the 14:18 built-in Google Maps tile navigation 14:20 which looks really nice and on our lower 14:22 screen we got our climate

functions 14:23 stuff like that and a little button for 14:25 shortc uts I love it 14:26 then up here on the left on the big 14:28 screen we can actually shortcut stuff 14:29 onto the left side - yeah we can have 14:31 our Android auto auto car play right 14:32 there and then we've also got a really 14:34 good high-res 360 camera reverse camera 14:36 all the parking sensors and stuff but 14:38 I've got a little beef with the 360 14:40 camera so the stitching is kind of weird 14:42 so we go from

the front camera to the 14:44 side camera it kind of mov es around like 14:47 this and changes the stitch around so 14:48 we're trying to park to something close 14:49 you can't get an accurate reading yeah I 14:51 saw that I know what you mean but it 14:53 doesn't bother me yeah to me it just it 14:55 drives me crazy like there's other 14:57 manufacturers who nail that stitch 14:58 perfectly and this one just like I don't 15:00 like how it moves I just love the 15:01 resolution and I don't

really care about 15:03 anything else becaus e of that then if we 15:04 move to our gauge cluster this is 15:06 probably my favorite part the graphic 15:08 design for the gauges are so perfect so 15:11 if we're in strata that was 25 clicks 15:14 later five plates I did the mat so we've 15:17 got a blue tack that goes through as we 15:19 get faster and then if we click down to 15:21 sport it turns orange which is really 15:23 nice and then if we want to go really 15:24 fast one more click to Corsa

and the 15:26 gauge 15:26 comple tely changes and it looks exactly 15:28 like the Huracan perform on Tate it is 15:30 so super cool yeah I love it and these 15:32 gauges when you switch gears the numbers 15:35 come in with such a cool animation and 15:37 there's like no lag in the entire system 15:39 in none of the graphics nothing the lack 15:41 of lag is my favorite and with that 15:43 change you also get a head-up display 15:45 change which makes it so easy to shift 15:47 it's got it's

hexagons again for l ike 15:49 shifting patterns it's so clear so much 15:51 better than that x3 MX for M we drove oh 15:54 my god yeah yeah it's unreal this is 15:56 perfect which to me is kind of shocking 15:57 that's such an exotic company nails 16:00 graphic design some heart usually you're 16:03 like oh it's going to be super weird but 16:05 I'm gonna take it because I want the 16:06 fast car but this is the best of both 16:08 worlds and then what I also like with 16:09 the gauges is we can

click on this left 16:12 menu button we can get our lap times 16:13 elapsed at sports displays or my 16:15 favorite reduce display so I'm gonna 16:17 click that it gets rid of everything all 16:19 we have is our speed our TAC and our 16:21 gear oh and then also in the head-up 16:23 display when you're using all your lane 16:25 keep assist and all that stuff which 16:26 works really well 16:27 just like the Audi's do it shows up very 16:30 clearly in your head up display yeah it 16:32 does like
you said work very well and 16:33 it's so intuitive so you mentioned 16:35 outtie so Lamborghini is owned by 16:37 Volkswagen group so this does share 16:39 parts with the q8 the q7 the Bentley of 16:42 Antigua and the Porsche Cayenne so it's 16:44 actually sharing some parts with some 16:46 pretty damn good cars so I guess they 16:48 don't have like a skeleton crew in Italy 16:50 making up a whole computer program even 16:52 though they're car engineers you 16:53 actually have car engineers

making 16:55 infotainment and everything that already 16:57 worked perfect and like we mentioned 16:58 earlier earlier on in the video Porsche 17:01 Cayenne basically saved Porsche I think 17:04 not the Lamborghini needs saving but 17:06 this is just gonna let them build more 17:07 sports cars more Aventador SV J's more 17:10 Nurburgring lap times more more full 17:12 press cars for us to drive in the future 17:14 yeah exactly so there's nothing bad 17:15 about the Auris anyone t hat's

upset 17:17 you're upset for the wrong reasons 17:19 they're probably just upset cuz they 17:20 can't afford one pretty much so let's 17:22 quickly wrap up the rest of this 17:23 interior we've got lots of great 17:24 materials brushed aluminum Alcantara 17:27 some gloss black which isn't the worse 17:29 because it is such an expensive SUV 17:30 there is a lot of gloss black but yes 17:32 this is at the price point where you're 17:34 not gonna clean it yourself we've got 17:35 cool armrests that

ratchet forward a 17:37 really really 17:38 nice comfortable steering wheel with the 17:40 Lamborghini logo in the middle which is 17:42 awesome and the Italian flag just does a 17:44 little friendly reminder all the buttons 17:46 everything we need is very easy to find 17:48 lots of room in the back seats do you 17:49 fit just fine I fit completely fine 17:52 behind myself Headroom and legroom I was 17:54 shocked we got a cool moonroof we've got 17:56 a l ot of room in the trunk we

should 17:57 probably do the box test box test five 18:00 six seven eight and our newest guy 18:04 nemesis Autosport 9 get your own box on 18:09 patreon.com slashes straight pipes man 18:12 the visor test oh yeah okay three two 18:16 one oh haha wait a second super car pass 18:21 is there a second one no I guess this is 18:23 a super car we got to make a new super 18:25 SUV and super truck test and and then it 18:27 will fit a small ice cap jus t perfectly 18:29 fine and this has kick to open in

the 18:31 trunk as well which is super nice and 18:33 it's got cool privacy cover just like 18:35 lots of room more room for an SUV than I 18:37 thought it would have it's extremely 18:38 practical it is a Lamborghini it has a 18:41 Lamborghini badge but it's so practical 18:42 they're just daily driving especially 18:44 for a coupe SUV yeah exactly 18:46 the seats are super comfortable we got 18:47 these nice stitched in headrests which 18:49 you obviously have to pay extra for and 18:51 I

guess that pretty much rounds off the 18:52 interior I would actually look to talk 18:54 about the Bang & Olufsen 3d audio system 18:57 which is an option on this do you like 18:59 it I love it and guess how much it cost 19:00 because I had a look at the little 19:02 options list eight thousand dollars 19:04 Canadian pretty much bang on oh really 19:06 yeah eight thousand three hundred and 19:08 forty seven dollars crazy but it sounds 19:10 so good so and you might as well just 19:12 check that

and the speakers come out of 19:14 the dash yes they do 19:15 one other thing behind the wheels which 19:16 looks super cool are the massive carbon 19:19 ceramic brakes 10 piston yeah they're 19:21 huge they were like bigger than this 19:23 steering with where you hit the brakes 19:24 for me hard like ah that wasn't even 19:27 full yeah I know I I kind of should have 19:29 expected that okay but anyways they stop 19:31 like crazy and carbon ceramics are 19:33 actually standard on this which

makes a 19:35 lot of sense I guess I've heard Carbon 19:36 ceramics aren't the best for actual 19:38 racetrack driving yeah steel ones but I 19:40 think for road driving just have fast 19:42 brakes once in a while yeah pretty much 19:44 they look cooler are you a little 19:45 surprised that there's like no carbon 19:47 fiber in here well you can option it the 19:49 only carbon fiber I saw was on t he gas 19:50 cap oh yeah that's right and this does 19:52 have air suspension so you can raise

it 19:54 crazy high so you can go off-roading go 19:56 into the snow but it also dumps pretty 19:58 low not as low as I would like it for 20:00 air suspension yeah it could go a little 20:02 bit lower maybe like a show mode or 20:03 something exactly but it does lower 20:05 automatically when you're driving at 20:06 higher speeds as well so maybe if it 20:07 just could be parked in tha t mode so is 20:09 that it that is now it okay so let's get 20:12 into the price two hundred and

thirty 20:14 two thousand dollars to start Canadian 20:16 and this one is obviously not the base 20:18 model so this one is two hundred and 20:20 seventy seven thousand one hundred and 20:22 fifty two dollars you know what that's 20:25 worth it that's kind of cheap for a 20:27 Lamborghini exactly it is honestly is 20:29 and for the fastest coolest SUV I mean I 20:32 guess m aybe the Cullinan is more 20:34 expensive but I don't think it's as fast 20:36 and wild like for the fastest super

SUV 20:40 this is the only Super Sport SUV well I 20:45 guess like the track Hawks there too but 20:47 I think for the fastest one that's a 20:49 fair price this is faster than a track 20:51 Hawk but the track Hawk is like very 20:52 very close in terms of speed and it's 20:54 very very American and very very 20:56 different yes everyone stares at this on 20:59 the road I had a guy that pretty much 21:01 almost crashed right in front of me I 21:03 wish I had a dashcam he was trying to 21:05 take

a video of me behind him and then 21:07 he ended up on the curb but anyways this 21:09 gets a lot of attention that's the 21:10 number one thing that people want when 21:11 they buy this and you get it because as 21:13 someone who's in the industry when I see 21:15 it I'm like okay it's a Lambo SUV but 21:17 like you don't feel that it's a Lambo 21:2 0 SUV until you're behind the wheel 21:21 personally 21:22 yeah I kind of get that like you're like 21:24 alright cool but then once you drive

it 21:26 oh yes 21:29 the engine the sound the performance the 21:32 steering wheel like everything the 21:34 driving position or the little badges 21:35 then like yes I'm in a Lambo this is a 21:38 Lambo okay so other competition kind of 21:41 I guess fastest UV is we've got the 21:45 Range Rover SUV are was pretty wild as 21:47 well it was but not as wild as this but 21:50 maybe the exhaust was better 21:51 yeah the exhaust was very different and 21:53 unique then the Alfa Romeo stell vo

was 21:55 like not quite here but it was pretty 21:58 awesome as well Mahler and slower that 22:00 sounds better then we have the track 22:02 hawk obviously and the Cayenne Turbo 22:03 which we've also driven does the GL c63 22:06 s kind of compete with these as well 22:08 yeah kind of but that feels more khari 22:10 than this yeah it does and I guess it's 22:12 just time for Ferrari and Aston Martin 22:14 to come out with one as well I seem from 22:16 prototypes or whatever on line

yeah 22:17 they're coming soon do you think they're 22:19 gonna be better than this I don't know 22:20 the Aston Martin I feel like it won't be 22:23 but the Ferrari not sure oh and then the 22:26 Levante oh yeah that's right I mean it's 22:29 like Italian SUVs that are fasiq there's 22:32 a lot of cool stuff going on with SUVs 22:33 and I know you hate them I just don't 22:35 like SUVs in general but I like this I 22:38 think personally I like fast SUVs don't 22:41 say it more than a

dance 22:43 no not fast too doors by the way you're 22:46 a sedan guy yeah yeah I'm not a sedan 22:49 guy not really I was so nervous that 22:51 you're gonna say that you like the more 22:52 like adventurers or Huracan like maybe 22:55 the doors Wed up like okay like gullwing 22:57 stuff like a Model X this should have 22:59 doors ago up 23:00 [Music] 23:02 so let us know where the Lamborghini 23:04 wrist falls in line with other fast SUVs 23:07 and fast Italian SUV don't forget

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