2021 Volvo V60 T8 Polestar Engineered - Turbocharged, Supercharged, Hybrid Performance Wagon

2021 Volvo V60 T8 Polestar Engineered - Turbocharged, Super

2021 Volvo V60 T8 Polestar Engineered - Turbocharged, Supercharged, Hybrid Performance Wagon

368.030 visualizações • 22 de dez. de 2021 • 2021 Volvo V60 T8 Polestar Engineered Review by The Straight Pipes. The Volvo V60 T8 Polestar Engineered is all new with a turbocharged, supercharged, and hybrid 2L 4 cylinder. Would this be your pick over the Mercedes-AMG C43 Wagon, Mercedes-AMG E53 Wagon, or any other performance cars or wagons? Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thestraightpipes Become a YouTube Member! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC86S... Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/thestraightp... Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/thestraight... Twitter! https://twitter.com/StraightPipers Buy our merch at teespring.com/stores/thestraightpipes Check out Continental Tire at https://www.continentaltire.ca ------------------- #volvo #v60 #polestar ------------------- Mostrar menos Mostrar mais

2021 Volvo V60 T8 Polestar Engineered - Turbocharged, Supercharged, Hybrid Performance Wagon

[Music] on the earrings of Jacob with overdrive [Music] 2020 Volvo v60 t8 Polestar engineered without launch control it's alright I guess it doesn't feel too fast what's the horsepower and torque 415 horsepower 494 pound-feet of torque from a 2 liter twin charge four-cylinder with a hybrid battery ok do you think all those numbers added up are what the actual number is or is it just some fancy math to make it look better let me just yell some numbers at you to explain why this doesn't feel like

it has almost 500 pound feet of torque this has 328 horsepower from the gas engine 87 horsepower from electricity 317 pound-feet of torque from gas 177 pound-feet of torque from electricity I think what Volvo did is just add those numbers up and you can't do that that's not how this works you can't just add those numbers and get those maximum outputs because you don't get those numbers in real life okay so what does this feel like in real life like a 3.3 liter G 70 or Kia Stinger yea h

pretty much something like that like almost like a C 43 or something like that okay but but weirder than a C 43 because of the power delivery yeah because there's a supercharger a turbocharger and it's plug-in hybrid yep but what's cool about it is if I click on my drive motor I can go to pure eco Drive which can put it into full electric and you've got a little gauge thing that shows you when you cross the electric threshold into the water droplet threshold well actually the oil droplet oil a

fossil fuel so you can get about 35 kilometers of pure electric so it's about 21 miles or 22 miles which is pretty good so I think I've already made my assessment of this car if you think of it like a sports car you will be disappointed however if you think of it like a really cool plug-in hybrid that you can drive on pure electric and have some performance this is really cool and my favorite part of the electric performance part is if we swipe our screen over we have charged and hold so if we

click charge it's going to keep charging up the battery because you know sometimes you run out and you want more and it's nice to have that control yeah that's what the chrysler pacifica didn't have which we really wanted that's right and then it's got the electricity hold button which will make you not use your electricity to force you into gas which is also nice to have because then you can save it for when you want yeah like if you're cruising o n the highway probably not the best time to be

using only electricity exactly so we did review the Volvo s60 t8 Polestar engineered yes the exact same version of this except in sedan form so we were the first ones to break the news that there would be a wagon officially so now we are finally driving it except they don't offer the Polestar in a wagon unfortunately we just got official confirmation there's actually going to be a pole star wagon and the coolest part about driving that one it was still kind of like a pre prod at the time it

wasn't like the actual final spec so that one had 20-inch wheels and we have 19-inch wheels on this one so let's start with the looks because it'll be pretty quick this is a wagon the other ones sedan which one do you like more obviously the wagon I like the shape of the wagon more I really like the taillights on the wagon but I also really really love the taillights on the sedan but I have to go team wagon obviously I reall y do like the wheel design on this I'm not upset that they're not 20s

I think the actual design looks really good and they're Polestar engineered wheels however these don't have the gold valve stem covers like the one we drove had yeah so I don't know if they just deleted it or they didn't go ahead with that because it was the pre prod so if you bought one of these and you have those valve stem caps let us know and then we also have gold Brembo slash pull star engineered brake cali pers they look so good and what would be the Continental recommended tire for

the Volvo v60 t8 pull star engineer well if it wasn't so cold it would be the pure contact LS and since it is freezing outside the Viking contact 7 and since this is the pole star engineered we have a white badge in the front which is super cool and Polestar engineered is different than pole start because pole star is the new fully electric vehicle that we have not driven yet well it's a fully electri c company now it's a separate company from Volvo and Volvo still using pole star engineered

things but pole star itself has cars called pole star one and pole star two yeah people have been driving it it looks very cool I would like to try it myself one day yeah I mean one of them is pretty much a supercar it's like two hundred thousand dollars so yeah that would be fun to drive and like the other Volvo's we've got that cool double fender flare kind of thing that indents the wago n looks pretty much like every other wagon from the side view from Volvo and then if we move to the

back exhaust tips exhaust tips work for this because they're not real real but they're kind of real 20 20 real yeah that's a pass in my books and we've got pulsar written on it as well that is cool overall I think this is my favorite looking wagon from because you can't get a t8 Polestar engineered in the v90 and I think the cross country looks cooler because it's got bigger wh eels that's fair I really like to look at that that felt so cool he battled wagon yes yes alright and as you could

probably tell winter has just started in Canada so it's really hard to film it's really cold we wash the car by the time we got to our firm location it was already dirty yeah so filming in the winter sucks thank you guys for subscribing please continue to subscribe throughout the winter we are gonna continue to try and do videos but it just sucks it's cold so let me talk about a few more interior things before I get you in the driver's seat this has a super amazing 360 camera which I absolutely

love very high-rez very easy to see where you are but just like the other Volvo's you can't have your reverse camera and 360 camera at the same time yeah that does suck and this does have apple carplay it does have android auto but what's weird about apple carplay is it'll say navigation through apple carplay phone through apple carplay and then apple ca rplay at the very bottom if you go to something else it gets rid of that so they have like a bunch of extra stuff that you can't even use when

you're hooked up to apple carplay that's weird and it does have satellite radio not rewinding but i've got a new test for satellite radio to see how easy it is to use what's that this press unit has 5000 kilometers on it so 5000 kilometers worth of journalists driving it alright it has zero favorites saved like not just satellite radio just a nything yeah that's how bad it is if nobody can set a favourite after 5,000 kilometres of driving you know with Matt every Hyundai Kia Genesis they all have

favorite yeah fair enough all right new test ok journalists I got my own yeah they're all gonna start setting favorites like I said a favorite quick Tools you called out the entire Canadian community and then like other Volvo's our gauge setup is pretty simple we got a couple different looks that we can do we can get rid of map in the middle we do have a head-up display which works very well as well and that is an option on this one and your house sometimes when we get into cars after a while

we're really confused by the infotainment yes this is one of those I was totally confused but within 15 minutes I got back into it and I am no longer stressed yeah exactly I couldn't find where my heated steering wheel was and then once I found my heated seat button it was right there and it made perfect sense and I ha ven't noticed any lag in the system like we have in previous versions yeah and I think they updated that with this generation of cars so great job then what this one also has that

all the other Volvo's have is the Gothenburg and experience yeah that is pretty cool I absolutely love it definitely my favorite easiest to use impressive sound system but for listening to YouTube videos of people talking it's super weird yeah well concert halls are really meant for that so yeah but like it 's like I watched our video and it sounds like we were in a concert hall huh but in a car yeah that's kind of then we've got a driving performance button which I really like because you can

see where all the power goes electrically and it looks like from here the electricity only powers the rear wheels yeah so there is actually no driveshaft to the back wheels even though this is all wheel drive so it is only purely electric through motors in the back very interesting maybe we shou ld get more into it with you behind the driver seat all right so straight into pole star engineered mode and brake boost here we go you may have noticed that we're not moving because we're on snow but

it's very controllable it is it's safe it is definitely Volvo safe and now we are gonna switch into pure which is actually pretty much room you'll drive because it's full electric and drift you can actually get the back end to step out like quite a bit but you can't get it the step o ut in pole star mode no you can't only well after fiddling around and we also turned off the ESC sport so yeah but only after fiddling around we realized that the electricity in the back is gonna kick it out so you

need to be hybrid well no you have to be pure electric it's so weird it is but at least it has that as a redeeming quality oh yeah like drift mode is pure which is electric which is hilarious you might not get that out of a t6 which just has a turbo that's true and just a s a reminder t5 t6 t8 is there like c43 c63 c300 ranking system sort of not really but okay t8 is supercharged turbocharged hybrid yes t6 is supercharged turbocharged yes twin charged and then t5 is just turbo correct so write

that down in your notes people alright enough snow fun let's do a regular launch it's okay it's definitely okay thank numbers yeah so it definitely doesn't feel like it has almost 500 pound feet of torque which is my biggest problem with this if you advertise those numbers I want it to feel like that that's it the cool part is that you can plug it in and use electricity like I said earlier so I think that is its biggest redeeming quality so again don't think of this like a sports car because you

will be disappointed but on with handeling handeling is actually really good we can't go to cliched corner today because the conditions are absolutely treacherous so in order for us to not die we are just driving on regular roads today however we a re able to test the elands dampers and I've been to Germany twice now so I can say that this is a very good Swedish company coolants huland okay cuz you got a rag down the last video yeah yeah because I just I said I went to Germany I mean you

ever said it was a German company I didn't I just been to Germany I've been to Germany once so I can say rule insulins I've been to Bahamas they are definitely great dampers oh yeah woollens I can say that exactly you guys are the ones jumping to conclusions yeah it is kind of stiff though it is stiffer than any other Volvo I've driven but it's not as stiff as like even a c43 and then we also have adjustable shocks under the hood yeah manually adjustable which is really cool but kind of useless

in a car like this because it's not fast enough absolutely and we do have that pole star front strut bar as well but more on the drivetrain because that's kind of the main thing of this so the transmission is an 8-speed auto and I still think it totally sucks so I'm just gonna floor it from Drive and finally we're off it's just a big delay and it sucks have you noticed that it kind of holds the revs it does I don't think it's cuz there's too many things going on it says like I owe everything

it's still spooling yeah like the boost is still cooling into the supercharger and the gas battery is like yo I still got this like I don't know what's okay but let's try that again instead of D let me click down to B okay so explain what B is break regeneration felt a little bit better but maybe I was just in the right part of the power band so this does have regenerative braking when you let off and then also when you hit the brakes our biggest complaint about the one we drove before was that

the brake pedal felt super weird how does it feel in this one it feels better I think they actually improved it from the one that we drove the s60 you did not complain to me about the brake pedal I ha ve to ask you what you thought which in my mind shows it's not as bad as you think it was yeah absolutely and you can also change it to non dynamic brakes in your individual mode now we're in non dynamic brakes do you feel anything different I feel pretty normal but it still feels the same as the

other one here Pulstar engineered yeah they feel pretty normal in both of them yeah okay I could even feel the difference we either acceptable thanks cuz we talked to the engineers and the y took our notes to heart but back to that transmission I got one last complaint the paddles they're totally useless because of how bad the transmission shift so it doesn't actually let me do anything like it barely wants to downshift it takes forever for it to actually react to what I've clicked and you can

see your gears in the gauge cluster but when I first put it to B mode I clicked on the paddle because I thought that was the degree of brake regeneration oh that makes sense tu rns out it was just the gear I was in so you'd be like d3 or b3 it is kind of confusing yeah because right now I have like - b5 plus there's a lot going on in there but the paddles themselves actually feel great like the clicking this of them is feel satisfying it's probably the best plastic paddle absolutely and since I'm

talking about that the steering wheel everything feels normal about it in terms of like overall handling and daily driving there's no weird and performance stuff ev erything feels great and then we've got our gloss black buttons which we didn't have in the XC 40 I think that's right but we do like the gloss black buttons for some reason don't ask me why they just look fancy as much as I hate gloss black and then we still have our buttons on the steering wheel for our pilot assist which works

absolutely fantastic the more I use it the more I like it I told you it was really good you when I first started you are correct and I guess the more ot her systems I've driven the more I just want this and one day we will do the lane keep assist adaptive cruise test one day yeah like ten years probably yeah everyday to get a bunch of all you guys know how hard that is to organize we're gonna get a bunch of vintage twenty twenty cars and see how they roll down the space highway pretty much

and moving on with the rest of this interior the actual shifter itself we had a crystal shifter in the s60 this one does not have one and yo u still have to double tap to get into drive or reverse and it's the most painful thing ever let us know if the first time you drove a Volvo like this you ended up in neutral a hundred times yeah exactly like this is my nails on a chalkboard this is really annoying some other company did a curl I think it might have been BMW or something I don't I don't

remember but this is just I don't like this at all and then we've got a cool start/stop button which is all crystallized with th e drive mode button we have two cupholders and they fit small cups of McDonald's and they're stacked that's pretty good we've got like no room in our armrest we've got very comfortable seats which are very adjustable however no massage visor test okay so we did the visor test in the livestream yeah so have your notifications turned on cuz you will know that we'd already

know that this fails but back to those seats you're right they're very very comfortable I really like these seats I like this pattern yeah they look cool not a weave that they kept the IKEA flag I can't say that anymore I can say whatever I want and most obviously we've got gold seatbelts yes they are not yellow they're gold yeah they're not yellow they're definitely gold and how do you like the backseat room it's okay I wish there was a little bit more and since this is a wagon which would

probably do the box test box test one two three four five six seven eight we couldn't double stack becau se there's not enough room and just to wrap up the overall interior it's still just like every other Volvo very high-quality very nice materials and this Volvo has an awesome system of magic wipers the water doesn't spread it all it just shoots out at the perfect time yeah it's actually better than Mercedes magic wiper system I think so I guess that's it let's finish it off with the price

it's actually a lot of money eighty two thousand three hundred dollars to start Canadian thi s one is eighty four thousand three hundred and fifty dollars yeah that is a lot that is a lot of money and I will explain exactly why that is a lot of money the c63 sedan starts at seventy six thousand dollars about ten thousand dollars less than this mm-hmm the m3 sedan starts at seventy seven thousand dollars yes those are both sedans so we have the c43 wagon in Canada guess how much that is sixty

three thousand sixty thousand dollars to start okay but none of those are electr ified exactly so that's why I said if you think of this like a sports car you will be disappointed because all of those cars are objectively better okay but this is kind of more hipster it is if you show up somewhere in this you get to explain to people why it's so good yeah the coolest part of this is being able to plug it in and just drive on pure electric as much as you can that is 100% the best part of this car

and being one of the few people with a Volvo on the road there you g o every time you see one are you a little bit excited yeah yeah oh I definitely look like oh there's Thor so let us know what you think of Volvo's is it worth it to get a pulsar engineered or should you just go right to pull star are you excited for our upcoming pole star reviews hopefully let us know don't forget to subscribe hit the notification valve patreon.com slash the straight pipes join our youtube membership and check

out teespring for some sick swag or drip whatever the ki charged, Hybrid Performance Wagon

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