The 2021 Jaguar XE P300 R Dynamic SE has too many Letters and Numbers in its Name

The 2021 Jaguar XE P300 R Dynamic SE has too many Letters a

The 2021 Jaguar XE P300 R Dynamic SE has too many Letters and Numbers in its Name

413.660 visualizações • 28 de fev. de 2021 • 2021 Jaguar XE P300 R Dynamic SE Review by The Straight Pipes. The Jaguar XE is pumping out 296hp and 295lb-ft tq from a 2L 4 cylinder turbo. At $61,630, would this be your pick over the BMW 330i, BMW M340i, Mercedes C300, Mercedes C43, Audi A4, Audi S4, Genesis G70? Support us on Patreon: Become a YouTube Member! Subscribe! Facebook! Instagram! Twitter! Buy our merch at Check out Continental Tire at ------------------- #jaguar #xe #jaguarxe ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

The 2021 Jaguar XE P300 R Dynamic SE has too many Letters and Numbers in its Name

[Music] on the area I'm Jakob Lorber drive 2020 Jaguar XE p300 are dynamic se without launch control [Music] [Music] okay that's got us long it's not bad though I mean it doesn't like have anything violent to it it's definitely not violent horsepower and torque 296 horsepower 295 pound-feet of torque from a 2 liter four-cylinder turbo engine so this is what that Jaguar project aid is based off of right yes so the project eight is based off an X he just like the Mercedes c63 black Series

exist [Applause] okay so this is a competitor with the 3-series and the c-class yeah and the Audi a4 and the Genesis g70 so let's start with the looks because they did slightly redesign it yeah so the biggest thing that they probably changed from the front end are the headlights yeah although Jaguar has it same front end now that they kind of brought to the f-type as well yeah and I think it works better here than it works on the f-type I think this car actually looks really good fro m the front

yeah it definitely looks good but we do have like one full fake van a one full real vent at the front which is pretty funny well I guess they didn't need the extra cooling so they've kind of blocked it off and the most noticeable part about the front end that you can see in every jag now are the DRLs yeah and it looks pretty nice like I have no issues with it on a sedan but I'm a little upset that that's the front end of the f-type yeah so let's talk about the side view d o you like anything

about it does anything stand out it just looks beefy and muscley to me it does especially in project eight form yeah I mean in this form it looks pretty good it looks pretty menacing in black on black I like him it's sleek not crisp sleek yeah because there's no Chrome on this version I think it looks really good and these wheels are pretty basic but they look really nice in black yeah it's like a whole black on black package which kind of blends into the back ground but it does look good it

doesn't keeping it clean in the winter kind of sucks but it does look good when it's clean and what is the Continental recommended tire the extreme contact sport back-end I think it looks pretty good especially the taillights I really like the taillights it is slightly updated it does look better and again kind of like the f-type I don't like what they're doing with the f-type to make it look like this I think this should have just looked like this and they should have just kind of left the

f-type to its own thing should have made the f-type even crazier and like less Jaguar look exactly but we have a fake vent along the bottom and then we've got cutouts for the exhaust it kind of looks like they're ready to make this full electric and not have exhaust at all but at least it does have exhaust and the exhausts are real and they look really good the nice and simple I like them does it sound really good no it doesn't yeah tha t's kind of like a yeah it's a 2-liter four-cylinder like it

sounds ok doesn't crackle and pop and you're a floor it for me so we can hear this interior audio and that is definitely pumped in in dynamic mode wonder if I can okay I can't toggle the modes to make it trigger no it's not as crazy as like a Ford Edge ST or something so driving this thing through a cliche corner is pretty fun it handles well we'll talk about that more later but let's get to some of the stuff that kind of su cks in this Jaguar yeah so the update of the outside but they also

updated the inside and they did some good but they also did some bad so we've got a lot of the buttons from the Range Rovers that we've been driving so we've got like buttons that change on the steering wheel we've got the climate control they have to like pop the buttons in and out and two screens and they deleted a lot of the buttons so there's a lot less hard buttons in general pretty much the same complaints as the valar and the Evoque yeah so the infotainment pretty laggy the push pulls on

the seat controls and the climate controls are pretty laggy but we have apple carplay and android auto which is very nice yeah and they look really nice on this high def screen but we don't have satellite radio on this one no this particular one does not actually have satellite radio how does that not come standard like I just don't get it at this price point which we'll get to later that's actually i nsane and then our gauges are very nice they're very responsive to have any issues with them at

all to be honest the gauges themselves are really nice but controlling them with the little scroll wheel with your left thumb is really laggy yeah it's super frustrating and when I first got in the car I'm like how do I adjust my steering wheel I was going through the gauges and everything cuz I look here on the right and I see this unlock button I'm like oh well that can't be it that's go t to be something with ignition no you need to unlock this and then you can move it yeah it literally looks

and functions like a key like the ignition to a key I thought that like when I open this it's gonna come out and then I could pop like a real key in yes aren't the car in emergency I did the same thing when I got in here I literally spent five minutes fondling like underneath sticking my fingers into everything I'm like no that's gotta be it yeah that's how you do once you figu red out it's fine yeah but I mean it's you know weird but it should be automatic at this price so then we've also got

the older lane keep assist in here that doesn't work that well it kind of just bounces you left to right we had really great Lane keep in that F pace as we are yeah so they're updating certain things but not everything Oh this doesn't even have adaptive cruise at this price crazy and another thing that sucks rear seat room yeah your seat room is actually terrible so at six for one and a half you're not having a good time no I'm not and there's also a weird thing about the driver's side at

least for me so the b-pillar is so far forward that getting in and out of this car I'm basically slamming my shoulder into it every single time okay I haven't had that issue yet so I guess it's a top person thing yeah because it depends where you have your seat basically and you know what else I found about this trunk that I didn't really like its small not that much room no no for two carry-ons you're like damn this is like not that much and if you're wondering why we didn't do the box test we

only do it for hatches supercars wagons and SUVs which this is not any of those if it has a trunk we don't do it that's right that's a supercar but I really like sedans and then this model only has a backup camera it doesn't have a front camera or 360 camera but it does have one of those mirrors that switches and shows the screen yeah and it is high-res so I mean if you do like that kind of thing it does work and the actual backup camera is also high-def funded me at this price like you kind of

want these camera yeah for sure you do is that pretty much everything we don't like about the interior pretty much except the gloss black which is actually quite a bit of it disgusting you had there's like a lot of smudges and stuff already on it yeah it's pretty gross looking so if you're gonna buy this you're gonna have to spend some time cleaning this and so let's talk about the rest of the good in the interior before you get behind the wheel I think it looks really nice yeah very premium in

here it's got cool materials everywhere lots of soft touch this pattern is really nice yeah down in the center console other than the gloss black and my favorite part is how the steering wheel looks yes it looks really cool very interesting shape but my favorite overall feature about the steering wheel in this interior are those amazing paddles we'll talk about that when you're driving yes because I'm gonna use them and I love them we also have a really good head-up display yeah the resolution

is great the brightness is great and down in the center console we also have a wireless charger which is pretty cool in the trunk we have grocery bag hangers and pulls from the very back so we can drop the seats from back there for a hockey bag and sticks that's pretty convenient what do you think of these seats the seats are really comfortable I've had no issues with them their bolster just enough no massage though I know and these ones are only heated as well but I'm like very very comfortable

in this should we do the visor test on the cup holder test right now or when you're behind the wheel let's do when I'm behind let me just adjust the steering column with my yeah it's so we it's insane all right let's start with the visor test three two one all right and it does fit a small cup p erfectly in both cup holders one is slightly higher than the other it's very nice and they're very grippy as we previously complain in every Dragon Land Rover it's not really bad if it's a full cup oh

yeah it pushes right through the grips make sense all right so let's talk about these amazing paddles the look feel and function of them okay the F phase we drove recently had the sharp paddles that felt like they were gonna pierce your skin and these have been smoothed out and they have plus and minus on the bottom and top they feel so nice yeah I think they extend a lot more towards the bottom now in these yeah these are some of my favorite paddles ever they're metal I love them and they shift

pretty quickly especially on the way up on the way down I find that the ZF 8-speed shifts pretty lagly I'm just gonna make that up right now that's a word I like really make sense yeah so it's very slow on downshift but it's very quick on up shifts and let's use these pad dles to downshift into cliche corner and then this thing actually handles way better than I expected it's really good and it feels kind of rear-wheel drive for an all-wheel drive car honestly this probably handles better than

some of like the BMW and Mercedes of this I would say the base models yes yes but BM 340 no no no not even close but for what this is this handles really really well you do have to turn off one traction to get the back end out a little bit and it is definitely rear biased but I mean it's pretty fun and there's a little bit of body roll but not as much as I expected yeah and for the amount of power that this is lacking I think the handling makes up for it it's down on power if you compare this to

the m3 40 I the C 43 the S 4 but if you compare this to the base engines this actually has more power on paper than all of those but I feel like we should also add that there's fast and then there's like normal people fast like normal people fast i sn't fast to us that's right like this is probably decently fast but the XE project eight is not yeah that's like our facts that are pretty good yeah so when people complain that a Camry from now is only a second slower than a Ferrari from the 90s

like it's completely different and completely different to every person yes everything is relative so yeah this feels pretty good though it is good when I got into this at first I genuinely thought it was a v6 the way it delivers power is very good it's very responsive there's a little bit of lag especially on down shifts if you leave it in automatic but if you're in the right gear feels great but it would feel a million times better if I had the whole F paced SVR drivetrain or anything from the

F types it would for sure but we haven't driven the XE project eight yet which I would absolutely love please please please please please yes it's a Nurburgring record holder so you know me and my Nurburgring what record is it I don't even remember the 4-door with a roll cage I don't know there was a good weird thing on the door it was a four-door two-seater yeah yeah or something with the AMG GT four-door they were like fighting about it anyways I did have fun sending this through cliche corner

so I'm just gonna do it again because it understeers less than I thought and the steering response is also really good and the suspension is amazing it's so soft but it's also sporty at the same time so you don't really miss out on anything also we should probably add that this is the better way to go through cliche corner you can go through two directions what's your favorite way right it's definitely my favorite way going uphill going west or north whichever way cliche corner is maybe so where

is it yeah who knows don't post it in the comments one thing I did notice that's really weird about how it drives is the brakes they're very touchy and inconsistent yeah I'm not exactly sure what's up with that if that's just this model or the way they are across the line yeah so if you do end up buying one of these make sure your test driver and see all the breaks are but the one thing that sucks when they refresh this whole model is they totally got rid of the v6 supercharged that would have

been super cool if they kept that but apparently nobody bought it but more importantly does anybody buy this what's the price well it starts at fifty-five thousand eight hundred dollars Ca nadian and this one is sitting at sixty one thousand six hundred and thirty dollars honestly it doesn't seem like that bad of a price cuz Jaguar is a luxury brand and it's a little more niche than Mercedes or BMW yeah if you look at it like that then yes I agree but if you look at it directly compared to its

German and potentially Korean rivals this is kind of bad okay so what does this compete against exactly technically the base models of the Mercedes c-class the BMW 3-series and the Audi a4 but it just depends how you spec them because you can also get the m3 40 I at how they suspect kind of and then this also kind of competes against the G 70 yes it fully does alright and that's got a lot more features and it feels a lot faster than this and it's cheaper but it's a new Korean luxury brand that's

not an established British luxury brand and with the G 70 not only do you get more features a lot of those features actually function better like the lane keep assi st and stuff like that like this has Lane keep assist on paper but that has Lane centering and it works really well but I feel like if you bring someone into this car you pick someone up they're going to be astonished with how everything looks in here and all the screens just like how everyone's very excited when they get into a Range

Rover 100% they're gonna be more impressed by this and if you roll up in a Jag you're rolling up you know yeah all you have to do is not floor it and th en they won't realise but even if you do it's not that bad like it's it's pretty quick normal people fast that's right just the sounds that it makes they're a little weird so overall I understand what they did with this like they need a four-door sedan in the segment yeah and horsepower wise they actually do undercut its German rivals

but personally all the features and the way everything works in here isn't the way I like it compared to the competition like I'd probably g o G 70 over this to be honest I actually would - I really like the g7 especially the 3.3 twin turbo which is cheaper than this but I don't know if I would go bass BMW or bass and Mercedes over this if we're talking based models I would go with the bass BMW over the Mercedes for sure but if it was like a c43 sedan and like I would actually still go with the

m3 40 I let us know where the Jaguar falls in with the other four-door sedan don't forget to subscribe we don't even say that an nd Numbers in its Name

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