Is the NEW Genesis G90 Finally As Good As The Mercedes S Class?
Is the NEW Genesis G90 Finally As Good As The Mercedes S Cl
701.686 visualizações • 22 de out. de 2021 • 2021 Genesis G90 Review by The Straight Pipes. The Genesis G90 has been heavily refreshed for the 2021 model year, which brings it closer in line with some of its full size luxury car competitors like the BMW 7 Series, Mercedes S Class, Audi A8, Volvo S90, Lincoln Continental. With its 5L Naturally Aspirated V8 putting down 420hp and 383lb-ft of torque , it provides a lot of value at $89,750. Support us on Patreon: Become a YouTube Member! Subscribe! Facebook! Instagram! Twitter! Buy our merch at Check out Continental Tire at ------------------- #genesis #g90 #genesisg90 ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais
[Music] I'm Yuri I'm Jake and we're going for a drive [Music] 2020 Genesis g90 5.0 prestige all-wheel drive with no launch control but send it anyways [Music] not really spectacular in that way definitely not the fastest off the line but once it gets going it's good so if I punch it into horsepower and torque it will show us 420 horsepower 383 pound-feet of torque from a 5 liter naturally aspirated v8 it kind of doesn't feel like that but it is a big car I think it feels like that so the new big
thing with this g90 is it's totally refreshed on the outside a little bit on the inside let's start with the looks yeah and let's make this clearer that this is a refresh this is not a whole new model exactly so I guess we need to start with the what we think is amazing front grille ok fine I thought we were gonna start with something else but let's start with the grille isn't it like the best it is the best it's so big and it's like the Superman logo someone was saying it looks like the
Cadillac emblem but now no absolutely not and it looks just like the Genesis SUV prototype from I think one or two years ago yeah well apparently it's gonna come on next year so yeah it'll be like this and do you hate the radar in there or the sensor might autism I don't hate it I don't like it I actually do like it now because they do such a good job of disguising it that and like at a lot of different angles you can't even notice it yeah but at some you can definitely n otice it that's the
thing that bothers me but I'm still fine with it but if they moved it any lower like they do on outies it may get filled up with snow in the winter and you may lose all that awesome l'équipe stuff which we'll talk about later because this does have the best laying keep of any car especially better than Tesla but we'll talk about it later yes and if you're watching without subscribing do us a favor subscribe and hit the notification bell then the next big thing is the headlights the headlights
are so good I love them the way the line goes across they're like cross stitched in there but a lot of people are saying they look like the Volvo Thor's hammer headlights I see the resemblance just because they put it right down the middle but that's it like it ends there yeah so like the Thor's hammer one the line extends into the middle of the car where this one extends out to the side and then this doesn't have a vertical bar like the Thor's ham mer so like while people say it they're wrong
yeah this is like Thor's ice pick if you want to call it that people people are just grasping at straws to compare Genesis Hyundai and Kia like other companies but like pretty much there's so dead Rock but ever there are some similarities but like generally so dead wrong yeah this thing just looks amazing the front end of this everyone looks at this thing we've had so many people come up to us like you know is that a Bentley like is tha t a rolls-royce like legit people think that this resembles
and kind of looks like a Bentley or a rolls-royce okay now let's hit up the side view okay can I start with my favorite part the wheels yes okay go for it there show good wheels of the year possibly of the last five years wheels of the year for something that's not the Mercedes AMG c63 coupe eh yeah yeah the model blocks are incredible but these are I think I like these more I think I like the original monoblocks more than t he Refresh model blocks I'm just happy that the motto blocks are back
these wheels remind me of that Toyota oh they had the century century yes this car looks Century ish it does but like in a very good way and in original way exactly and they have that G matrix whatever they're calling it crosshatch pattern so it's in the wheels then the headlights it's in the grille it's kind of everywhere I love it and what is the Continental recommended tire for the G 90 it's actually the tires that we're currently driving on the Conti Pro contact so we just want to remind you
guys to get your winter tires on as soon as possible because you don't want to be that person who gets stuck in the snow and causes traffic on the first snowstorm yeah and back to the side view do you like the silhouette of it I really do it has this imposing boss-like presence very similar to the last g9e like they didn't change much there yeah I think you're right but it's just overall because of th e wheels I think it just looks so much better for sure and then how about the back end back in
is great because they made those new taillights yeah which kind of resemble the new updated 7 Series taillights because it goes all the way across yeah I don't see that I see the concept SUV that they did and then if anything I see a little bit of like Lincoln ish yeah with that but it's it's own thing and like I hate to compare it but there are similarities every new car looks like someth ing what every new SUV looks like every other new SUVs yeah whatever but I really like the back end it's got
cool exhaust tips which aren't connected but it's all like pretty tight so I guess like 2019 pass yeah at least it's metal and it's not like as bad as BMWs and performance type stuff but it's equivalent to their 7 Series type stuff and then back to the taillights they are also like crosshatch pattern in there yeah the G matrix whatever they're calling it yeah and it's and it's great and then we've also got like a lot of trunk room back there got a nice little button to click to open it up yeah
and it also opens automatically if you just stand there for a couple seconds like overall looks wise like where would you rank this in the luxury sedan so I guess this would be 7 series s-class yeah that big Volvo we drove kind of there's a bunch of them I think this ranks definitely up at the top near the top just because the wheels in the front end yeah I totally agree with that grille these wheels this thing is striking like I can't stop looking at it every time I park it I just don't really
care for this color I think they need something that's got more like metallic or pearl that really makes the body lines pop yeah this would almost look better than like a silver type thing I hate but it kind of wood so I also rank this near the top I mean look at it everybody looks at it looks wise I think I would like this over an s-class because it's l ike more new and then definitely I like the looks of this over 7 Series I totally agree like I actually like this more than the new s-class
now and then I like this more than the s90 that we drove yeah for sure a Maybach is obviously cooler yeah the next big thing that they did in here is the interior and it may not seem like a big deal but they added a touch screen to the screen you're welcome people I complained about this last time in our previous g9u review and they fixed it so now it has a scroll wheel all the buttons kind of like a Mercedes does kind of like a BMW but it's got a touchscreen it's got apple carplay winding
satellite radio stations Android auto wireless charging hard buttons for everything volume knob tuning knob so they kind of did everything absolutely perfectly right yes they did like if I compare the apple carplay in this to the apple carplay in a Porsche this goes widescreen and the buttons are huge in the Porsche it's tiny but it's like the same size screen and unfortunately I don't have full wide throat auto and I think we complained in previous Genesis videos that they didn't do enough to
differentiate the infotainment screen like the skin on it but they fixed all that they did they skinned it way better and it looks so good so luxury I think there's still some stuff they can do to make it even more different like me if they change the menu structure a bit yeah I agree but like the functionality the way you move the wheel left right up down like it's so intuitive it's perfect and you can customize so many different things you can customize your drive modes you can customise like
basically everything you can think of is pretty much in there and then another thing that I love about this which the best again is the reverse 360 camera so like the kia stinger we can see the front wheel and the back wheel which makes it a dream for parking and seeing the front wheel and back wheel it's o n an angle so it always looks like you're super standstill when you're looking through the camera it's just the ribs yeah yeah these are wheels come on like I said there and then if we go to
the gauges I guess the most interesting part is that when we put on our left signal or our right signal we'll get our reverse looking rearview mirror cameras right there yeah which all the new Hyundai's and Kias are getting now pretty much yeah but the only thing is it's like the same camera sys tem as the palisade Yesi Telluride but it's not high-res enough I noticed that like a lot of the stuff is high-res but it's not crisp like a Mercedes or a BMW would be and I think that's where it shows
that it's not top top luxury I agree but it's still better than like Lincoln I know it was just but that could be replaced with like an extra dollar camera you know what I mean yeah I can and it's just such a dollar to the company cuz yeah yeah you probably pay another 1015 dollars p robably a thousand dollars but I think if they did that it would improve the luxury nosov it a lot and you still have the analog gauges which is nice and clear but they're not as impressive to other people and even
to yourself as like the s-class yeah and then like the head-up display is also very good very informative but it's the same across all of Hyundai Kia Genesis they need to differentiate more to really like lock this car in and there's also a couple other image things that I think they should do to make this car really pop but we'll talk about that with you behind the wheel alright let's get me into the driver's seat alright so I am in Yuri's position and I am uncomfortable so I'm gonna hit my
smart posture button so this thing pops up on the screen so I set my height which I am six foot one and a half so I have the option of six to six foot one and then six foot two to six foot three six two two six three is too much so I'm gonna go to six two six one lucky for me I've got between five eight and five nine which is five eight and a half exactly so I got my pant inseam length I'm just gonna guess probably around thirty four maybe thirty six let's go to thirty is that not like your pant
size for like jeans no that's your waist that's your length so like you're thirty by whatever it is that's okay there you go okay so I set my weight 176 187 your way I'm in the nature of 190 to 195 depending on your analysis okay posture analysis h ere we go says I'm in a bad posture does that feel better it feels perfect I did the same thing but it like threw me straight up you know what I kind of want to be lower just there's no gangster setting this needs a gangster said here listening to
channel 44 yeah and it'll drop your seat way lower door way back last year when you actually move it it says you were in the recommended posture and if I move it back strains my back but if I keep going over then it's red yeah it's cool you move forward more then relatively healthy I'm gonna go with the relatively healthy let's let's save that actually I could save it right through here so I'm gonna save that as setting one and hit okay I've never seen that in any other car I mean either it's
actually really really impressive okay let's get rolling here we go don't even bother with the launch just push it I will definitely naturally aspirated power it's very linear you have the same power basically all the time t here's no turbos to wait to spool there's nothing like that it definitely feels nice once you're already driving but off the line like they really easy into that power I agree now this is all wheel drive so it does launch pretty much the same all the time but it's nothing
like substantial do you think this power can compete with BMW and s-class power know exactly but I mean for the price difference I think it's totally reasonable exactly is this speed that's because there's a huge price difference this is actually a bargain and how about handling since we're at cliche corner might as well find out let me guess a boat no I'm going to put this into comfort or should I do sport let's do sport all right let's send full sport it's not bad it's it's definitely got some
biter rule to it there's no air suspension in this one it does have adaptive suspension but it's not air and if you manage somehow to get it to drift a little bit it's gonna be act that seatbelt so ti ght well it's super safe yeah so we do have a couple drive modes so if I had the drive mode button we do have eco custom comfort and sport yeah I kept it in Eco the whole time yeah I kept it in comfort the whole time pretty sure they're the exact same just eco is a little on throttle exactly yep but
what I did notice is when you have it in sport your bolsters actually tighten up and you can also change that through the settings so we talked about the seat settings you probably should okay so the headrest goes up down back forward we've got the upper part of the seat that goes forward and back as well we've got pretty much every adjustment we need but we don't have massage I know that's the biggest miss that and the power and then they'd be up there with s classes and automatic parking and
stuff yeah but overall are the seats like super comfortable or what yes they are I'm gonna turn on my cooled seats right now and enjoy that we also have a heated steering wheel obviously and obviously heated seats we also have that in the back but we're gonna get to the back in a bit more on driving this is such a pleasure to drive it's so quiet you glide over all the bumps it's amazing for commuting yeah I use the lane keep assist on the way here today and it's got that what's it called highway
driving assist so it has that in the palisade and in the Kia Telluride and what that does is if it knows you're on like a real highway it'll pretty much let you kee p your hands off the wheel I got up to eight minutes today yeah it's absolutely incredible so in stop-and-go bumper to bumper it's great and then in like normal traffic great better than the BMW because you don't need to activate it I think better than a Tesla there's no eye tracking because in the BMW exactly and then Tesla like I'm
pretty sure if you take your hands off the wheel too many times it learns that you're not paying attention and then like forces like the times to be sho rter like this is the best like if you have a crappy commute and you haven't tried using one of these and they're like you're insane yeah this is actually amazing like this is Lane keep assist of the year for sure yeah and then if you put the speed to the speed limit it goes to green and says Auto speed so I think what it does there is it adjust
the speed if you go from like a hundred on the highway to like 80 and a construction zone or whatever yeah a lot of luxury cars have that no w but the highway driving Assist which is amazing does not work when you're going from one highway to another so like those big sweeping on ramps you see the HD a logo disappear because it's not registering it as a real highway yeah that kind of makes sense though but that's probably where Tesla would have this yeah and then if you're on a normal road like a
farm road and stop and go traffic you're probably gonna have to put your hands back on the wheel more because it's not a registe red highway for the HDA that's right so let's talk about this transmission 8-speed Auto and it shifts so smoothly like you just glide through gears in the same way that like a CVT glide through gears except this isn't annoying this is just great and we've got paddles yeah and they're nice high quality metal paddles and back to power for a little bit this does have the 5
liter v8 which we already said but you can get the 3.3 twin-turbo as a special order can't get it from the website h ow'd you get that exactly so just don't option that you'd save yourself a couple thousand but this is already so cheap that just don't so if we were to move back in the interior what other things in here do you like well I want to talk about the driving fields so the steering wheel you pretty much feel nothing which is what you want to feel in a car like this yeah it's very light
like it's effortless everything is effortless even like the scroll wheel is effortless in this car exact ly so the steering wheel feels great I'm not a fan of these 4 spoke type things exactly it's a personal preference but all these buttons are laid out perfectly we do have hard buttons for everything we have very minimal gloss-black we've got an analog clock I love this interior what do think of this wood paneling on the dash because I feel like the old G 90 had some like old-people spec gloss
wood yeah I think they had like that fire wood kills that yeah this is so much better that l ooked like an old like a dining room table or some yeah exactly with like a lacquer thing on it and then we've got like a nice soft headliner I love this creamy peanut butter brown everywhere like its color matched on the side panels on the steering column I think everywhere I think this is darker than peanut butter oh no man and no peanut butter recently and with that out of the way we should do the
visor test alright three two one yes perfect all the way to the edge amazing and then a small cup of coffee it's a fail because the lid hits all this outer stuff which I think was the same in the last one yes that's the fill so maybe on the full refresh and then it does rewind Satellite Radio's but does not have to mix I'm very disappointed guys get to mix and then we also have interior lighting in here not too many color options and it's not like too spectacular it definitely has nothing
on outtie Mercedes or BMW so let's talk about the back seats now ver y comfortable you have adjustable seats memory seats back there the middle seat goes down into an armrest and they are heated and cooled you can move the front seat forward to get ultimate legroom in the back the back seats are amazing but there's nothing that impressive back there you know what I got yeah there's just a little table yeah it's just really comfortable to sit back there that's it we got the rear peasant blocker
and on the side I think for the price range though like you can't really ask for too much more back there I do agree with that because this price is incredible so we should probably tell the people what the price is hit me with it eighty-nine thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars all in four how cool this is it makes sense you mean like if you're not a Mercedes guy if you're not a BMW guy and you just want a cool luxury car this is the hipster choice and it's really sick yeah it's like if you
take all that pretentiousness away from low cars just you want the actual things that luxury cars offer this is it for a really good price and it's gonna have better lane keep and all that stuff then a Mercedes and a BMW as well yeah and an Audi like it's just the best link keep you can get and it's such a comfortable drive you get stunning good looks it's hard to argue with the price of this and nobody else has it on the road and you have to ride it dirty with no front plates because it looks
so much better like that yeah it does yeah in front plates man so I got a couple questions for you all right what do you think would make this cooler as a car like I personally think if it was a bad guy car in a movie like you know how in the Matrix Reloaded they were driving the Cadillacs and stuff okay and then like fast and furious there's always s class is like jumping off like cliffs chasing people down yeah or maybe like a good celebrity endorsement I think it'd be really funny if they
poached Matthew McCo naughey from Lincoln and be like they used to pay me to drive a Lincoln but now I Drive a Genesis now i think i think rappers if they started driving this stuff around ya or if it started getting like modified and putting in like rap videos like like bouncing around and stuff yeah like if post Malone wasn't saying like yo G wagons and stuff he was saying like yo G 90s like you could pull it off yeah and like it would look awesome in music videos so let us know which celebrity
you thin k should drive this for an endorsement and how it should go and let us know what you think of this compared to the s-class the Audi's and everything else don't forget to subscribe hit the notification valve check out tough like early access the videos and check out our merch store at teespring Inglês
Is the NEW Genesis G90 Finally As Good As The Mercedes S Class?
701.686 visualizações • 22 de out. de 2021 • 2021 Genesis G90 Review by The Straight Pipes. The Genesis G90 has been heavily refreshed for the 2021 model year, which brings it closer in line with some of its full size luxury car competitors like the BMW 7 Series, Mercedes S Class, Audi A8, Volvo S90, Lincoln Continental. With its 5L Naturally Aspirated V8 putting down 420hp and 383lb-ft of torque , it provides a lot of value at $89,750. Support us on Patreon: Become a YouTube Member! Subscribe! Facebook! Instagram! Twitter! Buy our merch at Check out Continental Tire at ------------------- #genesis #g90 #genesisg90 ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

[Music] I'm Yuri I'm Jake and we're going for a drive [Music] 2020 Genesis g90 5.0 prestige all-wheel drive with no launch control but send it anyways [Music] not really spectacular in that way definitely not the fastest off the line but once it gets going it's good so if I punch it into horsepower and torque it will show us 420 horsepower 383 pound-feet of torque from a 5 liter naturally aspirated v8 it kind of doesn't feel like that but it is a big car I think it feels like that so the new big
thing with this g90 is it's totally refreshed on the outside a little bit on the inside let's start with the looks yeah and let's make this clearer that this is a refresh this is not a whole new model exactly so I guess we need to start with the what we think is amazing front grille ok fine I thought we were gonna start with something else but let's start with the grille isn't it like the best it is the best it's so big and it's like the Superman logo someone was saying it looks like the
Cadillac emblem but now no absolutely not and it looks just like the Genesis SUV prototype from I think one or two years ago yeah well apparently it's gonna come on next year so yeah it'll be like this and do you hate the radar in there or the sensor might autism I don't hate it I don't like it I actually do like it now because they do such a good job of disguising it that and like at a lot of different angles you can't even notice it yeah but at some you can definitely n otice it that's the
thing that bothers me but I'm still fine with it but if they moved it any lower like they do on outies it may get filled up with snow in the winter and you may lose all that awesome l'équipe stuff which we'll talk about later because this does have the best laying keep of any car especially better than Tesla but we'll talk about it later yes and if you're watching without subscribing do us a favor subscribe and hit the notification bell then the next big thing is the headlights the headlights
are so good I love them the way the line goes across they're like cross stitched in there but a lot of people are saying they look like the Volvo Thor's hammer headlights I see the resemblance just because they put it right down the middle but that's it like it ends there yeah so like the Thor's hammer one the line extends into the middle of the car where this one extends out to the side and then this doesn't have a vertical bar like the Thor's ham mer so like while people say it they're wrong
yeah this is like Thor's ice pick if you want to call it that people people are just grasping at straws to compare Genesis Hyundai and Kia like other companies but like pretty much there's so dead Rock but ever there are some similarities but like generally so dead wrong yeah this thing just looks amazing the front end of this everyone looks at this thing we've had so many people come up to us like you know is that a Bentley like is tha t a rolls-royce like legit people think that this resembles
and kind of looks like a Bentley or a rolls-royce okay now let's hit up the side view okay can I start with my favorite part the wheels yes okay go for it there show good wheels of the year possibly of the last five years wheels of the year for something that's not the Mercedes AMG c63 coupe eh yeah yeah the model blocks are incredible but these are I think I like these more I think I like the original monoblocks more than t he Refresh model blocks I'm just happy that the motto blocks are back
these wheels remind me of that Toyota oh they had the century century yes this car looks Century ish it does but like in a very good way and in original way exactly and they have that G matrix whatever they're calling it crosshatch pattern so it's in the wheels then the headlights it's in the grille it's kind of everywhere I love it and what is the Continental recommended tire for the G 90 it's actually the tires that we're currently driving on the Conti Pro contact so we just want to remind you
guys to get your winter tires on as soon as possible because you don't want to be that person who gets stuck in the snow and causes traffic on the first snowstorm yeah and back to the side view do you like the silhouette of it I really do it has this imposing boss-like presence very similar to the last g9e like they didn't change much there yeah I think you're right but it's just overall because of th e wheels I think it just looks so much better for sure and then how about the back end back in
is great because they made those new taillights yeah which kind of resemble the new updated 7 Series taillights because it goes all the way across yeah I don't see that I see the concept SUV that they did and then if anything I see a little bit of like Lincoln ish yeah with that but it's it's own thing and like I hate to compare it but there are similarities every new car looks like someth ing what every new SUV looks like every other new SUVs yeah whatever but I really like the back end it's got
cool exhaust tips which aren't connected but it's all like pretty tight so I guess like 2019 pass yeah at least it's metal and it's not like as bad as BMWs and performance type stuff but it's equivalent to their 7 Series type stuff and then back to the taillights they are also like crosshatch pattern in there yeah the G matrix whatever they're calling it yeah and it's and it's great and then we've also got like a lot of trunk room back there got a nice little button to click to open it up yeah
and it also opens automatically if you just stand there for a couple seconds like overall looks wise like where would you rank this in the luxury sedan so I guess this would be 7 series s-class yeah that big Volvo we drove kind of there's a bunch of them I think this ranks definitely up at the top near the top just because the wheels in the front end yeah I totally agree with that grille these wheels this thing is striking like I can't stop looking at it every time I park it I just don't really
care for this color I think they need something that's got more like metallic or pearl that really makes the body lines pop yeah this would almost look better than like a silver type thing I hate but it kind of wood so I also rank this near the top I mean look at it everybody looks at it looks wise I think I would like this over an s-class because it's l ike more new and then definitely I like the looks of this over 7 Series I totally agree like I actually like this more than the new s-class
now and then I like this more than the s90 that we drove yeah for sure a Maybach is obviously cooler yeah the next big thing that they did in here is the interior and it may not seem like a big deal but they added a touch screen to the screen you're welcome people I complained about this last time in our previous g9u review and they fixed it so now it has a scroll wheel all the buttons kind of like a Mercedes does kind of like a BMW but it's got a touchscreen it's got apple carplay winding
satellite radio stations Android auto wireless charging hard buttons for everything volume knob tuning knob so they kind of did everything absolutely perfectly right yes they did like if I compare the apple carplay in this to the apple carplay in a Porsche this goes widescreen and the buttons are huge in the Porsche it's tiny but it's like the same size screen and unfortunately I don't have full wide throat auto and I think we complained in previous Genesis videos that they didn't do enough to
differentiate the infotainment screen like the skin on it but they fixed all that they did they skinned it way better and it looks so good so luxury I think there's still some stuff they can do to make it even more different like me if they change the menu structure a bit yeah I agree but like the functionality the way you move the wheel left right up down like it's so intuitive it's perfect and you can customize so many different things you can customize your drive modes you can customise like
basically everything you can think of is pretty much in there and then another thing that I love about this which the best again is the reverse 360 camera so like the kia stinger we can see the front wheel and the back wheel which makes it a dream for parking and seeing the front wheel and back wheel it's o n an angle so it always looks like you're super standstill when you're looking through the camera it's just the ribs yeah yeah these are wheels come on like I said there and then if we go to
the gauges I guess the most interesting part is that when we put on our left signal or our right signal we'll get our reverse looking rearview mirror cameras right there yeah which all the new Hyundai's and Kias are getting now pretty much yeah but the only thing is it's like the same camera sys tem as the palisade Yesi Telluride but it's not high-res enough I noticed that like a lot of the stuff is high-res but it's not crisp like a Mercedes or a BMW would be and I think that's where it shows
that it's not top top luxury I agree but it's still better than like Lincoln I know it was just but that could be replaced with like an extra dollar camera you know what I mean yeah I can and it's just such a dollar to the company cuz yeah yeah you probably pay another 1015 dollars p robably a thousand dollars but I think if they did that it would improve the luxury nosov it a lot and you still have the analog gauges which is nice and clear but they're not as impressive to other people and even
to yourself as like the s-class yeah and then like the head-up display is also very good very informative but it's the same across all of Hyundai Kia Genesis they need to differentiate more to really like lock this car in and there's also a couple other image things that I think they should do to make this car really pop but we'll talk about that with you behind the wheel alright let's get me into the driver's seat alright so I am in Yuri's position and I am uncomfortable so I'm gonna hit my
smart posture button so this thing pops up on the screen so I set my height which I am six foot one and a half so I have the option of six to six foot one and then six foot two to six foot three six two two six three is too much so I'm gonna go to six two six one lucky for me I've got between five eight and five nine which is five eight and a half exactly so I got my pant inseam length I'm just gonna guess probably around thirty four maybe thirty six let's go to thirty is that not like your pant
size for like jeans no that's your waist that's your length so like you're thirty by whatever it is that's okay there you go okay so I set my weight 176 187 your way I'm in the nature of 190 to 195 depending on your analysis okay posture analysis h ere we go says I'm in a bad posture does that feel better it feels perfect I did the same thing but it like threw me straight up you know what I kind of want to be lower just there's no gangster setting this needs a gangster said here listening to
channel 44 yeah and it'll drop your seat way lower door way back last year when you actually move it it says you were in the recommended posture and if I move it back strains my back but if I keep going over then it's red yeah it's cool you move forward more then relatively healthy I'm gonna go with the relatively healthy let's let's save that actually I could save it right through here so I'm gonna save that as setting one and hit okay I've never seen that in any other car I mean either it's
actually really really impressive okay let's get rolling here we go don't even bother with the launch just push it I will definitely naturally aspirated power it's very linear you have the same power basically all the time t here's no turbos to wait to spool there's nothing like that it definitely feels nice once you're already driving but off the line like they really easy into that power I agree now this is all wheel drive so it does launch pretty much the same all the time but it's nothing
like substantial do you think this power can compete with BMW and s-class power know exactly but I mean for the price difference I think it's totally reasonable exactly is this speed that's because there's a huge price difference this is actually a bargain and how about handling since we're at cliche corner might as well find out let me guess a boat no I'm going to put this into comfort or should I do sport let's do sport all right let's send full sport it's not bad it's it's definitely got some
biter rule to it there's no air suspension in this one it does have adaptive suspension but it's not air and if you manage somehow to get it to drift a little bit it's gonna be act that seatbelt so ti ght well it's super safe yeah so we do have a couple drive modes so if I had the drive mode button we do have eco custom comfort and sport yeah I kept it in Eco the whole time yeah I kept it in comfort the whole time pretty sure they're the exact same just eco is a little on throttle exactly yep but
what I did notice is when you have it in sport your bolsters actually tighten up and you can also change that through the settings so we talked about the seat settings you probably should okay so the headrest goes up down back forward we've got the upper part of the seat that goes forward and back as well we've got pretty much every adjustment we need but we don't have massage I know that's the biggest miss that and the power and then they'd be up there with s classes and automatic parking and
stuff yeah but overall are the seats like super comfortable or what yes they are I'm gonna turn on my cooled seats right now and enjoy that we also have a heated steering wheel obviously and obviously heated seats we also have that in the back but we're gonna get to the back in a bit more on driving this is such a pleasure to drive it's so quiet you glide over all the bumps it's amazing for commuting yeah I use the lane keep assist on the way here today and it's got that what's it called highway
driving assist so it has that in the palisade and in the Kia Telluride and what that does is if it knows you're on like a real highway it'll pretty much let you kee p your hands off the wheel I got up to eight minutes today yeah it's absolutely incredible so in stop-and-go bumper to bumper it's great and then in like normal traffic great better than the BMW because you don't need to activate it I think better than a Tesla there's no eye tracking because in the BMW exactly and then Tesla like I'm
pretty sure if you take your hands off the wheel too many times it learns that you're not paying attention and then like forces like the times to be sho rter like this is the best like if you have a crappy commute and you haven't tried using one of these and they're like you're insane yeah this is actually amazing like this is Lane keep assist of the year for sure yeah and then if you put the speed to the speed limit it goes to green and says Auto speed so I think what it does there is it adjust
the speed if you go from like a hundred on the highway to like 80 and a construction zone or whatever yeah a lot of luxury cars have that no w but the highway driving Assist which is amazing does not work when you're going from one highway to another so like those big sweeping on ramps you see the HD a logo disappear because it's not registering it as a real highway yeah that kind of makes sense though but that's probably where Tesla would have this yeah and then if you're on a normal road like a
farm road and stop and go traffic you're probably gonna have to put your hands back on the wheel more because it's not a registe red highway for the HDA that's right so let's talk about this transmission 8-speed Auto and it shifts so smoothly like you just glide through gears in the same way that like a CVT glide through gears except this isn't annoying this is just great and we've got paddles yeah and they're nice high quality metal paddles and back to power for a little bit this does have the 5
liter v8 which we already said but you can get the 3.3 twin-turbo as a special order can't get it from the website h ow'd you get that exactly so just don't option that you'd save yourself a couple thousand but this is already so cheap that just don't so if we were to move back in the interior what other things in here do you like well I want to talk about the driving fields so the steering wheel you pretty much feel nothing which is what you want to feel in a car like this yeah it's very light
like it's effortless everything is effortless even like the scroll wheel is effortless in this car exact ly so the steering wheel feels great I'm not a fan of these 4 spoke type things exactly it's a personal preference but all these buttons are laid out perfectly we do have hard buttons for everything we have very minimal gloss-black we've got an analog clock I love this interior what do think of this wood paneling on the dash because I feel like the old G 90 had some like old-people spec gloss
wood yeah I think they had like that fire wood kills that yeah this is so much better that l ooked like an old like a dining room table or some yeah exactly with like a lacquer thing on it and then we've got like a nice soft headliner I love this creamy peanut butter brown everywhere like its color matched on the side panels on the steering column I think everywhere I think this is darker than peanut butter oh no man and no peanut butter recently and with that out of the way we should do the
visor test alright three two one yes perfect all the way to the edge amazing and then a small cup of coffee it's a fail because the lid hits all this outer stuff which I think was the same in the last one yes that's the fill so maybe on the full refresh and then it does rewind Satellite Radio's but does not have to mix I'm very disappointed guys get to mix and then we also have interior lighting in here not too many color options and it's not like too spectacular it definitely has nothing
on outtie Mercedes or BMW so let's talk about the back seats now ver y comfortable you have adjustable seats memory seats back there the middle seat goes down into an armrest and they are heated and cooled you can move the front seat forward to get ultimate legroom in the back the back seats are amazing but there's nothing that impressive back there you know what I got yeah there's just a little table yeah it's just really comfortable to sit back there that's it we got the rear peasant blocker
and on the side I think for the price range though like you can't really ask for too much more back there I do agree with that because this price is incredible so we should probably tell the people what the price is hit me with it eighty-nine thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars all in four how cool this is it makes sense you mean like if you're not a Mercedes guy if you're not a BMW guy and you just want a cool luxury car this is the hipster choice and it's really sick yeah it's like if you
take all that pretentiousness away from low cars just you want the actual things that luxury cars offer this is it for a really good price and it's gonna have better lane keep and all that stuff then a Mercedes and a BMW as well yeah and an Audi like it's just the best link keep you can get and it's such a comfortable drive you get stunning good looks it's hard to argue with the price of this and nobody else has it on the road and you have to ride it dirty with no front plates because it looks
so much better like that yeah it does yeah in front plates man so I got a couple questions for you all right what do you think would make this cooler as a car like I personally think if it was a bad guy car in a movie like you know how in the Matrix Reloaded they were driving the Cadillacs and stuff okay and then like fast and furious there's always s class is like jumping off like cliffs chasing people down yeah or maybe like a good celebrity endorsement I think it'd be really funny if they
poached Matthew McCo naughey from Lincoln and be like they used to pay me to drive a Lincoln but now I Drive a Genesis now i think i think rappers if they started driving this stuff around ya or if it started getting like modified and putting in like rap videos like like bouncing around and stuff yeah like if post Malone wasn't saying like yo G wagons and stuff he was saying like yo G 90s like you could pull it off yeah and like it would look awesome in music videos so let us know which celebrity
you thin k should drive this for an endorsement and how it should go and let us know what you think of this compared to the s-class the Audi's and everything else don't forget to subscribe hit the notification valve check out tough like early access the videos and check out our merch store at teespring Inglês
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