The 707 Horsepower Family Sedan - 2021 Dodge Charger Hellcat Widebody Review
The 707 Horsepower Family Sedan - 2021 Dodge Charger Hellca
842.466 visualizações • 18 de ago. de 2021 • 2021 Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat Widebody review by The Straight Pipes. The Dodge Charger Hellcat Widebody is pumping out 707hp and 650 lb-ft tq from a Supercharged 6.2L V8. Would you take it over a Mercedes-AMG E63, Dodge Challenger Hellcat Widebody, BMW M5 Competition? Support us on Patreon: Become a YouTube Member! Subscribe! Facebook! Instagram! Twitter! MERCH! Check out Continental Tire at ------------------- #charger #hellcat #srt ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais
[Music] i'm gary i'm jacob and we are going to have [Music] 2020 dodge charger srt hellcat wide body with launch control 707 horsepower pound-feet of torque for a 6.2 liter super track yes so as you guys know from our previous reviews of the manual hellcat challenger and the hellcat red eye we love hella cats it's their first time in a charger hell cat yeah i can scream 707 horsepower for the rest of my life even though the red eyes more 797. and even 717 for the other ones now and since this is
our first charger hellcat i want to start off with the hooks that's probably a good place to start considering the wide body is brand new for 2020. and before we keep going if you like your horsepower dart try one try one try it where's bird torque yeah maybe consider subscribing first burn dirk yeah or horse pork which is what donut media says here's the horsepower matches the torque car spurs first okay this car's been around for like 15 years and they make it look better every yea r yeah i
don't think any other company in the world has done that yeah and they pulled it off so well i mean fox body tried yeah but how long was that around like since 1974 yeah to 1993 i get yeah fair enough box bodies okay so front end they made it look so much more modern like really clean intakes everywhere everything looks real we've got the cool new style headlights yeah the leds and the headlights look really good we also have a very aggressive looking hellcat style hood y eah having a black hood
on a white challenger with a wide body is definitely bait out and up front we also have a mail slot for more air i think that's a very cool name it is and then you can see those bolted on fenders there as well and you can see them on the back they stick out so much and they have room for such wide tires i love the wide look on the challengers and the chargers yeah the wide look is amazing and the fact that they molded it into the front bumper and made everythi ng wide just looks proper because
like they saw what the aftermarket was doing and they just did it better it's like a stock liberty walk kit or something pretty much okay from the side view we still have the same old dodge charger line that they pretty much had the whole time but now with the fender flares it looks really good we've got this one in white but lucky enough we picked the perfect angle of the sun to make everything pop and i love these wide body style wheels they're s o fat and just so good looking it's such a deep
rim and what is the continental recommended tire for the dodge charger hellcat the xtreme contact sport and by the way you may have noticed that we're both wearing continental shirts this time that's because right now if you purchase a set of qualifying light truck or suv tires by august 31st 2020 you can receive up to a 100 visa prepaid gift card the promotion is only available in the united states and the full details are available at the link in the top comment and don't worry you canadians
we're going to keep you guys posted for when there's some stuff for us up here in the great white north and before we get to the back end oh my god those crackles back end looks good we've got a nice little black spoiler yeah and i love these tail lights the tail lights are classic they nailed it like so many years ago and just kept them the same and then we got real exhaust down there and everything just looks so wide from behind it's probably the most perfect charger they've ever built thick
with three c's hey did i ever tell you that in one of the fast and furiouses in brazil they stole dodge charger police cars that were brand new but then when they used them to steal the vault the crew switched them out for older dodge chargers because you could see that from the taillights well you told me right now yeah interesting dodge charger fact number one of what that's all yeah yeah but ideally i would li ke to have it in that one blue color that they released it in yeah that blue color
is really nice had everyone reviewed this in about a whole year ago probably about that yeah so now moving on to the interior quickly before i go through cliche corner and you get behind the wheel it's pretty much every single fca dodge challenger and charger it's exactly the same we've got a pretty decent infection pretty good infotainment i really like fca's infotainment it can be a little slow some times you're loading performance pages but you have all that stuff you've got line lock you've
got launch control pretty much everything you need there and it's got a bunch of really cool features for post race like race cooldown where it'll cycle the fluid for the supercharger and cool it down after and then our gauges are analog on the left analog on the right digital in the middle it shows every single digit through the speedo and you can go through so many different pages and ge t so many different useful options and i should mention that i actually did check the fuel economy on this
because i took a couple hour road trip in it and i had it in eco mode for everything cruise control on and i got 11.5 liters per 100 kilometers which is the quoted numbers for this car okay let me go through cliche corner and we'll finish off the interior with you god that's a slide this thing really wants to get away from you and i look there's like no throttle there and that' s actually traction control on yeah i think on a track you can be careful with this and push it really hard but this
thing can get away from very easy yes don't know what you're doing okay your turn okay launch control button let me deliver some mail through the mail slot and send it yes oh my god all right that's enough holy crap i love that man everything hellcat srt it's so good hellcat is the best thing they've ever done you guys know how to make fun cars better than everyone else yes like what like this is exactly what i wanted of a high horsepower car dodge claims that this is the most powerful and
fastest mass-produced sedan in the world well yeah i guess there's like the project eight and then there's also the gta modificato yeah which are not mass-produced and i totally buy that oh yeah like this is incredible like what's faster than with four doors like nothing well this can do zero to 100 per hour in 3.8 seconds apparently but have we ever got that number i doubt you made the mistake of saying four doors not sedan oh yeah whatever sorry because that would be the amg gta four-door
yeah man and speaking of little stipulations like that porsche just got the fastest executive sedan nurburgring lap with the panamera yo these records are stupid yeah and i think everyone should like aim to have the cars land at the exact same time but they're also yeah yeah well we're lucky because we get to drive yeah all right we'll probab ly get some more interior stuff later let's keep talking about driving okay i'm not gonna ask watch this up shift bro this car is so aggressive but it's
so good you can like use all the gears like shifting is fun getting it to manual is fun the gear ratios are good like everything about it everything about it's good and okay say you're in auto drive mode if you try to use the paddles it won't let you because it knows you're an auto you actually have to click the shifter over to ma nual to do that and in both the drive modes to get to them you have to press the srt button yeah and then you got to dig through to the drive mode button and then you
can see which mode does what but if you double click the srt button it'll go right to one of the fast modes and turn traction off which is kind of sketchy i think it's really cool and i'm going to send it into cliche corner in track mode however with traction in sports so that i don't die and let's see what it does in the proper gear oh my god okay so it's obviously a huge sedan and it can drift like crazy and there's a ton of body roll and i'm 40 feet in the air but i love every single bit of
it okay the predictability factor i think the highest on this the corvette z06 that we drove before yeah yes that was so sketchy this is like more horsepower more control yeah it's heavier but like still i feel way better doing everything in this i feel like i can drift this one-handed while drinking a mons ter whereas i would totally just die in a z06 with both hands on the wheel power delivery is great there's no lag yeah i love superchargers i love the sound and just like every other hellcat
version that we've driven it sounds incredible so let's take a listen to the outside probably one of the best exhausts combined with the best supercharger from the front yeah that wine is just so good there's the right amount of it whereas like the gt500 didn't have any wine dodge is just the be st i don't know and we haven't talked about the transmission yet that's because we have zero complaints about it it's a zf eight speed that we know and love because it's in every fca product pretty much
it's in all the hellcats that don't have a manual transmission and you can't get a manual in this if you want a manual with a hellcat you have to get a challenger which is totally fine but this is perfect for a sedan yeah i think if you needed a car for your family and like you manag ed to like bamboozle your wife into letting you get this it would be perfect and you wouldn't need it in manual no exactly like this is totally fine in auto you leave an auto you floor it even from eco mode you just
floor it on the highway and it's great but it still kind of does suck that the paddles are half paddles on the steering wheel with the radio buttons behind i love the radio buttons but like it'd be nice to have big paddles on a charger i totally agree so now let's get int o this interior a little bit more the steering wheel itself is massive but it's good that you can vary how the steering feels depending on which mode you're in and behind the steering wheel we've got these huge couch cushion
seats well i guess in front of it in front of the steering wheel like when you first get into one of these charger hellcats you're like what am i sitting in this isn't a sports car and then after a few minutes you're just like you know i'm really comfortable a nd i'm also faster than everyone and i got the best predictability factor yeah and they're just genuinely super comfortable i drove them for like two or three hours on a road trip totally fine and there's also plenty of back seat room
except my head is actually in the glass portion so that kind of sucks if you were bald or something on a road trip oh man you'd get a burn on the top of your head for sure and we usually never ever box test sedans but we want to show you for once i n a while why we don't box test this can only fit three boxes we've got tony's box who's new to and we've got happy first year anniversary to alibox anyways even with such a huge sedan to three boxes that's why we don't do it but if you do
want your own name on a box head over to and some more goodies coming there soon ooh keep your eyes peeled more stuff so then we should probably get to the visor test oh yeah i feel like dodge always does a great job three t wo one yes full pass and extra pass good job cup holders fits just fine today i'm rocking the medium because i'm extra thirsty and extra tired and the suspension is so comfortable i mean look at the thing it's a four-door sedan it's super comfortable in every mode
there are three different modes it's bilstein adaptive dampers and i really like what they did with it is it definitely a cheater car for every single thing for a family it's kind of like an e63s because that would actually be the competitor to this in terms of horsepower and all that kind of stuff not so much luxury but this is kind of the same idea it'd be more more comfortable than an e63 yeah and this is rear-wheel drive so it's just more fun even though yeah drifting can't be drifted yeah
yeah but i can still have the traction on in this in rear wheel drive mode exactly even though i'm using sport traction because you can still get fully sideways and we haven't turned traction all the way all the way off no because there's no need for it unless you're doing burnouts but even then this thing will do burnouts in more attraction exactly it's like it's the perfect system it really is okay couple things that suck that this doesn't have well it's got a really bad old reverse camera and
it doesn't have a video recording device for driving like the corvette's doing the cameras in gm does because like gm is also super old tech but they have that it'd be nice to have yeah but this is ju st so old that it doesn't really matter i know but like yo nobody even heard the word dash cam when this first came out i mean the last gen corvettes are old too and they have the cameras not battle well maybe 2013 yeah and this also has reminding satellite radios apple carplay and android whole lot
of auto horsepower dark dude i love this car so much do you love it more than saying horsepower and dark i don't know both are pretty good they go well together okay that's pretty much eve rything with the dodge charger hellcat wide body let's get to the price you forgot srt but that doesn't matter it starts at eighty four thousand three hundred and forty five dollars and this one is ninety nine thousand one hundred and fifty five dollars this is exactly what i'd want out of a fast car with high
horsepower this could be 150 000 and i would still say it's worth it would you take this over a challenger i would definitely consider this over a challenger if i needed the ba ck seat room and the extra doors but right now i think i'd take a challenger yeah because it kind of looks cooler because it's a two-door exactly and there's more variations like you get the demon and the red-eye but this is just more daily-able at least it feels like that because the four doors like i could just shove
groceries back there if i don't feel like opening the trunk which is massive by the way if anything i think it's cooler if somebody has a charger hellcat instead of a challenger hellcat yes because you know it's like oh i need the back seat room but i also really need 707 horsepower yeah and i think that's a really cool thing to have so let us know what you guys think of this versus the challenger and definitely click here to watch our challenger review the red eye both of them the
hellcat manual yeah i'd click those and maybe even gt500 i don't think there's enough room on the screen though we're gonna probably have three did he a t Widebody Review
The 707 Horsepower Family Sedan - 2021 Dodge Charger Hellcat Widebody Review
842.466 visualizações • 18 de ago. de 2021 • 2021 Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat Widebody review by The Straight Pipes. The Dodge Charger Hellcat Widebody is pumping out 707hp and 650 lb-ft tq from a Supercharged 6.2L V8. Would you take it over a Mercedes-AMG E63, Dodge Challenger Hellcat Widebody, BMW M5 Competition? Support us on Patreon: Become a YouTube Member! Subscribe! Facebook! Instagram! Twitter! MERCH! Check out Continental Tire at ------------------- #charger #hellcat #srt ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

[Music] i'm gary i'm jacob and we are going to have [Music] 2020 dodge charger srt hellcat wide body with launch control 707 horsepower pound-feet of torque for a 6.2 liter super track yes so as you guys know from our previous reviews of the manual hellcat challenger and the hellcat red eye we love hella cats it's their first time in a charger hell cat yeah i can scream 707 horsepower for the rest of my life even though the red eyes more 797. and even 717 for the other ones now and since this is
our first charger hellcat i want to start off with the hooks that's probably a good place to start considering the wide body is brand new for 2020. and before we keep going if you like your horsepower dart try one try one try it where's bird torque yeah maybe consider subscribing first burn dirk yeah or horse pork which is what donut media says here's the horsepower matches the torque car spurs first okay this car's been around for like 15 years and they make it look better every yea r yeah i
don't think any other company in the world has done that yeah and they pulled it off so well i mean fox body tried yeah but how long was that around like since 1974 yeah to 1993 i get yeah fair enough box bodies okay so front end they made it look so much more modern like really clean intakes everywhere everything looks real we've got the cool new style headlights yeah the leds and the headlights look really good we also have a very aggressive looking hellcat style hood y eah having a black hood
on a white challenger with a wide body is definitely bait out and up front we also have a mail slot for more air i think that's a very cool name it is and then you can see those bolted on fenders there as well and you can see them on the back they stick out so much and they have room for such wide tires i love the wide look on the challengers and the chargers yeah the wide look is amazing and the fact that they molded it into the front bumper and made everythi ng wide just looks proper because
like they saw what the aftermarket was doing and they just did it better it's like a stock liberty walk kit or something pretty much okay from the side view we still have the same old dodge charger line that they pretty much had the whole time but now with the fender flares it looks really good we've got this one in white but lucky enough we picked the perfect angle of the sun to make everything pop and i love these wide body style wheels they're s o fat and just so good looking it's such a deep
rim and what is the continental recommended tire for the dodge charger hellcat the xtreme contact sport and by the way you may have noticed that we're both wearing continental shirts this time that's because right now if you purchase a set of qualifying light truck or suv tires by august 31st 2020 you can receive up to a 100 visa prepaid gift card the promotion is only available in the united states and the full details are available at the link in the top comment and don't worry you canadians
we're going to keep you guys posted for when there's some stuff for us up here in the great white north and before we get to the back end oh my god those crackles back end looks good we've got a nice little black spoiler yeah and i love these tail lights the tail lights are classic they nailed it like so many years ago and just kept them the same and then we got real exhaust down there and everything just looks so wide from behind it's probably the most perfect charger they've ever built thick
with three c's hey did i ever tell you that in one of the fast and furiouses in brazil they stole dodge charger police cars that were brand new but then when they used them to steal the vault the crew switched them out for older dodge chargers because you could see that from the taillights well you told me right now yeah interesting dodge charger fact number one of what that's all yeah yeah but ideally i would li ke to have it in that one blue color that they released it in yeah that blue color
is really nice had everyone reviewed this in about a whole year ago probably about that yeah so now moving on to the interior quickly before i go through cliche corner and you get behind the wheel it's pretty much every single fca dodge challenger and charger it's exactly the same we've got a pretty decent infection pretty good infotainment i really like fca's infotainment it can be a little slow some times you're loading performance pages but you have all that stuff you've got line lock you've
got launch control pretty much everything you need there and it's got a bunch of really cool features for post race like race cooldown where it'll cycle the fluid for the supercharger and cool it down after and then our gauges are analog on the left analog on the right digital in the middle it shows every single digit through the speedo and you can go through so many different pages and ge t so many different useful options and i should mention that i actually did check the fuel economy on this
because i took a couple hour road trip in it and i had it in eco mode for everything cruise control on and i got 11.5 liters per 100 kilometers which is the quoted numbers for this car okay let me go through cliche corner and we'll finish off the interior with you god that's a slide this thing really wants to get away from you and i look there's like no throttle there and that' s actually traction control on yeah i think on a track you can be careful with this and push it really hard but this
thing can get away from very easy yes don't know what you're doing okay your turn okay launch control button let me deliver some mail through the mail slot and send it yes oh my god all right that's enough holy crap i love that man everything hellcat srt it's so good hellcat is the best thing they've ever done you guys know how to make fun cars better than everyone else yes like what like this is exactly what i wanted of a high horsepower car dodge claims that this is the most powerful and
fastest mass-produced sedan in the world well yeah i guess there's like the project eight and then there's also the gta modificato yeah which are not mass-produced and i totally buy that oh yeah like this is incredible like what's faster than with four doors like nothing well this can do zero to 100 per hour in 3.8 seconds apparently but have we ever got that number i doubt you made the mistake of saying four doors not sedan oh yeah whatever sorry because that would be the amg gta four-door
yeah man and speaking of little stipulations like that porsche just got the fastest executive sedan nurburgring lap with the panamera yo these records are stupid yeah and i think everyone should like aim to have the cars land at the exact same time but they're also yeah yeah well we're lucky because we get to drive yeah all right we'll probab ly get some more interior stuff later let's keep talking about driving okay i'm not gonna ask watch this up shift bro this car is so aggressive but it's
so good you can like use all the gears like shifting is fun getting it to manual is fun the gear ratios are good like everything about it everything about it's good and okay say you're in auto drive mode if you try to use the paddles it won't let you because it knows you're an auto you actually have to click the shifter over to ma nual to do that and in both the drive modes to get to them you have to press the srt button yeah and then you got to dig through to the drive mode button and then you
can see which mode does what but if you double click the srt button it'll go right to one of the fast modes and turn traction off which is kind of sketchy i think it's really cool and i'm going to send it into cliche corner in track mode however with traction in sports so that i don't die and let's see what it does in the proper gear oh my god okay so it's obviously a huge sedan and it can drift like crazy and there's a ton of body roll and i'm 40 feet in the air but i love every single bit of
it okay the predictability factor i think the highest on this the corvette z06 that we drove before yeah yes that was so sketchy this is like more horsepower more control yeah it's heavier but like still i feel way better doing everything in this i feel like i can drift this one-handed while drinking a mons ter whereas i would totally just die in a z06 with both hands on the wheel power delivery is great there's no lag yeah i love superchargers i love the sound and just like every other hellcat
version that we've driven it sounds incredible so let's take a listen to the outside probably one of the best exhausts combined with the best supercharger from the front yeah that wine is just so good there's the right amount of it whereas like the gt500 didn't have any wine dodge is just the be st i don't know and we haven't talked about the transmission yet that's because we have zero complaints about it it's a zf eight speed that we know and love because it's in every fca product pretty much
it's in all the hellcats that don't have a manual transmission and you can't get a manual in this if you want a manual with a hellcat you have to get a challenger which is totally fine but this is perfect for a sedan yeah i think if you needed a car for your family and like you manag ed to like bamboozle your wife into letting you get this it would be perfect and you wouldn't need it in manual no exactly like this is totally fine in auto you leave an auto you floor it even from eco mode you just
floor it on the highway and it's great but it still kind of does suck that the paddles are half paddles on the steering wheel with the radio buttons behind i love the radio buttons but like it'd be nice to have big paddles on a charger i totally agree so now let's get int o this interior a little bit more the steering wheel itself is massive but it's good that you can vary how the steering feels depending on which mode you're in and behind the steering wheel we've got these huge couch cushion
seats well i guess in front of it in front of the steering wheel like when you first get into one of these charger hellcats you're like what am i sitting in this isn't a sports car and then after a few minutes you're just like you know i'm really comfortable a nd i'm also faster than everyone and i got the best predictability factor yeah and they're just genuinely super comfortable i drove them for like two or three hours on a road trip totally fine and there's also plenty of back seat room
except my head is actually in the glass portion so that kind of sucks if you were bald or something on a road trip oh man you'd get a burn on the top of your head for sure and we usually never ever box test sedans but we want to show you for once i n a while why we don't box test this can only fit three boxes we've got tony's box who's new to and we've got happy first year anniversary to alibox anyways even with such a huge sedan to three boxes that's why we don't do it but if you do
want your own name on a box head over to and some more goodies coming there soon ooh keep your eyes peeled more stuff so then we should probably get to the visor test oh yeah i feel like dodge always does a great job three t wo one yes full pass and extra pass good job cup holders fits just fine today i'm rocking the medium because i'm extra thirsty and extra tired and the suspension is so comfortable i mean look at the thing it's a four-door sedan it's super comfortable in every mode
there are three different modes it's bilstein adaptive dampers and i really like what they did with it is it definitely a cheater car for every single thing for a family it's kind of like an e63s because that would actually be the competitor to this in terms of horsepower and all that kind of stuff not so much luxury but this is kind of the same idea it'd be more more comfortable than an e63 yeah and this is rear-wheel drive so it's just more fun even though yeah drifting can't be drifted yeah
yeah but i can still have the traction on in this in rear wheel drive mode exactly even though i'm using sport traction because you can still get fully sideways and we haven't turned traction all the way all the way off no because there's no need for it unless you're doing burnouts but even then this thing will do burnouts in more attraction exactly it's like it's the perfect system it really is okay couple things that suck that this doesn't have well it's got a really bad old reverse camera and
it doesn't have a video recording device for driving like the corvette's doing the cameras in gm does because like gm is also super old tech but they have that it'd be nice to have yeah but this is ju st so old that it doesn't really matter i know but like yo nobody even heard the word dash cam when this first came out i mean the last gen corvettes are old too and they have the cameras not battle well maybe 2013 yeah and this also has reminding satellite radios apple carplay and android whole lot
of auto horsepower dark dude i love this car so much do you love it more than saying horsepower and dark i don't know both are pretty good they go well together okay that's pretty much eve rything with the dodge charger hellcat wide body let's get to the price you forgot srt but that doesn't matter it starts at eighty four thousand three hundred and forty five dollars and this one is ninety nine thousand one hundred and fifty five dollars this is exactly what i'd want out of a fast car with high
horsepower this could be 150 000 and i would still say it's worth it would you take this over a challenger i would definitely consider this over a challenger if i needed the ba ck seat room and the extra doors but right now i think i'd take a challenger yeah because it kind of looks cooler because it's a two-door exactly and there's more variations like you get the demon and the red-eye but this is just more daily-able at least it feels like that because the four doors like i could just shove
groceries back there if i don't feel like opening the trunk which is massive by the way if anything i think it's cooler if somebody has a charger hellcat instead of a challenger hellcat yes because you know it's like oh i need the back seat room but i also really need 707 horsepower yeah and i think that's a really cool thing to have so let us know what you guys think of this versus the challenger and definitely click here to watch our challenger review the red eye both of them the
hellcat manual yeah i'd click those and maybe even gt500 i don't think there's enough room on the screen though we're gonna probably have three did he a t Widebody Review
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